Malik's Reclamation (Hellfire Dogs MC)

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Malik's Reclamation (Hellfire Dogs MC) Page 8

by Crystal Miller

  “But she’s the strongest out of all of us. If we can get her to channel her emotions to the men who took Nico, it would be...” I cut him off with my hand.

  “It would mean death. We don’t know exactly what we’re up against. Think about it, Trigger. If she dies, who does Alec have? You?” His face quickly changes from hope to anger. “I’m not doubting that you couldn’t raise him, but a boy needs his mother. Look at you and the old woman in there cleaning up Romero. Do you honestly think your father would have suggested the same?”

  “No,” He sits back down, defeated as his shoulders slump. “But you said yourself, if I can’t get her to control herself, you’ll take care of her.”

  “I’m well aware of what I said. But this.” I motion to the men outside. “This is not the way. I will help her. I see great potential in her but she has to want to control. You and I can’t make her.” Trigger nods his head in understanding. “I’m sorry, but she cannot come. That’s an order.” I say with a bit of sternness so he knows my decision is final. I stand from the table, walking out of the room. I feel for Trigger, I really do. But this is no battle for a young pup to be at and that’s exactly what Eve is.

  In the common room, I see women holding onto their men, children clutching their mothers. It’s a heartbreaking moment. My hand automatically goes to my stomach. Then I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. A familiar scent fills my senses. Malik.

  “You don’t have to go, you know that right?” He whispers in my ear. His head is on my shoulder seeing the same view I was looking at.

  “Yes, I do. These people don’t kidnap one, murder the other, and expect me not to make my appearance known. They’ll pay for what they have done to one of my packs.”

  “I made a call.” He says plainly.

  “To whom?” I turn around out of his arms. Looking at him, I’m afraid the council has already been called.

  “The clubs in Lafayette and Baton Rouge will be here in a few hours.” He explains. “We need as many men as we can get right now.” I let out a sigh of relief.

  “How many are willing to die?” I ask. This is not their fight, this is New Orleans fight.

  “All of them.” He grabs my face with his hands and pulls me in for a kiss. Cheers echo from the room. Sounds of joy and happiness in a time when all hope has diminished. It’s overwhelming yet exhilarating. We break from our kiss and I can feel my face flush with embarrassment. “Don’t be ashamed, babe. They’re happy for us. Remember that.” I nod my head.

  Malik leaves me to go take care of a few things. I continue to stand there saying a silent prayer for the families involved. “You need not do that, ma’am.” Marie says behind me. I turn to meet her gaze.

  “Why? Should I not pray for my people?” I question.

  “Because I have already taken care of that, you need not worry. All will be alright.” She turns me to face the crowd. “You see, ma’am. These men answer to you. They would die for you because you protect them, so. Do not doubt that. They know who the true Alpha is.”

  I pull Marie into a tight hug. “Thank you for always being there for me, my friend. I wouldn’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Likewise, ma’am.” She says returning the hug. “Now, off to bed with you. You need rest.” I don’t protest. I’ve been unusually tired since leaving the estate. “Ma’am,” Marie stops me. “Have you told Malik yet?” I shake my head. “Probably for the best. But you must tell him, he needs to know.”

  “I know he does, now is not the time for that discussion. Let us finish this battle.” I walk away.

  Trying to find an empty bed in this place is nearly impossible. I think I checked just about every door and they were either locked or someone answered. Damnit. What’s a girl got to do to get some sleep around here. I see Trip coming down the hallway. I turn back around and start to walk back out to the common room.

  “Oh know you don’t.” He quickly catches up with me and grabs my arm. “I’m under orders to find you some place to sleep. You’re lucky Malik loves you. It’s not every day he lets anyone sleep in his bed.” My heart skips a beat at just the sound of his name.

  “He told you I could reside in room?” I look at Trip, who still has a firm grip on my arm.

  “Nope, but he wouldn’t want you sleeping in some random room. Momma’s making food and were all gonna be drinkin’. Better to put you here than in some random room where you might get a surprise.” Trip explains.

  Well played, Malik. Well played.

  “Speaking of the woman you call ‘Momma,’ I would like to go and see the body.”

  “Out of the question. No one sees the body until the funeral.” His grip becomes tighter around my arm.

  “It wasn’t a request, Trip.” I stop walking, causing him to stop. “That man was one of mine. He deserves to have the respects of his Alpha.” Trip shakes his head.

  “Fine, but five minutes. You pissed off Sofia. She may not like our ways but she loved that man.”

  “Understood.” We head down the hall the empties just outside the room where Romero’s body is being kept. Trip stands outside while I go in. I pull the sheet down to find three bullet wounds. One to the head, two to the heart. Overkill. I look around the room to see if I can find where the fragments are. At least then, our friends at the NOPD would be able to determine the type of gun that was used. Or maybe one of the guys know.

  I find the fragments wrapped in a cloth napkin just beside Romero’s body. I grab up the fragments and put them away for safe keeping. I take one last look at Romero’s body. This could have been Malik. I think to myself. My heart shatters and the tears start forming in my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, old friend.” I hold his cold hand. “You were a good and loyal lycan. You cannot be replaced.” Tears continue streaming down my face. “You were so loved. I will make sure Sofia and the pups are taken care of.” I hear the squeak of the door causing me to turn slightly to hide my face.

  “Their kids, not pups.” A weeping voice comes from the doorway.

  “I’m sorry.” I quietly say in between sobs.

  “He was so devoted to this club. He believed he was doing good for this city.” She begins. “What am I supposed to tell our kids? How do I tell them that their daddy won’t be waking up?” Heavy sobs come from her. I rush over and hug her, allowing her to bury her face into my hair.

  After a few minutes of standing there with her, I finally speak. I grab onto her face so she is forced to look at me. “I do not have all the answers. I can tell you when I lost my father, I went into a sort of rage. My advice, do not let that happen to your children. You may not get them back, if that happens.” She buries her face into her hands. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. You need rest.” I try to coax her out of the room.

  “I need my kids.” She protests.

  “Your kids are just fine. Bridget has them. Let us take care of you first.” I open the door to find Trip. “Can you make sure she gets to her room? She needs to rest.”

  “What about you?” Trip asks.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll find my way to Malik’s room. Just make sure she’s put to bed.” I insist. Trip nods his head and wraps his arms around the grieving widow, trying to calm her.

  I turn back to Romero, cover his body, and leave. Trip’s right. I need sleep. It doesn’t take long before I find Malik. He’s in his office looking over some sort of paperwork.

  “Knock, knock.” I say from the doorway. He looks up to find me standing there. He meets me at the door.

  “Hey, you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.” Maybe a trip to the bathroom would have been a better idea.

  “Yes, I’m okay. I was just talking to Sofia.” I explain.

  “Sierra,” He starts.

  “Don’t worry, I wasn’t heartless this time.” I give him the look that says I’m not in the mood. “I was actually looking for a place to rest. I’m not feeling too well.” A look of concern crosses his face.

“Sierra, in the four years we’ve been at this, you’ve never been sick.” Questions start forming on his face. I look around to make sure no one’s watching as I step into his office. He closes the door behind me. “You gonna tell me what’s going on?” I don’t look at him at first, afraid he would be able to read my thoughts.

  “Sandja visited me last night.” I begin to tell him what Sandja told me.

  “So, wait a second here, you’re pregnant?” His confusion stretches across his face. By this time he’s sitting just across from me in the chair in front of his desk.

  “I don’t know. Marie gave me the same warning just a couple days ago, as well as Senqua.”

  “Have you taken a test?” I shake my head. Malik takes a deep breath. “Okay, well first things first, we need to get you a test. No sense in worrying about something until we know for sure.” I nod my head. “Wait here.” He quickly heads out the door and within a few minutes comes back. “Let’s go to my room.” I don’t protest.



  Fuck man. There’s no way she could be pregnant, is there? She gave up that right years ago when she refused to mate within the council. How did this happen? She takes the test from my hands and heads into the bathroom. After a few minutes, she emerges from the bathroom, holding the test and a look of disbelief on her face. I don’t even need to look at it to know it’s positive.

  I hold out my arm for her to come see. She walks without looking up and sits down. “It’s positive.” She whispers.

  “I know, baby.” I hold her tight. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”

  She stares up at me. “How?”

  “Well, I mean...” I try to lighten the mood, based off the look she’s giving me now, I rethink that option. “I don’t know, babe. Maybe the council will know.”

  “If the council find out, we’re signing our death warrants.” She’s right. The council would be against this and we both could lose our lives for our carelessness. I notice she’s starting to doze off while sitting up. I help her out of her clothes and put one of my t-shirts on her. Looks a bit big but holy fuck she looks sexy wearing it. Once she’s dressed, I pull down the comforter, lay her down, and cover her up. Within seconds, her breathing evens out telling me she’s asleep.

  I walk out of the room, making sure the light is off, to find Seg standing there. “What’s up?”

  “The other chapters will be here soon. Probably be best to get everyone gathered.” I nod my head. “She okay?” He questions.

  “Yeah, she’s just tired. Let her sleep.” I quietly say as we walk down the hall.

  “Sierra? Tired? Is hell freezing over?” Seg jokes.

  I put a hand on his shoulder. “No but it very well could if you wake her.”

  “That’s right, never wake the sleeping bear.” The man has jokes today.

  “Exactly.” We reach the end of the hall and I can see people are pretty much already in the common room. “Where are we with provisions?”

  “Stocked for World War Three.” He stares at the crowd.

  “Good,” I slap his back. “Let’s go eat.”

  Further into the common room, it smells like Heaven. Momma really outdid herself this time. Red beans and rice, cornbread, gumbo, and potato salad line the bar buffet style. I grab a plate and start filling it up. It dawns on me that Sierra will need to eat once she wakes up.

  “Momma,” she turns around from the shelves of liquor behind the counter.

  “Yes, my baby.”

  “Can you make Sierra up a plate of food and save it?” She gives me a look. “Momma, please. She needs to eat when she wakes up.”

  “Fine but don’t expect me to bend ova backwards for her. I have my own stuff to worry about, ya here?” She shakes a spoon at me.

  “Yes ma’am,” I chuckle.

  I find an empty spot at the bar. As I set my plate down, Seg comes walking up. He sits beside me as I eat. “We set for mornin?” I nod my head with a mouth full of food. “Good. How’s Sierra?” His question seems genuine but I can’t help but wonder why he’s asking.

  “She’s good, resting.” I say in between bites.

  “She looks exhausted man, maybe her going isn’t the best idea,”

  “I know. I’ve already told her she’s not going. She has been preoccupied with other things and I need the men to be focused on getting Nico back.” I explain.

  “You think she’ll stay here?” He questions.

  I shake my head. “I think we’re going to have a stubborn case of the Alpha on our hands. She doesn’t miss a fight, especially when it deals with on of her own. Judge, jury, executioner.” We both laugh at that. We know how Sierra is, but I’m not about to put her in harms way especially since she’s pregnant with my child.

  As the night comes to an end, everyone starts heading to their rooms. The brothers and Sierra’s people know to be awake at 2:30 AM to be there by three. I take one last look at the common room. In a few short hours, we’ll be at war. I have no idea with all of us will come back alive or not.

  Walking into my room, I see Sierra still sleeping as peacefully as ever. I don’t know when the last time she has been actually able to sleep but I’m not about to wake her now. She needs her rest, just for herself but for the baby as well.

  I strip out of my clothes, throwing them in a pile along the wall and I drape my cut over the chair next to the bed. Crawling into bed behind Sierra, I pull her close to me. Inhaling her scent. Fuck. She smells so good. My cock must think so too because he’s getting harder by the second. Not tonight, boy. Not tonight. I tell him, but he doesn’t seem to want to listen. Sierra doesn’t seem to notice either. I drift off to sleep with her in my arms thinking about what this child could bring us, as well as the other clubs. I can’t imagine my life without her and I would fucking die to make sure she’s never hurt.

  I woke up to one of the guys from the Baton Rouge chapter banging on my door. Fuck. I didn’t even hear my alarm go off. I quickly get up and get dressed without turning on the light. I grab my cut from the chair and my phone as I walk out the door.

  “What the fuck, man? Weren’t supposed to be up?” The burly man, named Rosito, questioned.

  “Sorry, man. Didn’t hear my alarm.” I try to explain.

  “Yeah, well, everyone’s waiting on you. Time to roll out.” I give him a slap on the back.

  “Thank you, brother. Can you make sure she stays put?” I point my thumb behind me.

  “I can try, brother. But she’s Alpha. If she tells me to jump, you know what I got to do.” Rosito jokes.

  “Yeah, I know. Just try, brother. It’s a fight I don’t want her there for.” I walked down the hall, leaving Rosito to guard my door. I know what Sierra can do. I’m just hoping she’ll listen to me for once.

  Walking into the common room, I see the men scattered around. “We ready?” I ask everyone. They all give me a nod. “Let’s roll out.”

  We file out the main doors to the bikes and van. We aren’t going directly to the warehouse. We’ll park several blocks away and scattered to not be so suspicious. With the bikes revved up and in position, we wait on LeRoy to give us the signal to roll. Once he does, there’s no turning back.

  We’re coming, Nico! Just hold on a little longer. I think to myself. I’ve survived one war, I’ll survive this one. It all ends tonight. The pack will have their revenge.



  I wake up to find my bed empty. Damn it, Malik. I don’t even bother to get dressed when I jump out of bed and race to the door. When I open it, I’m greeted by the biggest man I’ve ever seen. I take a step back as he turns to me.

  “Ma’am,” His voice husky.

  “You need to let me through.” I demand.

  “I’m sorry ma’am.” He says. “I can’t do that. Malik said that you have to stay here.”

  “Malik did, huh?” I cross my arms and pop my hip out. “Well, I’m telling you that you need to let me out of here.” I snap. />
  “Ma’am, please.” He pleads.

  “As your fucking Alpha, you will move from this fucking door before I rip your damn heart out and eat it myself.” I don’t have time for this guys petty games. He’ll move, whether he wants to or not. With fear in his eyes, he moves aside, as slowly as possible. I stalk down the hallway, searching for any sign of Malik, LeRoy, or Lucias. Gone. They’re all fucking gone. That son of a bitch.

  I pick up my pace back to Malik’s room. The big man is still standing by the door. When he tries to speak to me, I throw my hand up to silence him. He takes the cue as I slam the door. Good dog. I search around for my clothes, finding them in the closet. I quickly get dressed and swing the door back open.

  “You will take me to where Malik is. Do you understand me?” I demand.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He stutters.

  “Good, let’s go.” I’m not wasting anymore time waiting here. Malik should have known better than to think that I wouldn’t go. This is not just his fight. He has my men and that doesn’t go over very well with me.

  “What’s your name?” I ask as we get situated.

  He revs his bike into gear. “Rosito,” he yells over the roar of the engine. That was all he said before we took off. The sound of thunder roars in the distance as storms start rolling in. A good night to go to war, I think to myself as a sinister grin creeps on my face. Tonight, I’ll have my blood for what has happened to my men.



  The storms have knocked out the power. It doesn’t take long for our eyes to adjust to it. In the darkness, the senses are heightened. A lycan can hear better, see better, even feel the tension better when there is no light. I can hear faint screaming from somewhere in the warehouse. Nico. What the fuck are they doing to him?


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