Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate

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Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate Page 11

by Marly Chance

  With a huge grin, Tair said, “I believe this is one time that we are in absolute agreement. You may guess my fantasies whenever the mood occurs. I have no objections. You may seduce me at any time.”

  He said the last statement with such enthusiasm that Kate threw back her head and laughed. Her sticky hair reminded her that they still needed a shower. With a groan of regret, she said, “As much as I enjoyed dessert, we still need that shower.”

  Tair stood up reluctantly and held his hand out to her. She noticed another flash of amusement light his eyes. Taking his hand and getting up, she asked, “What’s so funny?”

  He grinned and his eyes sparkled. “You look good on your knees.”

  Kate shot him a narrow look and said tartly, “Well, I’ve had you on yours often enough, too.”

  He wrapped her in a hug. The nozzles overhead turned on in a sudden rush and Kate felt vara cascade over the two of them like a hard, warm rain. Tair had turned the lever telepathically.

  Lifting her face, she laughed and enjoyed the feel of it on her skin. It was like being caught in a rain storm on a warm summer day. Taking a step back from Tair, she twirled and lifted her arms up with sheer pleasure.

  Tair watched her and felt his breath catch in his throat. She looked so incredibly lovely and free. Her open happiness and childlike joy made his chest tight.

  With chilling fear, he realized he could lose her. She could walk right out of his life after only two weeks. Shoving the thought from his mind, he pasted a smile on his face to cover his sudden panic. He was not letting her go.

  With cold calculation, he began plotting. The only way to win with Kate was to lull her into feeling he was no threat, and then strike. She would think he was giving in to her wishes. It would be all the more effective when he pushed her in earnest.

  She would be angry and feel betrayed when he upped the stakes, but it was a penalty that he would pay. For him, the game had turned deadly serious. He was not letting her go. Ever. He was going to win at any cost.

  Chapter 11

  A few days later, Kate leaned against the balcony railing and marveled at the beauty of the night around her. It was her fifth night in Shimeria, but the planet held her spell-bound still at times. Overhead, two huge moons glowed brilliant silver, lighting the darkness of the night.

  She looked down at the dark shadow of the Kuldelma Lake below her and felt the cool breeze off the vara. She could hear the distant sounds of unfamiliar animals breaking the silence around her.

  She and Tair might have been the only ones in the universe at the moment. It felt like that, at least. Lifting her hand, she studied the luminescent glow of her skin and wondered again what caused human skin to glow like a pearl at night under those big moons.

  A masculine voice penetrated her thoughts, a few seconds before she felt strong arms wrap around her from behind. She felt Tair place a gentle kiss into her hair near the side of her forehead and smiled.

  He said quietly, “I am glad you like it, sheka. I thought it would appeal to you. I have always enjoyed this place. It is special.”

  Kate leaned back into the warmth of his big body and half-turned to look up at him. His face was relaxed and his eyes were gentle. She said, “Thank you, Tair. It’s beautiful. Truly lovely. This was a very nice gift.”

  He smiled. The arms around her tightened briefly and then his eyes took on a devilish light. “I have brought you here with more than one motive. I must be honest.”

  She flashed him a look under her lashes. She felt mellow and strangely content. It had been one of the most perfect, romantic evenings she could ever remember in her life.

  They had eaten a lovely dinner at a quiet eatery with dim lighting and soft music. He’d even given her a flower. A kryji. When he handed it to her in the restaurant, it was a small yellow bud. The waiter had brought a small container for her to use.

  Tair had been charming and funny. It was only about fifteen minutes into the meal that she realized the flower was changing. She had watched with amazement as the bud bloomed. It had unfurled and turned from yellow to pink and then finally to brilliant beautiful red.

  Remembering the simple beauty of it made her smile. Tair had looked at her when she thanked him for it again, and said simply, “It reminded me of you.” Her heart softened yet again at the remembrance. Coming out of her reverie, she shook herself.

  So, she wasn’t entirely immune to mushy stuff, she admitted. If Tair wanted to play, she was ready. She grinned. “I have this fantasy…”

  He laughed. “Yes, I know. I am depending upon it.”

  She shook her head in mock reproof and started to turn around to face him. She was surprised when his arms tightened just enough to keep her in place. She turned her head sideways and looked up at him.

  Leaning her full weight against him, she felt his cock harden against the small of her back and her bottom. She saw his expression change from mischief to desire. Her mind filled with an image of him filling her from behind, and she drew a steadying breath.

  They had skirted the sexual line for several days now – always stopping just short of intercourse. She had been left satisfied and yet still longing for the taste of the forbidden. It was a dangerous game they were playing, because the life consequences were very high for both. She knew neither one of them planned to lose, and yet one of them was bound to end up defeated. It wasn’t going to be her, either.

  He had tried to lure her, but didn’t pursue aggressively. It was surprising. She felt half-relieved and half-disappointed at the same time. It was confusing. If he truly pressed her, would she be able to say no?

  She shook off the disturbing thought. Her voice emerged in a husky whisper. “What exactly do you have in mind?”

  He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Lean forward and put your hands on the top of the rail and I will answer your question.”

  His arms loosened. She swallowed and ran her tongue over her suddenly dry lips. She felt wet already and they had barely begun. How far would it go? How hard would he push? Her mind flashed danger signs but her body was aching and anxious to find out. With a mental shrug, she planted her hands on the rail and waited in expectant silence.

  Her tension climbed higher when he did not make any immediate move. She felt the cool breeze caress her body through the thin halter and short skirt and shivered slightly as it traveled over the heat of her skin. She felt him move forward and place his hands over hers. She felt surrounded by him. It was intoxicating.

  She felt his mouth against the side of her neck and she moved her head in response to accommodate him. He began placing nibbling kisses along the skin right below her chin. It felt so good.

  He said between small bites and licks, “Do not move them. Keep them there.”

  She drew in a deep breath. Her nipples were aching for his hands and his mouth already. With a little moan, she said, “Okay.”

  As if to reward her, he removed his hands and placed them on her stomach. The heat of his palms warmed her through the thin material of the skirt and blouse. As he continued stroking lazily, traveling upward, she waited anxiously for the touch of his hands on her breasts. He continued the leisurely movements until she was ready to scream at him to touch her nipples.

  His voice was husky as he said, “Easy, Kate. Relax for me now and simply enjoy. You must do nothing except feel the pleasure of your body beneath my touch. You have no control and no responsibility.”

  She closed her eyes at the sound of those words. He knew what he was doing. This was seduction on an entirely different level. She remembered lonely nights in the dark touching her aching sex, imagining a lover who would take her slowly.

  A lover who would know just how to touch and when. An encounter where she could just relax completely and be pleasured. No worrying about the other person. No responsibility or control. Just pleasure. She felt her knees go weak as she realized that Tair was going to give her that fantasy.

  She swallowed hard and tried to speak
, but could think of nothing to say. Her mind was filled with the heat of his hands on her body. She felt them cup her breasts and moaned helplessly. He kneaded them softly for a moment, making her bite her lip at the delicious torment. She wanted those fingers on her aching nipples. She choked out, “Oh…I can’t…Just touch me…”

  Tair said in a firmer voice, “Kate, let go. I mean what I say.”

  He thumbed her nipples through the halter with slow circles and she moved into his hands. Her back arched and she gripped the rail harder. He was killing her slowly. She wanted more. She needed more.

  He said gruffly, “Step back a little and spread your legs. Do not move your hands.”

  She could feel the night around her, but her world was narrowing down to his voice and his hands. Without a sound, she did as he asked, and waited. She was bent forward now, the balcony hard and cold beneath the grip of her hands. In sharp contrast, she felt warm from her head to her toes. She demanded, “More.”

  He made a low noise in his throat at her demand, as if in pain, but his voice was teasing and seductive, “Here, Kate?”

  His fingers tugged gently on her nipples. She opened her eyes and her head came up. She muttered, “Yes…”

  He continued playing with her nipples, making her ache. She was dripping wet. Her sex ached with the need to have his cock inside her. Her inner voice screamed caution.

  She knew with sudden certainty that she was in trouble. She was losing control and it was dangerous. She started to move upward and remove her hands, but the sharp bark of his voice kept her immobile. “Compliance, Kate. Remember?”

  She nodded slowly. Staring unseeing at the lake in front of her, she tried to regain her control. He moved one hand downward until it rested low on her stomach. With inner despair she wondered if the entire romantic evening had been one big plot to get her right here.

  Tair’s hands stilled. He said softly, “Kate, upon my oath, I will not take you tonight. This is your fantasy. I give it freely. I ask only that you trust me enough to enjoy it fully. Can you do that for me?”

  She tensed. It was a risk. Her brain spun as she tried to reason if she could really trust him enough to let go and not worry about the possible consequences. He had phenomenal self-control, but he could be playing some kind of deeper game to get her totally vulnerable. Then, he could press for intercourse. If she weakened and failed to resist, she’d be stuck here forever.

  The thought wasn’t as horrible as it had sounded days ago, but she felt scared. Trust him? No, she trusted herself, not someone else. It was hard to be fully confident of her ability to resist, though, when her body was screaming with need. Still, he had never broken oath with her. He had a deeply ingrained integrity that she admired. She felt torn.

  She wished she knew what he was really feeling at this moment. She said suddenly, “I know you’ve been scanning, but merge with me. Right now.”

  There was silence for a moment. Even the sounds of the animals in the distance seemed to stop. Then, the quiet was broken when Tair vowed fiercely, “You will learn to trust me one day.”

  He merged with her suddenly, moving through her mind in one sure stroke. She trembled at the force of his feelings pouring through her. There was desire, so intense it made her breath catch. With that desire, there was tenderness, and anger or…hurt. She couldn’t tell. The emotions were too strong.

  However, one thing was clear. She knew with absolute certainty that he was telling the truth. His sincerity and desire for her to believe him were enormous. She relaxed and drew a shuddering breath. She said solemnly, “Thank you, Tair. I’m sorry. I trust you now.”

  He said simply, “I know.”

  With a quick movement, he hugged her body close, wrapping around her. He moved his hand low on her stomach. Avoiding her aching sex, he moved his hand downward over her hip and then her thigh. He reached the bottom of her skirt and said gently, “Relax, sheka. Live your fantasy. It is my gift to you.”

  She nodded her head and closed her eyes. Focusing on his hand at her breast and the other hand on her thigh, she could feel herself relaxing into the sensations. He moved his hand under her skirt along her inner thigh. The heat of it there made her tremble anew. She felt her muscles go lax as he traced upward in teasingly slow strokes.

  His anticipation only added to her own. She could feel the pleasure he felt while touching her, and she trembled harder in response. The intensity was overwhelming.

  Finally, his hand reached right below her sex and he paused. His voice was harsh, nearly guttural, “The knowledge that you have worn nothing under this skirt has been destroying me for hours.”

  She felt a thrill at his words. To know she affected this man so strongly made her feel powerfully female and desirable. She had no sooner acknowledged the feeling before his hand moved.

  He cupped her sex and rubbed gently. She moaned. Her hands gripping the railing turned white from her grip. Tossing her head upward, she muttered, “Ahhh…that feels so good.”

  He pressed his palm against her clit. Her breath caught at the pressure as the pleasure spiked through her. She pressed forward into his hand. The hand on her breast plucked her nipple and she struggled to keep from giving in to release.

  He said huskily, “Not yet. Soon.”

  His palm moved away and he began teasing her with his fingers. He traced her lips with slow gentle movements, as if learning her for the first time. Moving slowly, up and down, he tormented her with that soft touch. It was too much.

  Her mind blanked. She was captive to the needs of her body in a single instant. She was pushed further by the needs of his.

  His fingers circled her clit and she moaned helplessly. She moved against those fingers, seeking more. He continued to stroke her, teasing her ruthlessly. The need for him pounded through her with every heartbeat. Her breath was coming in pants. She said, “Please…”

  When she felt an answering thrust of one long finger into her sex, it rocked her. She could only whimper and shake. He probed inside her, stroking in and out slowly. She was slick and his finger slid forward and back easily, rasping sensitive nerve endings. She thought she heard a low curse, and then a second finger joined the first.

  She felt the hard length of them fill her just as Tair moved forward and pressed his cock against her bottom. She gave a loud moan at the feel of his hardness against her ass. She wanted his cock inside her so much that she nearly begged. She wanted more. She needed it.

  Tensing, she felt her sex clinch hard around his fingers. She lingered on the edge of release. The only thing separating his hard cock from her aching sex was a few thin layers of clothing. Images of him plunging inside her ran through her mind. His cock penetrating her aching sex, moving in powerful strokes. The feel of him inside her so hard and so big. She felt her body tightening. She wanted him. All of him. Nothing else mattered. It was so tempting. Maybe…

  He froze and she could feel his indecision, the overwhelming temptation. His feelings of turmoil surged into her – triumph, guilt, desire, frustration, need. She couldn’t separate one intense emotion fully from another as they rolled through her. Finally he muttered, “No! Not tonight. Come for me, Kate.”

  It was too much. At his denial, she went over the edge. Everything inside her went tight and then loose. The pulsing pleasure consumed her totally. She was completely lost to blind sensation. There was only the feel of his hard fingers stroking inside her, his hand on her breast, his cock against her ass, her sex clenching and relaxing. There was only pure pleasure.

  When the last wave faded, she clung to the rail with renewed desperation. Her body felt limp. Her legs were still shaking. When Tair gave a sudden groan, she cried out in surprise.

  His pleasure flooded through her, swamping her senses and making her scream. He groaned loudly as he found his own release. The two of them shook from the force of it, and then went still.

  Kate came back to awareness slowly. The sounds of the animals in the night registered first. Then, s
he felt the cool breeze from the lake and the heat from Tair draped over her. He moved back slowly and stood up. She did the same.

  She released the rail and noted with surprise that her hands were aching from where she’d gripped it so hard. She flexed them a couple of times as she turned around to face Tair. He was blocking her again.

  When she caught sight of his face, she swallowed hard. He looked…she couldn’t describe it. He looked shaken, as if he’d seen a ghost or had a tremendous scare. Just as quickly as she thought it, his face changed and he smiled. He reached forward and lifted her hand from her side.

  Rubbing it softly between his own hands and soothing the ache, he brought it slowly to his mouth. Then he placed a kiss into her palm, and said simply, “Thank you for the gift.”

  Kate could only stare at him wordlessly and wonder why her heart felt too big within her chest.

  Chapter 12

  Kate woke up on her ninth day in Shimeria to an empty bed. She turned onto her back and stretched lazily. She felt a smile tug her lips and knew she was being ridiculous. She was not a morning person. She should be glowering and irritably wishing for coffee.

  Instead, she felt surprisingly content. The last six days had been incredible. During the day, she and Tair had explored Shimeria. The friendship that had sprung up between them surprised her. And at night… She sighed and felt the familiar warmth steal through. At night, they had explored each other.

  He was a good companion and an inventive, generous lover. They had refrained from controversial subjects like linking or leaving, and in the end had gotten along very well. He still goaded her with good-natured teasing, and she still responded by giving him a hard time.

  However, there was an underlying easy affection to it all that was unfamiliar. She hadn’t just landed on an unfamiliar planet. Nothing about their affair was familiar territory either.


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