Reaper's Till Death (Devils Rejects MC Book 3)

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Reaper's Till Death (Devils Rejects MC Book 3) Page 6

by Glenna Maynard

  “Harley,” Quinn’s familiar voice growls.

  “Quinn. In the tent. Help me,” I call out softly, even though I doubt he can hear me.

  Flipping the flap open he looks either pissed or worried. I can’t get a read on which emotion he is feeling so strongly right now.

  His nostrils are flared. His chest heaves with every breath the man takes.

  “Did someone hurt you?”

  I shake my head then motion toward the furry intruder.

  Quinn takes one look at the skunk and sighs. “Alright. Very slowly and carefully, I want you to move toward the door and me.”

  “No,” I hiss. “Can’t you do something?”

  “And get us both sprayed?”

  “Quinn!” I whine. “Please.”

  “Just get over here, woman.”

  “Ugh!” I protest. The skunk seems to sniff the air. I wonder if it smells the fish?

  “Let me think…”

  “Oh, forget it!” I snap at him and go to crawl past the damn skunk.

  I don’t know if it’s the tone of my voice or my sudden movement that scares the animal, but before I can react Quinn is yelling, “Abort. Abort,” and the fucking striped devil raises his tail and sprays me.

  A “Pssshhh” noise sounds as the gunk clings to arms, my hair, clothes, and legs as I scramble back to my corner.

  Quinn drops his fish as he flees the scene and the skunk runs forward, picks the string of fish up, and scurries away with our dinner. “Oh. My. God. Did that really just happen.” The smell hits me and it is like nothing I have ever smelled in my life. Tears burn in the corners of my eyes.

  “It’s not that bad,” Quinn states coolly as he returns to the scene of the crime.

  “Not that bad hell. It smells like death and shit!”

  “You mean you smell like death and shit.”

  I glare at him.

  “I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “What? Where are you going?” I move out of the tent following after him.

  “To get a metal tub and something to rinse that shit off you with. It’ll take me an hour at least.”

  “What the hell am I supposed to do?” I hold my arms away from my body not that it matters.

  “You can go rinse off in the creek, but it’s not going to get rid of that smell.”

  “Fine. Just go. And Quinn?”


  “Move your ass,” I snap.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He mock salutes, leaving me trapped in the wild covered in skunk shit.

  I can’t stop gagging. The smell is so damn bad. I can’t escape it. It’s burning my nose and my throat. I throw up in the bushes. Not once but twice.

  Unable to stand myself, I go down the trail and find the creek Quinn said was nearby.

  Modesty be damned, I strip off my clothes and toss them to the side. They’re garbage now and probably need burned along with our tent.

  Hell. The tent. I hope Quinn buys a new one. There is no way we can sleep in that one now.

  I move to the edge of the water and dip a toe in. The water is colder than I expected but I gotta wash what I can off me.

  Bending down, I cup my hand and rinse off my arms and my face.

  Once I wash as good as I can, I look around and realize I didn’t quite think this through.

  It’s getting dark. I’m naked. I didn’t bring a change of clothes to the creek. I’m without Quinn.

  He drives me crazy but he’s growing on me. On the road and out here, he is so different.

  The way he looks at me…he gives me butterflies.

  It scares me.

  Quinn scares me because I can see myself easily falling for him—a biker.

  I promised myself I would never get involved with another biker but here I am falling hard and fast for a man I just met.

  Freezing, smelly, and starving, I make my way back to the campsite.

  I don’t know what to do. My clothes are in the truck. The truck that Quinn left in.

  No way can I go back in the tent. The smell is God awful and I smell merely as bad if not worse.

  Here I am standing like an idiot naked in the woods.

  I don’t have a phone to call anyone, not that anyone would be close enough to help. I mean, if I called say 911, I would be all over the headlines for the local news I am sure.

  I can see it now.

  Woman sprayed by skunk found naked and abandoned in the Smoky Mountains.

  I would never live it down. My brothers would wallpaper my apartment with the articles and reports.

  That’s the kind of dickheads they are but I love them. I wouldn’t change Axel and Abel for a thing…maybe a bath and some clean clothes… No. Not even then. I miss them goobers. It’s only been a few days but the three of us are kinda close. We talk about everything. They even come to me about the women in their lives.

  I can’t help but wonder if they have caught my stalker yet. I fear for what they will do to the sick fucker when they get their hands on him. My brothers may give me a lot of shit, but they do love me, and I know they would travel to hell and back for me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I get back to the campsite and find Harley naked and shivering.

  “You auditioning for Naked and Afraid or waiting to jump my bones?” I stick my tongue out as she gives me the death stare.

  I get all the supplies ready and force her down into the metal tub.

  “Is that tomato paste?”


  “What are you going to do with that?”

  I grin as I open the first can and pour it over her head.

  She gasps and sputters an unintelligible line of curses.

  I dump a few more cans over her body and break out the rubber gloves I bought so I can massage it in her hair without getting my hands smelly in the process. No sense in both of us stinking to the high heavens.

  Harley is quiet and thoughtful while I continue my ministrations.

  “Quinn,” she finally says. “Why are you being so sweet to me?”

  “It’s what anyone would do,” I tell her knowing it’s a lie. My lip twitches and her eyes brighten more than I thought possible.

  “Liar,” she whispers.

  I shrug and continue the process hoping like hell it works. Our tent is trashed and the store I went to was out. No hotel is gonna let us in with Harley smelling like skunk ass, and we don’t need to draw any unwanted attention to ourselves.

  Tonight we’ll have the sleep in the bed of the truck under the stars.

  “God, I smell,” she grumbles as I rub more paste on her skin.

  If she didn’t smell so God awful I would do away with the gloves, so I could enjoy touching her.

  Hooking my thumb under her chin, I capture her attention. “You’re still beautiful.”

  “You think I’m beautiful?”

  “I’d have to be a blind man not to see it,” I confess.

  Goosebumps fan down her arms.

  “You’re freezing. Let’s get you rinsed and dried. Stand up.”

  Harley does as she is told without a fight. I start pouring jugs of water over her head, repeating the motion until the water runs down her body free and clear of the paste.

  I wrap a towel around her body and give her another for her hair before lifting her from the tub and removing the gloves. Her body slides down mine to the ground. Her eyes stay on mine and for a moment there is nothing or no one else in the world but the two of us save the moon and stars up above.

  Her soft pink lips part and I wonder if it is an invitation to taste her mouth.

  Licking my bottom lip, I don’t think, I act. I take what I want and right now I want Harley.

  Bringing my mouth down on hers I feel like I have never lived until now.

  I feel like I have never truly kissed another soul until now.

  Every other woman I have ever kissed, touched, or held before this moment pales in comparison.
br />   I don’t know what it is about her, but I’ve never felt such raw desire.

  Such need to have and to hold someone as I do for Harley.

  She pulls back. “Quinn. I can’t. We shouldn’t.” She steps back, rubbing her lips.

  I’m ready to fuck her blind and stupid. But all she wants to do is fight.

  Fight me.

  The pull between us.

  Harley doesn’t know it yet, but she’s gonna be mine.

  Only death will part us.

  I want her, and I intend to have her.

  Maybe it’s lust or the smell of skunk has gone to my head but thoughts of claiming her and keeping her forever run through my mind.

  “Don’t fight this. I know you want it too.” I step into her space, backing her against the side of my truck.

  There’s nowhere for her to run. Nowhere to hide.

  Parting her lips with my thumb, I press between them.

  She sucks the tip and my cock goes rock hard.

  “It’s only a kiss,” I tell her all while knowing it is so much more than that.

  Her head tilts to the side as she gives me a slight nod. Giving me permission.

  With my hand on her throat I lean down and nip at her top lip, wanting to punish her for trying to deny me. Her warm breath mingles with mine. Our tongues sweeping along one another, exploring and tasting heights we’ve never been to before.

  Fuck me.

  I’m a goner.

  I can’t ever imagine kissing another.

  Her fingers fist in my hair as her body presses into mine.

  Moving her leg to rest up on my hip, I need to feel her warmth. The towel rides up, giving me perfect access.

  Running my finger along her silken heat I feel how much she wants this…with me.

  A low whimper leaves her throat and I sink a finger inside, slowly thrusting as her warmth constricts around my intrusion.

  Sucking on her neck, I continue my assault on her senses and force her to throw all her doubts into the breeze that blows by us. Her body moves, her hips bucking with need.

  I add a second finger as she tugs on my hair.

  The snapping of twigs and a male voice calling out, “Hello,” ruins the moment.

  The man with the backpack. Tapping my back pocket, I feel for my knife.

  “Can I help you with something, pal?”

  “Saw your fire, thought I’d say hello. Hope I’m not interrupting.” He offers a fake smile, and I don’t trust this ugly asshole.

  “Well you are.” I skip the niceties because I’m not fucking nice.

  “Didn’t mean no harm. I was hoping you might be willing to share your fish.”

  “Sorry, you’d have to track down the skunk who stole it and fight him for it.”

  He rubs his chin. “I guess that’s the smell coming from your tent.” He laughs.

  Harley must get a weird vibe from him too. She’s moved behind me and has a finger hooked through my belt loop.

  “Not to be rude, man, but me and the lady got engaged today and came out here to be alone. A romantic giveaway. Just the two of us.”

  “That’s cool. No harm no foul. You wouldn’t happen to have some food to spare, would you?”

  “In the cooler. Help yourself then get the fuck outta here.”

  I fold my arms over my chest as the fire blazes between us. If he makes one wrong move, I’ll snap his neck and toss him in the creek for the animals.

  He hurries to grab a few ham and cheese Lunchables from the cooler before getting back on the path.

  Once I am sure the nosy fucker is gone, I turn to Harley.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. He’s just…I don’t know. He was weird, wasn’t he?”

  “Maybe he saw you washing down by the water and was hoping he’d catch you alone. I don’t know, but if he comes back I will make him wish he hadn’t looked twice. Let’s get you dressed.”


  Chapter Fifteen


  Laying in the back of Quinn’s truck looking up at the stars I don’t know what to think or feel after that kiss. That earth shattering, soul shaking kiss. And when he touched me…when his fingers were in me all I could think was that I wanted to fuck him. He’s sexy, funny, and smart…but he’s also a biker.

  It’s too much to think about right now. That guy who came up on us really gave me the creeps. I don’t know why but there was something off about him—something fake.



  “What if…what if they don’t catch this guy? What if he comes after me?”

  “No one will hurt you as long as I am here. I’ll protect you with my life, Harley. I mean it.” Taking my hand in his, he draws my knuckles to his mouth, kissing them tenderly.

  I want to believe him. I want to trust in him, but I’m scared.

  Scared to fall.

  Scared not to.

  After my rocky relationship with Kyler…I don’t know that I am ready.

  “That weird guy? Do you think he was really watching me? Do you think that’s him?”

  “Don’t think about that shit. Just be here in the moment. Right now, there’s only you and me. If he comes back, I’ll be ready for him.” He pulls me so that my head is resting on his chest as he rubs my back. “For a million dollars would you rather eat a bowl of roaches or haggis?”

  “What the hell is haggis?”

  “Sheep’s heart, lungs, and liver served inside it’s stomach.”

  I scrunch up my nose. “Ewww that’s nasty. You’re sick. Who would want to eat that?”

  Quinn chuckles and his belly shakes. “Sounds like how you smell.” He bumps his knee against mine. “So, which one?”

  “I can’t believe I am saying this but the bugs. Most definitely the bugs.” His fingers move under the hem of my shirt and a shudder ripples up my spine. “For a million dollars would you rather fuck a whore without a condom with the possibility of her getting pregnant or get a blowjob from an old lady who is like eighty?”

  “How hot is the grandma?”

  I punch him in the rib and he winks at me. “You’re the one who asked the question. If you had to choose. No money involved. Would you rather be claimed by Cocky or me?”

  My breath hitches in my throat. “Quinn…where did that come from?”

  “Before we left when I was talking to Hades he told me that Cocky wants you. He asked permission to claim you.”

  I shoot up. “Permission to what? Claim me!” I shake my head. “I’m no man’s property. I belong to myself.”

  “What if you don’t have a choice?” His fingers move through my hair. “What if keeping you safe means you staying in Webb Hollow under Devils Rejects’ protection? Who’s your man, me or Cocky?”

  “Is that what this is? You bring me out here to make me fall for you, so what, so I’ll choose you?” I shove him away. “A pissing contest between the two of you? Who’s got the bigger dick?”

  “I’ve got the biggest cock. No doubt about that, sweet ass. But no, it isn’t about that. Would being with me be so bad?”

  “Quinn, we don’t even know each other. Not really. My life is back in Drag Creek.”

  “Look at me,” he commands and mechanically, I respond to his voice. “You got somebody waiting back home for you?”

  “Axel and Able,” I say without explanation.

  “They twins or some shit?” I can see jealousy in his gaze. It’s wrong to toy with him, but I can’t help it. There is a fire burning in his eyes for me, but I don’t want to get burned.

  “Brothers, but not twins.” I smirk. His smile falters and I feel bad. “My brothers,” I clarify.

  “Brat,” he huffs. “Forget I mentioned it. Your family is probably beating the fuck out of your stalker right now. Come tomorrow, you’ll probably be on your way home.”

  When he says I’ll be leaving him tomorrow I get a sinking feeling in my gut. I don’t want to be claimed by a biker, bu
t I don’t know that I am ready to leave Quinn so soon. We just met, but being here with him, despite the whole skunk thing is fun. He makes me smile even though I want to smack him half the time.

  “I didn’t mean for it to sound like being with you would be bad, but I’ve dated a biker before. It didn’t end so well.”

  “You know what the problem with your statement is don’t you?”

  “What’s that?” I gaze into his eyes seeing sincerity.

  “He wasn’t me. I don’t want to own you. I want to kiss you whenever I want wherever I want.” His lips brush along my shoulder.

  “You want to kiss me again?”

  “I want to kiss your skunk smelling bratty ass every day.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Permission?” I sass, pushing for him to tell me more. Perhaps he is attempting to get me to fuck him or maybe he really likes me. Either way, I intend to find out despite my reservations. Despite how fast and crazy things are happening.

  “I don’t need permission, simply waiting for you to recognize that what I’m feeling for you…though fast. You’re feeling it too. I am done fighting this attraction—this pull to have you.”

  “This is crazy, Quinn.”

  “But it’s right,” he whispers into my mouth as he crushes his lips into mine.

  Quinn’s lips kiss me stupid as his hands move me to his lap so that I am straddling him.

  I don’t want soft and slow. Tonight could be our one and only chance.

  Tugging on his shirt, I eagerly pull it over his head and discard it to the side. Roaming my fingers along his smooth chest, I explore his torso, feeling the contours of his muscles. His lips pepper down my neck, biting and sucking at my collarbone.

  “You trying to give me a hickey?’

  “Just marking my territory,” he says in a husky tone.

  His voice combined with his possessive touch has warmth pooling between my thighs.

  “You’ll be a hot sticky mess by the time I am through with you.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “It’s a warning.”

  My tank top is brought over my head and my chest is exposed to him.

  Sucking a nipple into his mouth he isn’t gentle, grazing the tender skin with his teeth. His free hand pushes up the leg of my shorts, thrusting his fingers inside me.

  “Fuck you feel so tight but most of all, Harley. You feel like mine.”


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