Dalakis Passion 1 Harker's Journey

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Dalakis Passion 1 Harker's Journey Page 6

by N. J. Walters

  that they were together.

  Her leather briefcase was lying abandoned in the middle of the dusty road. "I can't

  believe I forgot it," she murmured under her breath. Cris said nothing, but waited as she

  bent down and picked it up. They continued on in silence, back up the path, across the

  courtyard, and into the castle.

  It was only when the door slammed shut behind them that she found the courage to begin

  seeking the answers to her many questions. "Please explain to me how our relationship

  has been possible all these years? There are so many things that I need to understand."

  Cris pried the briefcase out of her clenched hand and dropped it to the floor. He nodded,

  but continued to guide her past the study to a set of worn stone stairs. At the bottom, he

  scooped her up in his arms and carried her up the long flight of steps. She snuggled closer

  as his familiar shape and scent filled her senses. His face showed no emotion, but his

  muscles were tight as he walked. She could sense his emotional turmoil, but now that the

  crisis had passed, his mind was closed to her once again.

  Taking a deep breath, she continued her line of thought. "How is it that you can read my

  mind? It's not fair, you know." Looping her arms around his neck, she placed her head on

  his shoulder and nuzzled his neck. "You know my thoughts all the time, but I catch only

  rare glimpses of yours."

  "Be thankful that you cannot read my mind." His words made her shiver, but now what

  she felt was desire, and not fear.

  At the top of the stairs he turned right and walked down a dimly lit hallway. The walls

  looked as if they were covered in artwork, but she couldn't quite make out what they

  were. "I'll give you a tour tomorrow," he told her as he strode into a large room and

  pushed the door closed with his booted heel.

  "See what I mean?" she complained. A moment later, that thought was forgotten as she

  peered around the room, unable to contain her natural curiosity.

  The huge bed in the center of one wall made it obvious that this was his bedroom. It was

  a study in masculine opulence and suited him well. All the furniture was large, obviously

  hand-carved, and quite old. The bed was draped with yards of rich burgundy velvets and

  brocades. A set of bed curtains was pushed back so she could see the piles of overstuffed

  pillows that lay there. The stone walls were covered with a variety of tapestries and

  artifacts, including an enormous jewel-encrusted sword that was mounted directly over

  the fireplace. A low, lacquered table sat in front of the roaring fire, which was the only

  light in the room, and on it sat a bottle of wine and two crystal glasses.

  Cris carried her to the far side of the room where she noticed another door. It was a small

  room with an old-fashioned bathtub that was steaming with hot water, the smell of

  lavender tickling her senses. Plush white towels sat on a low stool next to the tub, and a

  heavy brocade robe hung on a hook by the door. He stood her next to the tub and began

  to unbutton her blouse. Peeling it down over her arms, he dropped it to the floor at her


  Cris surprised her by falling to his knees in front of her, wrapping his arms around her

  waist, and burying his face between her breasts. His tongue was moist and hot as he wove

  a path around both breasts before licking her nipples into hard points. Johanna felt the

  familiar heat rise within her.

  It was the night of the full moon and they'd just had sex outside under the moonlight

  sky. It had felt like the first time, which was ridiculous, considering how many times

  they'd made love in her dreams over the years. But the truth was that she was thirty years

  old, and she'd never had sex with a man except Cris. No other man in her day-to-day life

  had ever been able to measure up to him and what he gave her. Her legs shook as she

  stood half naked in front of him.

  He rubbed his face over her breasts and belly, tickling them and making her laugh.

  "What am I to do with you?" Cris asked, his tone tender and playful all at once. "I have

  known you as no other man has. There is no need to be nervous of me." He continued to

  work as he talked, untying the sleeves of the jacket from around her waist and peeling it

  away from her body. She stood naked in front of him. Even kneeling on the floor, he was


  His hands trailed up the back of her legs from her ankles to her thighs, making her sway

  with desire. Everywhere he touched, she felt the flames of desire licking her. His large

  palms covered her bottom and he squeezed both globes tight, massaging them. Moving

  closer, he nuzzled through her pubic hair, his tongue stroking the hot, moist folds of her

  sex. She grasped his shoulders for balance as her blood began to sizzle. The need to have

  him grew deep inside her.

  He growled and sat back on his heels, his eyes glowing hot with desire. He shook

  himself and lowered his head. "Bath," he hissed from between his clenched teeth.

  Turning her, he pushed her towards the tub.

  For a moment she almost protested, but it looked so good, and she felt sore and dirty

  after her ordeal. Gingerly, she climbed over the side of the tub and sank down in the

  fragrant water. The hipbath curved up behind her back and she leaned back against the

  cool porcelain and closed her eyes. The picture of Cris kneeling on the floor was still

  burned into her mind. Her knees bent slightly as the tub was not long, but it was

  extremely comfortable, and she felt the hot water relaxing her aching muscles.

  She sensed him leaning over her and parted her lips in anticipation. His tongue dipped

  inside, tasting and teasing hers. Wrapping one hand around her head so she couldn't

  escape him, he laid claim to her very soul with his hot carnal embrace.

  She sucked his tongue and kissed him with abandon. "I want you," she moaned, when he

  began to nibble on her lips. The sound of her voice seemed to jolt him and he pulled back

  and stood by the tub.

  "Bathe first. Then if you still want me, come to me." He was gone before she could think

  to reply to his outrageous statement.

  "If I still want him," she muttered before she held her breath and sank beneath the water.

  Gasping as she surfaced, she grabbed a cloth and began to scrub. All thoughts of a

  leisurely bath were gone now as she quickly finished washing the dust from her body.

  "What does the man want? A gilded invitation? I should have just pulled him into the tub

  with me." She glanced at the small tub. "On second thought, maybe not."

  Standing, the water cascaded down her body. She grabbed one of the towels as her body

  shivered. Carefully, she stepped out of the tub, dried herself off, and grabbed the robe off

  the hook, stuffing her arms into the sleeves. She didn't bother to belt it, so it flowed

  behind her as she stalked into the other room.

  Chapter Seven

  Johanna strode across the room and stood beside the bed with her arms folded under her

  breasts, which pushed them up slightly. She wasn't overly large in that department, so

  she figured it couldn't hurt, and she knew Cris agreed when his eyes seemed to devour


  The heat from his gaze evaporated any water drops left on her body, and her whole body

  softened as a lethargic heat filled
her. She shook her head to try and break away from his

  sensual snare.

  Cris was sprawled naked across the crisp white sheets with his hands crossed behind his

  head, his large body taking up most of the space. Even in repose, the muscles of his chest

  and arms were sleek and hard. The tufts of soft hair under his arms and across his chest

  should have made him look softer, more vulnerable. Instead, with the trappings of

  civilization removed, he appeared even more dangerous. He seemed to be totally relaxed,

  but she wasn't buying it. She stared pointedly at his erect cock and it twitched slightly in

  response. "Well?"

  He didn't even pretend to misunderstand. "You know what I am." He waited until she

  nodded before he continued. "But you need to know how it will affect you." Patting the

  covers next to him, he urged her to sit. Not bothering to close the robe, she climbed onto

  the bed and sat cross-legged facing him, waiting.

  "I am a Dalakis." His eyes glowed red as he stared right into her very soul. "We are

  different. My family have always been vampires and have lived here for thousands of

  years. I have heard of other families of vampires, but like us, they keep to themselves,

  struggling for their own survival. Now there is only myself and my two brothers, Stefan

  and Lucian."

  He held up his hand to stop her before she could speak. "Let me finish first, then I will

  answer all your questions." She nodded and he continued.

  "I am immortal. I need blood to sustain me. But," he hurriedly reassured her, "I do not

  kill others to live, but take only what I need to survive. It is different from the old days.

  Centuries ago, we killed often to protect ourselves and our people." His features

  hardened, "And I would kill again in a heartbeat if you were threatened." With an

  obvious effort he forced himself to relax. "Today, we even store blood for emergencies,

  much like a blood bank."

  He rolled to his side and propped himself up on one arm. His other hand reached out to

  tease the flesh on the inside of her thigh. The up and down motion of his fingers was

  making it extremely hard for her to pay attention to his words.

  "Prolonged exposure to sunlight, a stake through the heart, or beheading will kill me.

  Nothing else. Well, nothing except perhaps love."

  That comment had her full attention. "What do you mean?"

  "Dalakis men love only once in their lifetime. It is their gift and their curse." His smile

  was tender as his hand caressed her cheek. "You were a gift from the heavens when I

  found you, but you were so young. I could not take you or ask you to join me then. So, I

  lived but did not fully live. To find you and not have you was a torture beyond what you

  can imagine. After six hundred years of living, to have you so close--" he broke off and

  sighed deeply, shaking his head at the dark memories, "--but yet not to have you."

  Johanna opened her mouth to speak, but Cris placed a finger over her lips. "Many have

  given up in despair and faced the killing midday sun rather than live any longer without

  finding their true love. Others have done the same after being rejected. Now it is your

  turn to choose."

  He sat up in bed and took both her hands in his, squeezing them gently. "Whatever your

  choice, I will honor it. I give you my word as a Dalakis."

  Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead, her cheeks and then her lips. She clung to his

  hands, half-fearful now. She sensed that his word was not something he gave lightly and

  that he would die before dishonoring it.

  "You are right, little one." He laughed, and it was a bitter sound. "I would choose death

  before dishonor, but that is not your concern. If you wish to stay with me, you can live

  out your normal life here at the castle and I will cherish and protect you for as long as

  you live. And when the time of your death is upon us, I will join you."

  "No!" she gasped, squeezing his hands so tight that her knuckles turned white. Her heart

  pounded with grief at the mere thought of his death.

  "Or," he continued as if she hadn't spoken, "I can change you so you become as I am.

  You would be vampire, but your life would be linked with mine. If I die, then you too

  will die. You would be susceptible to the other dangers as well. But I would be by your

  side for eternity, and no other man living or yet to be born will love you as I will. Your

  happiness and protection are my life's work and my life's joy."

  Johanna was speechless when he finished. She could feel the tears tracking down her

  cheeks, but she could not tear her gaze from his beloved face. His features were

  impassive as he sat there, a beautiful bronze nude statue, waiting for her to decide his


  In the light glowing from the fireplace, his harsh countenance and glistening muscles

  made it easy to picture him wielding the massive sword that hung over the mantle. She

  could easily imagine him astride a horse in the fourteenth century, defending his home

  against all enemies. He was a warrior without equal. Yet he had laid his heart bare before

  her and now stoically awaited her decision.

  Coming to her knees in front of him, she slipped the robe from her shoulders before

  wrapping her arms around his neck and gently kissing his lips. The muscles stood out on

  his arms and chest with the effort it took to keep himself still. "I know there is still so

  much I have to learn and understand. But I know what is in my heart." Taking one of his

  hands in hers, she placed it gently over her heart. "You're a part of me and we belong

  together. Forever."

  Johanna paused for a moment and then uttered the words that would change her life

  eternally. "Make me like you."

  As if unleashing a tethered beast, he pounced on her. Before she could take a breath, she

  was flat on her back and his mouth covered hers in an all-consuming kiss. Wrapping her

  arms around his broad shoulders, she gave herself into his keeping, not knowing what

  was coming, but trusting him with her very life.

  His hands were everywhere as he ran them up and down her entire body as if committing

  every inch of it to memory. They traveled up her arms, teasing the sensitive skin on the

  underside. The skin on his hands was slightly rough and made her shiver as she imagined

  them on other parts of her body. He didn't linger, but traced the veins in her neck and

  leaned over and nipped at the fluttering pulse at its base.

  From there, he continued down her torso, outlining her breasts and every single rib as he

  made his way to her hipbones. She moaned and eagerly parted her legs when he grazed

  her pubic bone, but he ignored the invitation and continued to trace a path down both legs

  to her feet. Her hips rolled on the bed and she could feel the aching need for him inside


  "Cris." His name was both a command and a plea. Her whole body felt like liquid fire,

  raging out of control.

  "Shhh," he whispered as he sat up in bed and pulled her feet into his lap. She wasn't sure

  what he was going to do until he leaned over and began to nibble on her toes. His large

  hand held her foot steady as he made his way from her little toe to her large one, first

  licking and then sucking on each one.

  Johanna collapsed back against the pillows and let the pleasure take her. Nev
er in her life

  would she have thought of her feet as an erogenous zone. Obviously, she had a lot to


  "Oh my god," she panted as he moved up her ankle and calf. Her chest was heaving as

  she gasped for breath. Meanwhile, he was nibbling his way past her knee and up towards

  her inner thigh.

  Reaching down, she grabbed him by the hair and tugged him towards her moist, eager

  pussy. His laughter was wicked as he ignored her efforts and instead ran his tongue in the

  crease at the top of her leg. She almost shot off the bed.

  Cris gripped her inner thighs in his hands and held her wide open for his inspection

  before lowering his head and tasting her hot, wet flesh. Johanna grabbed the covers in her

  hands, trying to anchor herself as pleasure washed over her in waves. His sharp teeth

  carefully nipped her clitoris as his tongue flicked over the distending nub.

  For a moment, every muscle in her body was clenched tight as she was poised on the

  edge. He knew it too, as he looked straight at her before pressing his tongue hard against

  her clit and showing his teeth in a feral smile.

  She shot over the edge and could hear herself screaming as pure fire shot through her

  entire body. Her body jerked and heaved as her orgasm consumed her. When it finally

  subsided, she felt as if she didn't have a bone in her body, she was so relaxed.

  Cris shifted until he was lying beside her and pulled her into his arms. Rubbing her nose

  against the hair on his chest, she snuggled tight in his embrace. Contented, she nuzzled


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