Her Twin Stepbrothers

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Her Twin Stepbrothers Page 10

by Terry Towers

  As his lips and tongue reached my stomach, I froze for just a millisecond. Was I wearing nice lace or sheer panties or grannies? As he pushed the black skirt I was wearing up, I noticed a flash of pink and breathed a sigh of relief. The pink lace ones were sexy—thank goodness. Though if I were to give it any thought, Eric had unloaded my laundry on many occasions and seen my unmentionables, including my grannie and period panties, many times over the years. But that was in my laundry basket, not covering my pussy.

  His lips moved to my inner thigh, and damn, he was going to torture me. My body trembled as the need intensified. The anticipation was killing me.

  His mouth was moving slow, too slow, excruciatingly slow. How could he be so cruel? He must know this was sheer torture.

  “Please!” I begged. I couldn’t stop myself, the word spilling out of my mouth before I even knew it.

  He stopped about two inches away from the apex between my legs and lifted his head to look up at me. “Please?” He cocked up a brow, and a grin slowly spread across his lips. “Please what?”

  “Umm.” My mouth dropped open and I didn’t know how to reply. Please what? Surely he knew what? Wasn’t it obvious?

  “Tell me what you’re begging for. Say it.”

  “Begging? I wouldn’t say-” before I could finish what I was about to say, he stuck a finger under the sheer material covering my mound and slipped it between my wet folds. But he wouldn’t enter me, he just slid his finger back and forth between my folds.

  “Oh god, god, god! Eric, please!”

  He kissed a little further up my leg until his breath teased my already throbbing core. “Tell. Me. What. You. Want.”

  “I… Mmmm.” I squirmed against his finger hoping to impale myself on his digit. He wouldn’t allow me.

  Removing his finger, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my panties and paused. Again, he looked up and his gaze locked onto mine. “Tell me, or this ends now.”

  For a brief second, I thought of telling him to stop the madness before it was too late. But that was a fleeting thought at best. I wanted, needed the pleasure, and I’d deal with the fallout later. “I want you. I want your tongue on me. And in me.”

  The cocky grin that I both loved and hated spread across his lips again as he began to pull my panties down over my hips and legs. Pulling my panties off completely, he balled them up in his hand and stuffed them into the back pocket of his jeans.

  As he spread my legs and placed a kiss on my shaved mound, I felt another surge of need. Keeping my elbows behind me, bracing myself up, I watched as his head dipped, and he kissed my mound again. His fingers parted my moist folds, and his tongue lashed out and swept across the length of my slit.

  “Oh! Oh god!” He did it again, and my stomach clenched, my hands fisting the edge of the bar.

  His finger returned, but this time, it slipped into me, and I cried out, bucking against his hand. As his finger began to stroke my inner wall, his tongue moved to my clit, flicking against the swollen nub. The sight of him between my legs took me to new heights of arousal. Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back again and indulged as his finger and tongue flicked and stroked me into a frenzy.

  The intensity of the pleasure pushed me higher and higher, and just when I thought I couldn’t take another moment, it all stopped. “Wha -”

  “You’re going to come in my mouth.”

  I didn’t have a chance to ask my question, because his tongue replaced his finger, thrusting into my core. Grabbing my legs, he positioned them over his shoulders, angling me so each time, his tongue thrust into me at just the right spot to make me cry out with each thrust.

  And each one pushed me closer to the edge, making me thrust up into his mouth in time with his movements. Closer. So much closer. My body trembled, my stomach tightened like it was in knots, and I knew I was moments from the explosion.

  “Close. Oh god. Eric!” Just as I said his name, my insides tightened, and then I screamed out his name as a wave of relief washed over me so intense it brought tears to my eyes. He didn’t stop, didn’t even slow down as the juices from my relief greeted his probing tongue. He lapped up my orgasm as if it were the greatest thing he’d ever tasted. But he didn’t stop, and instead, his finger began to work with his tongue.

  “Eric, I don’t know if I can-” I tried to move away, not sure if I could take another orgasm like that one so soon, but he held me in place, and this time my orgasm was came fast. So fast and hard that I feared I would pass out of the pleasure. But of course, I didn’t. Instead, I flopped back fully onto the bar, panting hard. I couldn’t even whimper a protest when he removed his mouth from my pussy.

  After a moment, I felt him lean over me, and his lips ghosted mine. Moaning softly, I reached out to him, holding on as he deepened the kiss. His tongue and mouth tasted of me, and dammit, tasting myself on his lips was so arousing that if it weren't for the fact I’d come hard twice already, I would have been ready to go again. But I was spent. So spent that all I wanted to go was go home, lie next to him, and go to sleep. Tomorrow, we’d deal with the repercussions of what we'd just done.

  But I couldn’t. We had a bar to open.

  He pulled away from me, but not fully. “Open your eyes, Andrea.”

  I obeyed, slowly opening my eyes and looking up at him. “This wasn’t a mistake, and it wasn't any other silly idea you might get in that beautiful head of yours.” Taking my hands in his, he straightened up, pulling me up and into a sitting position on the bar.

  “I wasn’t-”

  “I know you. And yes, it wouldn’t take much time for you to convince yourself this is wrong, or bad, or god-only-knows. But I’m telling you now, it isn’t.”

  “It isn’t,” I repeated.

  “Do you believe that?” He looked concerned, really concerned.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  The concerned expression slowly left his face, and a smile replaced it. God, I loved his smile, his entire face seemed to light up, carrying through to his dark eyes. “Good.” He leaned over and nipped my chin, then placed a light kiss on my lips. “Because tonight, after we close, we’re going to finish what we don’t have time to finish now.”

  Sliding off of the bar, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed myself against him, nestling my face against his neck. “I need you to hold me.”

  He didn’t hesitate. He held me tight while stroking my hair, and amazingly, all anxiety I’d been feeling for what felt like forever evaporated. I felt taken care of and loved. In his arms, it felt like nothing could ever hurt me, and I never wanted that feeling to go away.

  “It’s all going to be okay, Andrea. You’ll see.”

  I nodded against his neck. “Thank you.”

  “There’s only one thing.”

  One thing? Confused, my brow furrowed as I pulled back just far enough to be able to look up and into his eyes. “What?”

  He pulled my panties from his back pocket and dangled them before my eyes. “I’m keeping these.”

  I reached out to snatch them from his fingertips, but he was too quick, shoving them into the front pocket of his jeans. “I need those!”

  “You do not.” He grinned and took a step back.

  “I do, I’m wearing a skirt!” I straightened my mid-thigh length skirt as I spoke.

  “I know,” he winked at me, “it made what we just did so much easier. I do love you in that skirt, by the way.”

  I scowled at him. “You just love how easy it makes this for you.”

  “I won’t deny that.”

  “Eric, please!” I lunged at him, trying to grab the panties from his back pocket. He was way too fast for me, not that I expected to get them from him anyhow. When Eric got his mind set on something, it was next to impossible to sway him, and in this instance, what he had his mind set on was keeping my panties.

  “Ohhh, I do love it when you beg.”

  I huffed. He was enjoying this way too much. Not wanting him to get the better of m
e, I planted my hands on my hips and shrugged, fully aware that my short and bra was still undone and that his eyes were now fixated on my breasts. “Fine. I don’t need them anyhow.”

  “Good-” His eyes lingered another moment on my breasts, and then he looked down at his watch. “-because we open in a little over an hour, and we have prep to do. Trying to get them back from me would only put us behind on work.”

  Laughing, I shook my head at him. “You’re such an ass.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter 12


  That was… unexpected.

  My mind was racing a mile a minute as I served customers at the bar while Andrea went from table to table, taking orders and delivering drinks. It was busier than expected, and we were working full out. I’d been tempted to call Sam a number of times, but Andrea assured me it would be fine and we could handle it. She mentioned that she didn’t want to interrupt his date.

  Normally, Andrea wouldn’t be too concerned over Sam’s social life. She had one priority in her life at the moment—the bar. This change in attitude was bewildering.

  But then again, maybe it was because of me. I didn’t know how I felt about that. I didn’t want things to get weird between the three of us, but I feared that it was inevitable. If we were to pursue this…


  I gave my head a shake, I needed to reel it in a bit and give this situation some serious thought.

  “Is Sam supposed to be out all night?” Andrea asked, coming around the bar and grabbing three bottles of beer from the cooler.

  “I’d assume so,” I said with a shrug, “That’s usually what happens on his dates.”


  “We can call in one of the weekend staff.”

  Andrea shot me a look that said ‘are you a complete idiot?’

  I threw my hands out to either side of me. “Just a thought.”

  “We’re fine,” she answered, her tone curt as she came closer to me, and I got a whiff of her perfume. My dick stirred in my pants. Her perfume had always attracted me, but after what had happened earlier between us, it gave me an almost instant hard-on.

  “Are we?” I grabbed her arm and stopped her, my gaze burning into hers. She’d been pretty hot and cold with me all evening. It was throwing my mind into a whirlwind. I ran my tongue along my lower lip. It had been hours since I had been in her, but for some reason, I could still taste her. Or maybe that was just my imagination—who knew?

  She stared back at me a moment, and we just stood there, gazing deep into each other’s eyes. “Are we what?”

  “You know what. After earlier, are we okay? You’re not spooked or anything?”

  Slowly, a little too slowly for my liking, she shook her head. “No. No, I’m not spooked. Everything is fine, Eric.” She pulled her arm from my grasp, and I let her. “Seriously, it’s okay.”

  “Hey buddy, how about that drink?” A voice called from behind me.

  “One second,” I yelled back, my gaze not leaving hers.

  “I need to get these beers to the table. We don’t have time for this right now, Eric.” Andrea glanced over at the table that was waiting for their drinks, then back to me.

  “Then just answer the question.”

  She visibly sighed. “We’re cool. Let’s just get this night in and worry about everything else in-” she looked down at her watch. It was 11pm. “-two hours, okay?”

  “Hey, bartender!”

  Well, shit. “Okay, fine.” It seemed okay, but I just didn’t trust it, maybe because so few things went right lately. “But we’re taking time after work to talk.”

  She smiled at me, her smile following through to her eyes. “All right.”

  ~*~ TT ~*~


  “I think we need to talk.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I cringed. Wasn't that what you normally say when you break up with someone? I’d used and heard it with other men in my immediate past.

  Eric looked up from his paperwork, a frown on his face. He was in the middle of balancing the night's cash. We did twice as much business as usual tonight, which was exciting—exhausting, but exciting. Come to find out the reason was because an office decided to have a staff leaving party at our bar. It actually felt good that they chose our bar, until we were told it was because our bar was always so quiet, and they figured that could have a great time without being interrupted by a bunch of strangers.

  My fairly good mood had been blown to shit.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s about the bar,” I said, taking a seat across from him at the small table next to the bar.

  With a sigh, Eric sat back in his chair. “Okay. What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the idea of turning this into a strip club.”

  “Jesus Christ, Andrea. Are we going to go through this all over again? Seriously?”

  I frowned.

  “Look, I was hoping we could just go home and relax. Maybe pick up where we left off earlier...”

  “But that doesn’t help the bar, does it?” Ohmygod! I was worried about the club and he was worried about getting laid? What the hell!

  “I don’t think it’s the way to go, Andrea.”

  “Sam and I do. We feel it’s the best way to make a run at this.”

  “Let’s set aside the fact that, like the other strip club in town, this place will get picketed. Even though the strip club is busy, that doesn’t mean there’s a market for two. And if we take the remainder of money and invest it into making adjustments to turn this into a strip club, which would include advertising, what if it doesn’t work out and we’re still dead? It would be the final nail in our coffin. We’d lose the bar and maybe even the house. None of us have regular jobs. If this place closes, we’d have at least two to three weeks without a single cent. We may not even be able to make the mortgage at that point.”

  “And if this continues, and we just sit back and die a slow death?”

  Eric shook his head, defeated. “I don’t know. Maybe…”

  “Maybe, if things keep up this way, we’ll shut down in the not-so-distant future. If we try this, then we have a fighting chance.” I leaned across the table and took his hands in mine. “I can feel it in my gut. This will work. I can make it work.”

  “You’re not fucking dancing.” He wasn’t even close to joking. He was giving me his no-nonsense look. Not that I wanted to dance, anyhow. Okay, well, maybe it hadn’t been such a bad experience, but I’d already decided it was a one-time thing only.

  I didn’t pay any heed to the look he was giving me, because what really mattered was the fact that he was beginning to really think about it. With Eric, all you needed to do was open his mind to your idea, and you could get him on board. It was all in that initial wall of resistance you had to break down.

  “So...we’re going to do it?”

  He sighed. “Yes, we’ll give it a shot. In reality this bar is your families legacy not mine. It may have been left to the three of us, but you’re the one it really belongs to. If you want to spin the wheel and take a chance, so be it.”

  I squealed, a high-pitched, girlie squeal. Ohmygod, the excitement that raced through me at that moment was overwhelming! This might have just been the way to make it. Leaping from the chair, I ran over to his side of the table, and as he leaned back in his chair, I plunked myself into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “This is so great!” I began to plant a series of kisses up and down neck and across his jawline. “So great!”

  Laughing, Eric wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight to him, one hand slipping up my outer thigh under my skirt. “Andrea, I’m scared you’re going to be very disappointed when this doesn’t work out.”

  I was about to plant a kiss on Eric’s lips when I heard the front door of the bar open behind us. “What’s going on?”

  I froze, and I could feel Eric tense under me. Sliding from Eric’s lap, I spun
around, my hair whipping into my face as I spun to face him. “Sam?” My skirt had inched its way up as I’d plunked myself onto Eric’s lap, so I pulled it down, my cheeks growing warm, as if I’d been caught in the process of making out with a boy by my parents, something that had happened on numerous occasions in my teen years.

  “Andrea was just a little excited after I said that if you two were really into the idea of the strip club, it’s a possibility we could entertain further.”


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