Templeton, Julia

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Templeton, Julia Page 21

by The Bargain

  Though she enjoyed being at Braemere, she wanted her brother and his new wife to have some much-needed time together once they married. Plus, she needed to put distance between herself and Galeran. He was not ready for a commitment, and she only served as a distraction by being here. Nay, she need not stand in his way of true happiness.

  She heard footsteps outside her door, and figured it was a servant bringing her dinner, since she had sent word she would not be joining the others in the great hall.

  The door opened abruptly, and Galeran stepped in.

  Shocked to see him, Elena stood. "Galeran?"

  "Renaud said you are leaving Braemere soon."


  "I do not understand."

  He looked like a wounded puppy.

  "I will leave shortly after the wedding. I never planned to stay for long, and I want Aleysia to feel like the lady of the castle. I need not be underfoot."

  "Did she say she did not want you here?"

  "Of course she did not. Nor would she. My friend is far too kind."

  He ran a trembling hand through his hair. "I think it unwise for you to leave so soon, especially when we have just secured Braemere."

  "I understand King William has squelched this rebellion."

  "But danger continues from all corners. The Danes could attack from the east, and the Scots are always a threat, as MacMillan showed."

  Touched by his concern, she smiled. "We live in dangerous times, Galeran. That cannot be helped. I ran a risk coming here when I did, but I had no problems. My men will protect me with their lives. I trust them."

  He shook his head. "You are so stubborn!"

  She hid a smile. "Why are you so upset, Galeran?"

  He swallowed hard. "Because I do not want you to go. I cannot bear the thought of you leaving my life as fast as you've come back into it. I am not prepared to say good-bye."

  Moved by the declaration more than he would ever know, she sat back down. "I am too old for you, Galeran. That became abundantly clear to me in the past week. There is not a future for us."

  "How can you say that?" He was before her in three strides, surprising her further when he fell to his knees and took her hands into his. "I know that I have nothing to give you, save for what is here," he said with hand over heart. "But I will spend a lifetime attaining riches, to give you the life you want. The life you deserve."

  Her heart pounded an unsteady rhythm. "I do not ask for riches, Galeran. I am already wealthy and have homes in France and Spain."

  He looked down, his thick lashes casting shadows on sharp cheekbones. She ran her fingers through his golden hair. "Galeran, one day you will fall in love with a woman your own age, and by that time you might have the things you have always desired."

  "I love you, Elena. I've always loved you. I will never love another the way I love you. 'Tis impossible." Tears brimmed in his eyes and he blinked them back. "Do not leave me."

  Her heart missed a beat, and she wondered if she had misunderstood. But she had heard him, and as she held his gaze, she was stunned to know he spoke the truth. "But I am so much older than you. I will soon have gray hair and more wrinkles than you could count."

  "And I will love you just the same."

  She brushed away his tears with her thumbs. "You say that now, but what if people say cruel things to you? What if they ask if I am your mother? Will that not embarrass you?"

  "You are more beautiful than ever, and grow more so with each year."

  "Soon I will be gray-haired and wrinkled," she repeated.

  "And I will love you just the same as I do at this moment. Think you that your age makes any difference to me?" He shook his head. "It does not matter. I love your heart, your spirit, your body. All of you."

  "Earlier I saw you with a young servant girl. She looked ready to leap into your arms, and you patted her quite intimately on her behind. That very girl might be better suited to you, Galeran. Someone who has not lived so long—someone youthful—who can still blush at pretty words."

  "I knew you watched, Elena. I knew it." He squeezed her hand. "That girl, nor any other, could ever hold a candle to your beauty. Nay, your age matters not. It never has, and it never will."

  How she wanted to believe him, but it was so difficult.

  "Stay with me, Elena. Stay with me for as long as we have. Be my lady."

  "I will not stand by while you pat servants' behinds, Galeran," she said, trying to keep from smiling, yet failing miserably.

  Relief shone in his face and he stood, kissing her while cupping her face with his palms. "I will work hard to give you a good life, Elena. I swear to you. Be my wife, Elena."

  She put him at arm's length and searched his face. "You would marry me?"

  His lips curved. "Aye, my love."

  "I wonder what my brother would say?"

  "I think he would approve." Hope shone in his eyes. "Mayhap I should ask him, then."

  "Maybe you should."

  Renaud had never known such happiness. Aleysia lay beside him, a soft smile on her lips as she slept. They had come to the chamber to rest, for he still ached from the wound MacMillan had inflicted. Aleysia joined him, saying she was tired as well, no doubt due to pregnancy.

  They had lain in each others arms, both smiling, talking of their good fortune. He still could not believe how quickly his life had changed. He could not have imagined being so happy when he had first arrived at Braemere. To think if he had arrived even an hour later, then he would not have known Aleysia. Now, because of that fateful day, all his dreams were coming to fruition. He had the home he'd always dreamed of, the woman he desired above all others, and a child on the way.

  His heart was full to bursting. How shocked his father would be to know his son had found such happiness with a woman, particularly a Saxon who had tried to kill him the first day they had met.

  He brushed back her hair from her face, smiling as she sighed contentedly. Her eyes opened, the light green orbs staring straight at him. She smiled as she stretched. "I was just dreaming of you."

  His heart skipped a beat, and he kissed her softly. "'Twas it a good dream then?"

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled against his lips. "Aye, 'twas wonderful. You were there, as were our children. Loads of them, in fact." Her fingers brushed over his chest, down over his abdomen, and her smile broadened.

  His cock twitched. "What are you about, witch?"

  "Hmmm, I wonder?" she said, her fingers slipping over the cord of his braies.

  "We will not hurt the babe?"

  "Of course not. The babe will be fine."

  He cupped her breast, surprised that he had not discovered her secret earlier, for she seemed bigger there, fuller.

  He eased her out of her gown, and he sat up, looking at her gorgeous body. Her stomach, though still slender, had a bit of roundness to it, which he found pleasing. "I cannot wait to see you big with child."

  "Ah!" she said, swatting at him. "You mean fat."

  "Nay, I mean your belly round with our child. Already you glow, but in the months to come, I shall enjoy watching the changes in your body."

  He leaned over and kissed her belly,

  He still could hardly believe he was going to be a father.

  "I hope it is a girl. As beautiful as her mother."

  Aleysia reached out to him, her fingers running through his dark hair. "And I hope for a son. As handsome as his father."

  "No matter what sex our child is, it will be well loved, and God willing, will know peace."

  "Aye, I pray it is so."

  He kissed her belly again, his tongue slipping into her navel, causing her to gasp. Before she could protest, he slipped lower, between her thighs and kissed the inside of each, before his tongue flicked over her pearl.

  Her legs trembled, but undeterred, Renaud brought his hands beneath her bottom, bringing her closer to him.

  She sighed and her fingernails dug into his shoulders as he licked her slit over a
nd over again until her core tightened and pulsed against his tongue.

  "Renaud," she said on a moan. "I want you inside me."

  He ignored her, licking her again, slipping his small finger into her back passage. She tensed against the unfamiliar intrusion, and he murmured against her nether lips, "Let me pleasure you a new way, my love. I promise I won't hurt you." He went carefully, going up to a knuckle before going farther.

  She relaxed a little, enabling him to grow more daring with her. He slowly pumped his finger inside her, and twisted it every few strokes. He was rewarded with Aleysia's whimpers of pleasure.

  Aleysia forgot to breathe as the multiple sensations washed over her. The feel of his finger inside that forbidden place while he tongued and sucked her made her knees even weaker. But it felt wonderful and she did not push him away or tell him no.

  When another climax hit her, she held onto his shoulders and moaned as she rode it out.

  When she opened her eyes he had stepped out of his braies and lay her gently on the bed. Kissing her, he entered her slowly, watching her eyes close and her head fall back. He kissed her throat, her chest, the valley between her breasts, before taking a nipple into his mouth.

  She sighed her pleasure, her fingers brushing along his back, over his shoulders, where her nails dug in as her release came.

  "Renaud," she cried out, her sheath tightening around him, contracting with a force that startled her.

  His climax was longer in coming, and she took joy in watching him, the tightening of the cords of his neck, the way his eyes became so heavy-lidded, the beauty of his body as he moved over her and inside her. The sight of his huge rod sliding in and out of her. And he was to be her husband. They would be together for the rest of their lives.

  She had never known such happiness.

  He thrust twice more and came, his seed spurting heavily into her. The feel of his release triggered her own, and they came together with satisfied groans.

  Panting, he rolled them on their sides, face-to-face, and then he kissed her, pushing the hair back from her face. "How fine you are with your cheeks so pink."

  "I am deliciously sated," she said with a coy smile. "I could sleep for an entire week."

  He laughed, pleased by the replete smile on her lips. "Aye, and you must sleep, my love. Our child needs you to rest."

  "Already I enjoy this pregnancy," she said, closing her eyes. "You spoil me."

  "Aye, and I always will. You can stay in bed all day and I would not care. I just want you happy and healthy." She opened her eyes. "Renaud."

  Seeing the unspoken question in her eyes, he went up on his shoulder. "Yes, my love."

  "What will become of Adelstan, do you think? I worry that one day someone will turn him into William. I have heard such has happened before. A man turning in another for a reward. What if that is what happens with Adelstan? William might have pardoned you for allowing him to escape, but what happens if he discovers that Adelstan resides at Braemere? Will you not be in danger for harboring a traitor to the crown?"

  "Worry, not. I will do whatever I must to protect Adelstan, for very soon he will be my brother."

  Aleysia smiled. "Aye, he will."

  "And I will talk to William when the time is right."

  "Thank you, Renaud."

  "Now, I have things I must see to. You get some sleep. I shall turn after."

  "Come back soon, my love," she said, her eyes already closing.


  Every bench in Braemere's chapel was full. Not a seat to be had. Soldiers even lined the walls to watch the nuptials and the doors were left open so all could hear, even the villagers who packed the bailey.

  A fortnight had passed since Renaud had asked Aleysia to be his wife, and now that the day was here, she could hardly believe it.

  Aleysia's throat tightened as she took her place beside Renaud. How handsome he was dressed in a black tunic and black braies. Such a contrast to his silver eyes.

  How strange fate was, that she would marry the very man she had feared not so long ago.

  Outside the sky grumbled, promising rain on the horizon.

  However, the small chapel was warm and filled with the people she loved the most.

  She looked over her shoulder to Adelstan, who stood at her side, a wide smile on his face.

  The two men she loved most in the world, together.

  The preacher, a tall man with a long gray beard nodded at them both. "Shall we begin?"

  Aleysia and Renaud nodded.

  "We are come here at this time in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to join, unite, and combine these two persons by the holy sacrament of matrimony, granted to the holy dignity and order of priesthood."

  And so it went. They pledged their love amongst God and their friends, swearing to love until death parted them.

  When the priest announced them husband and wife, Renaud lifted her in his arms and carried her to the festivities in the great hall. She belonged to him now. Forever. What a wonderful feeling.

  Throughout the celebration he kept her at his side, danced a time or two, or watched with sparkling gray eyes as she danced with Galeran or another soldier. Though he spoke with a friend, his gaze did not waver from her, and she felt a flicker of satisfaction knowing he was jealous.

  She glanced over at the hearth to find Adelstan talking to a few knights. How easily he had blended in with the Normans, earning their respect and admiration. How she hoped he would one day find happiness, too.

  Elena came up beside her. "Come, are you ready?"

  Aleysia nodded.

  "Renaud, I am taking your bride and helping her prepare for her wedding night."

  Renaud looked surprised, and intrigued. "Indeed, I shall be counting the minutes."

  "I will come get you when she is ready," Elena said, and taking Aleysia by the hand, they left the hall.

  Aleysia looked at the reflection in the mirror and could scarcely believe what she saw.

  In the space of an hour, with Elena's help, Aleysia had been transformed from bride to vixen. Her hair had been brushed out and curled about her hips. The golden top barely covered her breasts, which had grown larger in pregnancy. The skirt, made of a deep red silk floated about her hips, and fell only to midthigh, enhanced by a golden chain that hung snugly about her waist. On her wrists and ankles were golden bracelets, both of which had bells that rang out with every movement.

  "You are a vision, Aleysia. In truth, Renaud will not be able to keep his hands from you."

  "I hope he is pleased."

  Her eyes had been rimmed with kohl, emphasizing the light green color. They seemed to glow from within. Her lips and cheeks had been rouged, and Elena had suggested rouging her nipples as well; Aleysia had, shocking herself by her boldness.

  "I wish I could see his face when he enters the chamber and sees you," Elena said with a laugh, heading for the door. "I will get Renaud. I told Galeran to signal the musicians when we left the bailey. If all goes right, you will be able to hear them from your window."

  The chamber was dark, the only light from two candles on the bedside table and fire.

  Aleysia waited nervously, pulling the cloak tight about her as Elena went to fetch Renaud. What would he think when he saw her? How nervous she was! A thousand times she had reconsidered and thought it would be best to wash her face and rid herself of the outfit, but they had come too far and Elena had worked so hard finding the gypsy outfit for her.

  Nay, she would play this out.

  Outside she heard footsteps approach and turned her back to the door. The door opened and closed. "Aleysia, what are you doing?"

  "Lie down," she said, her voice shaky. She willed herself to relax, and waited as she heard him sit on the bed.

  "I am lying down now."

  "Close your eyes."

  "All right." A hint of laughter touched his voice.

  She had no idea if he actually had closed his eyes, but taking a deep breath, she dr
opped the cloak and turned toward him. His eyes were closed, and a soft smile played upon his lips.

  "You may open them now."

  Still smiling, he opened his eyes and the smile slowly slid from his face as his gaze shifted over her.

  She did not know if he was pleased or disappointed. As though on cue, the music drifted in from the window. Now was not the time to lose her nerve. The hypnotic sound of the lute and drum blended together, and Aleysia moved her hips.

  Renaud sat up on his elbow.

  She lifted her arms up and over her head and snapped her fingers, while rotating her hips in a circle.

  She heard him release a breath and smiled.

  She moved closer, twirling about in a circle, her skirt flying up.

  Renaud could not catch his breath. He could hardly believe the transformation in his wife. How beautiful she was, perfect in every way. He was relieved she had not tried such a stunt in public, for he would have had to kill every man who looked at her. She was so desirable. As it was, he could not wait to take her to bed.

  Now as she rotated her hips his cock grew achingly hard—the blood burned within his veins. Her breasts were barely contained by the golden silk that hugged them, her nipples rock-hard against the material, and he could see the tiniest hint of rose as one peeped above the fabric. If he wasn't mistaken, she had rouged her nipples as well.

  Her eyes, outlined in black kohl, focused on him, then moved down his body. She stared brazenly, her hands moving down her body as she rocked her hips, her fingers splaying over her own breasts, cupping them.

  His mouth went dry.

  Her fingers drifted lower, along her waist, her belly, toward the apex of her thighs, and then just shy of touching herself, she flung her arms wide and whirled about in a circle, the motion sending her skirts up, showing her naked bottom and her shaved femininity.


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