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Frank-EReturn Page 14

by The Exile's Return [lit]

  When he reached the far side, he saw a stone bleeding table with a tool table sitting next to it almost beneath the cliff. A cave with a shaggy overhang of moss and briars opened beyond the tables.

  He rode closer and saw the violated corpse of a young bitch chained to the bleeding table. Every time he came here, Malthus stumbled over Egidius leftovers. It was reaching the point where Malthus had no patience for it. He wondered how many had been wasted like this and he had not been informed of it.

  "Damn it, Egidius. That one was worth a hundred gold."

  Dismounting, he dropped his reins, knowing that his horse Devilton was well enough trained to not wander far unless something spooked it, which was unlikely given that it had learned at the hands of an irrfelghau. Lord Daemon had sent this one to him, bringing his mounts to three at the manor. The lycans assumed he had purchased it in Hell's Widow.

  Malthus ran his hands over the table, feeling the deaths lingering on the auric surface. He sensed human, lycan, and a single sa'necari death there. That last one disturbed him because he had learned last spring that it had been his brother Troyes who died there.

  "The Redhands will bitterly regret murdering you, Troyes. Kynyr Maguire will regret killing my friends. There will be many regrets by the time that I finish with these stupid wolves."

  He shook the thoughts loose and ducked into the cave. There were two interlocked caves, and they were roomy, around the size of a bedchamber. The first one had a dusty cabinet, a table, and two chairs in it.

  Egidius sat at the table and raised his head to glance at him. What now, Malthus?"

  Malthus strolled to the cabinet. Dust flew in his face when he opened the cabinet's doors and he sneezed hard. Wiping his face on his sleeve, he raised his eyes to the contents. He found blood in the magical preserving bottles crowding several shelves.

  "At least you're keeping the larder stocked. The place is too dusty. Don't you ever clean?"

  "Sometimes. Egidius shrugged. I haven't felt like bothering with it since Laetus died."

  "You've got to stop brooding about it. Malthus took a bottle out and opened it, drinking deeply of the delicious blood.

  "I'm trying. I loved my cousin. I promised him glory and wealth. Now his head is rotting on the gates to Three Stones."

  "I suppose I should be more understanding. Malthus eyes closed and sorrow turned his lips. Kynyr Maguire killed Heironim and Alex, wiped out my forces in Hell's Widow."

  Alarm flashed across Egidius dark features. We're losing, Malthus. We're losing."

  Malthus slapped Egidius across the face, silencing him. No, we're not. I haven't played all the cards in my hand yet."

  Egidius mastered his panic and sobered. So what is it you want me to do?"

  "Brock Redhand, Claw's brother will be entering the valley from the Creeyan border. Possibly with an armed company at his back."

  "If he knows what's good for him, he will."

  "Just so. I want you to send our strongest forces to watch the mountain passes, catch him entering the valley, and kill him."

  "I can do that. Egidius stared off at the wall. Any idea what he looks like?"

  "Old. He's around a hundred and thirteen years old. Another old geezer of a wolf. Can't imagine what he thinks he can accomplish at his age."

  "But you still want him dead."

  "Can't take chances. He could become a rallying point once I've killed Claw and his grandson Kynyr."

  Egidius gaze dropped to his folded hands. When's Merissa's cubs due?"

  "Sheradyn says early spring. Malthus chuckled. I think she caught the first time I shoved my stick in."

  "You're forty aren't you?"

  "Thirty-six. Why?"

  "You've got five women pregnant at the same time ... plus Merissa. You're as fecund as a fourteen-year-old. I'm barely thirty ... yet it's been five years since I've managed to swell a woman's belly ... and it's not for lack of trying."

  Malthus flashed a knowing smile. I told you ... talk to my mother. She can fix you. Remember Heironim?"

  "He was your age?"

  "Close. Heironim's lineage will live on. All his concubines are big in the belly ... so are several of his nibari. That's my mother's doing."

  "She has a cure? Sa'necari were notoriously infertile at a young age ... especially the males.

  "Not a cure exactly ... but if your sacks aren't completely dead, she can reverse it."

  "Can you tell if mine are?"

  "Give me your wrist. Malthus Read him and smiled. There's some spark left. However, no more rites until you've been on the medicine at least a month."

  "The rites cause it?"

  Malthus shrugged. Possibly. My mother thinks so."

  Getting children had become an obsession with Malthus. It made all his sa'necari peers envious of him and added to his legend.

  * * * *

  Pandeena stretched out on her bed at her mother's home. She had come here because she had not wanted to express her grief around the others, fearing that it would prove a distraction. I'm not good at this."

  "Is it okay if I come in?"

  She heard the young male voice, and then the bark of a small dog an instant before her face was covered in wet sloppy kisses.

  "Moss! She caught the squirmy little dog and sat up with him in her lap. Nikko, you're up."

  Nikko was tall and lean, his ginger hair more brown than gold. He still seemed more like a lost little boy than a grown mon as a result of the attack that had left him for dead and stolen his memories. A little at a time. I tire easy. Navaryn says it's my heart."

  "Come in and sit down."

  "Do you want to talk about those tears?"

  Pandeena expected the young lawgiver to sit on the chair. Instead he sat on the edge of her bed, and ran his fingers in the tracks of her tears. He seemed so sweet and gentle that she had a hard time thinking of Nikko as a lawgiver.

  "I'm afraid to, Nikko. Last time I said a name, it caused you to have an attack."

  "I'm stronger now. Moss helps. And some of my memories have started coming back. I want to see my mother."

  Pandeena looked away from him and the tears started again.

  "She's dead, isn't she?"

  Pandeena gave a small nod. A few days after they decided you were dead ... her heart gave out."

  Nikko sucked in a deep breath. I wish someone could have told her I was alive."

  "So do I. But she was already dead when I arrived. I'm sorry."

  "She was old. I loved her. Nikko sighed.

  "When you remember who attacked you, then I'll see that he never kills again."

  "If I remember. Clodagh was always terrified of sa'necari. She used to hide in her home and stay there whenever word went out that our chieftain was hosting them."

  "You know that she's carrying a sa'necari child."

  "Truly? I meanthat doesn't sound like Clodagh."

  "We think she was raped. There is a death command in her brain and we can't reach it. She was living like a slut, but we think that was because of compulsions. Again, we can't reach them. We need to find a yuwenghau with greater skills than ours."

  "Beth. Oh gods mercy, Beth. Nikko doubled over, clutching at his chest.

  Pandeena wrapped her arm around him and Read him. Mother! Mother, help me."

  Nikko sobbed as much with grief as with pain. Beth. That's what they did to Beth."

  Navaryn arrived and gave Nikko a glass of medicine to drink. Gradually he eased and they put him back to bed.

  "I need Dynanna. And I need her now."

  "Hathura! Navaryn shouted. When the Fae appeared, she turned to him. Find Dynanna and tell her to get her bloody arse to Wolffgard immediately or I'm going to beat the holy shit out of her."

  "Yes, my lady, Hathura said, and winked out.

  * * * *

  Darmyk sat on the steps of his great-granddam's house, feeling sorry for himself. There were no children to play with there. All of his cousins were much older than he was and had adult
tasks to keep them busy. He kicked at a cluster of red and gold leaves that had blown up on the steps and sighed. At least he did not have to worry about Ros and Lyrri trying to suck his blood out. He hated his step-cousins, Malthus nieces. Darmyk wished they did not have to live with him at the manor.

  Another bit of unpleasantness for him had arrived on his first day there in the form of medicine. A troll had been caught raiding livestock and a skilled lycan bio-alchemist had turned the best parts of the creature into a blood tonic for Darmyk. It tasted terrible, yet his aunts, his mother, his grandmother, and great-grandmother kept dosing him with it every time he turned around, saying that he still looked peeked.

  "I'm looking for something. Can you help me?"

  Darmyk looked up at the voice and saw a little boy slightly taller than himself. I can try. What are you looking for?"

  The boy ran a chubby hand through his scruffy dark strawberry blond hair. A bodacious treehouse. The most bodacious treehouse you've ever seen. It's supposed to be around here somewhere. It sits in a chestnut tree."

  Darmyk brightened. I have a two-story tree house that sits in a chestnut tree. Is that bodabodibodacious?"

  "Sure is. The little boy pranced in a circle. Sounds awesome and it might just be the right one."

  Darmyk laughed at him. You're silly. What's your name?"

  "You can call me Bodi or Bodisa or Niwi or Bodisaniwi."

  "You sure have a lot of names. Why are you looking for my treehouse?"

  Bodisaniwi stopped prancing and looked at him. Well, if it's a really, really bodacious treehouse, I'm supposed to play with the little boy who lives there. He glanced around sharply. But it's a secret. You can keep a secret can't you?"

  Darmyk nodded, very, very seriously in a way that only children can nod. Tell me."

  "He lost his cat and he's lonely."

  "Oh, it's me, it's me. You've come to play with me."

  "Where's the treehouse?"

  "This is my grandma's home. My home is down the road. He pointed. Near the bridge."

  "Then I need to keep going...."

  "Oh please wait. Darmyk got up and extended his hands to Bodisaniwi. Can we play for a while first?"

  A big smile spread across Bodisaniwi's face that looked like a silly upside down triangle. Sure. We'll play as long as you can stay outside and then I'll meet you at the treehouse. I'll hide inside it until you get there."

  Then they played happily until the sun went down, romping and chasing each other, fighting with sticks as pretend swords, hacking at bushes that were declared to be fearsome monsters.

  Darmyk's Aunt Searlait came to the porch and smiled at them. It's time to come in. Dinner is ready."

  "Can my friend Bodi have dinner with us?"

  Bodi shook his head. Can't. I'm moving to Wolffgard with my grandma."

  Searlait ran a hand through her graying ginger hair. Then perhaps you'll come visit Darmyk there? We live in the manor. Darmyk is the chieftain's grandcub."

  "Sure thing. Bodi gave a nod and strolled off whistling.

  Searlait hugged Darmyk. It's nice that you've found a friend. He seems like such a sweet boy."

  * * * *

  Malthus stopped off for a drink at the Difficult Horse. The mood that greeted him there was odd. Myn looked away from him. No one spoke. Hereward came into the common room from the kitchen and glared at Malthus.

  He spied Shalto and Oswyl drinking alone at their usual table. Malthus joined them there and settled into a chair that placed his back to a wall.

  "You look glum? What happened while I was away?"

  Shalto raised his head with an uneasy look in his eyes. Preece is dead. The same bastard that killed Torquil got him."

  Malthus swore in a long blistering streak. Kynyr Maguire's doing it."

  "You've got to do something about it, Malthus. Shalto stared into his tankard, refusing to meet Malthus gaze.

  " We have to."

  "No. You do. Folks are getting scared. No one wants to go up against Maguire."

  Oswyl whimpered like a broken puppy.

  Malthus glanced at him, catching a troubled light in Oswyl's pale eyes. I'm working on it."

  Hereward came to the table and slapped his hands down, growling. Hair sprouted along his arms, reflecting the degree of his agitation. You told me Finn MacIver cocked up my daughter Larena. Reader says different. It ain't his."

  "I only know what Larena told me. However, I wouldn't be so quick to say it wasn't Finn."

  "What'd you mean by that?"

  Malthus shrugged. Finn is Kynyr's spiritbrother. Kynyr has money. He's the prince. Wouldn't be the first time that money changed a Reading."

  "I'll beat his head in. That's what I'll do. I'll beat his damned head in."

  "I'd be careful, Hereward. Finn's dangerous. I'm sorry about your daughter."

  Hereward went further into the change. His growl deepened and became more wolf-like. I'm not afraid of Finn MacIver. I'll beat his head in."

  "Don't say I didn't warn you. Malthus rose from the table and left the tavern without getting his drink.

  So Preece is dead. Maguire has counted for the best of them. Preece was irreplaceable. All that's left are the dregs. I need to think more about this.

  Malthus rode home thinking about all the grief and aggravation that Kynyr Maguire had caused him. Georgie Rogan, the head groom, greeted him in the yard of the manor and took his horse.

  Instead of proceeding down the hallway to the Great Hall or upstairs to his room, he turned left and entered the kitchen. The hearth fires had been banked and it appeared to be empty. Then he heard the scrape of jars in the pantry. He opened the door and stepped inside it.

  Isbeth turned with a jar in her hand and went pale, her hand shook, and she nearly dropped the jar before shoving it back on the shelf. What do you want?"

  "What do you think I want? Did you slip Kynyr all the doses I gave you this morning?"

  Isbeth cringed, tears starting from her eyes. Yes, Master Malthus."

  "Give me the empties."

  Isbeth reached into the pocket of her apron and handed Malthus six empty vials.

  "You've done well. Has he complained at all? He pressed a bottle into her hand.

  Isbeth slipped the bottle into her apron, her eyes wide and troubled. Headaches."

  Malthus pressed a finger to his lips. That's a very good sign. What do you give him for it?"

  "Willow bark tea."

  "Next time, add that to it. In fact, every time you give him anything at all, water, wine, tea, add that to it."

  "He's dying?"

  "Not yet, but he will be soon."

  Isbeth wept.

  * * * *

  They sat on the veranda in what was becoming a nightly custom whenever Kynyr was home. A second sofa had been brought out so that Iollen could sit with his arm around Aghavie, who had a blanket wrapped about her to stay warmer. It had turned into a celebration, following the news that Preece had been killed. No one said it, but they all knew that Kynyr had done it.

  "How many more, Kynyr? Kady whispered in his ear.

  "Two and then Malthus."

  "I worry about you. You seem so tired lately."

  Kynyr shrugged and kissed her hair. Nothing a night's sleep doesn't fix."

  "Shall I refill your glass, Kynyr? Larena picked up his empty wineglass.

  "Yeah. Thanks, Larena."

  She took the glass and went back inside.

  "Larena is trying hard to fit in. You can see that, can't you? Kady watched his eyes, searching for something in their depths.

  "Yeah, I can. Kynyr pulled her deeper into his arms. I'll enjoy being a father. I want to be as good a father as my Dad was."

  "You will be. Kady glanced up as Larena returned with more wine. Say something nice to her."

  "Thank you, Larena. You're very helpful. Kynyr added, sotto voce, Is that good enough?"

  "For you, yes."

  "Someone is spreading it around that Larena's child
is Finn's. We haven't been able to drink at the Difficult Horse since that day that Hereward went after him."

  "I thought Toniqua sorted that out."

  "So did I. But Hereward is saying I bribed the Reader."

  Kady rolled her eyes at the heavens. Honestly, my father is such a nasty old sodomite."

  Kynyr chuckled.



  Raised in a brothel until last summer when he came to live with the Sinclairs, Cooley Blackwood had never been popular with the other cubs. They had tolerated him because of Rory.

  Since saving Rory's life, everything had changed. Cooley basked in his newfound celebrity status. Cubs came and went all day long, sitting and talking, playing endless games of checkers with him on a bed table. The only time he did not have company was when Kady or Mary chased them off so that he could rest.

  Mary's eldest daughter, Betrys, helped Todd and Cahira with the shop to give Rory more time to visit with his diminutive rescuer.

  Rory's neck had turned a mottled gray-green as the bruises started to fade and the swelling had gone down. He could speak without discomfort, but still spent a lot of time sucking on the lozenges that Toniqua had given him.

  He spent every moment that he could with Cooley, taking care of his needs, helping him to and from the water closet, fetching him food and drink, playing endless games of checkers.

  However, Cooley tired easy and it was apparent to all that his would be a slow recovery.

  * * * *

  A pair of children who were not children and yet they were children forever stood beneath Darmyk's treehouse. They gazed up into the leafless chestnut tree at the two level house built high in its branches. The advance scouts of the Trickster, Dynanna God of Cussedness and Perversity, had finally arrived in Wolffgard. An enchantary glamour rounded their ears and added a host of human attributes to their whimsical faces.

  Bodi stood with his arms folded and his head craned back as he looked up. Humn. That's some treehouse. This must be the place."

  Auburn-haired Lilac kissed him on the cheek. You found it."

  Bodi flinched, wiped his cheek off with his sleeve, and scowled at her. Ewww. Girl germs."


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