Connected Hearts - Four Lesbian Romance Stories

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Connected Hearts - Four Lesbian Romance Stories Page 5

by Joan Arling

  Kim looked back and forth between Sam and Redmond.

  Please don’t ask questions. Sam held her breath.

  “Yes. I’d like to see some wedding bands in white-gold and platinum if you have any,” Kim said.

  “Great.” Sam caught herself before she walked straight to the case where the bands were. She looked at Redmond. “Where would those types of rings be?”

  When Redmond pulled two trays of rings from a display case, Sam moved away. She stared unseeingly into a display case several feet away. You know she’s going to ask your opinion. So how do I keep from giving it without hurting her feelings or making her suspicious? Her brain was running a mile a minute, trying to come up with a solution. As much as she loved her sister and Kim, Sam couldn’t help cursing her involvement. How the hell did I end up in the middle of this?

  “Sam. Come take a look. Please.”

  Damn. Here we go. Sam made her way toward Kim as if she were dragging a fifty-pound weight.

  “I’ve narrowed it down to these rings,” Kim said. “Which one do you like?”

  Two rings lay on a piece of black velvet on the counter.

  When she got a good look at the rings, Sam struggled to hide her reaction. No way! She glanced at Kim.

  Kim’s bright smile abruptly faded. “You don’t like either of them.”

  “That’s not true.” Sam picked up each ring and made a show of examining it. “They’re both beautiful.” And it was true. The rings were fantastic.

  “So what’s wrong then?”

  All these rings and those are the two you picked. Just kill me now, ‘cause there is no way in hell I’m giving my opinion. “Nothing—”


  She flinched at the irritated tone in Kim’s voice. She knows you too well. Sam forced herself to meet Kim’s gaze. Don’t ruin this for her. “They’re both beautiful rings. I’m sure Jess would be thrilled and proud to wear either one. It’s just that ... It’s such a personal thing.” Sam shifted and stuck her hand into the pockets of her jeans. “I mean this ring is supposed to be your expression of your love for Jess. I don’t feel comfortable giving an opinion.” Especially not on those two rings. She tensed, waiting for Kim’s reaction. Her breath almost whooshed out in relief when a stunning smile graced Kim’s face.

  “You’re absolutely right.” Kim placed a quick kiss on Sam’s cheek. Without hesitation, she reached for one of the rings.

  Sam bit her cheek to keep from laughing. Unbelievable. Looks like you’re in for more than one surprise, Jess.

  * * *

  Come on. Kim tapped the pen against her teeth. It shouldn’t be this hard. She stared at the blank sheet of paper, willing the words to come to her. The din of the busy hospital cafeteria was not helping her concentration any. Blocking out the sights and sounds around her, she focused on what she wanted to say. It’s not like it’s the proposal. Jess had almost caught her twice trying to write that. You just don’t want her to worry that you left work early.

  Kim had been surprised that morning. She had expected more of a protest when she suggested they take separate vehicles to work. While it had made things easier for her plans, it also worried her. Jess had been uncharacteristically distracted and a little distant over the last two weeks. Ever since she found out you weren’t pregnant—again. Kim wanted it so desperately that she convinced herself that this time she was going to be able to fulfill her and Jess’s wish for a child. That was to be her Valentine gift to Jess. She had been devastated when once again she failed. Anxiety twisted Kim’s stomach. Maybe she’s regretting her commitment now that she knows I can’t give her a child.

  Sliding her hand into her pants pocket, Kim felt for the ring box. She had taken to carrying it with her like a talisman. Her fingers tightened around the box. Now you’re just projecting your own fears onto Jess. She’s never been anything but sympathetic and encouraging that you try again.

  She blew out a breath, then glanced at her watch. Write her a note so you can go home and get everything ready for her surprise. With that pep talk, Kim set to work on her missive.

  Someone pulled the chair next to her away from the table.

  Kim started. Instinctively, her hand covered the note to Jess.

  Chris set down his tray and slid into the chair next to her. “Hey, Kim. Sorry. I’m running a little late.”

  “That’s okay.” Kim withdrew a twenty-dollar bill from her pocket and offered it to Chris. “I appreciate your help.”

  Laughing, he waved off the money. “I was just kidding earlier. You don’t have to pay for my meal.”

  “I don’t mind. You’re really helping me out. I know you’re not fond of covering the ER.” Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have asked him, but she needed to get home before Jess and she could only do that if someone covered the ER for her.

  “I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  Kim flushed. “I didn’t mean anything—”

  “Relax, Kim. It’s fine. We both know I’m not a big fan of the ER, but it has gotten a lot better since you’ve been down there full-time. I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t want to do it.” He cocked his head at Kim and grinned. “Want to tell me what the big secret is?”

  A flash of panic struck. How does he know I’ve got a secret? Could Jess know too? She forced herself to meet his gaze. Get hold of yourself. He can’t possibly know anything. “Nothing secret about it. I just need to take care of some things.” Kim silently cursed the stress modulation of her voice.

  “Right. You just happen to need me to cover for you on Valentine’s Day.” He pointed to the pen in her hand. “You’ve been tapping that pen since I sat down. And don’t think I didn’t notice you covering that note when I walked up.”

  Kim jumped when his hand stilled her bouncing knee. A blush heated her face. Damn. Now I know how Sam feels. Psychiatrists are just too observant. She had been completely unaware of the body movement.

  “You’re practically vibrating with repressed emotion.” He wagged a finger at her and chuckled. “Careful, Doctor. Your ‘tells’ are showing.”

  Kim’s gaze darted to the tables closest to them. If someone had overheard Chris ... When he placed his hand on her forearm, she jumped.

  “No one heard me. Sorry. It’s so unusual to see you flustered, I couldn’t resist teasing you. Normally it’s hard to pick up anything from you that you don’t want someone to see.” He gave her arm a squeeze, then retreated. “Whatever you’re doing, I hope it works out like you want.”

  “Thanks, Chris.”

  * * *

  Using the doorway for cover, Kim scoped out the nurses’ station. No sign of Jess. She squinted, trying to read the two-sided intake board hanging above the far counter. If she could make out Jess’s name, she would know if she was busy in a room or not. No such luck. She was just too far away to read the board.

  Kim had intentionally left her coat and purse locked in her trunk this morning. All she needed to do was leave Jess’s note with Penny and get out of there before Jess saw her. She had thought of putting the note on Jess’s desk, but there was too big a chance Jess might not see it.

  Keeping her eyes peeled for Jess, she made her way toward Penny, who was staffing the desk. “Hey, Penny. Could you do me a favor, please?”

  “Oh. Hey, Dr. Donovan. I’ve been looking for you.”

  Oh, no. Not today. Kim sighed. Patients come first, no matter how bad you want to get out of here. “What’s up?”

  “Dr. McKenna asked me to give this to you before she left.” Penny held out a plain white envelope with Kim’s name written on the front in Jess’s bold script.

  What? Jess left? Where would she go?

  “Dr. Donovan?” Penny was still holding out the envelope.

  “Sorry. Thanks,” she said as she took the note. Her curiosity was killing her, but she needed to take care of business first. “Before I forget, I’m leaving as well. Dr. Roberts will be covering the rest of my shift. Make sure everyon
e knows, please.”

  “Sure, Dr. Donovan.” Penny eyed the envelope. “I guess with you both leaving early you must have some special Valentine’s Day plans.”

  Kim gave a noncommittal shrug. Some information about their personal life being known at work was unavoidable since they worked together every day. But they made a point of never giving out any details of their private time together. Although when Jess accepts your ring, that’s going to be kind of hard to hide.

  Unable to wait any longer, Kim tore open the envelope Jess had left for her. She pulled out the single sheet of paper and started to unfold it.

  Penny, not so subtly, leaned on the counter.

  Kim raised an eyebrow in her direction.

  Penny’s cheeks pinked. She took a step back and seemed to find the counter top of sudden interest.

  Assured Penny couldn’t see it, Kim read the note. Huh? She read it again.


  A wheeled conveyance holds scents to stimulate your senses. A sight pleasing to your eyes. And tastes to delight your palate.

  Love, Jess

  Kim smiled when she figured it out. “Penny. I need to get going. Don’t forget, call Dr. Roberts if you need anything.”

  “Sure thing, Dr. Donovan.”

  Kim turned and set off with a purposeful stride.

  * * *

  Kim peered in the window of her car as she unlocked the door. Grinning at the sight that met her eyes, she slid into the driver’s seat. There, on the passenger seat, were a bouquet of red roses and a heart-shaped box of chocolates. She breathed in the scent of the roses, then, unable to resist the lure of the chocolate, opened the lid of the box.

  A second note, resting on top of the chocolate, awaited her. Pretty confident I’d open the chocolate right away. She popped a piece of chocolate into her mouth. Like I could resist. She hummed when the rich confection melted on her tongue. Oh yeah. Almost as good as sex. She chuckled to herself. Almost.

  A surge of anticipation gripped her. Jess had never done anything like this before. What’s next? She read the new note. It was even more cryptic than the previous one.


  Let your heart be your guide. The eye in the sky will lead you to your fated destiny.

  Love, Jess

  What the heck? Kim indulged in another piece of chocolate to stimulate her thought process as she puzzled it out. She picked up the heart-shaped box filled with chocolates. Not finding anything, she put it back on the seat. She looked out the windshield at the sky. The eye in the sky? She glanced around the car. Did I miss a clue? She looked closer for anything she might have missed. Her gaze landed on the lid of the chocolate box resting on the dash, right next to her GPS unit. Oh. That’s sneaky, Jess. She laughed.

  She flipped on the unit and sure enough, a new destination had been entered. All she needed to do was press Go. Her eyebrows shot up at the sight of the address. Wow, Jess. You’re really going all out. The Beach House Hotel. As she picked up the lid to put it back on the chocolates, she spotted something written on the inside of the lid in Jess’s distinctive handwriting. Room 377.

  I can’t wait to see what else she has up her sleeve. Kim started the car, then froze. Dang. She had been so excited about Jess’s surprise, she had forgotten about her own plans. She glanced at her watch. It was too late to cancel the elaborate dinner she was having delivered to the house. Maybe Debbie and Joel would like the meal. If not, at least they could take delivery of some very expensive leftovers. On such short notice, Kim wasn’t sure who else to ask except their closest neighbors.

  Dinner doesn’t matter. Jess had obviously put a lot of thought and planning into making the day special. Kim’s hand went to the ring box in her pocket. She’s done a great job of surprising me, but I still have a big surprise of my own.

  Her heart was light and overflowing with love as she headed to fulfill her destiny. I’ll be there soon, love.

  * * *

  Jess leaned against the balcony railing, the soothing sounds of the surf washing over her. The sun had begun its final descent. Vivid hues of red, orange, and purple painted the darkening sky. She was barely aware of the stunning vista laid out before her. Her thoughts were focused on one person. Kim.

  Her hand went to the ring box in her pocket. While she had planned for over a month to ask Kim to marry her, it had become imperative after Kim’s latest attempt to get pregnant had been unsuccessful. Jess would never forget the sight of Kim curled up on their bed, her beautiful face streaked with tears. Or the sound of her cries and repeated apologies. Jess had never felt more helpless. With Valentine’s Day looming, it had seemed the perfect opportunity to avow her commitment and propose.

  I wish she were here to share the sunset. Jess glanced at her watch for probably the thirtieth time in the last thirty minutes. Kim would be leaving work soon. Wonder what she thought of my riddles? Jess grinned. Hope she figures them out. She snorted at the ridiculous thought. Of course she will. Her anxiety flared anew. I just hope she didn’t think they were too dumb. I suck at riddles.

  Unable to stand still, Jess walked back into the hotel suite and checked her preparations one more time. A table covered with a snow-white tablecloth waited just inside the glass patio doors. It was already set with two place settings. An unlit candelabra with rose petals surrounding its base graced the center of the table. A gas log was burning brightly in the fireplace opposite the couch. Looks good. She wanted everything to be perfect for Kim.

  Jess made her way into the bedroom that was separated from the rest of the suite by a waist-high wall. She ran her hand over the thick terrycloth of one of the robes draped across the bottom of the bed.

  She glanced at her watch. The waiting was making her anxious. Barely resisting the urge to pace, she returned to the balcony doors.

  A knock on the door made her heart race. Relax. It’s too early to be Kim. She’s probably just now leaving work.

  Jess peered through the spyhole in the door. Her heart, just starting to calm, shot into overdrive. Kim. But how? She pulled the door open. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said as she stepped back to let Kim enter.

  “Hi.” Kim walked past her and into the room.

  No kiss?

  Kim set her flowers and chocolates down on the small table just inside the room. Free of her burdens, she spun around and pinned Jess against the door.

  Jess moaned as Kim took her lips in a searing kiss. When Kim’s tongue slid into her mouth and she tasted chocolate, Jess smiled into the kiss. She was panting by the time the kiss broke. Wow.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Jess took Kim’s hand and led her into the suite. “Do you like your surprise?”

  Kim looked around. “Wow, Jess. This place is amazing.” She headed for the balcony doors.

  Following her outside, Jess smiled at Kim’s reaction. The sun was almost down, but she could still make out the fading colors of the sunset. The roar of the surf added to the ambiance. Jess moved behind Kim and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close to her chest.

  Despite the chill, they watched in silence until the last sliver of the sun had disappeared.

  Jess rubbed her hands up and down Kim’s arms, trying to warm her. “Let’s go inside. The fireplace will warm you right up.”

  “Good idea.” Kim headed straight for the fireplace. She sat down on the raised stone hearth and stretched her hands out toward the fire.

  Jess joined her. She took up a spot on the carpet near Kim’s feet.

  Kim bent down and kissed her gently on the lips. She stroked her fingers though Jess’s hair. “Thank you for doing all of this. It was a wonderful surprise.”

  “It’s not over yet.” Jess let a little half-smirk appear.

  Kim narrowed her eyes at Jess. “What else do you have up your sleeve?”

  Jess laughed and made a show of looking up her sleeves. “Nope, nothing there.”

  “Maybe I should check for myself.”

  The smoky ti
mbre of Kim’s voice sent shivers down Jess’s spine. Check anything you want. She leaned toward Kim.

  “Maybe I should check your pockets as well.”

  Oh. Yeah. Kim’s words finally sank into Jess’s aroused brain. Whoa! Not a good idea. She pulled away from Kim’s questing hands and stood. She resisted the urge to check her pocket to make sure the ring was still there.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Jess gazed down into Kim’s passion-filled eyes and bit back a groan. It took every ounce of her formidable willpower to keep from giving in to the want in Kim’s vivid blue eyes. Jess took a big step back and bumped into the coffee table. “I just realized dinner will be arriving shortly.” Her gaze bore into Kim’s. “And once I start making love to you, I don’t want anything to interrupt us.”

  Kim growled. “Cancel dinner.”

  Laughing, Jess offered her hand to Kim. “You better eat. You’re going to need your strength for later.” She tugged Kim up to stand next to her.

  Kim pressed close and nipped at her pulse point. “Is that a promise?” she husked close to Jess’s ear.

  Arousal pulsed though Jess. So help me, God.

  * * *

  It’s time. Nervous energy made Jess feel as if she were going to jump out of her skin. She forced herself to be still. She didn’t want to disturb Kim, who was snuggled against her side with her head on Jess’s shoulder. “Tired?” she asked.

  “No. Just incredibly content.”

  “Would you like some more wine?”

  “No. I don’t want to fall asleep on you.”

  Jess laughed. She gave Kim a quick squeeze, then pulled away. Okay, this is it. She swallowed heavily as she turned to face Kim. Don’t mess it up. She had been working on her proposal for the last week. “Kim ... I want to—”

  “Wait. I have something I need to say.”


  “Please.” Kim put her finger on Jess’s lips, stilling any further protest.

  Jess kissed the finger pressed to her lips and nodded.

  Kim clasped both of Jess’s hands in hers, then ran her thumbs over the backs of Jess’s hands. “You’ve made this evening so special. First, the notes with the riddles.” She laughed. “That was great. Then the roses and chocolates. And finally, all this,” she spread her arms, encompassing the room, “and a wonderful dinner. There is only one thing that could make this day even more special.” Kim slid off the couch and onto her knees in front of it.


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