Side Effects of Loving You 2

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Side Effects of Loving You 2 Page 6

by Dominique Thomas

  "You really pushing me to be a nigga I said I would never be. Your moms is in here on her knees my nigga and you still lying. Thing about it is, I can’t be nothing but real with you. The chances of you surviving this is at 0%. Now your moms was going to have that fate too, but I am a reasonable person. Tell me where my wife and your kids are at and I'll let her live." Ameer looked at me, but I didn’t return his stare. He knew I was lying.

  "Samuel, please..." she begged. Stretch looked at her and he took a deep breath like he actually had to think about saving his mother’s life.

  "You promise not to hurt her?" he asked. I nodded looking him in the eyes. "Okay Drew and the kids is at the Brooks Inn motel off of 94 by the Metro Airport in room 230. Did that bitch Mina send you over here?" he asked getting angry again. I looked at Kasam and rubbed the side of my face.

  "Knock that nigga out, we taking him with us." Stretch shook his head as Kasam lifted his gun. He hit him hard in the back of it and Stretch fell out. Vivica yelled and I walked over to her. She did have a loud ass living room and a banging ass body, but today life just wasn't in her favor. I grabbed her face as she looked up at me and I sighed.

  "I'm sorry, Vivica, but we just can’t let you walk up out of here," she started to cry and I snapped her neck. The life faded away from her eyes and her body fell to the floor. Ameer pulled his phone out and called Luke to come clean up our mess while Kasam and I tied Stretch's hands and feet with some rope. We threw on our hoods and carried that nigga out the back of the house. Ameer waited at Vivica's house for Luke while we rode in a rental we had registered in someone else's name to the hotel. I wanted to speed to get there, but with Stretch's ass tied up in the backseat I knew I needed to take it easy.

  "The neighborhood looked clear, but I told Ameer to make sure he was keeping his head low," Kasam said sitting next to me. I nodded looking straight ahead.

  "Yeah they might be able to spot the car, but other than that, we should be good. I hate we had to take Vivica out, but I couldn't trust that bitch not to talk. It was her life for ours you know?" Kasam shrugged stretching out in his seat.

  "Nigga you ain’t gotta tell me. For Erin, I'll do whatever, so I already understand. Ultimately, her son brought that shit to her doorstep," he said.

  "Hell yeah," I said agreeing with him and for the remainder of the ride, we rode silent lost in our own thoughts. Darkness welcomed us as we pulled up to the motel. Stretch started to wake up in the back seat and grunted when he realized he was tied up. I spotted my brother Kadar's black Jag pulling up the same time that we did. I guess Ameer had told him what was up because I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't called anyone.

  "There go Kadar and Angel," Kasam said sitting up in his seat. I parked next to Kadar's car and him and Angel got out. Kadar wore a baseball cap that was pulled low to his head and Angel wore a New York hoodie that damn near concealed his whole face. I just hated my brother brought his own shit up here. I rolled my window down as they walked up on the car.

  "Aye nigga just go. We don't want nobody to write your plate number down," I told him. Kadar looked in the backseat at Stretch then back at me.

  "Is this the nigga?" he asked with his nose flaring. I nodded and he opened the backdoor. Kadar leaned in and started hitting Stretch all in his shit. Kasam and I jumped out of the car and Angel pulled Kadar back.

  "I didn't see any cameras, but you right somebody is always watching some shit. I'll take him to the empty lot across from here just hit my phone up if you need us," Angel said and pulled Kadar away.

  "Alright so somebody gotta be in that bitch because if they wasn't, Drew would have left out of the room. Let's untie this nigga," I said to Kasam. He nodded and we quickly went to work untying Stretch. With a gun pressed firmly to his back, he walked up the steps and to the room. Kasam stood on one side of him and I stood on the other while he knocked on the door. I had no idea where that nigga's key was.

  "Nigga, why didn't you use your key?" Some nigga asked opening the door. Kasam and I pushed Stretch in and rushed into the room. Kasam went for the Stretch while I tackled the big nigga. The kids started to scream while Drew stood in the middle of the room. I punched the big niggas as hard as I could and he stumbled back, but didn’t fall. He was the type of nigga you shoot.

  "Take the kids to the lot across the street!" I yelled at her. She stared at me for a moment then rushed to the get the kids together. While I watched her briefly, the big nigga took that time to hit me in the back of the head with his gun. I winced and shook off the pain. I was light headed like a motherfucka.

  The minute Drew closed the door, I aimed my gun at the big nigga and popped his ass until I was out of bullets. Thankful for my silencer his ass fell back and fought for his life. I looked around the room for my brother and spotted him standing over a badly beaten up Stretch. I walked over to them and dropped down to my knees. I smiled as I saw the pain his bitch ass was in.

  "What type of nigga kidnap his own fucking kids? You a bitch ass motherfucka and the day you took my wife was the day you signed your own death certificate. Your time is up bitch," I said and shot him twice in the head.


  "You okay?" I asked Drew for the hundredth time. Drew sat in the middle of our bed with Shad on her lap sleeping peacefully. She looked at me and I couldn't tell if she was happy or mad. She just had this blank expression on her face. Had been that way since she been home.

  "Yeah, I told you I was. I'm just blessed to be home," she replied, but said it with an attitude. I nodded and Erin stepped into the doorway.

  "Hey, I just finished cooking let’s a family," she said looking so fucking happy. I grabbed Shad from Drew and she cut her eyes at me.

  "I can lay him down, Aamil!" she snapped at me with an attitude. I sighed and threw my hands up in surrender. I was just happy she was home. I wasn’t trying to fight with her.

  "I was just trying to help."

  Drew snorted and slowly moved off of the bed with Shad. She put him in his crib and prayed over him before she walked out of the room. I looked at Erin who was standing in the doorway and she shook her head.

  "She's dealing with a lot of emotions, but I know she's happy to be home. Just give her time," she said and walked away. Time? Shit she had been gone for what felt like forever. I wanted to give her everything but time. I licked my lips and Mina appeared in the doorway. She had AJ at her leg holding his blanket.

  "I just wanted to say thank you again for getting my kids and the minute it’s safe for me to go, I'm gone. I don't wanna cause any more trouble for you," she said with a small smile and walked away. AJ ran into the room and over to me. I picked him up and he laughed.

  "Daddy!" he yelled.

  "I was coming to see if I should bring Shad out there with us, but I see you wrapped up with your son, so I'll check on him again in a few," Drew said and walked away. I chuckled as I walked out of the room with AJ.

  "Women my dude they'll be the fucking death of you," I said to him as we walked down the hallway.

  I put AJ down once we reached the family room and Aamilah ran up to me. I picked my princess up and looked at my family that filled the spacious room. We were once again complete and I planned on us staying that way permanently. I sat next to a sour faced Drew while everyone pretended to ignore the attitude she had. I couldn't though because that shit was starting to irk me.

  "So what the fuck is up?" I whispered to her. Drew ran her small hands through her jet-black freshly washed hair before glaring at me. The way her eyes narrowed made me feel like I was the fucking enemy when I hadn't done shit but worry about her ass. I almost lost my fucking mind wondering if she was okay.

  "Not now," she said and started talking with Erin.

  "Well, I just wanna say how blessed and happy I am to see my family whole again. Wow this is a beautiful sight," Sariel said. "Please let’s pray," she said and bowed her head. "Heavenly father we come to you today so thankful, so gracious, so happy for your lo
ve and care. You have answered prayers and for that we thank you. Continue to bless us lord in all that we do in Jesus name we pray, amen.”

  “Amen,” we all said in unison.

  "How are you feeling, Drew?' Sophie asked her.

  "Good I guess just tired."

  "Do you wanna lay down after we finish eating?" I asked her.

  "No, I'm good," Drew replied not bothering to even look at me. That cold shoulder shit she was giving me was really pissing me off. I handed Aamilah to Quinn and grabbed Drew's arm.

  "We need to talk now, get your ass up," I said looking at her.

  "Aamil...” Erin said from across the table.

  "This they business," Kasam told her in between eating his food. I looked at Drew and she popped another piece of bread into her mouth. She was acting like a fucking kid. I grabbed her by her arm and made her ass stand up. She tried to hit me and I blocked it. I threw her over my shoulder and carried her kicking and screaming out of the dining room. I took Drew into our bedroom and dropped her onto the bed. She bounced back up quick glaring at me.

  "Aamil, I will talk to you when I’m fucking ready!" she yelled. I leaned towards her and grabbed her face.

  "You better calm your ass down before you wake up Shad. We gon’ talk right got damn now or we gone be in this bitch fighting," I said through gritted teeth. Drew started to breathe hard as her eyes watered. It wasn't my intentions to hurt her, I just wanted to know what the fuck was wrong.

  "Just let me be mad damn. You act like things are perfect now when they’re far from that. You got me living in here with your fucking side bitch and I'm supposed to be smiling?" she asked. I tried to kiss her and she slapped me. I pulled back and looked her in the eyes. Damn, it’s like that?

  "So, now I’m the bad guy? I searched night and fucking day for you. You went without eating, I did too! You went without sleep, I fucking did too! I miss you baby I just wanna know what's wrong? Mina being here don't mean shit to me. Royce still out there and she has no more family that can help her. Her brother M.I.A at the moment and her best friend is scared for her to come over there. Was I supposed to toss her out onto the streets?"

  "Nope, do what you need to do. I'm good like I said I just need some time. Can you give me that?" she asked going over to a now crying Shad. I watched her pick up my son and started to rock him back to sleep. She turned her back to me and I walked up on her. I hugged her and kissed her on the side of my neck.

  "Daddy miss you. I promise I won’t ever let anything happen to you again. Don't you still love me," I asked hugging on her. She sighed and continued to rock Shad.

  "Yes, Aamil. Sometimes I love you too fucking much," she replied.

  Chapter Nine


  "We got a feeling Royce skipped town, but until we get that nigga we still need to keep our guards up. I know everybody is anxious to go back home and y'all can, but like I said be smart. Don't get caught slipping," Ameer said while standing in the middle of the living room.

  I couldn’t concentrate on a thing he was saying because Angel stood behind him with his eyes on me. His gaze was un-wavering and making me very wet and uncomfortable. For days, he had been looking at me like he was ready to eat me alive. What scared me most was that a part of me was excited by the idea of that. I didn't know what was happening to me. I squeezed Kadar's hand, so that I could remind myself of what was important. familia and I wasn't going to fuck that up for a sexy face and nice body...probably a big dick too. Shit stop that Olivia! I said to myself.

  "You good baby?" Kadar asked looking down at me. I looked up at him and smiled. I wanted to see the man that I fell in love with, but lately all I had seen was his fucking back as he left the house and his head whenever it was between my legs. He thought that sex would fix our problems, but it hadn't. At the end of the day, I still had issues with him. I didn’t feel number one to him and that was a problem. I understood he needed to help find Drew, but it wasn’t that. He had been doing questionable shit way before that even happened.

  "Yeah, I'm good." Kadar gave me a quick kiss and walked to the center of the room with Ameer. They shared a look and he started to talk.

  "My pops was still in recovery, but he has given me complete control over the family business. Ameer and I have been talking with Angel and it’s looking like we might be completely legit very soon. We got some huge contracts from the city to rebuild Detroit and we also working on some out of town shit. What happened to Drew can’t happen again. We damn near lost our minds without you girl," he said and gave her this look that I really didn't fucking appreciate. She smiled back at him and I could see Aamil's jaw tense up. "Being clean won’t ward away every hater, but we won’t have to worry about a lot of shit that we have to worry about now. O and I have decided to leave the cottage like I'm guessing the rest of y'all have, but like Ameer said, I just wanna reiterate. Shit is still real out here so take it easy. Always carry your shit on you and don't get caught slipping. Y'all be easy," he said and walked over to Drew. He said something to her and together they walked out of the room with Aamil and I watching them. Where the fuck was they going?

  "Are you happy to be going home?" Angel asked walking up to me. I cleared my throat and pretended to not be affected by his cologne that smelled oh so fucking good.

  "Of course, I am. How are you and your kids adjusting to Detroit?"

  "They like it so far. They miss their mother, but a hoe will be a hoe and I can’t have that around my kids anymore, so they'll have to get over it. I just took over this lounge that's off of Woodward and Congress. You should come through...for a drink. That new hair cut is looking good on you too," he said and walked off.

  "Drew needs a night out," Erin said startling me as she walked up. After she cried on my shoulder, we had become friendly. Not friends, but friendly.

  "Shit I do too, but with so much going on is that really the smart thing to do?" I asked turning to her. Erin smiled and at the moment, she reminded me so much of my baby sister. They had that mindset to do whatever they wanted even if that wasn't what they should have been doing.

  "I'm sure we can dip out for a few hours and be good. The guys do it all the fucking time. We been cooped up in this fucking cottage and I need a break from Kasam and my fucking kid. Are you down or not?" she asked. I laughed because I knew that this was not a good decision, but a night out was too tempting to pass up.

  "I guess, but I'm telling you now if Kadar come at me on some shit, I'ma send his ass to your house." Erin laughed and shook her head.

  "Shit all Kasam gonna do is tell his ass to go get a room, so I'm cool with that. I'll text you the details we can all meet up at the park by my house. Just make sure nobody following you," she said and walked away. As I thought about what I would wear, I spotted Mina sitting down on the sofa with her kids. She looked really happy to see them, but she had this sad look in her eyes. The shit she had done to Drew had me not trusting her ass, but a part of me did go out to her for losing her mom. Even though she was ignorant as hell she didn't deserve to die. Sometimes life could be good and sometimes it could be bad. For Mina life was very fucked up right now and I guess her actions and attitude would determine how it played out for her.


  "Where the fuck is this fucking painting class going to be at?" Kadar asked as I slid into my high waist stone washed jeans. The painting class was Erin's cover idea for what we were really doing. A week had passed since she had come up with the idea for us to go clubbing and I was anxious to let loose. I needed it.

  "It’s in Canton, damn." Kadar walked up behind me and grabbed the back of my hair. He tugged it with a little smile on his face and looked down at me. He was looking sexy as hell in his checkered Armani pajama bottoms and nothing else. They were hanging low on his narrow waist and I could see some of his curly pubic hair sticking out.

  "You better calm your ass down, O, you doing too much shit for you to be going to paint some damn bowl on a picture. Why the fuc
k you wearing lipstick?" he asked and I started laughing.

  "Because I'm a woman that's why." Kadar smirked and slapped me on the ass. He leaned down to kiss me and I stuck my tongue out. He let me line his lips with the tip of my tongue before pulling it into his mouth that still had remnants of the cheesecake he had just got finished eating.

  "You better not be on no bullshit, O, and the minute something don't feel right you fucking call me. Okay?" he asked. I nodded and he slapped my ass again. "Okay?" I moaned when he started rubbing on my ass and licked my lips.

  "Okay daddy," I replied and he kissed me again. Kadar sat in the bedroom with Bella while I finished getting dressed. Kadar had got us a beautiful four-bedroom, three-bathroom house from Ameer that was in Birmingham. I loved it and wouldn't mind putting more kids in the other bedrooms. I just needed to get my relationship right first.

  After slipping on my lace bralette halter and my black Giuseppe peep toes, I walked into the bedroom and Kadar eyes looked over my outfit with disapproval.

  "Nah, your ass ain’t going to no fucking painting class dressed like that. Put on a fucking shirt and change into some flats then you can go." I placed my hand on my hip and glared at him.

  "Then I can go? My name isn't Orabella its Olivia. I've never let a man tell me what the fuck I can wear and I'm not about to start," I snapped at him. Kadar made silly faces at my baby that was getting bigger with each day that passed and he looked up at me. He had a fresh cut, his body was looking so damn good and I could even see his imprint from his dick through his pants. I was trying to stay hard, but he was breaking me down just by looking like that.

  “O, I'm not just some nigga I'm your nigga. Your fiancé and by the way, you better go put that damn ring on and I'm not letting you walk up out of here with that hot ass shit on. You begging for negative attention wearing bullshit like that."


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