Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3)

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Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3) Page 10

by Mallory Funk

  She was impatient like me but wanted the baby to be a part of the wedding. All she did was give herself enough time to heal for us to have the wedding. She said that she couldn’t wait to be Mrs. Hastings.

  There has been a lot of talk about flowers, venues, and choices of cake. I didn’t know that there could be so many options, or shit that needs to be done to plan a wedding, but now I am more than aware.

  The house has turned into wedding central. There was also a strict warning from Tara’s mom that if we were in any way to pull any pranks on the wedding stuff that we would all be dead. Her message was read loud and clear.

  Our honeymoon isn’t going to be much but a week away with the baby in a cabin that is a couple hours out of town. I would have liked to have taken her away, but she said that she has a feeling that she won’t want to be away from the baby so soon, especially if she is still breastfeeding. I agree with her decision and think that a week away with my little family sounds perfect.

  I love my family, and the extended family we have created together, but sometimes so many people can be a bit much and I feel the need to get away.

  Trevor had proposed to Paige the day after I did, and he made sure to make it something that suited them. We had heard all about it the night they went home.

  He had taken her for a romantic picnic in the park. There are places on the outskirts of town that have romantic qualities to them. He took her to this outlook spot where you can see over the whole town.

  Of course, she said “yes.” I can’t think of anyone more perfect for my brother.

  The next weekend, they took the time to check out a cabin at the lake just the two of them. They were actually the ones who suggested that I take Tara and the baby there for our honeymoon.

  Tara’s family had also moved in the weekend they left. We had more than enough hands to help them unpack and unload their truck, so I told Trevor not to worry about it.

  Delores has been a big help in easing Tara’s worries about giving birth. I think that talking to someone who actually went through it helped, and having that person being her mother was a bonus.

  Speaking of the love of my life…

  Everyone has been on edge this week. With every groan and noise Tara makes, I swear someone thinks she is going into labour.

  Last night, she told me that her back was hurting and I rubbed it for her not thinking much about it because her back has seemed to hurt a lot in the last couple months. It wasn’t until she woke up at three in the morning with a pain that I knew it was a contraction.

  For me, I feel like she has been in labour for ever, but I’m sure Tara feels worse than I do. There has not been a time I have felt more helpless than watching the woman I love in pain.

  We were at home for a few hours before her contractions became closer together. There was a point at seven in the morning when she was screaming, and it woke up everyone in the house.

  I don’t think I have ever seen my brother run downstairs so fast. Paige and Courtney were right behind him and they obviously just ran out of bed because Paige was wearing Trevor’s shirt, and I’m pretty sure nothing else, but I did my best not to look.

  Courtney was also wearing Cole’s shirt. Which was surprising to me because she always talks about how much he annoys her, and how she hates him. So why would she sleep in his shirt? I couldn’t help but smirk at her when she looked at me which caused her to blush.

  When they all came downstairs, they ended up yelling at me for not telling them that Tara went into labour at three in the morning. That was right until Tara grabbed Trevor by the shirt, red in the face with pain and anger, and told him to leave me the fuck alone. I have to say it was the funniest thing I have ever heard come out of her mouth. Of course, the expression on Trevor’s face was priceless.

  When Paige and Courtney said they wanted to be there from the beginning, Tara told everyone that she told me not to wake anyone up and we were in our room until a couple of hours ago when Tara decided she needed to walk around the house because being cooped up in the room wasn’t cutting it for her anymore.

  It didn’t take long for Trevor to contact everyone else. The rest of the family had come running into the house minutes later, and we have had everyone around for hours. It didn’t take long for Tara to get sick of everyone hovering around her.

  Once the contractions were five minutes apart, I finally took my girl to the hospital. They had her and the baby hooked up to their machines in no time. She felt better and was able to get an epidural in time since she still wasn’t too far dilated.

  “I HATE YOU! YOU DID THIS TO ME! I’M CHOPPING YOUR DICK RIGHT OFF!” Those are the sounds coming from the love of my life and the sweet words I have always wanted to hear. You would think with that huge needle that they stuck in her back that she would feel less pain. Her screams didn’t seem to lessen much though, I will tell you that.

  “Baby-” I start, and she stops me with an evil glare. If looks could kill, I would definitely be dead.

  “I swear, Derek Hastings, if you tell me that I’m doing a good job one more time I will seriously chop your dick off. First, we will have to make it into a dildo. Do they still make those? Then, after that’s done, say goodbye to your manhood because IT DID THIS TO ME!” I look at Tara’s mom and Courtney for help, but I can see they are trying to fight off laughter.

  There are a lot of people in the waiting room for us. Tara has so nicely kicked everyone out, but I didn’t mind because there are way too many fucking people in our family.

  Before the doctor has a chance to come in, there is beeping coming from one of the machines. I stop and stare at the woman I love more than anything and I can’t help but stop in my tracks.

  The doctor and nurses come rushing into the room explaining that they need to take the baby out now. There is a whole lot of commotion going on the in the room and I can’t register anything the doctor is saying.

  Before I know what’s happening, they are rushing Tara out of the room and telling her to be strong because the baby needs her to be. That’s when I realize the machine going off is the baby’s and not Tara’s. I’m walking with them but stop outside the surgery doors since I am in no way dressed to be in that room right now.

  I want so badly to be with Tara and be holding her hand telling her that everything will be alright, but I can’t.

  It’s not until an arm is thrown around my shoulder on one side, and on the other side of me there is a hand placed around my waist, that I realize that Courtney and Delores are standing there with me. I hadn’t noticed that they had followed us down to the surgery room.

  In all of the noise and commotion, I didn’t realize that they were in the room the whole time this was going on because in the birth plan they were going to be in the room when Tara gave birth. Tara wanted her best friend and her mom in the room.

  When I place my arms around them, I notice they are shaking. The two people who mean the most to me are in that room right now and there isn’t a damn thing I can do for them.

  I don’t think I have ever felt so helpless in my life.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I don’t remember a time that I have ever been more scared in my life. When the machines went off because the baby’s heartbeat had stopped, I swear mine did along with it. I could barely breathe.

  All I heard from the doctor was that they needed to get the baby out now, and all I could do was nod my head. I was screaming at them to save my baby, but it didn’t register that I was yelling at the doctor and nurses.

  Before they moved me into surgery, I glanced at Derek. I don’t think I have ever see him so scared and terrified in all the time that I have known him.

  I’m sure the expression on my face matched his. He never had time to change into the scrubs they gave him, so now he’s waiting outside the doors with my mother and best friend.

  I wish he could be in here with me, but right now I need to be strong for the baby. I am glad that I had chosen
to have the epidural so that I could be awake for this right now.

  It doesn’t take long for the doctors and nurses to get me ready on the table, and before I know it they are cutting me open.

  All I feel is the tugging and pulling from the doctor. There is a nurse by my head who keeps giving me looks on encouragement. I don’t bother to stop the tears that are flowing in my eyes or my lips that tremble in fear that they can’t get to the baby in time.

  I hear the doctor say the words ‘chord’ and ‘neck,’ so I have a feeling that the umbilical chord got wrapped around the baby’s neck.

  Once the baby is safe and out, I wait for what feels are the longest seconds of my life until I hear the best sound in the world.

  I can’t pay attention to anything anyone is saying in the room because all I can do is cry with relief that my baby is okay. The doctor probably said what sex the baby was, but I didn’t hear a single thing but the sound of crying.

  The nurses clean the baby and then show me the baby, and when I get a good look I can’t stop the smile that comes to my face.

  “Would you like to meet your daughter?” I hear the nurse say.

  My daughter. I can’t believe I have a little girl. I try my best to nod my head since words seem to escape me.

  She is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. She’s got a head of dark hair like her daddy.

  “She’s perfect,” I whisper in awe.

  “I’m just going to show the dad if that’s alright with you. I’m sure he’s dying to see one of his women while the doctor stitches you up.”

  “Okay,” I whisper and watch her take my little girl to her father.


  The moments from when the doors close to the moment I hear the amazing sound of a cry are the longest of my life.

  I wasn’t bothered by the fact that Delores and Courtney saw me cry with relief. They were doing their own share of crying.

  It was only a short while later that the doors open, and a nurse comes out carrying my baby.

  “Would you like to meet your daughter?” she asks looking at me.

  “I have a daughter?” I ask slowly, and I can hear Courtney and Delores chuckle at my response.

  “Yes, you have a daughter. Would you like to hold her?” I nod my head eagerly at her question.

  When she places the little bundle in my arms, I can’t help the small sob that escapes my throat. I can’t believe I’m really a dad and that I have a baby, a daughter.

  Delores and Courtney are going crazy saying how precious and pretty she is. I can’t help but agree with them.

  “Your fiancé is just getting stitched up. She did a wonderful job. I’m sure she can’t wait to come out here with you guys,” the nurse says before asking to have the baby back so that she can measure her and do all they other stuff that they do to a baby once it’s born. I reluctantly let her go and watch her go through the doors.

  “Were going to tell the others that everything went great. We will see you guys when you’re ready,” Courtney says as she drags Delores away.

  I just nod my head in agreement. You couldn’t drag me away from these doors until I see my woman and little girl- I’m not going anywhere.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The next couple hours are filled with being stitched up, waiting for the epidural to wear off, learning how to feed my baby, and getting washed up by nurses with Derek at my side. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

  Derek and I are probably wearing matching grins on our faces. I don’t think a smile has left either one of us in hours.

  When we are moved to the room we will be staying in while we recover, Derek tells everyone what room we will be in and that they can come and see us soon.

  We had got a private room for me and the baby. I’m just finished feeding when everyone comes in.

  There are a bunch of “Oh my god’ and ‘Awwh’s’ throughout the room.

  Everyone takes their turn in holding the baby. My dad’s eyes tear up when he holds his first grandchild. It makes my eyes tear up too.

  It has been no secret that I have always been a daddy’s girl. The look on my dad’s face is priceless, and he places an arm around me while he’s holding my little girl.

  “She’s perfect. You did so well, baby,” my dad whispers kissing the side of my head.

  I nod my head. “I can’t believe my baby had a baby,” my mom says coming to my dad’s side.

  “So, what are you going to name her?” Paige asks eagerly.

  I look at Derek with a smile on my face and nod my head. From the time we figured out the name, we decided not to tell anyone until the baby came.

  I had fun when the girls would try to guess the name of the baby.

  We had a name chosen for either sex so that we would be able to have one ready no matter what we were having.

  Derek clears his throat. “We decided to name her…” He let’s his phrase linger in the air and I can see the frustration in everyone’s faces.

  Liam smacks Derek on the arm when he doesn’t continue and says, “well, spit it out already” which causes me to chuckle. Liam playfully narrows his eyes at me.

  “Okay, okay… everyone I would like you to meet Desiree Delores Hastings. The middle name is, of course, after you, and the first name after my mother,” he says looking at my mother before he looks at his brothers who nod their heads in approval. I don’t think I have ever seen such a prideful smile before.

  My mom lets out a choked sob and I hear a bunch of sniffles.

  “A-are you sure?” she asks through sobs.

  I can’t help but let out a laugh. “Yeah, mom, I’m sure. We thought long and hard about it. We both had wonderful mothers and we wanted to show much we love you, and I couldn’t imagine naming my daughter after anyone else.”

  “Holy shit, you’re making me cry,” Cole says quietly but, judging by all the chuckles, everyone heard it.

  “Fuck, I said that out loud, didn’t I?” he whispers in horror.

  Courtney lets out a laugh. “You sure did, buddy”

  Everyone visits for a few more minutes until I fight hard to keep my eyes open, and then Derek wastes no time in kicking everybody out.

  I feed Desiree one more time before Derek takes her from my arms and settles on a chair in the corner and tells me to rest.

  I fall asleep with a smile on my face.


  I watch both of my girls as they sleep. I can’t take my eyes off of them. My strong, amazing woman went through a lot today. I could tell she was exhausted but was too polite to tell anyone to leave.

  It wasn’t long after she fed Desiree that she was asleep.

  I spent the whole time watching the two most important people in my life sleep. You couldn’t take the smile off of my face.

  The next few days were spent with sleepless nights and more smiles and laughs then I could have imagined.

  The first time Tara let out a loud laugh while holding her stomach was when Desiree spit up all over me. After the shock wore off, I couldn’t help but laugh myself.

  I had made sure to watch the nurse’s every move when she gave Desiree her first bath. Tara and I were both too scared to do it and this way, we could see how to do it.

  We had visitors constantly and the girls spent a lot of time shopping for girl’s clothes. They would come to show us before taking them home and bringing them home to wash.

  It was only five days later, and I was bringing my girls home. We had everything ready for them to come home, and I could tell that Tara was relieved to be leaving the hospital.

  Now we were only months away from making Tara my wife, and I couldn’t be more excited for the day she becomes Mrs. Derek Hastings.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Three months later

  Being a mom isn’t easy. The last three months have been filled with sleepless nights, being pooped on, peed on, puked on, and more love than I could ever have i

  Derek stayed home the first couple of weeks. He was very reluctant to leave Desiree’s and my side. I had to reassure him that I would call if anything happened and that I would also take pictures and videos if she did anything cute.

  My mom came over a lot and has been a big help. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my parents.

  No one in our group has had children except for Thomas, and he was full of advice and very excited that we had a little girl. That man is already such a charmer but seeing him with a baby is just amazing.

  Whenever he comes over, he wastes no time taking her out of my arms. He tells me to go and rest or relax so that he can spend time with his girl.

  In between taking care of my daughter and wedding stuff, I haven’t had much time to myself.

  I spent last month looking at wedding dresses. I didn’t need anything fancy. We were getting married in the Hastings’ back yard. They had a huge yard, and we really only had each other, so there wasn’t a lot of people to invite besides the people who worked at the salon and the people who worked at the gym for Derek and Sam.

  We had ordered a caterer, and everyone spent the day before the wedding getting the backyard ready. We had the place ready for the ceremony, and pre-decorated the tables so that we would just have to pull them out once the ceremony was over.

  We had decided on the park near our house to take pictures, so everyone just had to walk there, and since there were so many of us, we couldn’t do it indoors.

  Everything was in place for today. I am in my room getting ready, and Paige and Courtney insist on doing my hair, makeup, and nails. I try to reason with them that I already know how to do all that stuff. This got them to tell me to shut up and let them pamper me today. I reluctantly agreed, and now I’m sitting in my room while Paige does my hair and Courtney is doing my nails. They refuse to let me look until it’s completely finished.

  We spend the next few hours getting ready for my wedding day. It’s hard to believe this day is actually here, and that I’m getting married to such a wonderful man.


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