Secret Liaisons

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Secret Liaisons Page 18

by Shelia M. Goss

  “William didn’t tell me you were going to be here too?” Sara said.

  “Too?” Terrance sounded dumbfounded.

  Sara stood next to Terrance and picked out one of the bridal ring sets. She looked at Reverend Hamilton. “Are you sure you can afford this on your budget?”

  “Reverend Hamilton isn’t trying to buy one of these, I am, mother.”

  Sara’s mouth fell open so wide a horsefly could have flown inside. “It’s too early for you to be thinking about marrying that woman.”

  “Mom, I’m a grown man. I decide when I’m ready. And that woman has a name.”

  “I know her name. Just because we’re getting along, it doesn’t mean I want you to marry her.”

  “It’s not your choice.”

  Reverend Hamilton reached for her hand. “Dear. We came to pick out your ring. Let’s not spoil it with your temper tantrum over Terrance’s girlfriend.”

  “Looks like she’s about to be his fiancé. There’s no way she’s going to turn him down when he presents one of those to her.”

  “When do you plan on popping the question son?”

  “Not sure. But soon because she’s talking about finding a new place and I want her to move in with me.”

  Sara interjected. “I don’t agree with shacking up but in this case I would make an exception. Live with her first. You can think about marrying her later.”

  “Sara, I’m shocked. Your son is trying to do the right thing and you’re encouraging him to sin.” Reverend Hamilton dropped Sara’s hand.

  “But dear. You said yourself that kids today rush into things. All I want him to do is slow down and make sure Mona is the woman he wants. He hasn’t explored all of his options.”

  “I’m sure these folks are tired of hearing our business so I’ve decided what ring I want and you two can finish the business you came here for.”

  Terrance looked at the jeweler. “I like this one. She wears a size seven. When will it be ready?”

  The jeweler smiled. “Good choice. I can have it ready by Friday. Do you want to come by or have me special deliver it.”

  “You can have it delivered.”

  “Just fill this out and we’ll get this transaction completed.” The jeweler handed Terrance an iPad and a stylus pen.

  “I can’t believe you’re spending that much money on a ring. Son, I didn’t raise you to be wasteful,” Sara said.

  “No, you didn’t. Dad raised me to make sure I protected and invested and I’m investing in my future. Mona’s my future whether you like it or not.”

  Sara pouted. Reverend Hamilton said, “I don’t feel like looking at rings. Let’s go, Sara.”

  “William, what do you mean? The wedding is in a few weeks and we need the rings.”

  “I need to think about some things,” Reverend Hamilton said, and walked away.

  “Mom, I suggest you try to handle your own personal business before trying to get involved in mine.”

  “William’s just pouting. He’ll be alright.”

  Terrance looked at his mom as if she was crazy. “Did you not hear what he said? He said he needs to think over some things which translates to him having second thoughts on marrying you.”

  “He wouldn’t break things off with me. I’m a good catch.”

  Terrance wrapped his arm around his mom’s shoulder. “Yes, you are. But right now, you’ve made the reverend upset so instead of talking to me; you better go catch him because I don’t have plans to drive all the way to Pasadena.”

  Sara left out of the jeweler in a huff. Terrance laughed. The good reverend was giving his mom a tough dose of love. He knew Reverend Hamilton was upset but not crazy enough to leave his mother stranded.

  His mother’s behavior was getting out of hand. Terrance needed to figure out a way to stop her from meddling in his life. Mona wasn’t going anywhere so they would have to learn how to co-exist with each other.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Mona sat at the bar at the Flamingo Lounge waiting for her friends to appear. She was on her second drink when she’d received back-to-back texts from each informing her they wouldn’t be able to make it.

  Mona waved her hand to get the bartender’s attention.

  “I want to pay my tab,” she said to the bartender.

  “Pretty lady, your tab’s being taken care of by the gentleman on the end.” He pointed to the end of the bar.

  Mona frowned. “Thanks.”

  Mona got off the barstool and walked to the end of the bar. “Garrett, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you were stalking me.”

  “My hotel is right across the street. Or did you forget that when you decided to come here?” Garrett stated with a smug look on his face.

  No, she hadn’t been thinking of Garrett when she’d asked Charlotte and Kem to meet her here. “This time, we’ll chalk it as a coincidence.”

  She turned to walk away. Garrett stood in front of her and blocked her. “Why leave so soon? You just got here.”

  “My friends stood me up. I don’t like to drink alone.”

  “I don’t see why two old friends can’t have a drink or two together.”

  Mona thought about it. Having a drink with Garrett wouldn’t harm her. “I see a table over there. It’s near the door so if you try something I can slip on out.”

  “Still a tease I see Ms. Mona Johnson.”

  “Never that,” Mona responded.

  “Do you want another apple martini?” Garrett asked.

  “A Cosmo. But let me finish this one first.” Mona sipped on her apple martini.

  “So how was your trip home?” Garrett nursed his drink.

  “Great. But I’m sure Danielle gave you the run down.”

  “I want to apologize to you if it seems like I was crossing the line by talking to Danielle. I went to her because I was hoping she could convince you to give me another chance.”

  “We’re two different people now. I still think you’re a wonderful guy but just not the guy for me.”

  “I understand.” Garrett reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Are you ready for that other drink now?”

  “I sure am. But where’s the waiter? I haven’t seen one come by the table.”

  “I’ll get it. Just promise me you’ll be here when I return.”

  “Go. I’m not going anywhere.” Mona texted Terrance while waiting on Garrett to return but didn’t get a return text. She slipped the phone back in her clutch.

  Garrett returned to the table holding two drinks. He placed one in front of Mona and the other on the table near him. “So how are things with you and the producer?”

  “Let’s not talk about Terrance.” Mona took a sip of her drink. She smacked her lips. “Something’s not right with this drink.” She took another sip.

  Her vision started to blur. “Garrett, did you do something to my drink?”

  “Mona, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mona felt herself feeling light-headed. Garrett helped her off the stool. He wrapped his arm around her as if they were a couple. “I’ll help you to your car.”

  “No, call me a cab.”

  “Why don’t you come to my room and sleep it off. You probably had one too many drinks.”

  “No, it’s something else. I feel funny.”

  Garrett hugged her and walked her out. Instead of walking towards her car, he walked her towards his hotel. Mona thought she heard someone call out her name. She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out.

  “Why are we at your hotel?” Mona asked.

  “You’re in no condition to drive. Let the drinks wear off and then I’ll allow you to leave.”

  Mona gained the strength she needed and grabbed her clutch from him. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she slurred.

>   “Come on, Mona. You’re causing a scene.” He tried to keep a grip on her shoulder but she shimmied herself from his reach.

  “Taxi,” she yelled out. “Will someone get me a taxi?”

  Garrett placed his hand over her mouth. She tried to knock it away but each time she did, Garrett’s hand returned.

  A tall slender hotel security guard rounded the corner and asked, “Is everything okay here?”

  “Things are fine. She just had a little too much to drink,” Garrett responded.

  “Find me a taxi,” Mona slurred.

  “Nonsense. She can stay with me,” Garrett insisted.

  “Somebody get me a taxiii,” Mona shouted.

  The security guard looked at each one of them with a confused look on his face. He looked at Garrett. “She wants a taxi sir. It’s in your best interest to follow her wishes.”

  Garrett moved back. Mona walked back through the hotel lobby like a drunken woman. The security guard hailed her a cab.

  “What’s your address?” the security guard asked.

  “It’s on my license.” Mona’s hand felt heavy.

  The security guard took her clutch and located her license. He recited the address to the cab driver. He placed her driver’s license back in her wallet and clutch. He made sure she was securely in the back of the cab.

  He told the driver, “Make sure she gets inside of her place safely.”

  Mona noticed the guard give the cab driver money. She leaned back and drifted in and out of consciousness.

  The cab driver assisted her to the front door. “Thank you. You’re so kind. How can I repay you?”

  “Your tab’s already been taken care of.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Lock the door. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “It won’t. Thanks to youuu,” Mona stuttered.

  The cab driver gently shoved her inside her apartment. He closed the door. Mona locked the bottom lock. She lifted her arm to lock the top lock but couldn’t. Frustrated, she hit the lock with her hand. She didn’t feel any pain.

  She stumbled through the apartment in the dark hitting furniture. She fell down on the couch face down and blacked out.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Terrance blinked several times. He’d been driving and was going to stop at the Flamingo Lounge to meet Mona after he saw her text. He couldn’t believe she was there huddled with Garrett. A man she swore she was through with. Why would she even invite him if she knew she would be getting with Garrett? Was it her way of ending things with him? Is it the real reason why she didn’t want to move in with him? How could he have been so foolish? He’d played the game to win Mona’s heart and he’d lost. Garrett came out the victor.

  Terrance needed a drink more than ever but he wouldn’t do it at the lounge. He would go home to drink away his sorrows. There was no need in going to Mona’s. He saw her go in the hotel with Garrett and he’d seen her car parked in the parking lot.

  How could you Mona? Terrance asked over and over in his head. Instead of drinking, Terrance went to his home gym. He decided to work out his frustrations in another manner. He pushed himself to the maximum when doing different exercises. He counted as he did pull ups.

  Sweaty and dehydrated, he went to the kitchen and gulped down a liter of water. He looked at his cell phone and noticed he had a missed call earlier from Mona. Curious to see what she had to say, he dialed his voicemail.

  She sounded slurred. “We need to talk.”

  “There’s nothing else you can say to me right now,” Terrance spoke out loud.

  He threw the phone on his bed, removed his clothes and got in the hot shower. Every time he closed his eyes he couldn’t get the image of Garrett and Mona hugging and walking towards the hotel.

  Terrance dried off and got under the covers. He tossed and turned throughout the night. He saw visions of Garrett and Mona kissing and making love in his dreams. He made himself wake up. His dream seemed too real.

  He called Mona’s cell number. His calls went straight to voice mail. She’d turned off her phone. He threw the phone across the bed. It almost landed on the floor. He fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

  The next morning, Terrance went into his office wearing his dark shades to hide his blood shot eyes from lack of sleep.

  Jerricka greeted him at the door. He didn’t smell fresh coffee like he normally did.

  “Good morning, Terrance,” Jerricka said.

  “It’s Mr. Beckham.”

  “But...” Jerricka started to say but stopped herself.

  “Is Ms. Johnson here yet?” Terrance asked.

  “No. She called. She didn’t sound too good. She said she wasn’t feeling well but will check back in with me later.”

  Terrance figured she was too hung over after a night with Garrett to come in. “Did she leave a message for me?”

  “No, sir. She didn’t.”

  “Let me know if you hear from her. Screen all of my calls. I will be unavailable all day.”

  “What if your mom calls?”

  “Tell her to leave a message.” Terrance went to his office and shut the door.

  He stared at Mona’s picture on his cell phone. He loved Mona but she’d made her decision. She’d chosen Garrett. Terrance needed to get over it and move on. It was simple in theory but would be hard to execute. Love wasn’t an emotion he could erase right away. It’d taken him years to fall in love and it would take a lifetime if ever to remove Mona from his heart.

  He didn’t like thinking of defeat but his eyes showed him what his heart didn’t want to accept. She couldn’t let go of her past so he would have to let her go.

  Terrance’s phone rang. Mona’s face flashed on the screen. He answered, “Hello.”

  “Thank God, you answered. I’ve been calling you all morning.”

  “What about last night? I called you but you didn’t answer.”

  Mona stuttered. “About last night…”

  “No need to explain. I got another call coming in,” Terrance lied.

  Terrance didn’t want to hear Mona lie to him. Cutting her off before she could finish her statement felt like the best thing to do.

  Terrance turned on the radio and Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” playing through his computer speakers.

  At this point, love didn’t mean a thing. He began questioning everything Mona had said to him. Despite his anger, Terrance loved Mona and his attempt to prove it to her went astray. He’d hoped building a home with her would seal the bond they’d created. Their new memories didn’t stand a chance against the memories she shared with Garrett. Terrance felt his heart breaking in two. It caused him to wail.

  Jerricka rushed to the door, “Mr. Beckham, are you alright?”

  “No, but I will be,” he responded.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Mona woke with her head feeling like a ton of bricks weighed it down. Every time she sat straight, she fell back down on the couch. She called Kem and Charlotte. Neither liked the way she sounded and vowed to be over as soon as possible.

  Mona’s call to Terrance didn’t go the way she wanted. He acted upset with her about something. She didn’t know what she said to him the night before but she hoped he would forgive her.

  She barely remembered the chain of events but things were slowly coming back to her. Mona scrolled through her phone and dialed a number.

  “Garrett, what the hell did you do to me last night?” Mona shouted.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, sounding nonchalant.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t try to play stupid with me. You drugged me. You thought you were going to take me to your room and take advantage of me, but you didn’t count on me not drinking the whole thing.”

“Mona, apparently, you don’t need to drink because your accusations are ludicrous.”

  “How could you do this to someone you claimed to love? I used to love you but I can honestly say that I hate the day I laid eyes on you.”

  “Mona, let me explain,” Garrett pled.

  “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.” Mona ended the call. Tears flowed down her face. She didn’t want to imagine what would have happened if she hadn’t fought the urge to give in to the medicine he’d slipped in her drink.

  Garrett was the last person she thought she would have to protect herself from. If her suspicions were true, Garrett would pay for what he’d tried to do to her.

  Shortly thereafter, she heard a knock on the door. Kem and Charlotte were standing on the other side.

  They hugged each other.

  “You look like crap,” Charlotte noted.

  “I feel like I look.” Mona led them to the sofa.

  “I love your place,” Kem said.

  “Don’t lie. You’re just trying to make me feel better,” Mona responded.

  “It’s small but it’s cute and cozy. Sometimes I wonder why I got such a big house,” Kem said.

  Mona felt at ease and recanted what happened the previous night at the bar.

  “I feel bad about not being able to come,” Charlotte stated.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s that jerk Garrett’s,” Mona responded.

  “I knew he was bad news.” Kem clenched her fists.

  “I need to figure out my next move.” Mona looked down at the floor.

  “Let me make a phone call.” Charlotte pulled out her phone. She walked to the other side of the room.

  “How are you really doing?” Kem asked.

  “My head still hurts, but otherwise, I’m fine.”

  “What did Terrance say?”

  “I haven’t told him. I tried to tell him over the phone but he was too busy to talk.”

  “A guardian angel must have been watching after you. All the right people at the right time were there to help you get from the lounge to your house without incident.”

  “I thank God for it. Complete strangers tried to protect me while the one I trusted tried to ruin me. If he’d been successful, you know how horrible I would have felt.” The thought of it made Mona sad and upset.


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