Reaper's Novice (Soul Collector #1)

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Reaper's Novice (Soul Collector #1) Page 4

by Cecilia Robert

  Finally, Lea clears her throat noisily. “Looking chirpy today, Ana. Any reason I should be concerned?” Now I know why she kept shooting funny looks at me during math. I’ve known Lea forever. She knows if I breathe wrong, if I blink several times in a second. She knows me like the back of her hand. Something I should’ve remembered before I sauntered in class today.

  “Chirpy? I’m always chirpy.”

  Lea rolls her eyes, her breathing ragged. “You’re as dull as a dancehall.” She grins at her own comparison.

  I slow down and look over my shoulder. Herr Schulz is nowhere in sight. Some of my classmates are sprawled on the grass, chasing each other around or just talking. I breathe out and slow down completely, letting my tortured lungs play catch up. Lea slows beside me but continues jogging in place.

  “How’re things between your mom and dad?” she says softly.

  I bite my tongue, barricading the words I’m dying to share but can’t. The weirdness of it all holds me back. Grim’s tinkering with memories and events made me whole again, though I’m still worried about the consequences. I’m not ready to share what happened. Probably will, but not today. Not this week. Probably not this year.

  “They don’t fight as much. Therapy seems to have weaved its magic.” And they can’t seem to keep their hands off each other.

  “Really? That’s fantastic!” She leaps forwards and snatches me for a hug, then pulls back. “I’m so glad, really glad, Ana.”

  “Me, too.” The sudden image of our flattened Opel glides through my mind, making me shiver.

  “You okay?” She eyes me suspiciously. “That look… you look like someone killed your pet or something.”

  “I’m fine, Lea.” I tug her closer and hug her again, her arms around me banishing the chill caused by that flashback. Seconds later, I pull back. “Really, I am.” I do my best to widen my lips to a smile.

  She still doesn’t look convinced. “Remember armpit buddies?” she says.

  I nod, my smile widening into a grin. “Sweat and all.” This has been our motto since kindergarten.

  “You’d tell me if anything was wrong, right?” I nod. The worry lines on her face melt, replaced by a sly smile. “I’m glad. You’ve lost too much weight. How Rolf still ogles after you is still a mystery to me.”

  I laugh. “Speaking of boyfriends, how’s Rein?” I pull the conversational gears, distracting her.

  She looks over her shoulder at Rein talking to Rolf. Abruptly, Reiner lifts his head full of dark brown hair and faces us. He exaggerates his stretching—for Lea’s benefit—and shoves his slim hips side to side, then jerks his pelvis forwards. Lea drops her gaze to the green grass, her cheeks turning red.

  “Randy as usual, eh?” I tease her.

  Lea giggles. “You have no idea, my friend.” If there was anyone with the ability to render Lea into a giggling mess, it’s Reiner.

  Before I can open my mouth to tease her further, a whistle slashes through the air. Someone roars our names. I cringe and turn around. My stomach drops to my feet. Herr Schulz. Where did he come from? He’s like a ghost, drifting in and out when no one is expecting him. He barks something to the rest of the class, and they disperse like ants, stumbling towards the school building. He motions to us with his beefy hand. I sigh and start towards him. Lea falls in step with me, scowling.

  “I wonder what he wants now,” she mutters.

  “We’ll find out in three, two, one…”

  And we’re standing in front of him. This is a face I won’t miss when I’m done with school. The sheer heat of his glower is like a thousand suns scorching my face. I peek at Lea under my lashes. I wonder if she’s as nervous as I am. She looks so confident and at ease.

  He swings his forever-scathing gaze to Lea. Miracle of all miracles, she doesn’t even blink. I’m a thousand colours of envy. My heart swells with pride to call her my friend. In my book, she’s a true warrior.

  “Fräulein De Luca, please excuse us,” Schulz says, dismissing Lea with a wave of his hand.

  Lea frowns, looks at me, then turns and stomps off. I think our feelings are mutual: to never set eyes on our teacher will be like manna from heaven.

  I straighten my shoulders and lock my gaze on his stormy grey eyes, barely visible behind bushy brown brows. He tilts his head, slowly, sort of like a wolf I once saw on TV. The sun bounces off the balding spot on top of his head, almost blinding me. I avert my gaze and stare slightly above his right shoulder.

  Come on. Get on with it! The voice in my head shrieks at him.

  His eyes drop to my fingers tugging at edge of my T-shirt, then back to my face. “Nervous?”

  I swallow, forcing my heart back to my chest. I don’t know why he makes me so uncomfortable, so scared. Lea once told me I have the kind of face and the kind of heart that people love to scare shitless. I’m weighing the accuracy of her words right now.

  Schulz smiles abruptly. I cringe and stumble back. Honestly, his glower is more welcome than his smile.

  “So, Fräulein Tei…” He lets those words hang in the air, shoves his hands in his pockets, and rocks on his heels. His shorts look too tiny. I wish he’d place his hands elsewhere. Plus, I have no idea what to do with my eyes, where to look.

  This is ridiculous.

  “Fräulein Tei… or should I say, Novice?”

  EVERY MUSCLE IN MY BODY TURNS TO ICE. Even my heart, which was sprinting minutes before, now freezes, as if it recognises I’m in the presence of the one who holds my fate in his hands. Shock finally thaws my muscles, and I spin around. My legs ability to hold my body is dwindling by the second. The air around Herr Schulz’s form visibly shifts. It shivers and rearranges itself.

  Right in front of my eyes, he transforms. Raven black hair pops all over his head, partially covered by a crimson scarf. The stout form folds into itself and thins out. His five-foot-six height stretches about one more foot. The green polo shimmers, then vanishes, and is replaced by a pristine white ruffled shirt with laces at the front and billowing sleeves. The pair of shorts follow suit and are replaced by black baggy knee-length pants. From the knees down, a pair of dark brown leather buckle boots cover his legs and curl to a perfect C at the toes. Another crimson sash hugs his lean hips. His sleeveless ankle-length trench coat fits his upper body like a second skin and cascades to his toes, fluttering in the non-existent breeze. An eye patch and a large gold hoop earring complete the look.

  Grim stands before me in all his pirate glory, transformation complete. I feel like I’ve just watched one of those computer animations where one image transforms into another, then another.

  “What are you doing here?” What has he done with Herr Schulz?

  He tips his head to the side. “I am allowed to visit my Novice, aren’t I? Your teacher and I have… an agreement. I would say he and I wish for the same thing.”

  “But I’m in school! My friends—” I stop and rewind his words. “You and Schulz? Agreement?” Does Grim make deals with everyone? Did Schulz lose someone and trade his soul as well?

  He waves a heavily ringed hand in dismissal. “We have to talk.”

  Hugging my waist, I struggle to feed air in my starving lungs. Sweat pools under my arms. Has he come to get me to collect souls? What do I do? What do I tell my friends? This is a disaster.

  Why couldn’t Grim appear somewhere else? Like in my room or something? They will definitely declare me crazy. I can see fear glazing their eyes once they discover what I did. Crap! I can’t breathe. I think I’m going to throw up.

  His eyebrows dip and his shoulders slump slightly forwards, losing some of their spunk. “Do I look that dreadful?” He folds his hands behind his back. “I have always wanted to go to sea, sail, see the world through different eyes. Captain my own ship, take life to the next level. Sing ‘Feliz Navidad’ in a Mariachi band somewhere in Mexico, become a warrior, get my hair braided and dyed in clay and red ochre, learn surfing. Ah, the pleasures life has to offer.” He seems lost in his own fant
astical imaginings.

  I gawk at Grim, feeling as if I took a wrong turn to nowhere. I clear my throat. “Er… you look great. So… pirate-y, I mean. Like a seaman, captain, or something.” What am I supposed to say? Grim is nothing like I expected. He’s just too… weird. I clear my throat and drop my hands from my waist to fiddle with the edge of my T-shirt. “Captain your own ship? You have a ship?” Maybe he needs one to collect souls at sea.

  Grim waves a hand, the balloon sleeves shifting to reveal a copper bracelet with tiny skulls engraved on it. He snorts. Whether in mirth or irritation, I can’t tell. “Ship or no ship, I am capable of collecting souls anywhere. It has been a while since I took a vacation. Now that I have you, my Novice…” His eyes glaze as his words trail off.

  Does this mean he’ll go on vacation now that he has me? What do I do? I can’t do this on my own. I’m not even trained. And my dream… Working full-time would mean losing my opportunity to ever become a professional violinist. Of ever joining the Vienna Philharmonic. But… surely there has to be a way.

  The dreamy-eyed look vanishes, and once again he focuses on me. “Relax, Novice. No need to get your heart twisted in a panic. You should learn to think your thoughts at a decent volume.” He rubs his temple, grimacing. “I have never met anyone whose thoughts scream as loud as yours. Metal clanging on metal,” he mumbles under his breath.

  I bite the corners of my lower lip. Why do I keep forgetting he can hear my thoughts? “Good. Now that you restrained your rampant panic, we can talk.”

  This is it.

  I wipe my clammy palms on my shorts.

  He glides forwards, placing a hand on my right shoulder. Tingles move down my arm, soothing my galloping heart. “You knew this day would come. I, for one, am very excited to have you on the team.”

  “I was hoping it didn’t,” slips out of my lips. I close my eyes and grit my teeth. Grim must think I’m ungrateful after he gave me back my family. I made a deal.

  His hand drops from my shoulder. Grass scrunches under his feet. I open my eyes and focus on the face tilted to the side, appraising me. Either he’s good at hiding his feelings or my foolish statement didn’t affect him in any way.

  “Come on, Ana. Look at the sky, smell the air, feel the love surrounding you. No need to be so grumpy.” He straightens and adjusts his eye patch before rubbing his hands together. The trench coat blows lazily around him as though to echo his good mood.

  The guilt noose around my neck tightens. My family is safe, thanks to Grim. And here I am thinking selfish thoughts about school and my life. What if he reverses everything, reclaims my family’s souls? Just the other day after everything settled, it hit me I didn’t have an idea what my tasks as Grim’s Novice were.

  Time to get a few things clear.

  I squint up at him. “I have a request, if—if that’s all right with you.”

  He tilts his head regally, that one eye staring down at me with half-amused indulgence, half-impatience. With his head angled that way, he resembles a pirate prince, granting his subject a favour. I swallow the urge to giggle and clear my throat. “Could I at least have a normal life until after my finals? Just a few more days, please?”

  Grim studies me, the silence stretching. Out of nowhere, a wintry breeze sweeps and twirls around my feet, lifting dry grass and leaves from the ground. Rubbing my arms at the sudden chill, I scuttle backwards, as he glides forwards, graceful and frightening. Any traces of cheerfulness evaporate, as his eye burns holes into me. “Normal life? Nothing about this is normal, Novice. I’m Death, not a genie. I don’t go granting wishes unless absolutely necessary.” He levels his face to mine. “You do remember your family’s souls, don’t you?”

  My family’s souls? He’s still holding onto them? My legs struggle to hold me up. “I thought—I—” I pull in a shaky breath. “You don’t need my family’s souls. You have mine.”

  “Ah, but I do, Novice. Call it my… insurance.”

  “We made a deal,” I murmur, searching for a loophole, something to make him release the souls. There’s none. “I won’t go back on my word.”

  “In thirteen months, you will graduate to Soul Collector. I will release the souls then.”

  I frown. Why thirteen months? Why not a month? Surely, collecting souls shouldn’t be so difficult.

  Grim glares at me. “Collecting souls is not equivalent to dashing inside the grocery store and grabbing a carton of milk, then hurrying back home. It needs precision and finesse. You need to feel.” Heat prickles up my face, realising he’d just plucked my thoughts. I shift on my feet, thinking of the short leash I’ll be on before the months are up.

  I swallow, and straighten to my full height. Thirteen months is not a long time. “What are my tasks?” Somehow I have an idea what his answer will be, but the urge to get a confirmation is strong.

  Grim tilts his head slightly, probably deciding to humour me with an answer. “Accompanying me for soul collections.”

  I mull the words. “Novice and Soul Collector… Don’t they do just about the same thing?”

  “No.” Grim folds his hands behind his back. “As a Novice, you are exempted from other responsibilities. A Soul Collector collects souls and ensures the soul’s safe passage to the other side. A Novice, on the other hand, learns the art of soul collection.” He pauses then says, “Now, what kind of mentor would I be if I wouldn’t grant your wish?”

  My upper body hurls forwards, and I gulp for breath. He’s granting my wish? A part of me still hopes he’s changed his mind about the four souls.

  Someone yells my name. I’d know that voice even in my dreams: the voice that usually sends my blood bubbling in delight now chills it with dreaded anticipation. I spin around to see Rolf push off the wall next to the entrance, hurrying towards us. Didn’t he leave with Lea and Reiner? I swivel back to face Grim, my eyes wide. His gaze slides over my shoulder and back at me, less bothered by the fact that Rolf is hurtling our way at an indecent speed.

  “I—I can’t explain who you are. I’m not ready to. Please.”

  He studies me through slit eyes. Behind me Rolf’s footfalls chomp the ground, closing the distance. Grim sighs deeply, rolling his eyes as if I just asked him to give up on the dessert he’s been waiting for the whole evening.

  “All right, Novice.” His baritone voice reflects boredom. “Your wish for a normal life is granted. For now. In the meantime, prepare yourself. Expect me anytime. Remember, the souls.” He turns to walk away.

  As if I’d forget.

  “Grim,” I say quickly, my ears trained on Rolf’s footfalls closing in.

  Grim halts mid-step and twists around to face me. “Ernest. It would please me very much if you called me Ernest.”

  “Ernest,” I say quietly. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Grim gives me his regal-pirate nod, turns, and saunters off in the direction of the school building, whistling an eerie tune that makes my skin crawl. He halts to talk to Rolf, scowling. What is he saying to him? Rolf nods, then shakes his head. Grim saunters off.

  I wipe my palms on my shorts, and when I look up, Rolf is in front of me, eyebrows pulled down. His hands close around my arms, and I breathe out, relieved by his touch, his strength. At the same time, I tense, desperate to pull away. Unable to hold his gaze, afraid he’ll see how shaken I am, I drop my gaze to my feet.

  “What’s wrong, Ana?” He seems to be trying very hard to control his voice, leash the panic that is barely restraining itself where his hands grip my arms.

  My heart whispers that I should tell him everything. My mind scolds me, reminding me my life isn’t normal. Not anymore.

  Rolf’s fingers touch my face, moving tentatively over my cheek, and tilting my chin up. “Look at me, Engel. Please.”

  He ducks his head, meeting my gaze. “You okay?” His hands skim my shoulders, squeezing as they glide down my arms and engulf my hands in a warm, comfortingly familiar grip.

  I nod, then swallow. “I’m fine, Ro
. A bit too hot, but fine.” I’m surprised my mind is able to assemble not one but two sentences. I smile, hoping to reassure him.

  “What did Schulz say to you? You look dazed.” His hands, as if restless, eager to make sure I won’t collapse on the grass, run up and down my arms. They stop at different intervals to squeeze me lightly. I shiver, leaning into his touch.

  “Nothing much, just—wait, what did you say?” I choke out the words. My heart thumps so hard inside my chest I’m sure if Rolf wasn’t distracted, he’d see the rise and fall of my T-shirt.

  He blinks. “Schulz?” He shakes his head. “You two were talking. You seemed to get upset. Figured it wasn’t a buddy chat.” I wince as his grip tightens painfully around my hands. “Sorry. I don’t like to see you upset.” He loosens his grip but doesn’t let go.

  I blink, stunned. He thinks Grim was Schulz? Whatever Grim did, I was the only one who could see him as he was.

  My lips begin to stretch into a smile at the realisation, but I stop and clear my throat. “I need to catch up with some PE hours to complete my credits. That is if I need a positive note on my final report form.” Lame. Very lame. If I’m going to play and not get caught in my own lies, I need to step up my game. I hold my breath, waiting for his eyes to narrow and accuse me of lying. Rolf stares at me with an expression bordering on suspicion. Or maybe it’s just my guilty conscious showing its head. I was never one to be nominated for the Glorious Lie Award.

  It’s not a lie.

  What is it if it’s not a lie?

  An excuse?

  I shake my head to clear it. I’m arguing with myself. Wonderful. As if I need my own company when my head is so crammed already.

  I glance around. “We’ll miss our music lesson if we don’t go now,” I say, turning towards the school building.

  Rolf tugs my hand slightly, pulling me back and links his fingers with mine. “Is that why you look devastated? Shouldn’t be a problem to complete a few PE basics, no?” Gah! I should have lied better. “Or is there something else going on?” His voice takes on a hard tone.


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