Brandi Whyne Chapter 5

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Brandi Whyne Chapter 5 Page 3

by Celine Chatillon

  “I said no such thing!”

  “She did. Didn’t she, Robin?”

  Robin grinned. “I’d say she did, Will. When you asked if you could fuck her tight asshole, she most definitely jiggled the affirmative.”

  I sat up with hands on hips, angry at their games. “I wasn’t in my right mind—and my posterior wasn’t even connected to my brain. You can’t take my lower half’s word for anything if it doesn’t agree with the top.”

  “Is that written in a contract somewhere?” Willie wondered aloud.

  “I don’t think so.” Robin pulled me into arms and kissed me soundly. In spite of my anger, I felt the familiar juices flowing between my thighs. I longed for both of their intimate attentions. At that moment I would have agreed to their plans to satisfy my body in any way, shape or form. But I wasn’t about to let on I was that easy.

  Willie scooted over next to us and joined in the group hug. I felt his hot cock rubbing against the tender flesh of my crack as he lavished kisses along my neck and shoulders. Meanwhile, Robin’s tongue probed the sweet recesses of my mouth, his dick hardening against my damp mound. I reached out and squeezed each of their butt cheeks in turn.

  Robin chuckled low in his throat. “I think Brandi is in the mood to do a little experimenting.”

  “Really?” Willie deadpanned. “Does she want Dum Luk, Kwak and Tryor Fuq to jump in the pile, too?”

  “Not that kind of experiment. This kind.”

  Robin grabbed me about the waist and rolled over to his back. I straddled his hips and rocked my clit against his cock, coaxing it toward my labia. Willie caught on to what we were up to and knelt behind me.

  “Let me slide in first, then Willie, okay? It’ll be easier.”

  “All right,” I said, breathing deeply. I could do this. Actually, I already had.

  Robin found his niche perfectly—as usual. Willie slapped personal lubricant onto his dick and gently nudged his erection around my anal opening. I stiffened.

  “Let go,” Robin whispered in my ear. “The more tense your muscles are, the more it hurts. Take a cue from your mindless bottom half—stop thinking and simply enjoy.”

  I breathed in and out deeply, willing myself to relax and to enjoy and to not think. It was no good. I tensed up and bit back tears.

  Willie eased himself out of my hole. “Relax. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want me to do. But if you’ll give it another try, I think you’ll be surprised.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Go slow and I’ll try to loosen up.”

  “That’s my girl.” Robin took hold of my chin and kissed me passionately. Our tongues met and danced joyously, and my mind was made oblivious to my earlier trepidation. My heart soared at the touch of my lover’s kiss and his hands caressing my curves.

  The ploy worked. Robin had directed my attention away from what was happening behind me. Willie slid his cock slowly into my ass and fluently began to pump into me.

  “Ah, a perfect fit!” Willie cried, sighing. “I don’t know how you managed to hold off for so long, Robin. She’s going to squeeze me dry in less than a minute.”

  “It was difficult. Ease up a moment and give me a chance.”

  After some initial starts and stops, my partners’ thrusts seemed perfectly timed for my maximum pleasure. My g-spot received ample stimulation from both cocks and soon I felt the first of many orgasms sparking deep within my core.

  “Harder, faster, deeper…” I moaned and rested my dizzy head against Robin’s chest and panted as the pleasure-pain sensations swallowed me whole and shot me off into space.

  Willie laughed. “Get that—and she was afraid of good ass-fucking less than an hour ago!”

  “Let’s not disappoint her, Will.” Robin nibbled my ears then rammed his rod hard into me. I moaned then sighed. I could feel how the excitement was getting to him as well.

  “Forbid it that I should ever disappoint a lady.” Willie picked up the pace sending me over the edge once more. Locked in my butt hole’s tight grip, his cock began to twitch and pulse. “Oh, she slayed my dragon for sure.”

  Robin laughed. “Then we shall all go down fighting.”

  I clung to each of my lovers’ hips as each thrust hard and fast into my quivering flesh. The sensations of pain and pleasure built and blended together until the tsunami of tremors crashed over me, pounding me against the rocks of ecstasy. I shrieked and thrashed mindlessly about as my partners in passion did likewise, filling both my holes with their cum, leaving me breathless and completely incoherent.

  “Who won?” I mumbled, collapsing between them in the sea of cushions.

  “Everybody.” Robin kissed me passionately then Willie did likewise. I drifted off to sleep, content and sated. I had conquered my fear of the unknown and had finished victorious.

  * * * *

  “Parsnip, come in, please,” echoed Zelda’s voice across the vastness of space. “We’ve arrived at the rendezvous coordinates, but we can’t locate you. Come in please.”

  Three days after we’d informed the Scorpio of our whereabouts at the rendezvous point they were nowhere to be found. Stranger still, they seemed to be experiencing the same trouble.

  “Strange message.” Robin scratched his goatee, frowning at the bridge’s vid screen. I could sense his worry, but he took such careful pains to mask it front of the crew that only I was aware of it. “You absolutely sure it’s coming in on all channels, Will?”

  “Yes, it is. The message keeps repeating, too.”

  “You mean it’s the exact wording—no changes.”

  Willie shook his head. “Aye. It’s like a recording, yet it doesn’t sound like a recording. I don’t know why, but I really feel that it’s Zelda talking to us live. Weird, huh?”

  “No, I think you’re very perceptive,” I said from my position at navigation. “Human ears can denote variances in tone, pitch and emotional quality in a voice that even the most sophisticated of computer software are unable to detect.”

  Robin grinned at me and leaned forward to give my shoulders a rub. “I told you this luscious beauty possessed a first rate brain, didn’t I? Have you run the message by our resident computer nerd yet?”

  Willie shook his head. “Murd is currently aboard the Scorpio, remember?”

  “Aw, crap. I always seem to pick the wrong people to go on away missions, don’t I?” Robin took a deep breath and let loose with a long sigh. “What is it about me that always picks crewmembers who love to wear the color red for away teams?”

  Willie shrugged. “Beats me, Boss.”

  “Well, does either one of his brothers—or sisters—know anything about computers?”

  “No, Murt and Murk are more the mechanical types. Murd’s the intellectual of the threesome. Dum Luk might be able to help us, but he’s so smart that sometimes he can’t figure out how to wipe his own ass. And, unfortunately, this isn’t Dum-dum’s area of expertise.”

  “It shouldn’t be that difficult to run a recording of the message through a voice analyzer program.” I stood and approached the com console. “Allow me.”

  Willie stepped aside and smiled. “Be my guest. It’s not every day I get showed up by a junior navigator. I may have to discipline you for insubordination.”

  “Be my guest.” I returned his wink with one of my own. I focused my attention on the computer screen to input my search parameters. “It’s just that I’ve been studying the communications manuals of the Parsnip lately, and I want to try something out. I recall reading somewhere that it does have a built-in voice analyzer. And here it is.”

  I clicked open the file and installed the program on the com console so we could watch the analysis on the bridge vid screen. A couple of clicks later and Zelda’s messages were fed through the software and displayed for all to view.

  Robin stood and approached the screen. “Interesting. You’re right about it not being a recording according to this program.” He pointed to the fluctuating lines that perfectly aligned with each
other. “It is the exact same message—broadcast live, according to this—from the same individual. If this is some kind of trick by inter-dimensional bandits then they’re even more technologically advanced than anyone has previously assumed. Zelda and company could be in real deep doo-doo.”

  “Zelda!” My heart skipped a beat. Our ship’s disciplinarian had only treated me kindly, albeit in her unusual ways. I couldn’t bear to think she was suffering at the hands of these despicable villains. “Do you think inter-dimensional bandits are holding her hostage and forcing her to cooperate?”

  “Be real! Zelda cooperating?” Willie rolled his eyes and snorted. “She’d take her whip to those bastards faster than Dum Luk caused the Parsnip to skip half-way across the galaxy. Right, Robin?”

  Robin continued studying the vid screen. He frowned and scratched his goatee. “That’s not right.”

  “What’s not right?” I squinted, trying to make out what bit of data had him worried.

  He shook his head. “I’ve figured it out. Dum Luk is our culprit.” He spun around on his boot heels and exited the bridge.

  I returned to my seat at the navigation console reluctantly. As I was on duty I couldn’t very well go running about the ship unless there was someone who could relieve me. But I so wanted to find out what Robin had meant by his last statement… and I was curious ever since my “body part disassociation” experience to check out Dum Luk’s latest forays into the inter-dimensional realms.

  Then I remembered—I was a space pirate! I could pull rank and threaten discipline on anyone my junior. Problem was, there were very few crewmembers who were junior in rank to me. Worse yet, none of them were on the bridge at the moment.

  “Say, Willie,” I called out in my sassiest tone toward his position at the com console. I spun around in my seat and thrust my boobs out, leaning forward to show off my cleavage to its best advantage. “Could you come over here and sit here at navigation for a moment? For little ol’ me? Pretty please?”

  He turned, his gaze falling to my ample top. My breasts were made even more delectable by the tight, emerald green corset top I wore. It squeezed my tits together and pushed them up so high they looked like they’d fall out if I sneezed. Willie started to drool.

  “What’s in it for me? I could get in trouble if I relieved you of duty early. I could be disciplined quite severely.” He slowly licked his lips. “And we don’t have a ship’s disciplinarian on board.”

  I giggled and took a step closer to him. “I’m the substitute ship’s disciplinarian until Zelda gets back, remember?”

  “Oh, yes. Then you’d discipline me for allowing you to leave your station early, right?”

  “Of course. I’ll discipline you anyway you like.” I stood and began fondling my nipples with one hand while rubbing the juncture between my thighs with the other. “I’ll even let you discipline me right back for being such a naughty space pirate.”

  He gulped hard and left his post to take the chair I vacated. “Okay. My quarters, tonight at nineteen hundred hours. You can bring Robin or a whip—or both.”

  “Gotcha.” Standing on tiptoe, I gave him a snog of thanks. “Don’t forget you’re at navigation until I get back.”

  I hiked my short, frilly skirt over my hips and sashayed toward the elevator. Willie appreciated the show I put on, I could tell. The sound of his breeches straining at the crotch seam was music to my ears.

  Off duty, I happily made my way to the lower decks where the technical and scientific workshops were located. My intellect hadn’t been as stimulated quite as often as my pussy lately. The chance to see a brilliant researcher at work gave me a thrill almost equal to that of pleasuring both Willie and Robin simultaneously. But the scene I discovered in Dum Luk’s laboratory was something else altogether.

  I stood in the doorway, hands on hips, scowling at the scantily clad scientist and his assistants. Tryor Fuq was there—minus his clothes—along with Dr. Kwak who seemed to prefer to dress in my old waitress outfit with a long, red wig and some poorly executed feminine make-up.

  But Dum Luk? I was terribly disappointed. I thought the man was perhaps a bit mad but still a genius. Those notions were completely shattered as the laboratory doors swished open… There I spied the diminutive, almond-eyed, black-haired scientist dressed in nothing but a lab coat, repeatedly ramming his dinky dick into a test tube.

  “What in the universe is going on in here?” I cried. “Another ship-wide orgy?”

  “Sh!” Robin ordered me. “Dum-dum’s got a theory going, and he’s trying to prove if it’s correct or not. So stop staring and give the man some help.”

  “Help? Me? What kind of help does he need? You’ve got some of those blow-up play pals in the hold. One of them could help him get his rocks off just as easily.”

  “No time. Help the man, Brandi. You’ll push him over the edge quick enough.”

  I glared at Robin, but did as I was told. I approached Dum Luk from behind and slowly wrapped my arms about his thin form, kissing his face and neck. He moaned and relaxed against me. I stimulated his nipples with my thumb and forefinger while gently rocking my pelvis against his boney buttocks. He sighed and dropped the test tube to the gravitized deck. It broke into a myriad of sharp pieces.

  “Yes, that’s a good boy. You like that don’t you?” My face grew warm as my clit bounced against his skinny ass. I slid a hand down to his cock and took up the stroke. I massaged his balls with my free hand then stopped to flip up my skirt and greedily massage my own aching mound instead.

  Hmm… Who says you can’t help yourself while you help a friend?

  All too soon Dum Luk gasped, spewing a milky-white stream of semen across the lab. I thrust a finger up my slick passage and cried out, shivering as my climax overwhelmed me.

  “Stay where you are,” Robin commanded us. “Don’t move a muscle.”

  We both stayed put, panting. “Yes, Captain,” I managed.

  He turned to a slightly dazed Tryor Fuq. “Tryor, hit that switch, and we’ll see if it happens again.”

  Tryor jumped down from his perch atop of a counter, where of course he had pleasured himself along with us. He raced over to an unfamiliar device connected to the chemical analyzer and threw a small metal switch. The ship made a familiar lurch forward.

  I groaned. “Oh, no, not again. I don’t want to be split in half. My naughty ass gets up to no good without a brain attached to it.”

  Robin laughed. “Yes, she does. But watch and wait. You may be pleasantly surprised.”

  Suddenly, I felt that familiar orgasmic explosion and then the build-up to it lessening. My fingers moved backward—correction, everything was moving backward! The puddle of Dum Luk’s seed shot across the room and straight back into his cock. My motions mirrored themselves from only moments before. The shattered test tube came together and flew up into Dum Luk’s hand. I eventually moved away from him to my first position at the doorway.

  “Throw the switch again, Tryor!” I heard Robin cry above a blur of sound and motion.

  Things began moving forward as before once again.

  My head was literally spinning as if I’d experienced several dozen orgasms in a row. “Whoa… What happened? Did we time travel?”

  “Yes, I believe we did,” Dum Luk shakily bowed to me in thanks. He put the test tube down on a counter. “Thank you for your able assistance, Brandi. I believe you have a great future in theoretical physics.”

  “Really?” I laughed. “All I did was help you out of a ‘sticky situation’, you could say.”

  “But an important one. You see, I’ve experienced that same orgasm several times now—but the one with your help was the best. If I want to run further experiments along these lines, I much prefer to have you as an assistant over Tryor or Kwak.”

  “I don’t blame you one bit.” Robin gave me a wink, grinning.

  “Same here,” Dr. Kwak said, rearranging my petticoats over his fading erection. “And think what we could all save on c
leaning bills if she sucked us instead.”

  “Now, Dum-dum.” Robin placed an arm around the scientist’s shoulders and walked him over to the new device. “You say this time travel field is localized. It seems to be big enough for two, but in theory could an entire ship-wide orgy room fit into a field?”

  “In theory, yes.”

  “Fantastic!” Tryor clapped his hands excitedly. “I can’t wait to share this news with the rest of the crew.”

  I shook my head. “Is that all you guys ever think about? Sex and orgies?”

  Three blank stares met my accusation.

  “Well, of course. What is more important than sex and orgies?” Robin turned back to Dum Luk. “But in addition to the tremendous potential to create endless orgies, we could use this device to time travel across the galaxy, correct?”

  Dum Luk bowed. “Correct. And it explains why we are at the rendezvous point, yet we are not at the rendezvous point.”

  “We’ve traveled in time as well as traveled across space?” I said.

  The mad scientist smiled and quickly closed his lab coat to hide his growing hard-on. “Yes, exactly! You are as smart as you are beautiful, Brandi Whyne. We’ve traveled past the time we set for the rendezvous with the Scorpio. They cannot locate us because we aren’t located in the time line they are currently in.”

  “So, where exactly are we time-wise?” Robin asked. “Next week? Last year?”

  The short scientist shook his head. “Try approximately a thousand years in the future.”

  “What the—” Kwak hopped down from his tall stool and ran over to wrap his beefy hands about Dum Luk’s neck. “We’re in the distant future? How the hell are we supposed to get back to our time?”

  “Why in the hell do you want to get back, Kwak?” Tryor asked, separating the two like a referee at a space sumo-wrestling match. “You’ve been running from the galactic cops for years for poisoning all those colonists. Hey, think on the bright side—they’ve forgotten all about you. You’re safe at last.”


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