Secret Liaisons

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by Shelia M. Goss

  She’s his fantasy leading lady…if he can convince her love can be their reality.

  Women in Hollywood, Book 2

  When aspiring screenwriter Mona Johnson landed a job as assistant to one of Hollywood’s most sought-after movie producers, she planned to use the experience to build her career. She never expected her match made in online-dating heaven to be her boss.

  Romance with Terrance Beckham is out of the question. She knows his history. He’s not the commitment type.

  His quest to find real love in real time coming up empty, Terrance goes incognito in the virtual world to take his famous name and large bank account out of the equation. Then he discovers the online chat room handle of Ms. Perfect is attached to the woman who brings him coffee.

  Disclosing his identity will have to be handled delicately if they’re to face their mutual attraction without preconceived notions. But before they can build a bridge to happiness, they’ll have to overcome obstacles—some labeled “ex”, and others labeled “mom”—that could drive a permanent wedge between them.

  Warning: If this book were a movie, the Motion Picture Association of America would give it an R rating for nudity, frank language, and graphic sex. You’re welcome.

  Secret Liaisons

  Shelia M. Goss


  I thank God for another opportunity to do what I love.

  I’m grateful to my mom Exie for all of her support and my brothers, Lloyd F. (Jerry) and John.

  Thanks to my editor Latoya Smith for introducing me to a new audience.

  A special shout out to Paulara Hawkins, Danna Kiel and actors Vincent M. Ward, Shanda Marie, Andrea Mona Bowman, Illesie White, Lemar Sain, Jevon Miller, Ariane Perideaux, Vernae Ewing and Thaddeaus Pugh.

  Thank you to my close friends who I can always count on for uplifting conversations.

  Thank you to my readers who encourage me to write the stories I write.

  Thank you ____________(fill in your name). I appreciate you all.

  Shelia M. Goss

  Chapter One

  Thirty-year-old Mona Johnson stood mesmerized watching her boss mingle with the actors and crew during the wrap party. Clips from the recent movie they’d filmed had just been shown, the huge cake shaped like a camera had been cut and now everyone was drinking and having fun. Terrance Beckham’s kilowatt smile brightened the dimly-lit room revealing pearly white teeth. The clean-shaven movie producer’s eyes twinkled when he told jokes about things that occurred during filming. Those around him laughed out loud, enticing Mona to move closer so she could see what all the fuss was about.

  Kem Phillips, one of her best friends from college, stood next to her and said, “You did a great job organizing this party.”

  “Thanks, Kem. Looks like everyone is enjoying themselves,” Mona responded.

  “Especially those two.” Kem pointed in the opposite direction.

  Mona’s other best friend, Charlotte Richards stood near the R & B heartthrob Sean Maxwell, who also happened to be one of the stars of the movie. Charlotte and Sean were recently engaged and were inseparable. Charlotte, an entertainment manager, was also in attendance because Terrance was one of her clients.

  Mona and Kem walked through the crowd of people and now stood near Charlotte and Sean.

  “How’s my favorite couple?” Mona asked.

  “Doing great. What about you?” Charlotte responded.

  “It’s been fun, but I’ll be glad when this night is over with,” Mona said.

  Sean said. “I’ve been telling Charlotte how great you were. Thanks for helping me get through those awkward moments.”

  “After this movie, you can guarantee, you’ll be getting other roles.”

  Kem said, “I might write a character for you on my show, just because.”

  “You ladies sure know how to make me feel good,” Sean responded.

  Charlotte looked at Kem. “Have your people call my people and let’s make it happen.”

  Sean held Charlotte’s hand and kissed the back of it, revealing a five-carat princess cut diamond engagement ring. “Look at my baby, always working.”

  Charlotte blushed. “You are my number one client.”

  Sean leaned closer to Charlotte. “I better be.” He brushed his lips against Charlotte’s.

  A young man walked over to Sean and whispered something in his ear. Sean looked at them. “Ladies, I promised this reporter an interview. Let me go take care of my obligation.”

  Charlotte said, “I’ll tag along with you. Girls, I’ll see you at the gym tomorrow.”

  Sean reached for Charlotte’s hand. She grabbed it and they walked away from Mona and Kem.

  Mona watched them as they blended into the crowd. She wanted to experience the type of love Charlotte and Sean had. Her thoughts were interrupted with the sound of Terrance’s husky voice.

  “Kem, thanks for coming tonight. Mona just recently shared with me that you two were good friends,” Terrance said.

  Kem smiled. “Yes, we’ve known each other since freshman year in college.”

  “I bet you have some stories to tell about Mona.” Terrance smiled as he looked at Mona.

  “She probably does.” Mona winked, smiled and continued to say, “But if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll keep them to herself because she’s a part of those stories and we wouldn’t want them to get out now would we?”

  They all laughed. Terrance looked at Mona. “I know I promised you tomorrow off, but an opportunity just fell into my lap. Can you be in the office by ten?”

  “Sure. Anything for you,” Mona said, letting her words purr as they poured out of her mouth.

  Terrance smiled. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were flirting with me.”

  “It must be all of the champagne you’ve been drinking,” Mona responded.

  “Must be.” Terrance paused. He looked at Mona and then back at Kem. “Ladies, I’ll let you get back to your conversation. Kem, hope to see you again soon.”

  “Likewise,” Kem responded.

  Mona watched Terrance walk away to the other side of the room. He slipped his arm around the waist of a tall model whose name she’d purposely failed to remember. Her smile faded into a frown.

  Kem cleared her throat. “What’s wrong, Mona?”

  “Not a thing. Terrance is a nice person, but he’s always with a different woman.” Mona grabbed a flute of champagne from the waiter that happened to walk by.

  “Why is that your concern? He’s a grown man. And the women don’t seem to mind,” Kem responded.

  “If it wasn’t for that, I could see—” Mona stopped herself before completing her sentence. “Never mind. Let me go check on the catering company. Looks like we’re running out of some things.”

  “I’ll wait to hang out with Charlotte and Sean while you do that,” Kem said.

  Mona took a quick long drink of her champagne and placed it on a table. While everyone else partied, Mona made sure everything went well.

  Terrance noticed Mona pass him out of the corner of his eye. It was hard not to notice Mona in the bright red dress. He admired how the form fitted dress fell over Mona’s petite, slender body, accenting her small waist and round butt. His mind drifted to places it shouldn’t have. The date he’d forgotten about tapped him on the arm.

  “Why are you watching her when I’m standing right here?” Bambi asked.

  Bambi didn’t try to pressure him into a relationship like some other women, so that’s the only reason why Terrance invited her. She also wasn’t too bright but she made for good ey
e candy.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Terrance responded. He turned and faced her.

  “Is this party almost over because I’m ready to go. I got off the plane and came straight here.” She looked irritated.

  Terrance said, “Why don’t you go to your hotel and wait for my call.”

  “Are you dismissing me?” Bambi’s tone changed and got a little louder.

  Terrance was a movie director and loved drama, but on the screen, not in his own personal life. Bambi had just officially axed herself from his calling list. “Bambi, can you keep it down?”

  “No. I flew in from New York to Los Angeles just to be with you tonight and you’re going to try to dismiss me because you have the hots for someone else? No, that’s not going to happen.”

  People started looking in their direction. Terrance wanted to go hide behind a camera. Mona walked back in the room and straight to where he and Bambi stood.

  “Bam, I mean Bambi, I think it’s time for you to leave. You have a good reputation and you really don’t want the gossip blogs to be talking about how you caused a scene at tonight’s wrap party now do you. I heard you got a new contract with Motives Cosmetics and I’m sure there’s a morality clause in there so let’s not jeopardize that.”

  Bambi held a scowl on her face. She looked at Terrance. “You better be glad your assistant knows what she’s talking about or else I would slap you right now. Lose my number and forget you ever knew me.”

  Bambi placed a fake smile on her face and sashayed out of the room as if she hadn’t just caused a slight disturbance.

  Mona turned to the crowd who had gotten silent to watch the scene. “The party’s not over. Deejay crank the music up.”

  People started back enjoying the festivities. Terrance was glad the attention was no longer on him.

  Terrance said to Mona, “Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

  “Any time, boss,” Mona responded, and then walked away.

  Terrance saw a group of actors who were in his latest film. He plastered a smile on his face and went to mingle with the cast. He pushed the incident with Bambi to the back of his mind but couldn’t keep his thoughts off Mona.

  Chapter Two

  Mona met with Charlotte and Kem early the next morning at the gym. They’d discussed the events from the previous night as they worked out.

  Mona said, “Ms. Bambi walked her not so happy behind out of there.”

  Kem, who walked on the treadmill, said, “I’m sure you enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

  “Every minute of it.” Mona stopped pedaling the stationery bike.

  “I was standing nearby. She was complaining about being tired so Terrance told her to go,” Charlotte said, as she wiped the sweat from her brow with her white towel. “And that’s when she went off.”

  “One thing I’ve learned from working for Terrance is that he doesn’t like scenes. She called herself dismissing him, but I think Sean dismissed her and that’s why she was so upset.”

  “From the looks of it, you’re probably right,” Charlotte said.

  “I’m sure you’re happy about that,” Kem replied.

  Mona looked at Kem. “You keep implying something but I’m going to ignore you.”

  “I call it like I see it.”

  “Am I missing something?” Charlotte asked.

  “Our friend, yes the same one who complains about her boss, really likes him if you catch my drift.” Kem smiled.

  “Charlotte, don’t listen to her. She’s writing a fantasy in her head and trying to make me the star.” Mona got off the bike and on to the treadmill. “Besides, Terrance is the last man I would choose to be with.”

  “Kem, Mona has a point. We both have seen Terrance at events around town. Can you name one time you’ve seen him with the same woman twice?”

  Kem looked in the air as if she was thinking.

  “Case closed,” Mona said, “The man for me will be ready for a commitment. Not someone who gets off by dating multiple women.”

  Charlotte said, “There are plenty of men out there, so you’ll find someone.”

  “Lately, most of the men I meet are only after my assets and I emphasize the ass part. They aren’t looking to get passed my looks to find out who I am.”

  “That’s why I’m concentrating on building my empire. I’m tired of the rat race,” Kem said.

  “I want to be in a relationship but with the right man. Someone who likes the same things I like and someone who isn’t trying to be a player. Does Sean have any brothers?” Mona jokingly asked.

  “I must say, my baby is one in a million. I can’t tell you how happy he’s made me. He doesn’t try to change me. He accepts me and loves me just the way I am.” Charlotte’s smile grew large.

  “I want what you and Sean have,” Mona confessed.

  “If it were up to me, both of my best friends would be just as happy as I am,” Charlotte said. Charlotte’s phone beeped. She pulled it out of her pocket and read the text message. “Ladies, I have to cut this short. One of my clients has gotten themselves into a bind.”

  Charlotte grabbed her things and left. Mona increased the speed on the treadmill. Kem said, “If you’re serious about meeting someone, I may have a solution to your dilemma.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My cousin’s sorority sister Rowena has a dating site called 2-Of-A-Kind.”

  Mona stopped the treadmill. “Meeting men isn’t the problem. Meeting the right man is my issue.”

  “That’s just it. Most of the people who use the site are professional people just like you. You have to fill out an extensive questionnaire and their database pairs you with a match based on the information you entered.”

  “If it’s so good, then why haven’t you used it?” Mona asked.

  “Because I’m not looking to be in a relationship,” Kem responded.

  “What’s the name of the site again? I guess it doesn’t hurt to try it.”

  Kem repeated the dating site information for Mona. Mona made a mental note to visit the site later.

  “I guess I better go shower and change. I don’t want to keep my boss waiting,” Mona said.

  “You could always bypass the site and stop fighting your attraction to Terrance,” Kem said.

  “There you go again. I will let you know how things go with 2-Of-A-Kind,” Mona said, as she hopped off the treadmill and headed to the locker room to shower and change.

  Terrance leaned back in his black leather chair behind his desk and listened to his mother go on and on about how much she was ready for him to settle down and give her grandbabies while she was still young enough to enjoy them.

  “As you know Terrance, I’m not getting any younger,” Sara Beckham said.

  “I know, mom. When I meet the right woman, I do plan to marry her and give you all the grandchildren you want,” Terrance said. He’d said it before, but just to ease her mind, he didn’t mind repeating himself.

  “Before you go making any type of commitment, the woman must pass my inspection,” Sara said.

  Terrance laughed. “Mom, all that should matter is the fact that I love her.”

  “I see the women you’re always with. They’re all gold diggers. You need a good, wholesome woman. Someone who has her own and who won’t be after you because of your money.”

  Terrance swiveled his chair around when he heard his office door open. Mona stood in the doorway in a midnight blue pants suit and white blouse. It didn’t matter what she wore, she could not hide her well-toned body.

  “Mom, I got to go. I’ll call you back tonight, I promise.”

  “Don’t forget what I told you. No more gold diggers,” Sara said. “And you need to do something about that assistant of yours. She never passes my calls through.”

  “Bye, mom,” Terranc
e said and disconnected the call.

  “You didn’t have to hang up on my account,” Mona said as she walked in.

  “I was looking for an excuse to get off the phone. As always, you saved me.”

  Mona crossed her arms and smiled. “Sounds like I should be getting a raise.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Terrance said. “Have a seat.”

  Mona took a seat in front of Terrance’s desk. “Do I need my recorder for this?”

  “You’re fine.”

  Mona placed her iPad on his desk and appeared to be giving him her undivided attention.

  The whiff of Mona’s sweet floral fragrance made him want to get closer. He pushed his chair back some. He needed to shake whatever feeling he was having. Last night he’d dreamed of her in the red dress. He’d imagined her removing the dress, slowly, and now this morning, he wanted to get close to her. Mona was off limits. She was his employee.

  “Terrance, you zoned out. Do you want to call this meeting for another time?” Mona asked.

  “No. I’ll be alright.” Terrance needed to pull himself together. “Charlotte has gotten me a meeting with some network executives and they are interested in me pitching a couple of TV pilots to them. If this works out, this will be my first TV show. My dilemma is I have to narrow it down to three. We’ve gotten a lot of submissions and I need you to help me determine which three to go with.”

  “What about your assistant producer?” Mona asked.

  “As of last night, he will no longer be working with me. He’s decided to take a position with the Night Show on CBS so he’s leaving tomorrow.”

  “I hate to see Bill go. I like him.”

  “Me too. Not only do I have to find a script, but a new assistant producer.”

  “I think both of our dilemmas have been solved. I need a raise to help me pay my bills and you need an assistant producer. In the past, the assistant producer has helped you with reading scripts and that’s what you just asked me to do.”

  “That means, we’ll be working together even more than we are now,” Terrance said.


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