Her Twin Stepbrothers

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Her Twin Stepbrothers Page 18

by Terry Towers

  She shook her head. “Nope and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything.”

  “Sure. Well, what happened?” He chuckled. “Sleep with the boss or something?” Her face paled and he wished he could take back his words and mentally kicked himself for saying something so stupid. He just didn’t expect his joke to be on point. “I’m sorry. I…”

  “No, it’s all right.” She downed the second glass of wine and motioned for another refill. “There’s not much to tell. It was an accident.”

  He chuckled softly, an uneasy sound. “An accident? You tripped at the office and just fell onto his cock? I don’t follow.”

  She stared at him a minute and began laughing. “No, I didn’t fall onto his cock. I mean, I thought he was separated and in the process of a divorce; that’s what he told me. Apparently somewhere along the line they got back together, his wife found out about us and me about her, he fired me.” She shrugged. “Not that I’d have continued working there anyhow, but still…”

  “What are you going to do?”

  She shrugged again. “Hang here for a little while, get my bearings. I’ve never actually taken a vacation since I took the job a few years ago. Then I’ll go back to New York and start pounding the pavement. I guess. I can’t stay in limbo long, the apartment I have there is expensive and will do short work of my savings.”

  “Hmmm. Well, you’re here tonight, so let’s enjoy it.” He filled both glasses once again and clinked her glass to hers. “To reunions.”

  She smiled. “Reunions.”

  Chapter 3

  He hadn’t been lying. He’d become an incredible cook, Violet was beyond impressed and the conversation hadn’t been so bad either; it didn’t take long for the time to seem to rewind itself to the point where she felt like they’d never separated. She appreciated that he didn’t dwell on her mistake with her boss, heaven knows she’d beat herself up enough about it. She’d spent the past two days thinking back, dissecting the relationship and picking out points where she should have caught on that something was up. It was a futile endeavor, she knew this, but she was helpless to stop the self-pity.

  “So, are you coming?”

  Violet’s eyes lifted from the blade of grass she’d been picking at and towards the sound of his voice. She’d been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed him getting up from the blanket. He was standing on the small pier about 10 feet away, pulling his shirt up and over his head. Balling the sweater up in his hands he tossed it at her, hitting her square in the face.

  “Hey, what the hell!” She laughed, clutching onto the sweater, and despite herself brought the sweater to her nose and inhaled deeply. It was over the course of the picnic that she’d discovered why the scent was so familiar. It was the exact same Calvin Klein cologne he wore when they were younger; she’d bought his first bottle for him one Christmas and he’d never changed from it. She’d loved it then and still loved it.

  “Come on. It’s a beautiful evening. Let’s go for a swim.”

  “I don’t have any swim clothes.” Her eyes scanned his naked chest and torso. The muscle was so tight and defined, even hotter than she expected – the moonlight seemed to accent every contour of muscle.

  He undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants, hooking his thumbs into the waistband and pushing them down, leaving him in his boxer briefs. She couldn’t resist, her eyes lowered to his groin and the bulge beneath the black cotton. “So? It’s just the two of us here.”

  “You want me to go skinny-dipping with you?” She set the sweater down on the blanket and got to her feet, crossing her arms over her chest, lifting her eyes from his groin and shooting him a skeptical stare.

  “Why not? The girl I used to know used to be fearless.” His accent seemed to be thicker then; she didn’t think he’d ever sounded so sexy. This was madness. Stepping out of his jeans he grabbed them and tossed them onto the blanket.

  “I’m not that girl anymore.” She could feel herself crumbling. He was giving her that sexy, seductive smile that made her tummy flutter and ignited the fire between her legs, a feeling she’d been getting on and off for most of the evening. And those dimples, damn him and his sexy dimples.

  “I don’t believe you.” With one quick movement he removed his boxer briefs and tossed them at her. She caught them in mid-air and then dropped them onto the growing pile of clothing. “It would be a damned shame if that were true.”

  “What if someone comes?” Her eyes dipped to his groin again; his dick was standing at half-mast and she quickly looked away, her face burning from embarrassment. His laughter only intensified her embarrassment. Memories of them together intimately came crashing over her; how tender he’d been when he’d taken her virginity, how he’d always attempt to time his orgasm with hers, so many memories...

  “Were we ever caught before?”

  She forced herself to look at him, into his mischievous grey eyes. The man had no shame. None. At all. And he knew what a temptation he was, he had to know. “No. But –”

  “Then stop being such a prude, strip and let’s go for a swim.” He took a couple of steps towards her. “I have a feeling that girl I fell in love with is still in there, somewhere.”

  More memories bombarded her and she had to force tears from her eyes. He had no idea how hard it had been for her to say goodbye. Or maybe he did? Maybe he’d found out what his mother had done to her; it would certainly explain why he didn’t seem to hold a grudge over the breakup. Or maybe this was just a game for him, make her fall for him all over again so he could be the one to crush her instead of the other way around. She shook the thought from her head, no, she couldn’t believe he was capable of such a thing.

  She sighed. “Fine, you win.”

  His eyes twinkled with victory.

  “Now, turn around.” She made a circling motion with her finger. “No looking until I’m in the water.”

  He made a show of groaning his displeasure, but did as told and turned his back.

  “I’ve seen it all before, you know this, right?”

  “But it’s been seven years, things change or maybe you’ve forgotten.”

  “Oh honey, I haven’t forgotten a single inch of you.”

  “I don’t remember you being this smooth.”

  “I’ve been working on my swagger.”

  It took a minute before she gathered up the courage, but she began to strip. With each piece of clothing she removed it took with it a part of her shyness. By the time her panties were sliding down her hips, she was actually beginning to feel like she did when she was 18, wild and crazy and without a care in the world.

  Taking a deep breath in, she raced from her spot on the blanket past him on the pier, pausing just long enough to give him a quick slap on the naked ass, before diving into the water.


  “Whoa!” Surprised, Devon jerked forward and nearly toppled off the side of the pier. He spun around just in time to see the tips of her toes disappear under the water. Where her sudden brazenness came from was beyond him, but he’d take it. She was gradually opening up, hints of the woman he knew shining through. But with the years of great memories came the pain of her rejection, reminding him of his main purpose of asking her out tonight, to get to the real reason she’d broken up with him all those years ago. She was going back to New York, this could go nowhere, he knew this. He had to keep his heart hard, otherwise he’d be a mess over her all over again. This was strictly about getting information and maybe having a good time in the process. THAT. WAS. ALL.

  “What are you still doing up there?” She re-emerged treading water – the waterline just covering her breasts – and pushed her hair back out of her face. She slapped the water in his direction, spraying his legs. “Hurry it up.”

  The sight of her sent another shot of arousal through him. He’d been fighting his desire for her from the moment he picked her up and if he didn’t get into the water immediately, she’d be fully aware of that fact –
he was already cursing his semi-erection. Leaping from the side of the pier, he dove into the water next to her and reappeared at her back, wiping the water from his face.

  Laughing, she spun to face him. “So, how about a race to the platform?”

  “What’s the prize?”

  “No prize. Just because.”

  “No, there’s always a prize. Otherwise why do it?”

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth as she looked over at the platform and then back at him. He could see her trying to determine her chances for winning. She’d always been a strong swimmer, but was no match for him and they both knew it.

  “How about this, I’ll give you odds of two to one favours.” Favours were the system they used to use and to his recollection he still had five banked. Did they even still count now? They’d never discussed an expiry date, but then again they’d both been young, in love and never dreaming it would one day end.

  “Two to one, huh?” She looked back at the platform. “Do I get a head start?”

  “You’re the one who suggested the race!”

  “But you suggested a prize.”

  “Hmmm.” His eyes lowered to her lips. He wanted to kiss her, been longing to since the previous evening. “Fine. Five seconds.”


  “Five.” It wouldn’t matter though, he could give her twenty and still win.

  She looked over at the platform once more and nodded. “Fine. You’re on.” Turning towards the platform she readied herself. “Five.” Without warning she took off, slicing through the water much faster than Devon remembered her to be.

  “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, giving her the promised five count before taking off after her. Despite the surprising speed she took off with she’d only made it one-third of the way before he was within grabbing distance of her. But he kept at her feet for most of the race; it wasn’t until she was nearing the platform that he kicked into full gear, easily overtaking her and pulling himself up and onto the platform before she made it to him.

  “Ugh! I hate when you do that!” She glared up at him as she reached the platform, panting hard. He felt a twinge of guilt for not letting her win, she’d tried so damned hard, but he wanted that favour.

  “Do what?”

  “Make me think I’m going to win and then…” She flipped her hand at him. She placed her palms on the platform and was about to hoist herself up, froze and then settled back into the water.

  “Problem?” he asked, cocking a brow up at her.

  Rolling her eyes, her gaze lowered down his chest and paused at his groin, before flushing and looking away. “No. I just…”

  “So, I get a favour. And I think I’m going to claim it now.”

  “I’m not getting up there.” She crossed her arms over the platform and settled her chin on top of her crossed arms. “And don’t you dare goad me by saying the old Violet would have.”

  “I wouldn’t do that, but she would.” Giving her a wink he pushed himself off of the platform and settled into the water next to her. He was itching to use the favour to ask her to tell him the truth. All these years he deserved the truth. He’d even considered chasing after her to New York to demand it, but her mother refused to give him her address, or even her phone number. In a city of millions of people it would have been a needle in a haystack for a boy who was just barely a man.

  But he didn’t want her running from him, so he refrained. He’d get his answer, he was confident in that. “That’s not what I was going to ask.” He settled behind her, grasping the platform on either side of her, boxing her in, her back to his front. His cock, which had been flaccid until that moment due to the chill in the water, began to thicken as it rubbed against her backside.

  Her body stiffened against his as he leaned in and placed a tentative kiss on her bare shoulder. He didn’t miss the sound of her inhaling sharply and smiled. It was good to know he still had an effect on her.

  “Then what did you have in mind?” She glanced over her shoulder at him and for a moment their eyes locked. Even in the darkness he could see lust beginning to form in her blue eyes.


  “On?” Frowning, she turned so she was facing him, bracing her elbows on the platform behind her to keep herself afloat. She didn’t seem to notice that the new position had pulled her out of the water and her breasts were now fully visible above the waterline. His gaze lowered just briefly enough to see her large pink nipples had turned to tight nubs from the chilled water.

  “If the favours you still owe me are valid.” His cock, which had been slowly coming alert, sprang to full potential. He refused to allow himself to be self-conscious about his attraction for her. It may have been years, but physically, nothing had changed in that regard. He’d had an insatiable appetite for her back then and now. Hell, one of his go-to fantasies was claiming her for the first time – which had also been his first time – the feel of her tight pussy around him, the way a couple of tears slid down her cheeks as he breached her as she begged him not to stop despite his initial reaction to her tears to do just that.

  “Wha–” She stopped her protest as realization gleamed in her eyes. “That was years ago.”

  “But they didn’t have an expiry.”

  “But –” She pressed her lips into a firm line, remained silent a moment and then sighed. “You’re right. So that’s, what, six I owe you?”

  Smiling he nodded, pressing himself tight to her, his cock pressing against her stomach. His lips brushed along her neck. “Six. But it’s soon to be five.”

  “Wh-what do you want?”

  Chapter 4

  “Just a kiss,” Devon said.

  Violet gazed up into his eyes and he pulled back just slightly to look down at her. “A kiss.” Her body trembled at the thought. This was dangerous. She’d been fighting her reaction to him all evening. She couldn’t allow herself to fall for him all over again – couldn’t. It had been too hard to say goodbye the first time. She didn’t know if she had the strength in her to do it again.

  “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea…” Her hands tightened on the platform behind her, to the point her fingers began to hurt. But his body was so warm, in contrast to the cool water. And he was looking down at her with such hunger and if she wasn’t mistaken, affection, in his eyes. It was all becoming too much, her reason was losing the battle with her body and emotions. It was as if her body remembered his and was drawn to him.

  A cocky grin spread across his lips as he leaned into her, his lips brushing her earlobe. “A bet’s a bet, V. Favours are non-negotiable.”

  He had a point, they were non-negotiable. They’d made a deal over a decade ago. How could she deny that reasoning? It was the only honorable thing to do. She was also all too aware of the status of his erection, pressing tight to her. It was teasing, reminding her of their times together, of the pleasure he could offer her if only she’d ask for it.

  “So, Miss Phillips.” His lips moved across her jawline, sending a shiver of need through her. “Are you going to deny me my win?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, though she wasn’t even sure what she planned to say, when his lips came crashing down onto hers, tasting of wine and berries. She melted, every ounce of resolve she had in her shattered and she was his. It was as if the past seven years hadn’t happened and they’d never parted.

  Releasing the platform, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself flush against his hard heat, their bodies forming together beautifully, like they always had.

  One kiss, that’s all. No big deal…

  But damn, had his lips been this soft before? She parted her lips as she moaned softly against his mouth. He took opportunity to thrust his tongue between her parted lips; the feel of their tongues as they touched sent a rush of pleasure and yearning through her so intense the fire between her legs ignited. Suddenly, she couldn’t get close enough to him. Her fingers caressed the muscle of his shoulders and the muscle fl
exed under her fingertips.

  She knew she needed to stop this, but he felt so good, so familiar. After having her heart and pride get stomped on by Logan, being in Devon’s arms felt so, so good – and right. This was Devon, he’d never hurt her, he’d never deceive her. Devon had always been there for her and she’d blown it, hurting them both in the process.

  And I’m going to end up doing it again… The thought was like dumping a bucket of ice water over her head. She pulled away, ducking under his arm and swimming away from him as quickly as she could. Her mother was right, it was a bad, bad idea by a silly girl who’d wished for something she knew she couldn’t have.



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