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MenageaDare Page 16

by Frances Stockton

  “You fell in love with them,” Eve said, not to judge but to understand.

  “Yes, they were my life partners.”

  “How did they die?” Remy asked, remaining supportive.

  “Carbon monoxide poisoning,” Jaxon divulged, his head downturned, his posture resigned. “I was away, schmoozing with Hollywood bigwigs.”

  “That’s horrible,” Eve said, wishing there was something she could do to change the outcome and honestly surprised that he gave that much of himself away.

  “Had you any idea about the poisoning?” Remy asked.

  “None,” he answered. “Niko had taken Gemma to our cabin in Big Bear while I was away. The furnace and chimney were supposed to be checked frequently, but something was forgotten. When I’d last spoken to them they complained of flu symptoms. I told them to get to the doctor for Tamiflu or something.”

  Much as he tried to back away, Eve and Remy didn’t let him. But all the while, she felt Jaxon tremble, understanding that the pain of his loss was still echoing through him. She wished she could take away his pain, change the past, but since she couldn’t, she could be supportive and understanding.

  “Jaxon I wish I could change that outcome for you, same as I wish I could bring Blair back to Remy and bring my mother back,” she said. “But you couldn’t have known something like that would happen.”

  “We’ve all lost loved ones. Maybe that’s why we’re together, to help each other heal,” Jaxon murmured, collapsing before her, his arms coming around her, at last holding on as tightly as she held him.

  Remy went to his knees, moving behind Jaxon to wrap his arms around him. “If we’re too much for you too soon, Jax, say the word. We’ll do a couple ghost hunts and take our findings back to my producers.”

  Jaxon eased back first. “I don’t know what I can promise yet. What I do know is that that we’ve just met and I want to see how our story ends.”

  “You sound as if it’s going to have an end,” Eve said sadly, unable to deny the pain that shot through her at the thought of losing Jaxon so soon.

  “No, baby girl, I haven’t stopped thinking about either of you since I witnessed Remington fucking you in a tiny camper.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “I recall my dreams in vivid detail and many times they’re a glimpse into what my future has in store.”

  “We’re your future. Is that what you think?”

  “Maybe, if that’s what you want, Evelyn.”

  “Jaxon, before we go further, you should know something,” she said.

  “One of the reasons you came here was to meet Ransom Hunter,” Jaxon stated before she could get the words out herself. “Hate to tell you this, baby girl, but he’s on hiatus indefinitely. It’s me or nothing, take your pick.”

  “How did you know I was a fan?” she asked, hoping she didn’t frighten him away.

  “Back when Red first came here, Hazard and I had a heart to heart. He let me know his girlfriend’s best friend back in Danvers had a fan-crush on Ransom…me.”

  “He did? He didn’t meet me until he came to Danvers.”

  “He knew of you, Evelyn. When were you going to ask for my autograph?”

  Lifting her chin, she looked him square in the eyes. “I don’t want your autograph. It’s not Ransom I want to be my lover. It’s you, Jaxon.”

  “I keep telling you, you’re too sweet for your own good,” he said, still holding onto her, still there and not angry.

  “I never intended to expose your secret identity. I hope you know that.” He laughed at that.

  “Seems as if we both have an affinity for vampires, I’d say we have a connection because of it. If I thought for a moment you were out to expose me or hurt me, I’d have kicked your cute ass outta here hours ago. Will you do me a favor?”

  “Of course,” she replied.

  “Don’t tell Avery,” he requested. “Hazard’s known about Ransom from the beginning. I want him to tell her.”

  “I have to admit, I’m surprised you told us so soon,” Remy commented.

  “My only explanation is that I don’t feel threatened by your knowledge. If anything, it’s a relief. As time goes by, I’m no longer inclined to hide the fact that I’m the author of a book series that hit all the bestseller lists and continues to do so in reissues.”

  “Do you think you’ll write again?” Remy asked.

  “At this point, I can only say I’m trying but it hasn’t happened the way I’d wanted. A lot is on hold, as I said before. With that, it’s time we get going or we’ll be late.”

  “Thank you for trusting us, Jaxon,” she said, hugging him tightly before getting up. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I need to fix my hair and check my makeup.”

  She dashed out of the room then, hoping she didn’t have to waste much time getting back to them. Fortunately it only took a few minutes to finger comb her hair and brush her teeth again.

  Finished, she went back into the enormous bedroom, stopping short. Remy was helping Jaxon unpack his overnight bag. They were talking together, their closeness making her long to be between them.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  Jaxon turned toward her. “We’re setting up some things for later.”

  “What types of things?”

  “If we told you that now we’d spoil the surprise. Trust me when I say Jaxon has excellent taste in toys,” Remy said.

  Flushing from the roots of her head to her toes, she strode forward, noticing that the men had zipped up. Jaxon looked gorgeous in his suit and tie. Remy looked sexy in his leathers.

  “It’s always good to be prepared,” she said, laughing.

  Jaxon came up to her, his stride as powerful as Remy’s. So much so, she ended up backing into the doorjamb.

  “That’s right,” he said. “Know there are many things I’m going to do to you both tonight.”

  “Promise?” she asked.

  “Yes, promise,” he stated. “But there’s something I need to do.”

  “What’s that?” she whispered, becoming nervous.

  Jaxon’s hands suddenly grasped her waist, tight, unbreakable. One second she was spinning away from the door, the next Remy wrenched her away from Jaxon, her hair in his hands, her head tilted to the left.

  “I need to stake my claim,” Jaxon told her.

  “For you, Jaxon,” Remy said, baring her throat for Jaxon.

  Jaxon swooped in without preamble, biting her throat. Eve experienced then how it’d feel to become a sex slave to a vampire. Jaxon’s bite marked her, turning her on.

  “Mine,” Jaxon claimed the second he freed her throat, leaving behind a love bite. She could feel the heat of it.

  “Bite her, lover mine,” he ordered Remy.

  The two men moved in such an accord that she’d been manipulated from Remy’s arms to Jaxon’s easily. It was inevitable for Remy to latch onto the same tender spot that Jaxon had bitten.

  “Mine,” Remy declared when he raised his head then grabbed Jaxon and French kissed him.

  “We have to go,” Eve argued, trying to be the voice of reason. The three let each other go, all rattled.

  “As soon as Trevor’s ring is on Avery’s hand and everyone’s happy, we are back here, naked, in that bed.”

  “My turn in the bathroom,” Remy said, breaking off to disappear. Jaxon joined him.

  A minute later the two came back out, both extremely handsome and smelling of mouthwash. It was habit to wait for the two to grab her hands, Remy to her right, Jaxon to her left.

  “Wait, my purse,” she said, remembering it before they reached the door.

  “You won’t need it. I gave Jax a room key. Figured he’d want to come and go.”

  “Would rather come and stay a while, Remy. When you two are ready, you’ll come to the mountain house and stay with me.”

  “I admit I’m curious about this house of yours,” she said. “Avery’s told me some. She said it’s beautiful, massive and has
dozens of rooms.”

  “I think you’ll like it there, Evelyn. There’s a library and six dungeons in addition to my master bedroom and my own dungeon.”

  “That makes seven dungeons. What do you need so many for?” she asked.

  “Told you about the training sessions I’ve done in the past. I’ve also been known to host parties that are far more hardcore than any munches you’ve heard of previously.”

  “I should warn you. I don’t like pain and I hate needles or sharp objects. I may have a vampire fetish, but I don’t want to bleed for real.”

  “I won’t make you bleed, but I noticed you cut your knee. Are you okay?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” she murmured, embarrassed. Thankfully, the scrap of toilet tissue had fallen off when she’d put on the nude stockings.

  “It’s okay, baby girl,” he crooned softly, seeming to understand that she’d struggled with a moment of insecurity. “Maybe you should try depilatories?”

  “Can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I break out in yucky bumps. I’ve a bikini trim.”

  “So I saw. You’re gorgeous. Maybe sometime you’ll let me shave you or you can try hot waxing?”

  “Do I have a say in this?”

  “Of course, I said maybe. I can’t recommend hot waxing Remy. Did that once, bad idea, shaving’s the way to go for him.”

  “Feel free to be pretty and smooth if that’s your thing, but under no circumstances is anything resembling a razor coming near my balls,” Remy stated.

  The three of them left the hotel room, heading for the elevator bay. Remy’s argument about shaving his groin seemed to fall to deaf ears. Jaxon gave him assurances that he’d do it right. Remy declared his safeword was going to be razor.

  Inside the elevator, Jaxon countered by letting go of Eve’s hand long enough to turn on Remy, unfasten his fly and shove his hand down the front of Remy’s leathers.

  “Give me the rest of your stay in Dare to change your mind,” he beckoned, his voice was darkly seductive, insistent, his hand working.

  “You are weird, Jaxon Wynter, and I still want to be fucked by you.” Remy’s eyes closed, his hips grinding against Jaxon’s hand. “Maybe it’s because you’re the prettiest man I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m a walking sex god, near immortal, don’t you know?”

  “You’ve gone from vampire to god?” Eve challenged, laughing.

  “In bed, you’re going to be shouting to god and Remy and me so often, you’ll be hoarse from it. Especially if you get bratty and challenge my inner vamp.”

  “Ever see the movie Vamp with Grace Jones?” she asked. “If you become a cross-dresser, you could totally pull off the lead role, although you’d have to wear weird wigs. Be a shame to mess up your hair.”

  “Remy, is she making fun of me?”

  “Sounds like it, yeah. Can you get your hand out of my pants now, my man? As it is, my balls are in danger of turning blue permanently.”

  “Poor baby,” Jaxon murmured smoothly, ultimately letting him go and reclaiming Eve’s hand. “I like being your man, Remington. Keep thinking that way, okay?”

  “Okay, as long as Eve doesn’t object.”

  “Evelyn, do you mind if I fuck him later?”

  “Not if you let me watch.”

  “You’ll do more than watch,” he promised, catching her up close and peppering a series of kisses against her temple while the elevator descended.

  “Anyone complain about activity in this hotel?” Remy asked when they exited.

  “There are rooms on the third floor that seem to have activity,” Jax answered. “Guests have complained that things such as hair combs, shoes and toys are moved or toothpaste is mysteriously squirted out of a tube. Televisions turn on or off, computers and cell phones run out of juice soon after being charged.”

  “Mild poltergeist activity, interesting and likely harmless,” Remy commented. “Spirits feed off the energy from electronics. Can Eve and I check out those rooms?”

  “If I can be part of the investigation, sure,” Jaxon said. “When?”

  “Whenever you can arrange it,” Remy said.

  “I’ll talk to the manager,” Jaxon replied.

  “Thanks, Jax.”

  “You ever have sex during a ghost hunt?” Jaxon inquired.

  “I’m all business during a ghost hunt.”

  “That’s true,” Eve shared. “He’s really fascinating to watch in action. Most of his lockdowns are conducted in total darkness and no one moves for hours. It’s eerie but effective.”

  “Interesting,” Jaxon said. “I hear all sorts of activity around my house during the day or night, predominately the red room, otherwise known as playroom three.”

  “Any idea who’s haunting your house, Jaxon?” she wondered.

  “A sailor, I think. He’s attached to a pillory Trevor gave to me for a birthday gift.”

  “Odd gift,” she commented.

  “Not for me.”

  “Besides the sailor, what else have you experienced?” Remy questioned.

  “Doors left open were closed, footsteps, the feeling that someone or something’s watching, things missing and appearing in different rooms. Doesn’t feel malicious, it’s as if whoever’s watching is curious about the changes in the house.”

  “Why do you say that?” Remy pressed.

  “The house was originally Darius Hamilton’s, the founder of Dare Silver Mining. He had a big family, a ton of servants and one of the entrances to the mine is nearby.”

  “Do you think Darius haunts your home?” Eve questioned.

  “I’ve always felt it may be a servant or two. They were there the longest and most often. His kids moved away and he and his wife abandoned the property after a fire.”

  “Were any servants killed in the fire?” Remy asked.

  “I don’t think so. Sawyer would know. There were two Hamilton brothers, twins, Darius and Daniel. Daniel became a rancher. The ranch is the Double DH for Daniel and Darius Hamilton.”

  “Can I ask why Sawyer doesn’t own the house?” she inquired.

  “He sold it to me when I talked him into investing in the town. He was still in the FBI at the time. Later, he moved to the ranch to take over for his grandfather who’d taken ill. He was close to him.”

  “I like Sawyer. He’s nice.”

  “Don’t get too friendly with him, baby girl,” Jaxon warned.

  “So I’ve been warned at lunch. I’m not planning on it.”

  “Good. As long as you know I don’t share, things will go smoothly.”

  “What about Remy, is he free to be friendly with anyone he meets?”

  “If Remy shows interest in Travis Ross or any other man in Dare, he’ll have to answer for it.”

  “Why Travis?” Eve asked.

  “He’s openly gay. Came out soon after he became the foreman on Sawyer’s ranch, said he was tired of having to hide it when he was touring the rodeo circuit.”

  “I’m not interested in Travis, don’t worry. I should warn you, flog me at your own risk, Jax.”

  “Where in that did you hear flogging, Remy?” Jax challenged.

  “Guess I was imagining your back and ass crisscrossed with red stripes. If not a flogging, I’m definitely going to wreck your ass, soon.”

  “We’re going to wrestle for top to bottom rights quite a bit in the coming weeks, aren’t we?”

  “Yeah, we will. And you’ll enjoy it,” Remy stated. Until she actually witnessed the two men together, she could only imagine how that would go down.

  Shortly, they entered the Truth or Dare Club and Casino. A few employees milled around, working behind the bar or straightening tables and chairs. The house lights were on. A stage crew was setting up band equipment.

  Gabriel Krystiyan walked in from a side entrance. Eve thought he was strikingly handsome with his gorgeous hair tied back. Similar to Remy, he favored the color black, although he wore jeans instead of leather.

  Upon seeing him, Jax
waved his friend over and assured him that Taylor Anderson would attend the party. Wondering if Gabriel would say anything to Eve if he spotted her holding hands with Jaxon and Remy, she waited for some sense of rebuke.

  Gabriel’s blue eyes went right to their hands. He paused, glancing up at Jaxon. A second later, Gabriel nodded and grinned, no rebuke, no censure.

  “Either of you have experience bartending?” Jaxon asked Remy and Eve.

  “I do,” Remy answered.

  “You were a bartender?” Eve quizzed, learning something new.

  “Yep, worked at a pub when I went to Yale,” Remy said.

  “Remy, would you care to help me behind the bar?” Jax asked.

  “Sure,” Remy agreed.

  “Gabriel, take care of Evelyn for us. If anyone hits on her, kick his ass.”

  “You got it, bro,” Gabriel agreed. “Come on Eve, we’ll find a table before it gets crowded.”

  “How do you know Jaxon?”

  “I worked for him.”

  They claimed a round table that had seen better years, yet was very sturdy and appeared to be antique. The Truth or Dare Club had a rustic appearance, resembling an authentic but modernized Wild West saloon.

  “Were you a bartender, Gabriel?”

  “I was a dancer. Jaxon made his fortune owning clubs in Reno and Vegas. Eventually, he moved to California, opened clubs there too.”

  “What kind of dancing are we talking about?”

  “Exotic, lap dances, private bachelorette parties, that sort of thing,” Gabriel said. “Without Jax looking out for me, I’d never have made it. He took a liking to me at an amateur event, next thing I knew I was a stripper.”

  “Dear God, I bet you were a fine-looking man in nothing but a thong.”

  “Thank you,” he said, leaning close. “Don’t let Jax hear you say that. He wants you and Remy. He won’t like it if I flirt with you or vice versa.”

  “That wasn’t meant to be flirtatious. I’m curious. I’ve never known a stripper before. What’s it like?”

  “Sweaty, fun and exhausting, but you know another male dancer.”

  “Jaxon?” she squeaked, shocked that she’d made such a sound.

  “Umm-hmm, what I learned about dancing came from him, especially in the gay strip club where I started.”


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