Crazy Love

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Crazy Love Page 9

by Rachael Tamayo

  I pick up the file and open it, skimming the report as he continue.

  “He’s a good cop, doesn’t get into trouble. He got out of college and went straight into the police academy, graduated top of his class. He’s been working at Katy PD since he was twenty-two. He’s thirty-one, never married, no kids. His Dad lives in Galveston. He has a sister, a niece, and a nephew. He’s clean. There is a woman living with him, she’s been there all week but isn’t on the lease.”

  I look up at him. “What’s her name?”

  “Emily something. She’s a pretty, little red head. Her name is in there.” He nods towards the file.

  So that’s where she went. I stare down at his address. A luxury apartment complex in the Woodlands. “How does he afford this apartment on a cop’s salary?”

  Able shifts his large body in the seat. The leather groans under him.

  “He has some money from his mom’s insurance. Looks like she named him and his sister the beneficiaries of her account when she got sick. He makes decent money.”

  “What kind of hours does he keep?” I close the file.

  “Monday through Friday, except when he’s on call. I couldn’t get that schedule. The cops are tight with that crap, won’t release it. He works banker’s hours mostly, now that he’s not on patrol anymore. He’s been a detective for about a year.”

  I nod, pulling my checkbook out of the drawer. Able’s eyes light up, even though he tries not to let it show.

  “Thank you, Able, you have been very helpful.”

  “No problem, what did this guy do anyway?”

  I smile. “Nothing. Just looking into hiring him for security. Can’t be too careful. People lie on resumes all the time.”

  He nods as I scratch out the check, twice what I offered to pay him a week ago when I hired him. With a rip, I tear the check out and hand it to him.

  His eyes widen and I lean back with a smile in my chair.

  “I appreciate your time. I’m sure I’ll call you again In the future if anything else comes up.”

  He rises, pocketing the check and shoving his hand out for me to shake. I swallow, grasping his hand and enduring his enthusiastic gratitude.

  As soon as he closes the door, I pump hand sanitizer into my hand and get up, headed for the bathroom to wash my hands.

  I hate touching strangers. It makes me sick. I turn the water up as hot as I can stand it and lather my hands over and over again, until my skin is pink and burning.

  So, Emily isn’t staying at home. She’s with lover boy. I glance at my watch. It’s just past lunch. If he is right, Isaiah and Emily won’t be home.

  Time to pay a visit.

  I find the apartment with no problem. Neither of their cars are here. I double check the report just to make sure before I pull my keys out.

  Time to see if he gave her a key.

  After trying four keys, the lock clicks and I hear Maxie barking as I push the door carefully open. The place is clean, except for a little bit of clutter. Of course, with Emily staying here I suppose that’s to be expected. I’ll have to break her of these bad habits.

  Crouching, I scratch the dog’s head. She licks my fingers, and I scold her, moving to the kitchen to wash my hands.

  The far wall is one massive window but it’s covered with vertical blinds. It really is a lovely apartment. Seems Detective Penrose has good taste.

  Unable to locate a security system, I decide that there must not be one and I move freely around the apartment. I sit on the couch, find Emily’s clothes and breathe deep the scent of her body.

  God I’ve missed her.

  I haven’t been able to see her in days. Now that she’s afraid and her detective boyfriend are around, I’ve been forced to keep my distance. I can’t stay upset with her, knowing that she’s just biding her time with him. She’s waiting for me to come and get her, for me to pass her test.

  “We will be together soon, my love.” I mutter, laying on the pillow in the bed, I stick my face in it, smelling her perfume and shampoo.

  There must be a good place to hide in here. I look through closets, under the bed. It’s all too risky. I suck air through my teeth, running a hand over my head.

  I suppose I’ll just have to watch the place and catch her home alone. Maybe he will get called out In the middle of the night and I can catch her sleeping.

  I look down. Maxie sits happily at me feet. “Did you miss me, girl?” I bend and pat her head. “Don’t worry, I won’t stay gone long this time.”

  Soon. It won’t be long now. I’ll win her heart and she will be my good girl.

  I just hope that she doesn’t force me to punish her again.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’ve been struggling with temptation for days. Today I glance around as I type Noah’s name into the computer. No one is paying attention. It’s not like looking at a customer’s file is out of bounds for my job. I need to calm down.

  Maybe something in here will give me a clue as to what’s going on in his head. His name comes up and I select it, a rock hardening in my stomach as I stare at the screen.

  A list of antipsychotics and antidepressants. Medications commonly used in treatment for OCD as well. Nothing current.

  Well isn’t this lovely.

  Chewing on my lip, I wonder if knowing this would help Isaiah. I know he’s been looking into things for me, but if I get caught releasing this information I could lose my license. I scroll further, finding personal information and his doctor’s name. I scribble down the number. I roll further looking for family, nothing there.

  Maybe he just needs help. With this kind of history, isn’t it possible that he just doesn’t know what he’s doing? Maybe he just needs someone to call his doctor or tell him that he needs help.

  I swallow, fingering the paper in my pocket as I exit out of the file. He’s got mental problems. His mind is diseased and he very likely can’t help it. I suppose I shouldn’t be feeling sorry for him, but I do. What if I could just try to explain things to him? He might see reason. He has to have control of part of his mental facilities, he runs a million dollar business.

  Besides, every time he sees me he’s so nice. I don’t think he’s really going to hurt me. Maybe he’s just confused. He can’t possibly realize that what he’s doing is scaring me. With this history, he’s likely not in his right mind.

  I can almost see Isaiah’s face if I told him that we should sit down with Noah and talk to him. I don’t know If Noah is dangerous, but the fact that this may very well be something he can’t control makes me feel bad for him.

  Maybe I could call him.

  I can explain to him that he’s hurting me, tell him that I know he doesn’t mean too. Maybe he can understand that.

  The clock on the screen reads three fifteen. I take a deep breath and tell Le that I’m stepping out for a moment. My hands are shaking as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

  Do I dare? I’m not the scaredy cat type. I take things as they come to me. I’m not used to handling someone with a mental illness, but it can’t be that much different, can it? He seems pretty normal other than this mess.

  I type his number off of the paper I have in my pocket into my phone as I walk outside, sitting down on the bench. He’s always nice to me when he comes up here to talk to me, so a phone call isn’t really dangerous, right?

  It can’t hurt to try.



  As I drive back to my office, my phone starts to ring in the cup holder beside me. With a groan, I glance over at the screen prepared to ignore whoever it is. I almost veer off the road when I see who’s calling me.

  Emily. My Emily is calling me.

  I hold my breath and pull over, picking up the phone and pressing it to my ear as my tires fling gravel from the shoulder of the road.


  “Hi, um... is this Noah?”

  I close my eyes at the sound of her sweet voice saying my name. God I’ve d
reamed of this moment. I take a slow deep breath. “Yes, Emily?”

  She breathes heavily into the phone for a moment. I anticipate the sound of her voice with a thundering heart.

  “Noah, can we talk for a moment? I’m sure you’re very busy, but I think there are some things that need to be said.”

  “Yes, of course. I’ll always have time for you, Emily. You can say anything you need to say to me.”

  “Thanks. Look, I don’t know how to say this to you, but... um... I know it was you that tore up my house. I realize that maybe you don’t realize what you are doing, but it’s hurting me. I don’t like it and I want you to stop. I know you want us to be friends, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I want us to be friends, Emily. I know that you do too.”

  She breathes again. I close my eyes at the sound of her pant in my ear.

  “I can’t be friends with you if you are going to scare me.”

  “I will take care of you Emily. I’ll pay for everything. I have so much I want to tell you. I’m so glad that you called me. You don’t have to hide anymore, or pretend.”

  “Noah, you don’t have to do that. Just promise me that you won’t scare me anymore. Please? I think maybe you need to go see your doctor. I think it will make you feel better.”

  Scare her? I guess my punishment frightened her. I’ll have to make it up to her. She called me, now I know we are meant to be together forever. If only I could just touch her.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you, Emily. I love you. I-”

  “You love me?” Her voice is quiet.

  It felt so good to say it out loud to her, I can’t even think straight now. “Yes. I don’t want to scare you, or hurt you.”

  She doesn’t say anything for a long moment. She must be overwhelmed.

  “Thank you. Just remember that we can’t be friends if you are frightening me, okay?” Her voice is so damn sweet.

  God I don’t want her to hang up. I want to sit here and let her words curl around me, imagining she is here with me.

  “Thank you for calling me, Emily. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me about this. I’ll make this up to you, okay? I promise.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I need to go, so... bye, Noah.”

  “Bye, Emily.”

  I sit on the side of the road, my body electrified after hearing her voice say my name so intimately. I have to do something to tell her I love her now, so she won’t be afraid of me.

  I throw the car into gear, peeling out as I pull back onto the highway. I was starting to doubt myself, but now I know she loves me. She just needs me to prove my love to her before she can open up to me.



  After hanging up, I stare down at my phone. I’m not sure what just happened. He loves me? How can he love me, he doesn’t even know me? Will he listen? Should I have just flat out told him to leave me alone?

  He seemed nice, didn’t get angry with me or anything. I guess trying the gentle approach to start is okay. I should probably tell Isaiah what happened, just in case.

  Oh, I hope he doesn’t get mad at me. Maybe I should plan a nice dinner or something just in case. And sex, the man likes sex.

  Hell, I like sex, a lot, with him. My stomach curls up just thinking about him. I wish so much that I had stayed with him the first time I met him. I feel like I wasted all these months away from him. I can only imagine the amazing place we might be in our relationship if I hadn’t done such a stupid thing. Suddenly thinking about him makes me want to hear his voice, so before I stand up to go inside, I dial his number.

  Funny thing, I feel like I’ve known him for ages. It’s not like we just met. We just clicked and became this instant couple. I don’t know why I was so scared before. I love it.

  “Hey, baby.” His voice is a purr.

  My stomach somersaults. “Hi. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “Missing me?” There is a smile in his words.

  “Yes. I was thinking about how stupid I was that first night.”

  “Ah, yeah. I can’t say I disagree with you. Making me miss you for all those months.”

  I laugh. “Did you? Think about me?”

  “Yeah, more than I care to admit.”

  I bite my lip. He really does like me. Warmth spreads across my chest. I can’t wait to see him.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left. Can you forgive me?”

  He laughs lightly, it’s like music to my ears. It soothes this hurricane that’s rolling around inside my brain after talking to Noah.

  “Honey, we’re good. I can’t stop smiling you make me so damn happy.”


  “Really. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I see you all the time.”

  The softness of his tone stirs the rhythm of my heart. “Isaiah, I really like you too. A lot.” More than a lot, way more.

  “Say my name again,” he whispers.

  I take in a sharp breath and close my eyes. “Isaiah.”

  “I’ll never get tired of that.”

  “Can I cook you dinner tonight?”

  “I’d love that. I’ll bring a bottle of wine.”

  “Okay. I need to get back inside, I’ll see you then.”

  “Bye, Emily.”


  When I hang up, I’m all warm and fuzzy inside. As I stand, I’m grinning ear to ear. I feel like a high school girl again. He has this amazing power to calm the storm.


  When Isaiah walks in I’m chopping veggies for a salad. The steaks are sitting on the counter, and potatoes have been roasting in the oven. With a smile, he walks into the kitchen and sets a bottle of wine on the counter, then traps me against the counter, his front pressed against my back.

  “Look at you, being domestic,” he whispers close to my ear.

  I grin as a chill rolls down my spine. “Well, I thought because you are so cute maybe I could do something nice for you.”

  His lips on my neck. “Hmm, she thinks I’m cute.”

  “So cute.” I giggle.

  “I got you something, that’s why I’m late.”

  A gold chain is dangled in front of me. On the end of it is a breathtaking water lily with an opal in the center. As I reach up, he moves, fastening it around my neck.

  “Isaiah! Oh it’s lovely. You-”

  “Didn’t have to? I know. I wanted to. Like it?”

  I look down, fingering the delicate flower before I turn to face him. His eyes are bright, smiling.

  “I love it. I won’t take it off. Thank you.”

  Leaning in, he kisses me. “You’re welcome, angel.”

  His kiss is soft and makes me sigh. I’m getting used to being here with him every day. As he holds my face, giving me a kiss hello that would melt my fillings, I realize that the longer I stay, the harder it’s going to be to leave when this is over.

  I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. He grins against my lips.

  “Can I help you cook?”

  “No. You can open this wine and watch me make these steaks.”

  He backs up and eyes me seductively as he unbuckles his gun belt.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Over dinner, I dread bringing up what I know I need to tell him, so I wait. After dinner he pushes me against the wall in the hallway, looking down into my eyes. I grip his shirt in both fists, unable to find words for how I feel as I watch his face.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” he whispers.

  “I really hope you never do.”

  “It won’t ever happen. You’re so beautiful, Emily.” He watches my eyes for a moment, touches my hair. “Have you ever been in love?”

  The question catches me off guard. I haven’t, not once. I was starting to wonder if I ever would feel that something for someone. “No, not until...” I catch myself just about to blurt out what I haven’t even admitted to myself yet.

  He smiles, a slight knowing sort of smile
as he gazes at my lips, then back to my eyes.

  “Not until what? Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  My pulse picks up. “I don’t know.”

  His smile reaches his copper eyes. “I never did, but I swear...” He takes in a deep breath. His chest heaves as he blows out the breath. “I believe in it now.”

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until his next words come out a moment later. “It’s ok, just breathe.” His words are soft and wrap around my heart so tight it makes it stop beating.

  I touch the buttons on his shirt. “Are you-?”

  “Falling in love? Yes.”

  Oh God, he loves me. Damn if I don’t love him too. I wait for my heart to start beating again before I say, “Me too.”

  He grins at me. “No kidding?”

  I nod. He kisses me, finally. I’m pressed into the wall as he moans into my mouth, his tongue searching for mine. Hands find my hips, slipping around to my ass, pushing me into him. A whimper escapes me as fresh heat surges through my body, awakened by everything that is Isaiah. His scent, taste. The hard muscle of his chest and firm grip of large hands. The way he breathes and groans when I kiss him.

  Once in the bed, he holds my hands above my head, straddling me and pushing me into the mattress under his weight.

  “Isaiah, say it for me,” I say, when he pulls his mouth off mine, pressing it into my throat.

  He looks down at me. “I love you.”

  I take in a breath as he releases his grip on my arms to bend and press his mouth to my bared stomach. Dragging kisses across my belly stirring up heat in the center of me as his voice echoes in my mind.

  He loves me.

  “Isaiah.” I whisper his name.

  His head pops up.

  “I love you back.”

  Our eyes lock together. He smiles, then crashes into me with a groan. What’s left of our clothes are ripped away in a sudden desperate desire for skin to skin contact. Every part of me wants to feel every part of him.

  Soon I’m left gasping at hot, wet kisses inside my thighs. Later he’s groaning when I invite him in with widespread legs, pulling his lips back to mine with a please moaned on my lips.


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