Starlight [Warriors of Dareen] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Starlight [Warriors of Dareen] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Sara Anderson

  “Hey, are you going to talk to me?” Kara asked, trying to fake a laugh. “It looks like we really got ourselves into it this time.”

  Laura swallowed, her eyes drifting from the picture to Kara, but then they shut tightly, as if seeing her brought back memories she couldn’t stand. Something moved in the corner, making Kara look up. That mountain of a man was there. She tried to remember what his name was. She could not remember, but he did not pay any attention to her. His focus was completely on Laura.

  “Are you her doctor?” Kara asked him. His eyes focused on her. She was again reminded these men were not human. Their eyes were gold, not the colors Kara was used to seeing with eyes.

  “No, I am her protector.” Kara nearly shivered at him as he stared at her. He looked deadly. That was one man she would never want to cross. Then she glanced at Joran and wondered how she had missed it. He had that same deadly menace in his stance.

  “What are you protecting her from?” Kara asked as she turned her attention back to Laura.

  He looked at Joran and spoke in that same language. “Stop that, dammit, it’s not fair that you can just switch to a language I can’t understand.”

  “I am sorry, lenora,” Joran said, stepping forward. “Varnis is protecting her from herself right now.”

  “What? Do you think she would try to do something to herself?” Kara wanted to laugh at the absurd notion that Laura would ever hurt herself.

  “It would not be the first time.” Joran’s eyes again had that haunted look to them she had seen from time to time. He sighed. “Laura did not respond as well to the treatment as you did.”

  “Me?” she asked, confused. “What treatment?”

  “Do you notice how the memories of your trauma are not clear, that they come back in small details that are easier for you to deal with?”

  Kara nodded.

  “That is the medication you are being given. You will continue with treatment until all of your memories are fully restored and you are able to face them without further trauma.”

  Kara stared at him in shock. “You drugged me?”

  “No, Kara. You were not drugged into bonding or enjoying sex with me. That was all your own doing.” He smiled at the flustered look on her face.

  She turned her attention back to Laura, determined to not let him discuss what they had done together with another man and her best friend in the room.

  “But Laura did not respond. She woke up screaming and flinched away from every medic who tried to examine her.” He sighed. “She then grabbed a medical instrument for surgery and tried to cut herself in a way that would have caused massive blood loss and death.”

  Kara turned back to Laura. Surely she would not ever do such a thing and leave Kara here alone with a bunch of aliens. A tear formed in her eye and ran down her cheek. “Laura, please, I need you. Show these aliens that you would never do anything crazy, that it was just the crazy alien drugs.”

  Laura didn’t move, she didn’t even blink, and she just stared at the painting like she was lost in her own mind. Kara could not hold it in and let out a sob. Strong arms wrapped around her. “She is being kept sedated with the same medication you were given on Earth so we could move you safely,” Varnis told her as he took Laura’s hand. “When we let them wear off, she is inconsolable. She either attacks the infirmary staff or she tries to harm herself. Hopefully, our doctors on Dareen can help her.”

  Kara wiped her eyes and held in her sobs. She struggled to get herself under control, knowing that even though Laura could not move very well, she could hear. “I love you. You are my very best friend. You have to fight and get better. Don’t leave me here alone, please.”

  “Let’s get you back to our quarters, you need your rest,” Joran told her softly and pulled her from the room.

  A tall man with graying hair she remembered from first being brought here walked up to them.

  “Commander Joran.” The man glanced at Kara and smiled. “I see the bonding went well, congratulations.”

  “Doctor Legav.” Joran inclined his head. “Yes, it went much better than I had hoped.” His smile was pure lechery as he looked down at Kara.

  “Good, good. Any sign of trauma?” he asked, looking down at Kara.

  “Minor, but not related to the Shara attack,” he assured the doctor.

  The doctor was about to ask another question when Kara butted in. “What about Laura, will she get better?”

  His face fell instantly. “I do believe so. Her traumatized brain needs a chance to heal. The trauma from so many Shara raping her is just too much for her to process right now. If she does not heal by the time we get her back to Dareen, then I am sure the doctors there can help a great deal.”

  He looked up at Joran. “This is not near the trauma your brother’s bonded suffered. I do believe she will heal, unlike dear Karrina.”

  Joran nodded. “I know, I leave her in your capable hands.”

  “May the Great Mother bless your union with many young,” the doctor said, winking at Kara. She stared at him, open-mouthed. They had just met and he threw this whole married thing out in the open, and now they wanted her to spit out kids? Wow, these aliens moved fast.

  “Oh, I have something for you Joran picked up back on the planet. I had to make sure it was safe before allowing it out of here.” Doctor Legav’s eyes twinkled with delight.

  “What?” Kara moved back toward him, and she noticed Joran also had an amused smile on his face.

  Legav walked into a room. “I would have had this ready for you sooner, but I had to make sure we were not introducing a biohazard,” his voice echoed out from the room. Kara was more confused than ever. She was also curious, and had moved toward the room to see what he was talking about.

  He walked out of the room. Kara stopped in her tracks. Her mouth dropped open, she laughed, then her eyes filled with tears before she held her arms out. “Sophie! You got my kitty.” She grabbed the cat and nuzzled her cheek against her soft fur. Sophie purred loudly, meowing while Kara kissed, petted, and nuzzled her cat.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Kara had tears running down her face as she looked up at Joran to see him smiling at her, his face full of an emotion she refused to contemplate.

  Chapter 8

  Joran took her back to their rooms, although “rooms” was not quite the word. It was more like an apartment. It wasn’t luxurious, but it had a nice little kitchen for making small meals, a dining room with a beautiful, dark, rich wood table polished to a high shine and surrounded by four padded chairs. The living room had a comfortable-looking couch and several chairs centered around a fireplace that had a switch on the wall. Kara guessed the fire was not real, but just there for looks.

  Kara put Sophie down. She meowed and ran to start investigating her new home. Kara watched her sniffing, then turned her gaze to Joran. Her eyes locked with his. They seemed to burn into her soul with the heat coming out of them.

  The door closed and his eyes were full of hunger, “Take you clothes off,” he ordered her.

  Kara looked at him, shocked a moment before answering. “No.” She backed up toward the dining room as he stalked her. She knew that look. He wanted more sex. They’d had sex this morning and she was done for the day. She rejected that funny feeling in her stomach as want. Still, that commanding look he gave her as he ordered her to obey him gave her delicious butterflies and made her sex tickle to life. You want this. Nothing will make you happier than if he throws you down and forces you to do what he wants. She ignored that inner voice as she backed up. No, she did not need a man telling her what to do. She had played that game with Ryan. All she got out of that was a crushed heart.

  “I do not want to get naked, and I do not want to have sex with you,” she said, thankful her voice sounded firm and not breathless with anticipation over him forcing her to do whatever he demanded.

  “You are my bonded, and you will do as I tell you, now remove your clothing.” His look was full of command
as he stared down at her. He stalked toward her like a predator, or, rather, like a Dareen warrior who expected his woman to obey him.

  Annoyance gripped her, toning down the lust that was making her wet. How dare he think she would just bow and say “Yes, sir.” She was not like that at all. She was a strong woman who could take care of herself. Even if that look of commanding dominance he directed at her as he stalked her was making her knees weak. Kara shook her head, trying to force herself to be strong, then backed into a table in the eating area. “No, I don’t think so. How dare you think you can just order me to do something, and I will just curtsy like a good little slave girl?”

  “Have it your way,” he told her, the look on his face hardening. He took a knife out of his belt, making her scream, thinking he was about to stab her. He grabbed the light dress she wore and in one motion, he sliced it, making it fall at her feet.

  “How dare you?” she screeched, suddenly furious. He had just sliced off her dress, maybe the only clothing she would get on this stupid ship, but it quickly turned into a squeal of frightened surprise when he picked her up, pinning her arms at her sides.

  “Put me down. Fucking bastard,” she yelped as she kicked her feet.

  “Stop kicking me,” Joran commanded her.

  “No, how dare you! Let me go.” Fear and anger had made Kara’s voice high-pitched as she screamed at him.

  “You are only making your punishment worse,” he warned her as he walked over to the dark, polished wood of the dining table. He kicked the chairs out of the way and put her on the table.

  “Hold still,” he growled as he stared at her with that deadly expression, but she was furious and reckless.

  “No. You have no right to punish me for not wanting to strip and bow to your every whim.” Kara threw a vase at him in her anger, and it barely missed his head.

  Joran shrugged and walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some rope. “I am your warrior and I have every right, and since you chose to be disobedient, I have no choice but to punish you.

  Kara realized too late that throwing stuff at him was going too far. “What are you going to do?” More curious then afraid, she simply watched him without moving off of the table.

  He opened a cabinet next to the wall and pulled out several lengths of rope with a grim expression on his face. “I am truly sorry. I do not enjoy punishments. I did warn you, however. Several times, in fact. I would rather enjoy my time with you, but it is my duty as a warrior to punish your misbehavior.”

  Kara felt the blood drain from her face. Surely he would not hit her. She watched him carefully as he separated the ropes. When he tied one in a knot, she recognized the slip knots he was tying and realized he planned to tie her to the table. No way was she going to just sit here on this table. She jumped off the table in one motion and ran for the door. Even while she ran, she knew she had nowhere to run. It was not like she could run for the front door of a spaceship. Joran cursed and ran after her. “Stop, Kara, you are only adding to your punishment.”

  Kara made it to the door. It slid open for her. For just a moment, she made it out of their quarters. She made it three steps. She thought for just a split second on which way to turn when Joran’s muscled arm wrapped around her middle. Kara screamed in anger while pummeling his arm with her fists. There was another man walking past just as Joran caught her.

  “Help me. Please help me. I am being held prisoner here and now he is going to do something horrible to me, calling it punishment.” When Joran started backing into their quarters, she stopped hitting him and held onto the doorframe. She spoke so quickly and frantically she hoped the man understood her while Joran tried to pull her back into their rooms. The warrior wearing the deep-blue uniform of a Dareen warrior looked stunned for a moment, then laughed. He actually laughed, as if the whole thing was a fun show. “I knew that female was full of fire. I trust you know how to tame her,” the warrior asked in a deep, rumbling voice.

  “I do,” Joran replied with a smile.

  “I would be happy to help you if you need assistance.” The warrior winked, then leered at her like she was a lovely snack. Kara stilled for a moment, holding her breath.

  Joran chuckled. “Thank you for the offer, Dolir, but I am more than capable of handling this little human.” They laughed again, then spoke in their language, laughed, then pounded each other on the shoulder as if they were old friends.

  Kara was even more furious that they bantered with each other like this was some sort of funny joke. The man she had hoped would help her turned out to be a friend of his, obviously. Kara tried kicking him, but Joran threw her over his shoulder. Still smiling, Joran walked back to the table, ignoring her thrashing and screaming. The other warrior yelled something to Joran that made him laugh, and then he slapped her ass hard, making her yelp, and the other man’s laugh echoed from the closing door.

  Joran dropped her on the table with a thud. She was stunned for only a moment, but that was all it took for Joran to get ahold of her hands. She tried yanking them free and kicked as he worked the rope over her wrists and pulled them over her head. She fought as hard as she could, but he acted like he didn’t even notice. He just put the loops over her wrists, pulled them tight, and in a shockingly short amount of time, her hands were secured over her head. He knelt at her head and attached the ropes to what she assumed was a hook under the table. Joran let go of her wrists and walked toward the middle of the table where she could see his determined face. Kara pulled on her arms but they would not pull free of the soft ropes or whatever he had hooked her to. “Joran, let me go,” she pleaded breathlessly as real fear set in. She felt helpless as she pulled her arms, but they did not give at all.

  “No, you had every warning to obey me. You will have to learn through punishment.” The menacing look as well as the tone of his voice had her shivering.

  He then took more rope, pulled her until her ass hung over the edge of the table and tied her ankles to the corners. He forced her leg to bend and just like with her wrists, no matter how hard she fought, it was soon securely tied to the legs of the table, along with the other.

  “You son of a bitch, let me go,” Kara screamed as she tried to move. She felt like she was on her doctor’s exam table when she got her yearly pap smear, the way her legs were bent and spread wide with her pussy tilted up and exposed, but Joran was no doctor. She was tied up and helpless. Joran was going to do whatever he pleased with her. Maybe he would hurt her. That thought made her stomach knot with anxiety.

  Kara’s voice wavered as she started to beg. “Please don’t hurt me.” She tried to move but the ropes held her tight. She wiggled trying to loosen the ropes but they held firm. She was completely helpless.

  Joran stopped and stared at her, his look suddenly tender. “Kara, I would never hurt you.” He tenderly stroked her face while looking at her as if she were precious to him. “You will be punished, but no warrior with any honor would ever harm a female.”

  Kara could not believe what he was saying. One second he was saying she would be punished, and the next that he would never harm her. Wasn’t that what punishment was, harming someone?

  “I did not want to punish you so soon into our bond but you have forced my hand, lenora,” he continued in a contrite tone, but his look was pure heat. He stared down at her pussy and licked his lips as if he was ready for a feast and she was the meal.

  “What are you going to do?” Kara’s sex tickled to life at the thought of Joran doing whatever he pleased, and she was helpless to do anything to stop him.

  “You will see, and feel.” And with that, his head sank between her legs.

  Kara’s eyes widened when she realized what he planned. He was putting his mouth right there. “Don’t,” she begged, trying to wiggle away, but his tongue flicked across her clit. He ignored her and kept flicking his tongue over her most sensitive bud. He spread her open and moved the hood to lick directly over the swollen bud.

  “Oh god,” she moaned. This
shouldn’t feel so good, she told herself. Her nails dug into her palms and her hips jerked as his tongue flicked over her clit. This was the strangest punishment she ever heard of. This felt amazing. She could not even think about how embarrassed she was anymore, it just felt too good.

  “Fuck, Kara. You taste so good, I don’t know if I can do this to you or not. You just taste too fucking good. I don’t want to stop,” he groaned.

  “Do what?” she panted as her hips gyrated, trying to get more pressure on that one spot that felt the best.

  He moaned in pleasure himself as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Her back arched and she screamed, bucking her hips harder. “Oh god, just a little more. Please, oh please oh, oh, oh.” She was right on the edge, then he pulled his mouth off of her. She raised her hips as the orgasm that was right there faded.

  “Why did you stop?” she whined as she panted. “I was about to come.”

  “This is your punishment,” he told her in a tone of cold steel.

  “No,” she cried, hoping he was playing a trick on her. Her clit ached to be touched. The sweat on her body was making her shiver as the throbbing in her clit slowly eased to a more tolerable ache instead of screaming with the need for release.

  “You must learn to obey me,” Joran told her, leaning over and sucking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Her clit throbbed to life again. She panted and pulled at the ropes on her wrists. If she could just push his head away from her, then her body’s lust would cool.

  His hand pressed against the mound between her legs. One of his thick fingers pressed into her aching pussy. It gripped him as he slowly moved a finger in and out. It was enough to make every nerve ending scream for release, but not enough to satisfy the longing.


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