Free Falling: (Playing it Safe Series Book Three)

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Free Falling: (Playing it Safe Series Book Three) Page 17

by Lisa Gerkey

  Too many lives are at stake if I don’t.

  I’m paranoid. I don’t know who I can trust anymore. I don’t think anyone has a clue how far Malcolm Phoenix’s reach goes. Or, perhaps I should say Paula. Everyone thought Malcolm was the monster. Truth is they don’t have a fucking clue the real devil is my mother. I know. I just can’t do anything about it. Not yet.

  I refuse to involve Jaycee. Grant and Jon, hell, the whole damn security firm is in Kentucky right now. All they’re doing is chasing their tails, looking for Lindsey and Kennedy, Jayson. Fuck, if they’d get their asses back to Nashville, I’d find some way to get them to help.

  “When’s the wedding?”

  “Saturday. It’s taking place at the new house her father bought for us. Any chance the guys will be back in time to attend?”

  “I don’t know. Grant won’t talk to me about anything that’s going on there right now. He’s been odd…distant…the last few times I spoke with him. I think they’re closing in on Phoenix. He knows how much I want to kill the son of a bitch myself. He’ll keep me in the dark as much as possible. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Perhaps this whole thing is about to be over.”

  No. It’s not. “Yeah, maybe. Staci’s family will all be there. I’d like to have a few friends present for the wedding. Jeff’s here. He’ll be my best man, of course.”

  Jaycee surprises me when she reaches out and cups my jaw, forcing me to look into her eyes.

  “You’re a liar, Josh. I don’t know what’s going on with you. You don’t love Staci. Something isn’t right with you. I’m going to figure out what it is.”

  “No, Jaycee! Leave things alone. I’m telling you…just leave it alone. I don’t want anything to…never mind. I’m sorry. I know you had high hopes for Kennedy and me to work out. I’m sorry it didn’t. I don’t know. Maybe one day she’ll get her life together. It wasn’t meant to be for her and me. That’s all.”

  I can tell by the look on her face she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. The more I talk, the more profound I dig the hole.

  “I need to get back to work. I appreciate you dropping in to check on me, but you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.”

  I walk away and leave Jaycee standing. She’ll get the picture and understand I’m done talking. The new tattoo artist my brother hired awhile back is standing off to the side watching. Jeff has no idea he’s fucking planted here to keep his eyes on me. He takes his phone out. No doubt he’s informing Paula I had a visitor. Now I have to worry harm will come to Jaycee. God, I couldn’t live with myself if I caused something to happen to her or the baby.

  My apartment is a thing of the past now. Paula had everything packed up and moved to the new house, so I’m forced to drive the extra miles outside the city when I get off work. I wish it were even further away. Every night when I have to lie down in the bed beside Staci, I plot to kill her. I would, but I can’t bring myself to harm the innocent baby she’s carrying. It isn’t mine. That’s all been confirmed. I don’t know who the unlucky bastard his. Of course, it won’t matter. Mine or not, we’re awaiting the arrival of Joshua Maddox, Jr. Who knows what will happen to the poor child when this is all over? Hell, who knows if this will ever be over?

  I watch through my rearview mirror as two sets of headlights turn into the driveway behind me; hired eyes watching every move I make. She wasn’t lying. Every single thing I do gets noticed. I can’t piss without someone standing behind me. To everyone around, it looks like a coincidence, but it’s all a plan concocted by the psychotic woman who gave birth to me. She’ll do anything to get her hands on the millions of dollars I’m set to inherit when the baby’s born. Three days, I’ll be married. Less than two months, I’ll be a father.

  The question is, how long until I’m a free man? Three months? Four? What will that much time do to Kennedy? I remember the shape she was in when I found her before. She went downhill quickly, and her addiction became worse every day. I know she’s out there somewhere. She needs me. I don’t even know if I can get those awful images out of my head. Seeing her like that again, with another man… Even if it isn’t her fault, I don’t know if I can look at her without seeing all that every time I look at her.

  “You’re home.” Staci attacks me as soon as I walk through the front door. Her growing round belly doesn’t keep her throwing herself at me every single day. Her advances have gotten nowhere though.

  We both know this arrangement has nothing to do with love. I don’t think Staci cares though. She’d love nothing more than to get under me again so she can throw it in Kennedy’s face one day. Assuming, of course, that one day will come. I don’t even know if Kennedy’s still alive.

  Chapter Thirty


  The hospital room is packed with people. They’re all staring at me, waiting, wanting answers. When I pressed the button to get a nurse, I didn’t expect a whole army to show up. Literally, since I think a few of these guys are former military. They’re apparently on a mission right now. Apparently, I’m the only one with answers they need. Maybe they can answer a few of my questions, too.

  “Where’s Josh?”

  I watch five men all look at the floor. I know it isn’t good.

  “Please, where is he? You’re acting strange, and I thought I was the one who’d been out of it for days. What’s going on?”

  “Kennedy…” Grant slides a chair across the floor and sits beside me. “Can you answer a few questions for us? I’ll talk to you about everything, but first, I think you can help us a little.”

  “I can try.”

  Grant starts to speak, but his brother Jon butts in from behind him. “Who was in the van when it crashed?”

  “Uh…Lindsey! Oh, my god! What happened to her? I don’t remember anything! I remember the crash, and then I smell something burning…”

  “She’s in the hospital. She’ll survive, at least physically.”

  I nod my head. I understand. We’re all probably going to need shrinks when everything’s done.

  “Jayson was in the van, and the driver. That’s it.”

  “Yeah, the driver didn’t make it. Jayson…” Grant looks to his brother for approval before he says more. “Jayson wasn’t anywhere around when we got to you.”

  “Wait. When you got to us…”

  “Yeah, we arranged the little accident. It didn’t go quite as we planned. At least we got you and Lindsey out. I just wish we’d got that fucker before he got away.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Matthew Reynolds, the preacher that lives beside the church where they were holding you. Someone went into his home. They roughed him up pretty bad. Thought he was dead, but I guess the old man had a little more fight in him than they bargained for. He called Clayton Maddox. Clayton filled us in, but then he disappeared. We know he has a history with alcohol and disappears sometimes…”

  “Josh’s mother…has anyone told you? His mother, Clayton’s first wife, she’s married to Malcolm Phoenix. At least she was before he went to prison. Where’s Josh? Please, Grant, tell me!”

  “He and Staci are getting married, Saturday. Jaycee swears something smells fishy about the whole thing. She talked to him, but… Well, he says he wants to get married so they can raise their son together.”

  “No! No, this is all part of his mother’s plan! You have to stop him, Grant! Jon! Please! Get me out of here. I’ll do it myself.”

  “Like you drew Phoenix out so we could catch him? Come on, Kennedy. If you’d stayed in the damn hotel room where Josh left you that day, we wouldn’t have this mess right now. You’re here like this because you didn’t listen. Just like your damn sister. Hardheaded and stubborn…and, fuck! I’ll see what I can do about getting you out of here, but you have to promise me that you won’t do a damn thing, unless we tell you to do it. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “You dress up rather
nice, son. Reminds me so much of your father on our wedding day…”

  “Go to hell, Paula.”

  She’ll hide out in the shadows. The guests won’t know she’s here, but Paula will hang around until she’s sure her plan doesn’t fall through.

  I’m physically sick from all the lies. I can’t look a single person in the eye anymore. Jeff’s convinced it’s because Kennedy disappeared and went back to her life on the streets. I’ve come close to spilling my guts, but I can’t.

  He hasn’t seen our mother yet. I can’t imagine his reaction if he ever lays eyes on her again. Hopefully, I’ll find a way to end this whole nightmare before I have to worry about it.

  I grab the whiskey bottle from the dresser. I don’t waste my time pouring it into a glass. I turn it up and drink a significant proportion down.

  “Easy there, Joshua. You don’t want to ruin this day. It won’t look good if you show up sloppy-ass drunk.”

  “Everyone knows I don’t love her, Paula. I see no reason to pretend I do.”

  “Yeah, well, we didn’t plan on so many of your fucking friends showing up here today. Did we? It’s time for me to disappear. Just remember. You do anything to fuck this up, somebody dies. It’s up to me to choose which one is first.”

  Ten minutes after she’s gone, Jeff comes into the room, a strange look on his face.

  “I guess it’s about time to get this show on the road, huh?”

  “Who was that woman in the hallway? I just got a glimpse of her, but she looked familiar.”

  “Huh? Who? Oh, no one. I’m sure it’s just someone Staci’s hired to make sure today is… perfect.”

  “What are you going to do if she shows back up?”

  “Who? What the hell are you talking about, Jeff? Maybe I’ve had too much to drink, but nothing you’re saying is making any sense.”

  “You fucking know who, Josh! Kennedy! You didn’t just fall out of love with her. What are you going to do when she comes back?”

  “Nothing. I’m going to do nothing. I’m getting married. Kennedy is no longer my concern.”

  “I don’t believe you. I can’t figure out what’s happened to you, but you are not my brother.”

  I want to talk to Jeff. Tell him everything. Instead, I let it all go and walk out with him to the oversized family room that’s been set up for the wedding. A lot of familiar faces watch as I make my way to the front of the room. Jeff and I take our places in front of the man who’s officiating the wedding. It was supposed to be my grandfather. I haven’t tried to contact him since Paula came back. I don’t want to put the old man in more danger.

  The music starts playing. I look out at the guests all sitting in the folding chairs. I don’t know if it’s just me, and my eyes are playing tricks, but it looks like Grant, Jon, Jensen, and a few other men sit a little straighter, their eyes dart around the room. Grant leans toward his wife and whispers something to her. Jaycee waits until Staci walks by and then she gets up and disappears into another room.

  I only half hear the first several words out of the preacher’s mouth. I keep my eyes focused elsewhere. I can’t look at Staci. I can’t pretend I’m happy. There’s no way I can look at her and make anyone here believe she’s the love of my life. They all know. Everyone knows I’m doing this for the baby… At least, that’s what they all think.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Grant stand up. He whispers something to the person beside him. The man and woman, both friends of Staci’s, I think, get up and leave the room. Grant speaks to another couple and two more individuals. They all vacate the area.

  “If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot be joined together in matrimony…” The preacher’s words barely register, but Staci’s audible gasp and shriek aren’t missed. Also isn’t lost is when Kennedy appears in the doorway.

  “I can! I can tell you exactly why these two shouldn’t be married. Josh doesn’t love her. In fact, he can’t stand to be in the same room with her. This marriage is all a plan his evil mother’s cooked up. It’s over. Right now, the police, FBI; they have the house surrounded. They’re going through every room until they find her. He’s mine, Staci.”

  “Kennedy…” Her face is bruised and swollen, and she’s lost a lot of weight.

  “No! We are getting married! I won’t let you cost me everything I’ve worked for. Not when we’re this close. I can’t wait to get this stupid…stupid person out of me and get away from this place. It won’t happen if we don’t get married. The money… I need that money, Josh. What the… Stop! Get your fucking hands off me! Can’t you see I’m pregnant?”

  Staci fights the two officers, but they manage to cuff her hands behind her back with minimal effort and without harm to the baby. God, I hope they find out who the father is and get the poor child away from Staci the minute he’s born. No one deserves someone like her. I don’t deserve someone like her.

  It’s all surreal; Kennedy and I look at each other. Neither knows what to say.

  “I know you kids have some talking and catching up to do. We have a car waiting to get you all out of here. You need to go. Once everyone’s out, we’ll sweep the house and the grounds. We’ll find Paula Phoenix. Let’s just hope when we do, it leads us to Jayson. Get out of here! You all have a lot to talk about.”

  After Jon talks to us, a uniformed officer leads us through a side door to a car that’s waiting. I slide into the backseat after Kennedy.

  “Is the nightmare finally over?”

  “I don’t know, Kennedy. What do you think’s going to happen now? We just pick up where we left off? Like nothing’s happened…”

  “I thought you’d be a little happier to see me.”

  “I’m exhausted. That’s what I am. I’ve been living a lie for weeks. I didn’t know if you were even alive. Why? Why didn’t you listen to me? You could’ve stayed in the hotel that day…”

  The minute I saw Kennedy, my heart started racing. I wanted to reach out and grab hold of her and never let go, but another part of me feels entirely different. Angry. Fucking destroyed by the video Paula made me watch. I don’t want to bring that up yet.

  I’m sure the chaos has only begun. Just wait until everyone figures out that Paula’s mine and Jeff’s mother.

  Fuck. I just want to go somewhere and get away from everything. Alone. I drank too much whiskey while I was getting ready for the damn wedding. I’ve practically turned into my father lately. The only good news I have is I’m not going to be a father now. At least no time soon. I still can’t stop thinking about what will become of the innocent baby Staci is carrying.

  “Josh, look at me. I thought you’d be happy, or at least relieved to see I’m okay.”

  Kennedy lays her small hand on mine and attempts to thread her fingers with mine. I move my hand away. Not yet. For weeks, hell, every hour, I’ve been consumed with memories of this woman, remembering what her soft sweet skin feels like under my rough palms, and now? I could tell her. I should look at the beautiful mess of a woman beside me and tell her about the video Paula made me watch.

  That’s not the only thing I should confess to her…

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Sweetie, you just got out of the hospital. You need to get some rest. Heal from that terrible ordeal you went through. I’m sure Josh is just stunned and needs time to do is own thinking and deal with everything.”

  “You don’t understand, Jaycee. He seemed… It almost felt like the sight of me disgusted him. Out of sight, out of mind; maybe all the time he spent away from me gave him time to think about everything. I knew things were too good between us. He never really loved me.”

  “Shut up, Kennedy! You know that isn’t true. I don’t know what’s going on any more than you do, but I know Josh loves you. Give him time. I cannot imagine what that man is going through right now. Think about it! You and I were so lucky growing up. We had wonderful parents. I just can’t wrap my head around what Josh and Jeff must be feeling.
Their own mother… How can anyone be so devious and heartless? She sacrificed her children for a life of crime. I hope they don’t just arrest her. Someone should put a bullet through the bitch for everything she’s done.”

  I don’t know where Josh went. The driver brought me to my sister’s house. Grant gave Jaycee strict instructions to come home and lock the doors. He told her not to talk to anyone until he gets home and fills her in on everything.

  My whole body is stiff and aches when I wake up. I look at the clock beside the bed. It’s seven o’clock. I must have slept all night. I don’t know how with everything that’s on my mind. I hear voices down the hall. Grant must be home. Perhaps Josh is with him.

  I pad lightly down the hallway. Grant and Jaycee are snuggled together on the couch in their spacious living room. He holds her in his arms and plants a sweet kiss on her forehead. The love they share radiates from them. I thought that’s how Josh and I were, or where we were headed. Guess I was wrong. There’s no one else in the room.

  Disappointed, I ease further into the room until I have Grant’s and Jaycee’s attention.

  “Kennedy. We didn’t mean to wake you.” My brother-in-law smiles warmly.

  “Is it over?”

  “For now.”

  My eyes stay on the loving couple until one of them decides to elaborate.

  “Paula was arrested, along with Staci and her father, Edward Cline. Nine others, all hired hands. I’d love to tell you it’s over, but…Jayson is still out there. I don’t think he’ll last long on his own. We’ll get him. Until we do, I need you both to stay close to someone.”

  I’m impatient, worried since no one mentions Josh.


  “We don’t know where he is. He doesn’t have the apartment in the city anymore… Jeff hasn’t heard from him. Did something…happen between the two of you?”


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