Lucky in Love (Charmed in Vegas Book 3)

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Lucky in Love (Charmed in Vegas Book 3) Page 4

by Bethany Shaw

  “It’s not just that,” she mumbled.

  Laik narrowed his eyes. “Are you seeing someone?” he growled.

  “What?” she frowned, her eyes widening as she leaned away from him.

  He had no right to be jealous; yet, the beast within him couldn’t stand the thought of another man touching her. Elly was his.

  What is wrong with me? I’m acting like a...oh, fuck!

  When shifters found their mates they became possessive, horny bastards until they’d claimed their mate and bonded. Human and shifter mates were uncommon, but not unheard of.

  Elly was his mate. The worst part was she wasn’t going to understand his intense attraction to her, but surely she must feel something for him, too, even if she didn’t understand it.

  He took a step back and smiled at her. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away. “How about we take care of that foot,” he offered. His dragon bristled beneath the surface, screaming its dissatisfaction, but he ignored it.

  She trailed her tongue over her lips as she touched her injured foot. “Okay,” she agreed.

  Laik twisted the cap off the salve and smeared a dab on his finger. He took her silky shin in his hands as he positioned her foot. For a dancer, she had soft feet. He smoothed the mixture across the bottom of her foot, watching her face while he massaged the cool medicine into her skin.

  Elly’s eyes fluttered closed and she sighed as she relaxed. “That feels nice. Whatever you’re doing, please don’t stop,” she breathed.

  Laik grinned as he dabbed a bit more salve onto her foot. The tender flesh warmed beneath his fingers, and he watched as the salve helped to knit the puckered skin back together. It was working.

  “You’re going to have to tell me the name of that stuff. It feels amazing,” she purred as she flexed her foot.

  She was warming up to him, and soon, he’d be touching much more than just her feet. His cock strained against the confines of his pants, begging him to take action now, but he resisted the urge as he continued to rub her foot. When she’s ready, he promised himself. If she ever would be. What if she rejected him and his dragon?


  Elly inhaled and let it out as she closed and then opened her eyes. She placed one hand on her hip, tilted her pelvis forward then took her position on the stage.

  This was it. She’d performed dozens of times during her time as a cheerleader, but not like this, and with her recent string of klutziness, she was terrified of making a fool of herself. This wasn’t something she could screw up. Her job and future were dependent on this dance.

  Her eyes darted to Acelynn. The woman offered her a smile before she snapped her face in the direction of the rising curtain.

  Here goes nothing, Elly thought.

  Charlie spoke into the microphone, rousing up the crowd. His Elvis voice was impressive and he sung like the King himself during practice. She was interested to see if he was even better during a show. Charlie strummed his fingers over his guitar and the crowd hooted loudly.

  Elly closed her eyes, listening to the rhythm of the song so she could get lost in the music. She tapped her foot in time to the beat while opening her eyes. I can do this. Her feet tiptoed forward and her hips swayed with the music as Charlie crooned. Her eyes found Laik’s.

  He was sitting in the front row. She locked her gaze with his. There was something calming about his eyes that drew her in. She swayed with the music as her hands flowed languidly, never once breaking eye contact with Laik.

  Her feet tapped across the wooden floor as she thrust her hips forward. The movements came to her without thought, like she’d been doing this dance for years. Hundreds of eyes stared at her, but there was only one set she was worried about.

  She and Laik were the only two people in the room. Her heart hammered in her chest as the music changed. She dropped to her knees, slithering across the stage straight to Laik. The dance that had daunted over her wasn’t so bad when she was performing it for him.

  She spun around three times and met his captivating eyes before moving again. A grin slipped over her features when she maintained her balance. Perhaps Laik was her good luck charm. If a handsome hunk could bring her luck, then she’d take it and run.

  The man in question licked his lips and leaned forward like he wanted to reach out and touch her, or join her. Would that be so bad? Maybe she was overanalyzing this whole no dating thing. What were the chances she’d run into another Ian Palmer? Acelynn was cool. Her brother should be, too.

  Her mind drifted to the kiss they’d shared earlier and she imagined what it’d be like to kiss him make... Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

  The music transitioned into the last song and she hopped to her feet as she sashayed toward one of the poles that dropped down from the ceiling. She gripped the metal bar and swung around it, looping her leg around the beam.

  Laik’s eyes widened as she hugged the pole and gyrated against it. Yeah, she wasn’t kidding when she said the dance did not match the songs Elvis sang. She unhooked her leg, kicking it out as she leaned backwards. The music ended and she bowed down. Claps, hoots, and hollers erupted around her.

  The breath whooshed out of her lungs along with a giggle as she stood back up. That wasn’t as bad as she’d envisioned it would be.

  Elly peered down through her lashes, finding Laik’s gaze again. His eyes glowed golden-orange. She gasped at the intensity swirling in them. Heat scorched her to her core and she swallowed hard as her nipples pebbled beneath her sequin bikini. What was it about his eyes? They were spectacularly unnatural; unlike anything she’d seen in her life.

  The curtain dropped, drawing her out of her trance.

  “That was fantastic,” Acelynn gushed, racing to Elly then pulling her into a hug. “You did good.”

  Elly laughed as Acelynn wrapped her arm around her shoulder and escorted her offstage. She hadn’t had a single mishap the entire performance. Maybe her luck was changing.

  “You two rocked it,” Charlie beamed as he followed behind them. “I knew you could do it, sugar.” He pecked Elly’s cheek while wrapping his arms around both their shoulders.

  “Think you have it in you to get through the next show, too?” Acelynn asked as she led the way down the stairs and shoved open the door that led to the private hallway for the performers.

  “Yes,” she agreed. I can do this.


  “I’m just thankful there were no mishaps,” Elly laughed as she pressed a hand to her chest. Maybe everything was in her head. Could she be bringing this on herself? It was insane to think that Ian had somehow been the cause of all her problems.

  “Me too,” Acelynn replied.

  Elly glanced around the hallway, counting the doors until she reached the dressing room. “Wow,” she breathed as she met Laik’s eyes. The man was godlike. He towered above the dancers cluttering the hallway even though they all wore heels. His gaze held hers and she waved at him. “He got down here fast.”

  “Let’s go say hi,” Acelynn encouraged. She tugged Elly into a trot.

  Please don’t let me fall in front of him again.

  Laik gaped at her, his eyes roaming over her outfit as they approached him. Did he like this crazy attire?

  “I’m going to go grab a water. Do you want one?” Acelynn asked when they were a few feet away. She squeezed Elly’s shoulder and darted off before Elly could answer her.

  Elly drew in a breath and let it out as she approached. He was standing right outside the door to her dressing room.

  “Hi,” she whispered. Her fingers trembled as she opened the door to her shared dressing room with Acelynn and let herself and Laik in.

  “You did great out there,” Laik complimented.

  It was the first time she didn’t feel like she had two left feet since she’d left LA. “Thanks.”

  “I wanted to see what you were doing after the next show tonight,” he began with a grin. “Acelynn is going to work with Ava. I was h
oping to get some dinner and see the town a little but didn’t want to do it alone.”

  “And you want to go with me?” she questioned as her heart skipped a beat. Was this a date?

  “Yeah,” he told her with a chuckle.

  She should say no. “Okay,” she agreed. Great job listening to yourself!

  “Perfect. I’ll meet you down here after the next show.”

  “Will you be at the show?” she wondered. She didn’t mind dancing for him, which was crazy since she didn’t know him. There was something comforting about having him in the audience. It was odd and she couldn’t explain it for the life of her.

  “Did you want me to come?” Laik questioned as he tilted his head to the side.

  Elly opened her mouth then closed it. The last guy who’d shown interest in her had turned out to be a raving lunatic. Laik seemed different. She wanted to take a chance on him. “Yeah. That’d be nice. That is, if you don’t have anything else to do. I know you’re here on business.”

  “I’ll be there,” Laik told her while holding her gaze. He took a step forward, leaving little room between them.

  Elly swallowed as he inched closer. His hand reached up and his thumb caressed her cheek. She leaned into his touch with a sigh, letting her eyes flutter close.

  Laik’s lips brushed over hers and she gasped at the contact. His fingers gently gripped her face, pulling her closer as his tongue darted into her mouth.

  Elly cried out as her foot gave way and she toppled backwards, breaking their kiss with a pop.

  Seriously? I can’t even kiss a guy without something happening.

  “Elly?” Laik breathed as he caught her.

  “Son of a–,” she declared as she glanced at her shoe. The heel had snapped off.

  Laik grasped her elbow and helped her hobble over to the couch so she could sit.

  “I swear I’m cursed,” she mumbled as she sank into the couch cushion.

  “Are you okay?” Laik questioned as he crouched down in front of her. “Are you hurt?” He touched her ankle. “How is the bottom of your foot?”

  “I’m fine. My foot isn’t bothering me at all, thanks. I feel like an idiot right now, but I’m getting used to that feeling,” she commented as she buried her face in her hands. That had to happen while I was kissing him. It couldn’t have waited a few more minutes?

  “I have something I have to do,” Laik told her as he stood.

  “Of course.” Why would he want to take someone as clumsy as me out on the town? Knowing my luck, I’ll embarrass both of us.

  “I’ll meet you down here right after the show,” he promised as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers again.

  “Okay,” she breathed as she met his eyes. They were still going to go out. This was crazy. She barely knew him, but she couldn’t and didn’t want to say no.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” He kissed her forehead, and then turned, walking down the hallway.

  Hopefully, the last show and their date would go off without a hitch. It was about time things started going her way again.

  The thought had barely entered her mind when one of the sprinklers above dropped down, spraying a stream of icy water all over her face. She blew out a breath as she used the back of her hand to wipe the water off. At least she wasn’t all hot and bothered anymore.

  Chapter Four

  Laik flapped his wings, letting the cool air calm him. He’d taken a quick trip to MYTHS headquarters to check in with his boss, Penny, to advise her of the Ian Palmer situation. Then he’d flown to LA to check in on Palmer and see what he was up to. What he’d found had him racing to get back to Elly. He soared through the puffy white clouds and gazed down at the Vegas strip beneath him.

  The flashing wolf lights of the Old Moon came into view and he drifted toward the West Tower. He floated onto the roof, changing midair into his human form before landing in a crouch on his feet. He sauntered over to the corner of the tower where he’d left his clothes and dressed before pressing the ruby stone on his dragon ring, allowing himself to materialize so humans could see him again.

  “You’re late,” Acelynn called as he turned around.

  His sister leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. She raised her brows in question, waiting for him to answer.

  “Where is Elly?” he asked as he strode to the door on the roof.

  “With Charlie,” she replied as she fell in step beside him.

  “You left her with the vampire?” he growled.

  “Relax, Laik. Charlie wouldn’t hurt her. He’s over three hundred years old and is more than in control of his blood lust,” she argued. “Tell me what you found out.”

  “I don’t care how old he is, I don’t think you should leave her alone with him,” Laik reprimanded her. Vampires were dangerous—even those who thought they could control their lust for blood.

  “Ava was meeting them. Charlie isn’t alone with her,” Acelynn sighed as she tugged the door open.

  Laik blinked as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the stairwell.

  “What did you find out?” his sister persisted.

  “Ian Palmer isn’t in LA,” he snapped.

  “Where is he?”

  Laik met his sister’s eyes and she gritted her teeth as they both zipped down the flights of stairs.

  “What is he doing in Vegas?” Acelynn questioned.

  “Elly,” Laik stormed. If that bastard got close to his mate, he was going to make sure that was the last thing the warlock ever did.

  “How does he know she is here?” Acelynn murmured.

  “He’s a powerful warlock. He probably did a spell.” At least that was what he assumed anyway.

  “Why is he fixated on Elly? I mean, she’s a sweetie, but why go to all this trouble for a woman who is clearly not interested? Even if he’s powerful, he can’t force her feelings. Thankfully, that’s the one facet warlocks haven’t managed to figure out,” Acelynn said.

  “I don’t know, but I am going to find out what he wants with her,” he vowed.

  “I’ll tell Ava I can’t work with her tonight,” Acelynn said as they rounded another flight. “I’m not going to let anything happen to Elly.”

  “I’ll be with Elly tonight. You don’t need to call off work for this.” He was a well-trained agent and was more than capable of keeping Elly safe. It’d be nice to get to spend more time with her too. He’d just have to keep on his toes.

  “Does she know I missed the show?” Laik asked as they darted down another flight.

  “No. It was really crowded. I told her you couldn’t get front row tickets to this one. That they were all sold out except for the back row,” Acelynn explained.

  “Thanks.” He didn’t want Elly to think he’d lied to her.

  “You’re a little...infatuated with her,” Acelynn suggested as she peered over at him as they continued their pace.

  “What makes you think that?” he questioned.

  “I’ve seen the way you look at her. That dance this morning, you two were practically eye fucking. You were both in your own little world,” Acelynn snorted. “And your eyes were glowing.”

  “How did tonight's show go?” he inquired, ignoring his sister’s prodding.

  “Without a hitch. I don’t get it, she’s a mess everywhere else, but on that stage she’s as graceful as a swan,” Acelynn whispered as they continued down.

  Laik huffed. He understood what was happening. Ian Palmer, that bastard.

  “It’s Ian. He’s watching her on stage, allowing her to perform without his curse. I bet once the show’s over he curses her again.”

  “Asshole!” Acelynn hissed.

  She took the words right out of his mouth.

  They reached the ground level and he burst through the metal door ahead of his sister. He shoved through the crowds, determined to get to the backstage area.

  Slot machines jingled and people laughed as they played in the casino. Laik brushed past the steady stream of gamblers until h
e got to the black metal door that led to Elly. He yanked it open and trotted down the hallway.

  Elly’s melodic voice rang out into the corridor. He breathed in while slowing his pace. She was fine.

  “What is going on with you?” Acelynn insisted as she grabbed his arm, jerking him backwards and shoving him into the wall before he had the chance to get to the dressing room. “You’ve never acted like this about someone before.”

  Laik huffed and glared at his sister. She frowned, reading him with narrowed eyes. Acelynn gasped and clapped her hands together as she giggled.

  Damn she knows me too well.

  “Elly? Really?” she squealed as she bounced up and down. “This is so exciting. I always thought I’d be the first one to find my mate. But I’m so glad Elly is yours.”

  “Let’s save the celebration for later once we know she’s safe,” he chastised her.

  Laik didn’t give his sister time to respond before he ducked into the partially open door.

  The conversation in the room stopped and all eyes fell on him. His gaze drifted to Elly. Her short, spaghetti strap dress had a purple and blue flower print and showed off her taut dancer’s legs. Her long hair fell in soft waves down to her shoulders and she bit her lip as she met his eyes.

  “Hi, I’m Ava,” the succubus purred while offering her hand to him.

  “Hi,” he greeted, giving her hand a quick shake before moving toward Elly. The woman’s allure didn’t faze him at all and that confirmed what he already knew. Elly was his mate.

  Ava’s eyes widened, and she laughed as she linked arms with Acelynn. Great! Now they both knew. How in the world was he going to tell Elly about any of this?

  “I hear you two are going out?” Ava questioned as she wagged her brows at Elly.

  “Oh...yeah,” Elly laughed as her cheeks reddened.

  “Acelynn and I are off. Don’t want to be late for work. I hope you enjoy your night as much as we’ll enjoy ours,” Ava breathed, combing her fingers through her brown hair. “We’ll see you at home.”

  “And I must go, too. I have a wedding that I’m officiating tonight. Elvis never rests,” Charlie said as he looked in the mirror to adjust his wig.


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