Guardian Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES fur BEARS Book 7)

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Guardian Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES fur BEARS Book 7) Page 3

by Natalie Kristen

  “Uh-huh, we've won thirty beer-drinking competitions! Who are the Beer Queens of Shadow Point?” Ne-ma yelled to the crowd and cupped her ear.

  The crowd didn't disappoint. Everyone began to cheer enthusiastically, “Gramma, Ne-ma! Gramma, Ne-ma!”

  Lisa danced on the spot and screamed with the crowd, “Gramma, Ne-ma! We love you!”

  Graham blinked and stared at Lisa. The woman was full of surprises. The shy, solemn scientist seemed to have disappeared and a fun-loving, beer-guzzling, relaxed young woman was now dancing with wild abandon at his side.

  Lisa was the most surprising, intriguing, incredible woman he had ever met. She was a brilliant scientist who could do complicated mathematical calculations in her head in a matter of seconds. She had impeccable aim and she could throw a ball like nobody's business. And she could guzzle beer better than most of the men.

  Lisa hiccuped and burped loudly as she staggered off the stage with him. “I think I should be on my way now. I've got a long way to go.”

  Whirling round suddenly, Lisa wailed, “Where's my car? I parked it right here!”

  “No you didn't,” Graham said, taking her arm firmly.

  “I did. I can prove it!” she said belligerently.

  “All you can prove is that you are in no condition to drive.”

  Lisa scowled and raised a finger. “I only had one glass of beer. One!”

  “And it was a very, very big glass,” Graham pointed out.

  “Hmm.” She shrugged and looked around. “I suppose I'd better find accommodation for the night then.”

  “You can stay with me.”

  “With you?” She jabbed a finger into his chest. “In your house?”


  Lisa gave a sly smile and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “The bride. She told me something about you,” she said at last.


  “Yeah. When she hugged me just now, she whispered in my ear. She said: Graham's a great guy and you'll be safe with him, but he snores.”


  “I'm going to kill her,” Graham snarled under his breath.

  “That's what Penelope said too!” Lisa laughed. “She said: Graham will kill me for telling you this!”

  Lisa frowned suddenly. “Your snoring actually has nothing to do with me. Why would Penelope tell me about your snoring? Unless...” Her eyes widened. “Your sister thinks I'm going to sleep with you!”

  Graham sucked in a breath. The thought of having Lisa in his bed was making him painfully hard. His grip tightened on her arm as he steadied her. She was swaying and weaving her way down the street, humming a tuneless song and giggling to herself.

  “I know why she'd think that,” Lisa went on, turning to give him an appraising and appreciative look. “You're the best man. And you're hot. Every woman wants to bed the hot best man. But I know I don't stand a chance.”

  “What are you talking about? You are the most...”

  She waved a hand in the air and almost smacked him on the forehead. “I'm the plain, nerdy, boring girl. Guys don't go for girls like me. I think too much. I don't know how to tease and flirt and have fun. I'm no bombshell. I know how to build and dismantle bombs though.” She wrinkled her nose and went on, “I'm good at chemistry. Not sexual chemistry, mind you.” She let out a brittle laugh at her own joke. “I've never had any intense sexual chemistry with any man. You think I'm a cold fish, don't you?”

  “I don't! I never...”

  Lisa tut-tutted. “Pants on fire...” she sang.

  They were already at the end of the street and the carnival was far behind them. Lisa looked dazed and exhausted, and she was also quite drunk. Graham thought it best to get her home as soon as possible. He noticed the dark circles under her eyes and wondered what was keeping her awake at night. Was it that cursed serum that she'd mentioned earlier?


  The beer trophy was slipping from her hand and Graham reached out to grab it before it clattered to the ground. But Lisa bared her teeth at him and yanked the trophy back.

  “It's yours,” he said, putting his hands up.

  “It's ours,” she corrected. “I'm just holding it...for us.”

  “Of course.”

  She grinned and looked around. “So...where are we going?”


  “I don't have a home,” she said sadly. “Not anymore. I had to leave, because...” She leaned in and whispered, “Bad guys are after me.”

  “Why are they after you?”

  “I'm not a bad guy, if that's what you're thinking,” she said, her voice rising. She stepped up to him and demanded, “Are you a bad guy?”

  Before he could answer, she let out a big, loud yawn. “Gosh, I feel so tired. But I can't sleep.” She pinched herself and said sternly, “No, I have so much to do. I have to make everything right! I know I can.”

  “You can make everything right after you get a good night's sleep. You definitely need the rest,” Graham said, taking her by the arm.

  “Sleep...” Lisa sighed and yawned again. “Are you going to sleep with me, Graham?”

  She gave a sad smile. “Don't answer that. A girl can dream, can't she?”


  “Nah, you won't want a cold fish,” Lisa repeated, mumbling to herself.

  She gasped when Graham grabbed her wrist. “Lisa, I want you and you are not a cold fish!” he growled. “Whoever said that to you is an idiot! The biggest idiot in the world! You're super hot and sexy and you blow my mind, really you do!”

  Lisa pressed her body against Graham and heard herself purr with delight. She hadn't been with many men, but she remembered their callous and hurtful remarks. They had called her a cold fish. For a time she had believed them until she realized that she shouldn't allow these insensitive, insecure men to hurt her feelings and self-esteem. They had no right to label her and mock her. She was better off without them.

  She decided that if a man couldn't make her feel good about herself, then he had no place in her heart and in her life.

  She truly never expected to meet someone like Graham. A man who made her laugh, showed her how to have fun, admired and respected her, and wanted her just the way she was.

  She'd never felt so relaxed and comfortable with anyone. She felt free and happy when she was with him. She'd only just met him, but she felt the powerful attraction and connection between them. She wanted to stay with him...always. Graham made her feel cherished, beautiful, wanted and loved.

  Maybe it was the effect of the beer, or maybe she'd just had too much fun at the carnival.

  Or maybe...she had finally met the right guy. This was where she was meant to be. Didn't Gramma and Ne-ma say something to that effect?

  Lisa leaned comfortably against Graham and tottered down the street, smiling at everyone they passed.

  What a nice place this was. The townspeople were all so friendly, and a little quirky like her. She loved Gramma and Ne-ma, and she had taken an instant liking to Penelope and Damien. The newly-weds had so warmly and graciously welcomed her to their wedding. They were such a great couple!

  Lisa found herself wishing that this was her town. She wanted to be a part of this quaint, close-knit little town. There were humans and paranormals in Shadow Point, but the townsfolk weren't afraid and suspicious of one another. They accepted their differences, even celebrated them.

  Lisa looked up at Graham and a triumphant, delirious giggle bubbled out of her. She couldn't believe that she was actually going home with the handsome best man! The geek had gotten the hunk!

  Lisa was still smiling to herself as Graham walked her up to a neat, single-story house. When he opened the door for her, she saw boxes stacked in the living room. There was the smell of fresh paint and floor polish.

  “This is a new house. Yo
u just moved in,” she said in surprise.

  “Yup. I decided it was time I got my own place, instead of just renting a bachelor pad,” Graham answered, closing the door behind him. “I was planning to have a housewarming party but I never got round to it. You're my very first house guest.”

  When Graham crossed over to the kitchen to pour her a glass of water, Lisa realized just how swiftly and silently he moved.

  Like a predator.

  Of course. She slapped her hand to her forehead. He was a bear shifter, a predator.

  “Shifters mark their mates, and they mate for life,” she recited absently. It was just textbook knowledge. She had read this in one of the research articles about the mating practices and rituals of shifters.

  She knew a lot about shifters. In fact, she knew all about their genetic makeup and the specific characteristics of their cells and how to alter them. But she knew nothing about mating. From what she'd read and heard, mating sex wasn't just sex. It was a very intimate, intense, explosive, and beautiful experience between a shifter and his mate. The mate bond was unbreakable and undeniable, and it bound the two individuals together for life.

  How could sex be mind-blowing, Lisa wondered. The only thing that blew her mind was science. There were so many discoveries to be made, so many new things to be invented.

  Maybe she had been having sex the wrong way, she concluded. Was there a wrong way to have sex? Lisa snorted out a laugh, and Graham turned to give her a funny look.

  Lisa tugged at her collar and fanned herself with her hand. Why was it suddenly so hot in here?

  Graham pressed a glass of water into her hand. “Drink,” he ordered.

  She drained the glass gratefully. Putting down the empty glass, she saw that Graham was watching her with an unreadable expression on his face.

  Clearing her throat nervously, Lisa fidgeted and clutched her waist pouch. Her action wasn't lost on Graham.

  “You and your possessions are safe here, Lisa,” Graham said.

  “Oh.” Her cheeks burned. “I don't mean...I mean, I know you're not going to rob me,” she sputtered.

  “That's not what you're really afraid of,” he said, moving towards her.

  She gulped. “I don't distrust you, Graham. But I can't tell you...”

  “You don't have to tell me everything,” he said in a hard voice. “Just answer me this. Why did you create that serum, Lisa?”


  Lisa didn't flinch from Graham's stern, hard gaze. He looked hurt and angry, and Lisa knew that Graham already knew the truth. He just wanted to hear it from her.

  Lisa swallowed painfully. She was in his house, and she might just bring danger to his doorstep. He had a right to know the truth. But more importantly, she instinctively trusted him and she just couldn't bring herself to lie to him.

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “I'm a scientist, and I worked for a large pharmaceutical company. I specialized in cell research, and my boss, Dr. Burrelli, told me to create a serum that could change shifter cells to human cells. When I asked him, he said it was related to cancer research.”

  She swallowed again and went on, “I assumed it was to see if cancer treatment for human patients could be used to treat some rare form of shifter cancer.”

  “That wasn't why your boss wanted you to create the serum,” Graham said gravely.

  “No.” Lisa clenched her fists. “I found out much later that Burrelli had accepted a large sum of money from a certain senator. The senator had been campaigning to reduce the shifter population, and...and...” She grimaced, unable to go on.

  “Some time back, we heard that a law might be passed to make it compulsory for all shifters to undergo some sort of treatment or injection that would suppress their shifter powers and make them more...human,” Graham said, raking a hand through his hair. “I didn't think they were serious. In fact, everyone in Shadow Point thought this was just the usual senseless talk from politicians who had nothing better to talk about.”

  “They want my research so they can create large batches of the serum,” Lisa said, looking down.

  Graham stared at her waist pouch for a long moment. “The serum's in there.”

  She sucked in a breath and gave a slow nod. Graham snarled and gripped her shoulders hard. Lisa didn't flinch. He stared into her wide, brown eyes and knew that she had told him the truth. She could have lied to him. Instead, she trusted him enough to let him in on her secret. And it was a very dangerous secret. If she told her secret to the wrong people…

  “Why didn't you just get rid of the serum? Why are you still carrying it around when it can get you killed?” he demanded angrily.

  Her eyes blazed. “I destroyed all the files relating to my research! And I destroyed all the serum I created. I kept only one small vial. I spent years on my research,” she said fervently. “I don't want to throw it all away. I want to find out if I can reverse the effects of the serum. Instead of destroying lives, it can save lives! It can indeed be used for cancer research. That's the beauty, as well as the danger of science. It can be used for the good of all, or for the selfish ambitions of a few individuals. I can do good with my research!”

  “But there are people who intend to use your research for evil purposes, and they will stop at nothing to get what they want,” Graham snapped.

  “The serum I created isn't evil, and I won't allow it to be used for evil!” She almost shouted her response. “I will find a way to reverse the effects. My new serum will be an antidote and a cure!”

  “These people will kill you!” he shouted back.

  “They'll have to find me first,” she snarled. “That's why I can't stay here. I'm moving far, far away so I can work on my new serum. I don't need a lab to work.” She smirked. “I can extract the acids and chemicals I need from everyday things.”

  Graham glared at her, too angry to speak for a moment. He was furious that she would put herself in so much danger. The woman was incredibly, infuriatingly stubborn and obstinate when it came to her work. She wouldn't budge and she wouldn't back down. It was foolish to risk her life for a vial of serum, and he wanted to get rid of every drop of that cursed serum and tell her ex-boss to go to hell and leave her alone!

  But at the same time, he admired her courage and passion. She believed in her work, and she wanted to use her knowledge to find solutions. She wanted to reverse what she had invented so that it would help, not hurt, people. She could easily have just given her ex-boss what he wanted, grabbed her large, final paycheck and enjoyed an early retirement.

  Why go against the powers that be and put herself to so much trouble and danger?

  Graham stared at the feisty, little human in front of him. There were so many sides to this utterly fascinating, beautiful and intelligent woman. She was a brilliant scientist, a champion beer-guzzler, a brave, determined woman who wasn't afraid to do the right thing.

  “I will protect you, Lisa,” Graham vowed, gripping her shoulders. “I won't let anything happen to you.”

  “You don't have to do this,” she began. “It's not your business...”

  “It is now,” he snarled. “You are my business, Lisa. You are my...”

  Mate! His bear roared.


  Graham struggled to find the right word, one that wouldn't scare Lisa off.

  “Friend,” he said finally through gritted teeth. “You are my friend.”

  “Friend,” she repeated softly and smiled. “I like that. I like that very much. Thank you.”

  But his bear didn't like that at all. In fact, his bear positively hated it.

  Not friend! Mate! His bear bellowed and rammed violently against his shields.

  Graham stabbed his claws into his palms as he tried to regain control of his raging bear and lust. He was deeply, powerfully attracted to this amazing, beautiful woman but he nev
er thought that he would ever find his mate. His colleagues, friends, even his big sister, had all found their mates. He was happy for them, really he was. But he didn't think he would ever want to exchange his life of fun and freedom for the shackles of matehood.

  He liked his bachelor life, and he liked having no commitments, no worries and no heartache. He loved having plenty of choices and women—until now.

  Graham scowled when he recalled Sophie pressing herself against him earlier at the carnival. Sophie was a very sensual, sultry female, and she was a fun and skilful lover. But now he found that her touch repulsed him. In fact, he didn't want to be touched by any other female. Ever.

  He wanted only Lisa. And he only wanted Lisa's hands on him. Oh, he wanted her hands, her mouth, her tongue to be all over him. He wanted to belong, body and soul, heart and mind, to this sweet, smart, sexy little human woman.

  Lisa appeared completely unaware of his internal struggle. She put her hand on his arm and said sincerely, “It's really so nice and brave of you to want to be my friend, even knowing the trouble I'm in. After I leave Shadow Point, I'll make sure...”

  “You won't be leaving Shadow Point!” he bellowed. “You'll stay right here, where I can keep you safe!”

  Her eyes became as round as saucers. “But I have to go...”

  “And where will you be going?” he demanded.

  “I don't really know yet,” she answered honestly. “I'll find a quiet, remote place where no one can find me and I'll restart my research. I'll make it right...”

  “Shadow Point is a quiet, remote place,” he said.

  That made her laugh. “Well, it is remote, but from what I see, it's not quiet.”

  “We don't have carnivals all the time, you know,” he said hotly. “It's just that my sister and Damien wanted something really special for their wedding. Other weddings are much quieter affairs.”


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