Doctor's Orders [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Doctor's Orders [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 3

by Lara Valentine

  “Kade! Time for dinner!” Her young son rocketed into the kitchen.

  “I’m hungry, Mom!” Brianne watched as Nate laughed and ruffled Kade’s hair.

  “You’re always hungry, Jet. Sit down and your mom and I will fill your plate.”

  * * * *

  Nate watched as Brianne padded back into the kitchen. She looked beautiful but tired. He wished he could take some of the burden from her shoulders. She was strong and independent, but no one should have to take on what she did every day. She was a single parent trying to run her own business in a difficult economy. He looked forward to the day when he was allowed to help her. She didn’t have to be in charge every minute of the day.

  “Is he asleep?” Nate nudged her auburn bangs from her eyes. There were dark circles under them, and he fought the urge to sweep her up in his arms and carry her to bed. He would make her stay there until the circles were gone and her fatigue was lifted.

  “Yes, he fell asleep before I even finished the story. All the while he protested that he wasn’t tired, of course.”

  He leaned over and hit the music dock switch and pulled her into his arms. He felt her stiffen against him at first, but the soft strains of Aaron Neville filled the kitchen, and she began to relax against him. He pulled her closer and began to sway to the music, nuzzling her hair and breathing in her tantalizing scent. Her thighs brushed his as she moved against him, leaving heat wherever they touched.

  “I love this song. How did you know?”

  He chuckled softly as he rubbed his chin on the top of her head. Her hair was silky against his roughened chin. Her hair smelled like vanilla with a hint of some exotic blossom. Since meeting her, he now got aroused whenever he smelled vanilla.

  “‘Tell It Like It Is’ is one of my favorites, too, remember?” He ran his hand up and down her spine, trying to get her to relax with his touch. His campaign to win her had begun. Failure was not an option.

  He felt her body melt into his and knew that she had to feel his erection against her stomach. He was tired of trying to hide how his body reacted to her body. Her lush curves were pressed up against him, and his cock was more than happy to rub against her. He pictured her falling to her knees. Her hands would be submissively behind her back, her mouth filled with his cock fucking in and out of her wet, hot mouth. She would suck and lick his hard cock until he came down her throat, swallowing every precious drop her Master gifted to her.

  Nate felt her pull back a little, and he looked down into her soft, emerald-green eyes. He could feel the sizzle of awareness running between them, and he felt her shiver as he slid his hand up her spine, across the silky skin over her collarbone, and traced her full, soft lips until they parted. The sultry music washed over him, and he knew he would never hear this song again without thinking of this moment—without thinking of her.

  Nate saw the expression on her face change as she started to speak. He wouldn’t let her break the mood.

  “Hush. You do not have permission to speak.” He used his darkest, most commanding dominant voice and was rewarded with her mouth closing and her pupils dilating. She nodded in acquiescence.

  He continued to explore her soft lips then ran his fingers across her jaw before tangling in her long auburn hair, wrapping the silky strands around his fingers. He used them to gently tug her head back as he leaned forward to whisper in the shell of her ear, “I think you like it when I’m in charge, Bri.”

  Before she could respond, he released his hold on her and moved toward the door.

  “Sweet dreams, Brianne. I’ll call you tomorrow. Lock up after me.”

  The last thing he saw was her dazed expression as he closed her front door.

  * * * *

  Sweet dreams, my ass. Brianne rolled over and punched her pillow for the gazillionth time. She was unable to sleep and deep in self-torture, with Aaron Neville playing from her music dock. She would never hear this song again without becoming immediately wet. Her mind couldn’t help but drift back to those moments in the kitchen with Nate. He had felt so strong and hard against her. He smelled slightly spicy and musky, and all male. She had wanted to bury her nose in his neck and breathe deeply of his scent.

  Brianne remembered the feel of Nate’s strong arms around her. She let her fantasies take over from there as the music washed over her already-heated body. He would run his hands over her as if he owned her. She would yield, of course. She knew that would please him.

  Her fingers winnowed down into her panties. She was already wet and slick. She began to stroke her clit and imagine what it would be like to be with him. Be his submissive.

  His feet came into her line of sight as she stared submissively down at the floor. Her knees were spread wide as she kneeled on the carpet, and her fingers laced together behind her back. Her breasts were pushed forward as if in offering.

  “Very good, Brianne. You will suck me now.”

  His deep, commanding voice made her shiver, and more honey trickled out of her already-burning pussy. She realized he had given her instructions and was waiting.

  She lifted her head and saw that his cock was tenting his pants. He had unbuttoned them and lowered the zipper. She reached into his boxers and found his stiff cock. He was long and thick, and her fingers barely wrapped around him. She let her fingers caress his velvety length, and her mouth watered at the thought of it filling her mouth.

  She teased him a little with long swipes of her tongue up and down his cock from balls to tip. She swirled her tongue around the head, and his salty taste tickled her tongue. She ran her tongue back down to his balls and laved each, feeling the wrinkles contrast to the smooth skin on his shaft. She opened wide and took as much of his sac into her mouth as she could, sucking and licking while her hand caressed his cock. His fingers tangled in her hair and tugged her to a different angle. She heard his hiss of breath as her tongue found a sensitive spot on his balls.

  She moved her tongue back up his cock and engulfed the mushroom head with her mouth while rolling his balls in her fingers. Up and down she moved her head, tightening the seal with her lips.

  “Keep that tongue moving. Suck harder.”

  She moved her tongue faster and hollowed out her cheeks as his hand tightened almost painfully in her hair. She welcomed his mastery and moaned as his cock began to bump the back of her throat. She relaxed her throat and swallowed around his cock. She could feel his balls draw up as she stroked and rolled them. He was close.

  She redoubled her efforts, moving up and down even faster, her tongue flicking like a hummingbird with each stroke. She heard his indrawn breath and felt his thighs tense before he shoved his cock to the back of her throat and held it there. His hands tightened in her hair, holding her immobile. He started to pulse, and his hot cum filled her mouth and throat. She swallowed hungrily, loving the salty, musky taste of her Master.

  Brianne moaned as her fingers flew faster over her clit. Her body tensed, and her eyes closed in pleasure as her orgasm hit her. Her body bowed and lifted from the bed as pleasure sparked through her. She slumped back on the bed panting and sated. Damn. She hadn’t even actually had sex with Nate, and already he was the best she had ever had.

  * * * *

  It was Saturday afternoon and Brianne was hoping to convince Lisa to hit the mall with her. Kade was spending the weekend with Rick, and Brianne didn’t want to spend one more minute at home. She pushed open the front door and headed straight for the kitchen. The minute she walked in she knew something was wrong. The air felt thick with tension, and she stopped short, looking anxiously at Nate. He smiled reassuringly and waved her over to his side.

  Despite the strangeness of the last few weeks, Brianne didn’t hesitate. Every time she had seen Nate, he had made a point to be close to her. It wasn’t anything in poor taste or strange. He would make sure to run his fingers over hers while they were sitting and visiting, or rub her shoulders if she was cooking dinner. He hugged her closely when he greeted her and would kiss her
lightly when they parted. It was driving her freakin’ crazy. Her crush on Nate had gone into overdrive, and he was on her mind day and night, especially the night.

  She was perennially stupid about men, but even she wasn’t this stupid. Nate wanted her and was sending her every signal he could. The question was how she felt about it. She adored Nate. He was a wonderful man, and she would trust him with her life. But was she ready to be in a relationship? Was she ready to be in a D/s relationship? She was sure that was what he would demand. The thought made arousal bubble inside her stomach and indecision war in her brain. Right now she was at a “definite maybe” in starting a romantic relationship with him.

  “He did, too!”

  Brianne was surprised to hear her best friend’s loud voice breaking into her thoughts.

  “He did not mean to insult you. He just wasn’t hungry. Apologize to him right now, slave.”

  Brianne started in surprise. She had never heard Conor refer to Lisa as his slave. She had heard Lisa call him Master in the weeks since she had found out, but never had he uttered the word “slave.” She wondered if being called slave was the BDSM equivalent of a parent calling a child by their first and middle names. She guessed Lisa was in trouble.

  “He was insulting!” Brianne almost laughed when Lisa stomped her foot in anger. Her friend was throwing a real grade-A tantrum. Conor looked unamused with a scowl across his handsome features. She glanced up at Nate, and he appeared relaxed as if this was not an uncommon occurrence. Perhaps it wasn’t.

  “I will not tolerate these tantrums, slave. Nate was simply not hungry. He meant no insult by not eating your cooking. You will apologize. Now.”

  Brianne had never heard Conor speak with such strength and force. Hell, she almost apologized to Nate, and she didn’t do anything. Apparently, Lisa was used to hearing his voice, as it had little effect on her mood.

  “No. I won’t.” Lisa’s mouth was set in a mutinous line. Conor glanced at Nate, at her, then back at Nate. Brianne saw something unspoken pass between the brothers before Conor returned his attention to his wife.

  “If you will not apologize to Nate, then you will be punished. Either way, you will apologize to him, whether it is before or after your punishment. This behavior will not continue, slave.”

  Brianne saw Lisa’s glare falter a little bit when punishment was mentioned. She glanced at Nate, but his expression gave nothing away. Damn these poker-faced Doms!

  “Go into the office and prepare yourself, slave. I will join you in a few minutes. Nate, she insulted you. Would you like to participate?”

  She saw Nate shake his head.

  “No. I trust you to take care of discipline for your slave. The same as you would trust me, bro.”

  Brianne knew her mouth hung open at the exchange, but she couldn’t help it. Lisa was going to be punished? She saw Conor heading up the stairs to the office after Lisa, leaving her and Nate alone in the kitchen.

  “I’m not sure what just happened here, Nate.”

  Nate pushed himself away from where he was leaning against the counter and gave her a big hug as he brushed his lips softly across her forehead. She shivered at his light touch. It didn’t take much to make her tingle. His briefest touch could send honey gushing from her pussy. Thank God he didn’t realize it.

  “It started when I got here. Lisa offered me some of her chicken alfredo, and I said I wasn’t hungry. Things went downhill from there.”

  “You love chicken alfredo, Nate.”

  “I love your chicken alfredo, Bri. I like Lisa’s.” A smile played on Nate’s lips.

  “So you really were insulting her cooking? She’s about to get punished and you really were insulting her. That doesn’t seem quite fair.”

  “I was not insulting her. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten it. I was not hungry and said no. She got upset and then didn’t leave it alone when her Master told her to. Now she is being punished for her willful disobedience. He gave her a warning, and she did not heed it.”

  “Still, shit. Is he really going to punish her? He asked you to help him? Where are the kids?”

  Nate laughed at her rapid-fire questions, and she blushed a little in embarrassment. She didn’t mean to, but it just seemed so surreal.

  “The kids are at our parents’, same as my kids. Yes, he is really going to punish her. She was pushing him into it, Bri. This was her way of telling him that he hasn’t been paying enough attention to her. You know how Conor gets all wrapped up in his work. Well, she made sure he is paying attention to her and only her right now. Believe me, she’s happy. She is getting what she wants, and he is, too. As for asking me to help, he invited me to participate since I was the injured party, so to speak. It’s just a formality. I have never accepted the invitation. If I did, it would mean administering physical punishment to Lisa. That’s not something I am interested in doing. Now, you, on the other hand, are a different story.”

  Bri’s mind seemed to freeze on Nate’s last sentence. She had to replay it in her mind before she trusted herself to reply.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said that I am interested in disciplining you.”

  “Say what? Nate, have you lost your fucking mind?” Brianne took a step back and stared into Nate’s serious face. But he couldn’t be serious.

  “No, I have not, and don’t swear.” Nate’s strong arms wrapped around her, and he pulled her close to his warm body. He smelled of citrus, man, and something a little spicy. Her nipples peaked in response.

  “We both know where this is headed, Bri. I care about you. I want to be in a relationship with you. I think you have feelings for me, too. I have waited a long time for you. I don’t want to wait anymore. You didn’t freak out when you learned about me. Now the question is will you freak out when you start to explore this lifestyle. I am betting, big, that you won’t. I think you want this, us. This isn’t casual for me or for you.”

  Brianne took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He was right. She did want him. She was interested in this lifestyle. He was offering her a chance to have both. Did she have the courage to do it?

  “I’m scared. This is a lot to take in.”

  “I know. This is actually a good reaction. I would be worried if you weren’t, sweetheart. Do you want me?”

  Nate actually looked a little nervous. She couldn’t let him think that she didn’t want him.

  “Yes, I do want you. Very much. But you knew that, didn’t you, Doctor?”

  Brianne teased him a little.

  “I hoped you did. Will you try a relationship with me, Brianne? God, I want you so much.”

  The last word almost came out as a groan, and he pulled her closer, running his fingers through her long hair.

  Well, God hates a coward.

  “Yes, Nate. I want to try. I really, really do.”

  “Ah, sweetheart, you make me happy. You really do. Now let’s get go to my house so we can be alone.”

  So much for a definite maybe. She was at yes.

  Chapter 3

  Brianne stood in the doorway of Nate’s house as he walked through the kitchen and threw his keys on the counter, next to his phone. It was decorated in earth tones with some splashes of greens and blues. She had always found the combination restful, but today it failed to calm her jangled nerves. She was going to have sex with Dr. Nate Hart. She was going to become his girlfriend and submissive. Holy hell.

  She knew she wanted this with him. She had wanted him for a long time. She had been curious for a long time, too. She had begged Rick to explore their sexuality. Rick had been uninterested in lifting a finger to dominate her. It was just too much effort for her selfish and lazy husband. She closed her eyes to will away the image of Rick’s smirk as she had tried to talk to him about their sex life. He had seen her dissatisfaction as something lacking in her. Maybe there was something lacking with her. Maybe she was just one of those women who couldn’t feel passion as others did. Maybe she would disappoint Nate. That th
ought made her start to slowly back out the doorway. This was a mistake.

  “Stop right there, Brianne.”

  Brianne froze at Nate’s commanding tone.

  “Where do you think you are going?”

  Back to the car?

  “Um, I forgot something in the car?”

  Nate strode across the kitchen and caught her hand in his and began pulling her across the kitchen.

  “No, sweetheart. There is nothing in the car that you need. Now come here and kiss me. I have waited a long time for this.”

  Brianne felt Nate’s strong arms slide around her and pull her close to his body. He was warm and smelled faintly of soap and citrus. Her nipples pebbled, and her pussy began to cream at the feel of his hard body against hers. It had been so long since she had been in a man’s arms. And never had she been with a man like Nate. He was handsome, strong, and good. He made her feel things she had never felt before, and she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

  His hands stroked up and down her spine in a slow, soothing motion. She could feel her bones turning to jelly under his hypnotic ministrations. She let her hands slide up his strong arms, feeling the hard muscle under her palms. His skin felt warm as her fingers trailed up his shoulders to loop around his neck. He had moved closer, and his lips were mere inches from her own. She could feel his warm breath as his lips slowly descended to her own. He stopped mere millimeters from kissing her.

  “Do you want this, Bri? Speak now if you don’t. I’ll take you home and we will never speak of this again. Do you want me? Do you want this? All of this?”

  She knew what he was asking. She had to want all of him. She did. She was tired of pretending that she only wanted him as a friend. She wanted him as a woman wants a man. She wanted his dominant side, too. She licked her lips and drew a breath of courage.

  “Yes, Nate. I want you. I want all of this. God, I really do.”


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