Templeton, Julia

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Templeton, Julia Page 10

by The Bargain

  "I did not take you for a man who was prone to rape."

  He smiled wolfishly. "I have no need to rape a woman. They come to my bed most willingly."

  The words made her angry and extremely jealous. "You are quite arrogant."

  His fingers slipped over her folds, along her sensitive button, causing her to gasp aloud. She tested the binds, which held her fast. "You have me at a disadvantage."

  To her horror her body reacted to his caress, her insides growing hotter. His touch grew more intimate, his thumb working in tandem with his fingers that spread her folds, a long finger slipping inside her tight heat.

  "You are so wet, Aleysia. Could it be that you desire my touch, after all?"

  She shifted, the movement drawing his finger in deeper. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning.

  He added another finger, moving them slowly in and out. His thumb brushed her tiny nub again and again.

  She closed her eyes, unable to look at him or the knowing smile on his lips.

  Yet her body betrayed her as she grew closer to climax, his fingers working faster, stroking, until she was arching her hips.

  She heard sounds outside the door, and for a moment thought it might be her heart, until she felt Renaud's fingers slip from her.

  "No," she said, twisting against the bonds, her need so great that even the feel of her tunic over her sensitive flesh made her bite her bottom lip.

  He held out a hand as he listened, and then as the sound of footsteps passed by, he returned to the foot of the bed. It seemed she was not the only one aroused.

  Untying the cord of his braies, he stepped out of them. She swallowed hard, staring at his long, thick cock, which seemed to grow as she stared.

  He touched himself, his long fingers wrapping around the girth, sliding up and down again, over the round, plum-sized head, which filled with blood, the color a deep purple. Then down they slid, over and over again.

  Watching him made her skin burn and her heart pound.

  She shifted on the bed, trying the bonds again.

  Licking her lips, she watched as he climbed onto the bed, directly between her thighs, still stroking himself.

  She could not believe it when her insides clenched. She had been so aroused from when he had touched her, and now watching him had pushed her over the brink. She needed release—needed his cock buried deep inside her.

  He leaned over her, his long hair brushing over her stomach as he licked a nipple. How soft and velvety his tongue was, so smooth as it laved first one, then the other. Meanwhile his cock brushed against her cleft.

  She arched against the binds. "Release me."

  "No," he said, sucking hard on a nipple while playing with the other.

  "Renaud, I need you to take me. I need you inside me."

  He looked up at her, a pleased smile on his lips. "Not yet."

  Placing a kiss on each nipple, he moved down her stomach, kissing her there before moving further down. Her breath caught in her throat when his tongue flicked over her clit. Over and over again he worked the tiny bud, the perfect amount of pressure that had her begging for him to take her.

  "Renaud, please. I need you."

  He looked up at her, his gray eyes intense.


  He went up on his knees and grabbed her beneath her buttocks, pulling her against him. Taking his cock in his hand he guided the huge head into her opening, moving inch by inch inside her, all the while watching as he sank slowly into her heat. Her muscles tightened around him, and she spread her thighs as much as possible against the binds, pushing her hips up in order to take him deeper. She sighed when he thrust home.

  Seconds later Renaud slid in and out of her, his strokes sure and even. She came immediately, and cried out, wishing she was free of the binds, but instead she was helpless as her body rode out the pleasure.

  Renaud watched Aleysia's breasts bounce in tandem with his strokes. Her moans were music to his ears and he could hardly believe when she came over and over again.

  Her juices coated him, her inside like molten honey. So hot he grit his teeth. He untied her arms, giving her that freedom, and she clung to him, her fingernails biting into his shoulders.

  Though she infuriated him, he kissed her, and was shocked as she kissed him back so passionately, her tongue mating with his in a frenzy, like she could never get enough.

  His balls lifted and he held her hips tight as he pumped furiously within her, grinding against her pearl, until the familiar fluttering of her climax squeezed the seed from his cock.


  It had only been one day since Aleysia's attempt to flee Braemere with Adelstan, but it felt more like a fortnight. She had not said a word to Renaud, refusing food or drink of any kind. True, he had tied her to the bed, but what did she expect after she drugged him and his men? For him to let her run free? Plus, after they had made love, he had untied her and she had snuggled beneath the covers, and had fallen straight to sleep.

  He had heard her cry, even though she had fought to hide her tears.

  She had failed in her attempt to save her brother, and there had been nothing he could do to ease her pain. If only he could give her what she wanted. If only they had not been enemies. If only her brother had not been one of William's most wanted Saxons.

  He had hoped Elena would speak to her on his behalf, but his sister seemed to have a different agenda. She obviously enjoyed Aleysia's company, and the two were as tight as long-lost friends.

  Just as they were now, sitting on a blanket in the meadow, their heads bent as they spoke. Close by, four of his most trusted men watched, standing guard.

  "She is a lovely woman."

  Renaud glanced at Galeran, who was busy polishing his sword. The man trusted no one else to shine his blade, insisting they could not do better than he, and Renaud would have to agree. Renaud had even requested his squire learn Galeran's technique, but the young knight had not been forthcoming with the information. "Indeed."

  "I am surprised she remembers me."

  Renaud realized then that it was Elena he spoke of and not Aleysia, and he smiled for the first time all day. "She is a good deal older than you, my friend. Perhaps too old?"

  Galeran raised a brow, clearly offended. "She is not old. In truth, I believe her even more beautiful now than when she was younger. There's a wisdom in her eyes that I like very much and I enjoy how she speaks her mind. 'Tis refreshing."

  "Aye, she is quite outspoken." An understatement if ever there was one.

  "Indeed, and spirited. I like my women with a bit of experience."

  Renaud frowned. "She is a widow, that is true, but you would do well to remember that she is also my sister. Forget that for one minute, and I will snap you in two."

  Galeran laughed under his breath, his blue eyes flashing with good humor. "Spoken like the overbearing brother you are, my lord. Aye, it is hard not to remember she is your flesh and blood when you growl like that." He sobered a little. "I would never hurt her, my lord. Ever. I would sooner rip my heart from my chest than hurt either of you."

  "Now you are frightening me, Galeran," Renaud replied with a sardonic smile. In all honesty, he was more concerned with Elena hurting Galeran than the other way around. His young vassal, aside from nightly trysts with whores and serving wenches, had never been involved with a woman. His sister, on the other hand, was well experienced in the art of love. She had remained faithful to her much-older husband, but after his death rumors of her sexual exploits had traveled throughout the French court. He had tried, without success, to curb the rumors. But it seemed Elena did not care what others thought. She felt it her right to have the sexual freedom most men took for granted. "When last you met, she was a woman full grown, and you a child. Remember that she has lived longer and knows a great deal more than you."

  Galeran made busy rubbing his sword with a soft cloth. "Aye, she is older, and perhaps experienced, but I am certain I could show her a thing or two."r />
  Renaud thunked him on the back of the head. "Do not speak of my sister as you would a common whore."

  "My apologies, my lord. I meant no disrespect," Galeran said with a frown, rubbing the back of his head. "Even as a boy, I cared for Elena. I will never forget her kindness." He winked, his good humor fast returning. "Methinks back then she fancied me. Mayhap she knew that one day our paths would cross again. Mayhap that is why she came to Braemere—because she knew I was here."

  Renaud laughed under his breath. "You are quite confident, my friend. I suggest you be a bit more wary or she might break your heart."

  Galeran flashed a devilish smile. "She fancies me. I know it."

  Though he had been taken aback by his sister's boldness toward Galeran, she was two years older than Renaud and an experienced woman of the world. If she wanted his vassal, then so be it—as long as the flirtation did not interfere with Galeran's duties.

  "Think you I should ask her to go for a stroll?"

  Renaud shrugged. "Do as you like. Knowing Elena, she will not refuse you. But again, be wary, my friend, and remember this warning— if you hurt her, I will kill you."

  Galeran grunted. "I will remember. And I shall gather the men for drills."

  As his vassal walked away, Renaud looked toward the meadow where Aleysia and Elena sat. No longer was it just the two women. Now they had been joined by a man. Renaud recognized the soldier as one of his sister's men who had come over with her from France. The young soldier, a man close to Aleysia's age, and nearly as fair as she, but with light brown hair, was down on his haunches beside her.

  Elena laughed at something the man said, and Aleysia joined in, her shoulders shaking with good humor. It had been the first time she'd laughed since she'd tried to escape, and it irked Renaud fiercely that it had taken this young man to do so.

  Renaud felt like he'd been socked firmly in the stomach as he watched the soldier charm Aleysia. By God, was that a flower he handed her? His blood ran cold. To make matters worse, Aleysia lifted the pink blossom to her nose and grinned warmly at the younger man.

  To further his dismay, the boy sat down beside her, no doubt at Elena's invitation. Damn Elena! Did she not realize that Aleysia was his lover? Of course she knew. Everyone knew. How could they not, when he looked at her as he did now with such longing? God's breath, he behaved like a lad of two and ten.

  And even worse, every time he caught one of his men so much as looking at her, he felt a jealousy that rocked him to the core. He had never been a jealous person... before he had met Aleysia.

  Mayhap it was because she had gotten under his skin and wedged herself there.

  If only he could grow tired of her and send her packing.

  That day will never come, and well you know it.

  Elena's laughter rang out, pulling him from his unsettling thoughts.

  Elena had forever enjoyed playing matchmaker, even from an early age, but she went too far by introducing her soldier to Renaud's mistress. True, she did not know about the bargain. Even his spirited sister might be shocked to discover that truth.

  But he would not have her encouraging one of her foot soldiers to court Aleysia. Nay, he would put a stop to this immediately!

  Renaud's fists tightened at his sides, and though he knew he had much to do to prepare for his upcoming trip to York, he walked toward the small group.

  Another thought struck him as he approached. He could be in York for more than a week's time. Perhaps a fortnight or longer, for William was known to keep his favorites near. And in the interim, this charming younger man with a flare for the romantic would be here at Braemere, along with Aleysia, no doubt wooing her with flowers and poetry. Renaud had never wooed a woman in his life. He had never had to, nor had he felt inclined to—until now. He wanted to give Aleysia flowers, buy her things. Spoil her.

  For a moment he thought of taking Aleysia with him to York, but if he did, he would run the risk of William taking her for someone else's bride... just as Duncan had warned. He had heard of his king doing so before. Spoils of war, Saxon princesses married off to his most noble of knights in a way to appease the old Saxon nobility. And though Renaud was in his king's favor, and had been promised Braemere if he could overtake her, he was not sure his liege would award him Aleysia for a bride. Especially, when Baron Comte', another of William's favored knights, was hunting for such a prize. One look at Aleysia and Comte' would ask for her hand. No, she would have to stay. It would be too risky to take her with him. Plus, how could he take her, knowing William would sentence Adelstan to death?

  Renaud must be very careful. One false move and he could lose everything. Even a bride. All it would take was one baron in favor to win the hand of a beauty like Aleysia. Any man who saw her would want her.

  He weighed the risks of taking her and decided the safest thing to do was to leave her at Braemere with someone he trusted explicitly.

  Nay, his trusted vassal would not be happy with the news since he had not left Renaud's side for the past thirteen years. But he needed someone, other than his sister, looking after Aleysia. Galeran would make sure that no one touched her while Renaud was away. Though the man was young, he was wise to the ways of the world. An old soul, Renaud's father had once said.

  At his approach Elena looked up. "Ah, Renaud, your ears must have been burning."

  Renaud forced a smile. "How are you this fine afternoon?" he asked, glancing at Aleysia. Dressed in a yellow gown with floral embroidery at the neck and wrists, he noted she wore no shoes. They lay nearby, as did his sister's. Mayhap Elena was not the best influence, after all?

  The soldier seemed to notice Aleysia's lack of footwear also, for his gaze kept slipping to her dainty feet.

  Aleysia did not acknowledge Renaud in the least. Rather, she spoke to the soldier, her smile wide, her hand mere inches from his on the blanket. The soldier seemed so taken with Aleysia, he still had not bothered to look up.

  Until Renaud took a step closer and the soldier noted the shadow that fell across the blanket. The boy glanced up, his brows furrowed into a frown—until he recognized Renaud and scrambled to his feet.

  "My Lord. I apologize. Please excuse my insolence. I fear Lady Aleysia's beauty has distracted me." He gave a bow. "I am Philip Maley of Anjou."

  Unfortunately, the soldier was even more handsome at closer range, his eyes a clear blue, his face free of blemishes—or scars. It seemed Aleysia had taken notice of the man's charms, for her cheeks were stained a delicate shade of pink. In truth, she appeared smitten. "Mayhap you would like to join my men for practice this afternoon, Maley?"

  "I would be delighted," the soldier said, glancing at Elena, who nodded her approval.

  "Good, I shall meet you in the armory, posthaste."

  "Very well, my lord." Philip nodded, then turned to Aleysia. He reached out for her hand and brought it to his lips, completely unaware of the murderous thoughts racing through Renaud's mind. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Aleysia. I look forward to seeing you soon."

  The boy's accent was thick, much as Renaud's own had been on his arrival in England three years ago. Apparently, Aleysia understood him well enough, for she smiled warmly. "As do I, Philip."

  Philips face glowed at Aleysia's use of his Christian name, and he nodded. "Until then, my lady."

  Aleysia sighed heavily, her fingers stroking the flower's stem as her gaze lingered on the man's backside. Renaud was not sure whom he felt more like strangling—Aleysia or Philip.

  "He is quite handsome, is he not?" Elena asked, stealing a glance at Renaud.

  Aleysia nodded. "Indeed, he is."

  Renaud's nails bit into his palms. "I leave at week's end and will need extra men for the journey to York. If Maley proves to be an able soldier, would you be willing to relinquish him from his duties and allow him to come with us, Elena?"

  To her credit, Elena tried not to smile, but failed miserably. Renaud had not blushed since he was a lad, but trapped by his sister's stare, he f
elt his ears turn red. She always seemed to know his mind, and now she sensed his jealousy, for she gave him a conspiratorial nod. "I do not see why not, but do you not have enough men already, brother?"

  Apparently, she was not about to make it easy for him. Worse still, Aleysia watched him with lifted brow, waiting for his answer. "I do have many men traveling with me, but as you know these are dangerous times, and I cannot be too careful. I felt Galeran would be of more service here."

  Elena's eyes widened and her lips pursed. "Well then, you are more than welcome to take Philip. He is still quite young and no doubt under your tutelage he could learn a great deal."

  "I thought you would have a change of heart, dear sister." Elena nodded but remained silent.

  Renaud glanced at Aleysia, whose face had gone from pink to pale in seconds. No doubt, talk of the trip to York had reminded her of her brother. He had not realized how insensitive he was being. God's breath, would he ever learn?

  "My dear, are you all right?" Elena asked, putting a motherly hand to Aleysia's brow.

  "I am fine," Aleysia said, brushing away Elena's hand and coming fast to her feet. "My lord, may I have a word with you in private?"

  Renaud glanced at his sister, who in turn nodded. "Oh go ahead, I shall be fine. But do not be long. We would like to return to the hall in time to change for dinner."

  Relieved that Aleysia was actually speaking to him again, he walked beside her until they came to a meadow of fruit trees. "We have walked far enough, Aleysia," he said, grabbing her wrist. When she turned, her eyes were filled with tears that she was trying hard to blink away. "Will I see my brother before you leave for York?"

  Seeing her in pain unsettled him immensely. He wanted to comfort her, but he refrained, her body language telling him to stay at arm's length. "I do not think it is wise."

  Her eyes narrowed and a tear slipped down her cheek. He ached to wipe it away, but instead watched as it fell on the bodice of her gown. "Why?"

  His gaze returned to hers. How he yearned to pull her into his arms and tell her all would be right. But how could he promise her anything, especially when he could not give her the one thing she wanted most of all? "Because, Aleysia, you have undermined me at every turn. You conspired against me and very nearly succeeded."


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