Darkened Days

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Darkened Days Page 11

by C. L. Quinn

  Eventually he looked up.

  “I told you you’d be ready,” he whispered, and his tongue dived deep, driving her back, her hands now over her head, and twisting through some kind of metal sculpture on the wall behind the mattress. She’d been really right when she thought he was skilled. Oh, god, was he skilled!

  Koen’s tongue moved quickly to just the right places and forced her past impossible pleasure to an orgasm like she’d never known. He held her as she swung from the top of ecstasy back to earth, his thumbs caressing circles on the inside of her thighs as she dropped back onto the rough bedspread. Both were breathing hard.

  Alisa opened her eyes and thought she’d already died and gone to the sexiest heaven.

  She didn’t even try to stop the tears in her eyes as she spoke from her heart.

  “You are so beautiful. I wish you could be the last thing I see before I leave this earth.”

  He shook his head. “You never know, my lady. Of course, that will be a very, very long time.”

  “Yes,” she said softly, “A very, very long time.”

  Rolling up on her knees, she tried to push him down.

  “My turn,” she said, her fingers curling around his rigid cock. He jerked, her touch electric.

  “No,” he said. “I want to feel you wrapped around me. I need to be inside you.”

  Pulling him to her, she kissed him again, and lingered.

  “Okay. But I want to be on top. Koen, let me ride you.”

  Yeah, that’s what he wanted too. He laid back, his hands around her tiny waist, and slid down the outside of her thighs this time. Her eyes stayed on the engorged penis. Her fingers slid around it and moved up and down, caressing and tugging.

  “I’ve never really considered how amazing this is.” She leaned down and nipped at him. Koen grabbed her thighs to hold her as he jerked upward. Alisa smiled.

  She lifted up and slid herself down over the head of his penis, but only the head, then lifted back up, over and over.

  His fangs popped and he growled. More than anything he wanted to drive into her and drink from her. But she had no idea what he was and he did not want to use compulsion. Not on her. Never on her. Their connection already felt sacred, even at the beginning like this.

  Alisa threw her head back and laughed.

  “You growled! Oh, now I think you’re going to have to wait a little longer.”

  “I growled because I want to get deep inside you. I won’t hurt you if you’re worried. You can take me.”

  Alisa leaned down, kissed him, then whispered, “I plan to.”

  She plunged down, taking him exactly as he asked, deep inside, slick and tight. Koen reached for her, but she sat astride him like he was a horse and rode him until he, too, exploded like he never had before. Just as he shot into her, she was swept into another orgasm stronger than the last.

  Both felt an odd sensation spread through them and for a moment, Alisa was shocked to feel as if she was out of body, yet tethered somehow to him. A connection that seemed to extend beyond the physical.

  She collapsed, her weight light against the big man. When she rolled off him to curve against his side, he moaned and pulled her close. Her womanhood ached, but in the amazing way it did after it got what it was made for.

  Koen rolled onto his side and reached for her.

  “That beat the hell out of steak,” Alisa said.

  “That beat the hell out of everything,” he responded. He curved his hand around the back of her head and kissed her again.

  “I can’t get enough of you. You lied to me. You’re a witch and you’ve ensnared me with your magic.”

  “You were an easy mark. No woman could have said no to all this.”

  She ran her hand down his chest.

  Koen moaned, and slid his hand down to cup her buttocks.

  “Just your touch turns me on.” Alisa responded. “I think it is you who have used magic on me. I’m the girl at nightclubs men usually refer to as an ice queen.”

  Her eyes were serious.

  “Really, Koen, it means a lot to me that you know how special this was.”

  He’d felt something at one point tonight, he didn’t know what. Sadness? Something just not quite right. But their joining had been so perfect he knew it wasn’t this unexpected intimacy. He felt it again now as he watched a soft smile on her lips, but pain in her gaze. He brushed her hair back and looked into those sorrowful eyes.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful? Whatever it is, let me fix it for you.”

  Her smile widened.

  “God, that was the perfect thing to say. Why did I have to meet you now? When it’s too late?” She shook her head, the satin strands slid over her shoulders. “I’m sorry. Thank you for offering. But everything is okay. I’ve just realized this moment that it’s all going to be okay. That everything is happening as it is supposed to. And you have been the most spectacular surprise. I won’t forget you.”

  He knew it was a goodbye. And he knew he wouldn’t accept it. For whatever reason, this stranger had suddenly become very important to him and it wasn’t just the sex. The sex had been the best of his life, but part of that was because of an intangible connection between them from the moment their eyes met tonight. He’d never believed in love at first sight or destiny, but he honestly felt that this night was evidence he was wrong.

  “Alisa, stay with me. I can’t be with you tomorrow, but I’ll be back tomorrow night. Will you stay here in this apartment until then?”

  She shook her head.

  “I can’t. I’m traveling and I have a flight out in the morning. It’s okay. We had a night of pure erotic pleasure. Koen, I’ve never felt anything like this before. Those orgasms…believe me when I say that is not typical for me. You are a very skilled man.”

  “There’s more to our lovemaking than just skill. Change your plans. I’ll make sure I surpass everything we did tonight. Please. Stay.”

  “I would love to. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do in this world right now than to spend the next few weeks making love with you. But it isn’t possible.”

  It wasn’t. With this connection they had, she couldn’t risk him getting attached to a dying woman.

  “There is nothing more important. Is it a job?” He clenched his teeth. “Another man?” He felt possessive towards her although he knew he had no right.

  “No! Oh, Koen, no. I meant it when I told you it had been long time since I last had sex. I’m so grateful we met.”

  That calmed down the beast that threatened to rise inside. Vampires were very protective of their women. It still shocked him that he was having these feelings for a woman he just met. Yet he couldn’t deny it. He wanted her and nothing was going to keep her from him. Was it forever? He didn’t know. He just knew that right now, he needed her close.

  “Well, whatever the reason, I will take care of it. I will fix it. You will stay.”

  To make his point, he pulled her to him and kissed her so erotically, heat and moisture surged again.

  Without words, she made it clear they were not finished. Pushing him back against the bed, she slid down his legs, her hands trailing against the thickest muscled thighs she’d ever seen. As she moved down, her eyes dropped to his cock and she looked back up at him.

  “Wow. Just…wow. She paused and took him in her hand, her fingers moving across the head as he groaned. “I think that word covers it. Believe me, if I could stay, I would. Now, though…”

  She lowered her head and began an aggressive attack with her tongue that created an explosive reaction from him very quickly. How satisfying to bring such an impressive man so much pleasure. Just to hear the moan as his body responded to her.

  When she crawled back into his arms, he kissed her hair and sighed in satisfaction as he fell asleep.

  Alisa caressed his chest while she listened to him breathe. She wondered how sorrow and absolute joy could exist side by side. She finally fell asleep on the thought that she could have fal
len in love with this man. If time had allowed.


  Victoria Falls was non-stop adventure. Grateful now for the insanity that brought her here, Starla embraced every second of the experience with passion and intensity.

  On the border between the two countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe, it was referred to as the Smoke that Thunders because of the sprays created by the massive chain of waterfalls. It was considered to be the biggest curtain of water in the world.

  Heavily visited by tourists during the daylight, Starla and Henri were surprised by how many people were there for after-dark activities. They wandered hand in hand as they watched the vacationers and absorbed the beauty of the area.

  “Stunning,” Starla said as they stood, nearly soaked, at the edge of one of the viewing areas to watch the water glisten in the full moonlight.

  Not long after arriving, they were treated to a breathtaking moonbow arcing brilliantly through the crashing waters.

  Laughing the entire time, she and Henri hiked some of the trails and filled up on beer and wine, of which South Africa offered excellent local vintages.

  Henri made a perfect traveling partner, and more than once on this journey she found herself wishing desperately that she could fall madly in love with him exactly the way he deserved. His joy and humor matched hers perfectly.

  One night, during a midnight feeding frenzy at a popular café, he paused and pushed back a lock of her hair that had escaped its clip.

  “You’re laughing a lot now. Did you know that?” he asked.

  Starla shook her head.

  “You’ve been so melancholy lately,” he continued. “Angry, intense, aggressive, in Paris, after the change. I thought you’d adjust. Everyone does. But you never did. Then since we got pinched by that vampire, you’ve been mostly…” he trailed off and watched her expression for a moment.

  “Sad,” he finished.

  She hadn’t realized. Hadn’t known he noticed so much how she felt. Had been too wrapped up in her own misery and self-loathing, she’d barely noticed anyone else. Sliding a hand across the table, she slipped it under his and entwined their fingers.

  “I’m sorry, Henri. It’s true I’ve been bitterly upset. It didn’t seem fair. I’d left my safe home for adventure. Only it seemed that the only thing I found was evil and wrong. Nasty, the sex and blood. I hadn’t realized what a self-righteous prude I was. You’ve helped me embrace being vampire these past weeks. Henri, I love it now. I love the possibilities. I’ll always be grateful to you. You’re family to me. I hope we will always stay together, sharing our lives through these many years because I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  “I agree. We already made a pact to meet in Cairo in a hundred years. How about a pact that no matter what, we spend at least a week together each year?”

  “I love it. Pact made and sealed. Now, I promise you. No more morbid whining. In Cairo, that second night, when you pulled the all-nighter with the gorgeous locals, I had a major epiphany. I’ve embraced the vampire I have become. So now, I am happy to be here with you, young forever, healthy forever, and getting ready to zipline across the falls.”

  “You’re not afraid?”

  “My dear Henri, what is there to be afraid about?

  “You can still fall and get badly hurt.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to be the cautious one?”

  “Oh, vampire, race you!” He yelled.

  They used vampire hyper-speed to get to the site where two guys, compelled to work with only them, helped secure them in harnesses and prepare for the exhilaration of swinging through the air across the rushing water lit mostly by the full moon. Starla laughed the entire way across, caught by Henri on the other side, where they collapsed in relief and elation.

  “Again?” Henri asked. With a shove, Starla jumped up.

  “Me first!”

  Afterward, they lay side by side, naked, clothes drying on a big rock, and watched the sky.

  The rest of the night was filled with thrills and magic. Then they slept well in a narrow bed sheltered from the African sun. Starla curled up in Henri’s arms, sure they were on the road to one of the most beautiful platonic loves in history. She didn’t notice Henri turned his lower half away.

  The tall swarthy man watched the young vampires playing in his yard. The whole of this continent was his, and he was very possessive and protective of it all. Vampires passed through often and he let them. A few stayed and as long as they behaved, he didn’t care. But this female. He could see she was something unlike others. He could see she was here for him.

  Her aura, bright and powerful, spoke to him. It called to him. It inflamed him as he had never been inflamed before. What was she that she did this to him?

  He closed his eyes and sent his own aura out to touch hers. Ah. She was Shoazan. Capable. He hadn’t dared to hope.

  That was why his body wanted her. His eyes left her for a moment to touch on the other. The young male with her. Handsome, as young vampires were. New. Weak. He was of no consequence. He could not stop the master of this land. Tomorrow night he would take her.

  He watched her swing across his great waterfall. She glowed. He almost wanted to howl and claim her right there. As often as he’d been told he lacked patience, this moment proved he could still summon it. It took all he had to wait. But he felt it was the way. Take her with no trauma. She would just waken to her new life with him.

  Ahmose looked to the sky. The full moon watched over him and his people tonight. It watched over their future as it brought the one who would bear his children to him, naked and glistening in the mist of the Mother. He scanned the darkened sky for any sign that this was not meant to be, but the stars were all in their place.

  He had a little trouble catching his breath. All these centuries he’d decided it wasn’t going to happen. Hundreds of women, thousands, and never a whisper. Until the one who swung through the air to him tonight. Destiny was satisfied. Finally, so was he.

  He left his perch high above and jumped the considerable distance to the ground where his attendants waited.

  Jacob thanked Xavier and entered the building to take the private elevator to Eillia’s apartment. Several people in the lobby gave the huge man in the small tight lavender pants an amused look. He returned them with a “promise of instant death” stare if anyone laughed out loud and was grateful when the door closed behind him.

  On the top floor of the building he walked in aggressively hoping to make it to his room to change before anyone saw him. He wasn’t that lucky.

  Eillia and Daniel were on the large sectional sofa that scored the edges of a sunken seating area and they both turned when the elevator locked in place.

  Daniel laughed until he snorted. Eillia kept her amusement to a smile.

  “Hey, could have been completely naked.”

  That stopped Daniel’s mirth. He would not have liked Eillia watching Jacob cross a room naked. She was too sexually aroused now because of the pregnancy. While he trusted her completely, his vampire genes made his jealousy spike and he found himself in front of her.

  Jacob grinned. “Touché,” he said and disappeared down the long hallway.

  “He seems fine,” Eillia said suddenly. “From the beginning this has been so messed up. I need to see Starla is okay.”

  “She’s vampire now. Pretty durable. I’m sure she’s fine, Lia.” He often still referred to her using the short version of her name she’d first introduced herself with.

  “No, Daniel, I don’t mean physically. Jacob said she was furious because I came into her life but didn’t tell her what I was. She feels victimized because I didn’t trust her enough to let her know the truth. What she doesn’t understand is I was actually trying to protect her. This young cadre isn’t normal, she doesn’t know that. She was such an innocent. No wonder she feels betrayed.”

  “This is not your fault. You left both of us to live our human lives. She decided to follow you here. It wasn
’t your fault she was hit by a car or targeted by these rogues. Jacob is back on the job now. He’s a bulldog , you know that. Once you explain it to her, she’ll understand.”

  Dressed in his own jeans and tee shirt, Jacob came back out to a genuine hug from Eillia and a man-hug from Daniel.

  “How are you, Jacob? Did she hurt you?”

  “No. Pissed me off mostly. Pawed at me, but that isn’t anything new. Women always want a piece of this.”

  He dropped into a chair and reached for a bottle of beer Daniel had just opened for himself. He didn’t protest.

  A long draw from the bottle emptied almost half and Jacob leaned back, his head resting against the back of the chair, his eyes closed.

  “The bitch wanted to make me her bitch! I don’t mind, but I like to choose my own partners.”

  “How did she hold you?” Daniel asked.

  “That’s the fucked up part.” Jacob looked at Eillia. “Normal vampires can get powers from you first bloods?”

  Eillia nodded.

  “We have only realized that recently. But yes, it’s possible. What could she do?”

  “That freezing thing you guys do.”

  “Oh. That’s quite powerful, to command a vampire’s body. She must be ingesting Xavier’s blood. I’m surprised he allows it. It’s rare for a first blood to share blood except with a mate or longtime lover. It’s too intimate. I did not get the sense they were together. Huh. Well, I’m just happy to have you back.”

  “Yeah. Now. Does anyone know where Starla is?”

  “No. Xavier said he sent them out, but with orders to break up and spread out. He suggested they leave Paris. I think most of them did. Koen sent three teams through downtown with no sighting of her. So, I think she’s left the country. I contacted Hugo at the Blue Star back in Wilkes-Barre to see if she might have gone home. She didn’t. I wouldn’t have expected her to but I had to check.”

  Jacob felt sick. His girl was out there in the world somewhere and he had no idea how to find her.


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