Side Effects of Loving You 2

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Side Effects of Loving You 2 Page 11

by Dominique Thomas

“Hell nah, if I did, it would be me calling from jail. Let’s just say she said some shit that wasn’t cool in reference to him and now I think that they might have fucked.”

  “Might have? So, you don’t even know for sure?” he asked.

  “No, but the shit she did was foul as fuck,” I quickly replied.

  “Kadar…son…Thinking and knowing makes a huge fucking difference. In your case, what difference would that be? What is the contract worth?” I leaned back in the chair not wanting to tell his ass.

  “Does it matter? On my trust fund alone I’m good. I don’t need shit from that nigga and neither does my family.”

  “Cuánto dinero de mierda vale la pena! (How much fucking money is it worth),” he yelled.

  “1.3 billion dollars.” My pops chuckled on the other end of the phone.

  “You don’t know if they fucked for sure and you’re willing to toss away 1.3 billion dollars? You must have lost your fucking mind, Kadar. I made a lot of mistakes in my life especially, mixing business with pleasure. I hurt a lot of people and I regret a lot. I worked alongside Shadid for years knowing that I had two kids by his wife. It’s fucked up to say this, but the truth is business was business and it was money to be made. Do what the fuck you have to do to ensure that my granddaughter has a life carefree the same way you did, but even better. I’m feeling much better. I’m coming to town in a few weeks and we will discuss this further. Te quiero,” he said sounding a little angry with me.

  “Yo tambeien te quiero, (love you too),” I said and ended the call. I pulled myself together and left out of my office. I found the guys talking over blueprints in my living room. Angel looked up at me and he shook his head. I just didn’t trust this nigga, but I told myself this was for Bella. Her kids and their kids will eat off of the money I’m making now. I still didn’t get why they brought this nigga to my fucking crib though?

  “I didn’t touch your fiancé. I’m not that kind of nigga. Yes I see how beautiful she is, but I never fucked with her. I couldn’t be around a nigga on a daily business doing no shiesty shit like that,” he said. My pops did, is the first thing that came to mind. I nodded playing this nigga’s game with him and he went back to talking to Ameer. I sat next to Aamil and he looked at me.

  “You good?”

  “Yeah, I talked to pops and he said he’s coming to town.” Aamil looked back down at his phone like I hadn’t even said anything to him and I joined Ameer, Angel and Kasam on the plans for rebuilding the city. Aamil could work out his shit with pops on his own time. I had my own fucking life to worry about.

  I woke up the next day to Dina standing over me naked. She was looking good as fuck naked with oil covering her slim, but perfect body. I rubbed between her legs and she smiled down at me.

  “This yellow bone is banging on your door. Are you married?” she asked. I jumped up and threw on my basketball shorts. I didn’t know how Olivia’s ass even knew where the fuck I was now living. I rushed out of my room and went to the door. I pulled it open and O stepped in looking madder than a motherfucka. Her hair was wrapped up and she had on a Juicy jogging suit.

  “Why haven’t you been answering your fucking phone, Kadar!” she yelled. I shut my door and looked at her.

  “First off, you need to calm your ass down. I got fucked up last night and forgot to charge my phone.” Olivia shook her head as she looked at me.

  “You a sorry ass nigga. Acting like you fucking twenty-one instead of twenty nine. Bella is sick, she’s in the hospital,” O said and I stepped off of the door.

  “She’s what!”

  “Kadar, who is this bitch?” Dina asked walking into the room naked. I closed my eyes and knew that this simple minded ass bitch was trying me. I opened my eyes to give her that look and O was moving her way.

  “Bitch, who are you! This is my fucking baby daddy don’t you be questioning him!” she yelled and hit Dina in the mouth. Dina fell backwards over the small table and hit the ground hard. O pulled out her gun and I grabbed her arm. Olivia struggled to get free and I tightened my grip.

  “Olivia, calm down. Let me get rid of this bitch, so we can go see our daughter…please,” I said to her and she calmed down. I let her go and Olivia’s ignorant ass ran back up on her and started hitting her in the face with the butt of the gun. I snatched Olivia off of Dina before she killed her ass and grabbed the gun. I looked at O and she sat down on the floor.

  “So, what you gon’ kill this bitch for asking me a fucking question? Damn! Can I get her ass out of here so we can fucking see about Bella!” I yelled and O nodded. I looked at Dina and she was all fucked up. Her eye was swollen and her face was bruised up. She cried softly as I helped her get up.

  “My face is numb, Kadar,” she said to me.

  “I bet you will think twice before opening your dumb ass mouth again!” Olivia yelled and I took Dina into the back of my condo. I helped her get dressed and woke up her twin. Donna looked at Dina and jumped off of the bed.

  “Kadar, what the fuck did you do to her?” she asked me grabbing a glass bottle off of the dresser. I sighed not in the mood for this shit. My fucking head was banging.

  “My bitch fucked your sister up. Take her to the hospital, I’ll cover her charges and send her something extra. Okay?” Donna looked at Dina for what to do and Dina slowly nodded her head. Donna frowned and threw her clothes on. I pulled some money out of my top drawer and gave it to Donna. I walked them out of my room past a smirking Olivia and out the door. Dina tried to hug me and I looked at her ass. She just got a fucking Mike Tyson beat down from O and this bitch still wanted to kick it with a nigga? Hoes I would never understand. I patted her shoulder and her scowling sister helped her walk away. I went back into my condo and looked at Olivia.

  “That shit was out of line. You could have killed her.” Olivia shrugged.

  “But I didn’t. Shit I was envisioning you when I was hitting her so you should have thanked the bitch for taking your ass whopping now let’s go check on my baby. She might have colic,” O replied and I just walked off. Her ass definitely had some fucking screws loose.

  After making sure Bella was good, I sat with O inside of her room. No matter how much I told myself I was ready to come home, I still couldn’t push myself to do it. O was on her phone texting like a motherfucka and I couldn’t help but to feel she was texting Angel. I stood up and walked over to her. I tried to glance down at the phone, but I couldn’t see shit so I just pulled it out of her hand. Olivia jumped up and tried to snatch it, but she wasn’t tall enough.

  “Kadar, give me my shit.” I looked through her messages with her phone in the air. I searched through all of her shit and sighed when I didn’t see anything from Angel, but she could have had his name under something else. Women were slick like that.

  “When the fuck did you get another phone?” I asked giving her, her phone back. O sat back in her seat and looked at Bella. It fucked me up to see my baby so small in the fucking hospital, but the doctor said she was good, so I wasn’t worried.

  “It’s a cellphone nigga. I just went and got another one. I don’t need shit from you,” she said looking at our sleeping daughter. I nodded placing my hands in my pants pocket.

  “So, what Angel taking care of you now?” I was just fucking with her to see how she would react, but her ass jumped out of the chair and ran back up on me. She hit me in the face and I grabbed her arm before she could hit me again. I didn’t want the fucking nurses to see us in here fighting and shit.

  “Look I was just fucking with you. You mad as hell for the shit not to be true.” Olivia and I stared at each other and she eventually broke away. I let her arm go and she started sniffling like she was crying. This shit was too much for me. If she didn’t wanna be going at it with me like this, she shouldn’t have called that nigga’s name out. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and looked at my baby once more.

  “I’m gone, I can’t even be around your ass right now. Call me if you need me,” I said and walked out o
f the room. I felt a little bad leaving her there by herself, but not bad enough to turn around. I got into my car, and the minute I exited the hospital, I checked my phone. I had a text from one of my new hoes asking if we could fuck before her class. I texted her back “hell yeah” and headed her way. I would deal with O and the shit we was going through later. Right now I just wanted to get fucked up and slide into some pussy.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “So, what exactly is the problem with you two?” Sophie asked me as we put clothes on the racks in my store. I was now back open and very happy about that. Unfortunately, after the threesome, I still had a problem being happy with Aamil. I pretended things were good with us because he was trying so hard to make it work and I didn’t wanna hurt him. I was just hot and cold. Some days I did love the fuck out of him then some days I would wake up mad as hell, ready to take his head off. Shit maybe I did have post-partum depression. I decided to speak with the counselor without him, so that I could see if she knew why I was starting to not like my husband.

  “Well, things are just different. I know he loves me and I know he went crazy trying to find me, but if he would have kept his Captain Save a hoe ass at home then he could have kept them niggas from taking me in the first fucking place. With him, I never had to worry about my safety until now. I keep having these dreams that somebody is in the house about to take me and my kids,” I said and shuddered. Sophie moved her straight hair out of her face.

  “They’re only about you getting kidnapped?” I placed two dresses on the rack and went to my accessories box that had the latest designer glasses in them.

  “Yeah and some about Stretch. In the dreams he’s telling me stories about Aamil and Mina. How close they were and how much he felt they loved each other. I know Aamil loves me, but he has to love her too Sophie. Look at what he does for her and she isn’t his baby momma. I mean, why is he even with me?” I asked getting upset. Sophie cocked her head to the side and cut her eyes at me. She was looking good and smiling more. I guess she had worked her problems out with Ameer and that was always a good thing.

  “He’s with you because he wants to be. He loves you and if he loved Mina then he would be with her. I swear when she was at the cottage he was never there. Hell until you came home we rarely saw him. He would come in spend time with Aamilah and bounce. He promised her that he was bringing you home and he did. Don’t you still love him?” she asked me. I pulled out the cutest Moschino cases and looked at her.

  “Don’t you still love, Ameer?”

  Sophie smiled.

  “Bitch don’t try to put this shit on me. You know I still love him. Always will. I was just feeling overwhelmed and he wasn’t making shit easier. Things have gotten better now and he’s trying. He agreed to wait on the baby and he’s helping me out more with the kids so I’m a happy wife again. That’s the thing though, Drew. Marriage is hard, but if you want it then you work at it. I wasn’t ready to give up on my man and my family. Shit I worked too fucking hard to get it.” I nodded feeling where she was coming from.

  “Well, I’m about to bounce, so I can go get my kids. I’ll talk to you later,” Sophie said and walked over to give me a hug. She grabbed her bag off of my front desk and took the backdoor to get out. My front door chimed not even a minute later and I smiled happy to be back in my element.

  “Hi! Welcome to my boutique can I help you?” I asked and looked up. Mina looked around the store and then looked at me. The last time she entered my establishment her momma spit on me and they stole my fucking purse. I couldn’t believe that bitch had the balls to come back here.

  “What can I do for you, Mina? Do you think I owe you some shit too like maybe a dress or purse?” I asked her. Mina took off her Dior glasses while holding her McDonald’s cup in her hand.

  “No, I don’t, but that’s why I’m here. I think we need to talk,” she replied. I looked down at my timepiece and back up at her.

  “You have one second. Go.”

  “I was thinking maybe at a coffee shop or something.” I shook my head refusing to go anywhere with her.

  “Mina, cut this nice bullshit. Bitch if I saw one fake hoe I seen them all. My sister dealt with a bitch like you and she is no longer with us. Do you want that to be your fate?” Mina took a step back looking insulated.

  “Drew…I know we don’t get along, but are you really threatening me? Nothing I’ve done to you warrants for me to be killed.”

  I sat down on top of my boxes and glared up at her.

  “Mina, not once did you thank me for watching your kids. Not once, but you got time to chase after my husband because that’s what he is. Mine, but you seem to be having a hard time accepting that. Didn’t he cut you off?” Mina opened and closed her mouth a few times and I watched her struggle with what to do. Be a real bitch and show the real her or keep fronting like she was a new and improved woman. She was too stupid to change her ways. I could smell a fake bitch from a mile away and Mina’s ass was as fake as they came.

  “Drew, I’m trying to be nice to you, can’t you just accept that I’m a new person,” she said through gritted teeth. I laughed and looked down at my nails.

  “Mina, please save this Suzie home maker shit for a nigga that might want you. Now I think that you should go,” I said and stood up.

  “Drew, I’m not leaving until we talk this out. We have to talk this out,” she said starting to panic. I didn’t know if this bitch was high or what, but she was starting to bug out. I had a feeling I was going to have to beat her ass.

  “Look, Mina, it’s nothing for us to discuss. We’re not friends and we never will be. What you can do is thank me for taking care of your fucking kids while we were being held by your psychotic baby daddy.” Mina closed her eyes and mumbled something to herself. She opened them back up and smiled at me.

  “No, you’re right, I do need to thank you. Drew, I wanna say thank you for watching out for my children. If it was Shad or Aamilah, I would have done the same thing because they’re like my kids too,” she responded. My hand twitched because I knew I was about to pop this bitch in the mouth.

  “Mina…my fucking kids will never be anything to you. Now this is my last time telling you. Get your broke down ass up, out of here and go find you a new provider because the old one is gone bitch. He chose me, did you think he wouldn’t?” I asked her and smiled.

  “No, I’m not surprised. He feels obligated to you and the kids, but to take away his other kids is just not right. No real woman or real bitch would have a man do that. My kids are at home crying right now because the only father they have ever known can’t take them to the fucking park. We gon’ work this shit out today, Drew, and then you’re going to call Aamil and tell him it’s okay to be a father to my kids,” she said getting angry.

  “Mina, you’re crazier than I fucking thought you was. I’m not telling Aamil shit...matter of fact, get the fuck out of here!” I yelled and pushed her ass back. She stumbled but caught herself. I turned around to go back to my boxes and she grabbed my arm.

  “Bitch if you don’t...” I spun around and Mina tossed whatever was in her cup in my face. My eyes instantly burned and I dropped down to my knees. “Oh, my God,” I said rubbing them. I couldn’t see shit and they were burning so bad. I smelled my hands and realized that it was some kind of drain cleaner.

  “I tried, Drew, I really did. You just couldn’t share him with your stingy ass. All I wanted was a father to my kids. I would have even given up on having him, but for them to lose him too? Nah that can’t happen. I hope you go blind bitch and me and my kids will be long gone before you can even snitch. You brought this one on yourself,” she whispered and hit me in the back of the head with something hard.


  “How do you deal with stuff when times get hard?” I asked my mom. She looked at me and smiled. She looked so beautiful with her long hair in a side braid. She had a sundress on with her bangles that she brought in Africa. She walked over to my
bed and sat down.

  “What’s going on, Drew? Life for you shouldn’t be hard baby.” I shrugged not wanting to tell her that my life had been hard for some years now. My dad had me out all night flirting with guys, so he could hustle them out of money and I was drained. I was tired of living and starting to think about what death would be like.

  “I don’t know I’m just stressing,” I replied with watery eyes. I started crying and she pulled me to her chest.

  “Baby you come from a long line of strong women. It’s just in our blood to survive. When life gets too hard for you to deal with, you pray. You pray for peace, you pray for him to handle it and you let it go.” I nodded, but it was hard for me to let it go when I was going to have to deal with it again tonight.

  “I’ve been praying momma,” I said crying into her chest. She rubbed my back.

  “Then give me your worries and I’ll handle them. Please tell me what’s wrong baby,” she begged and I looked at her. I wanted to, but I knew that it would break her hurt. I wasn’t ready to see that look on her face or deal with the pain that it would cause to everyone I loved so I shook my head and hugged her again. I prayed I could be as strong as she thought I was.

  “Drew! Are you okay?” Sophie asked rushing over to the bed. My vision was blurred, but I could see and I was thankful for that. I looked around the room and spotted Aamil near the wall with the saddest look on his face. I knew he was fearful of what I would say to him, but at the moment, I just wanted my husband back. I wanted his love and I chose to be with him. I’d asked him to cut off Mina and her kids and he had done it. He didn’t put the bleach in her hand and make her attack me, so I wasn’t going to condemn him for it. If I was going to be with him, then I was going to have to really be with him and stop switching it up.

  “Aamil,” I called out in hoarse voice. He looked at me and slowly made his way over to me bed. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. He kissed my lips then my cheek.


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