Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48 Page 322

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Ma Hongjun laughed loudly, and shouted, “Long live Shrek! Shrek always wins!”

  His voice woke those intoxicated students who were watching the battle, and suddenly, a hail of "long live Shrek", "Shrek always wins" burst out abruptly and spread to every corner of the campus.

  Tang San had already been in a state where he could not be moved by honour or disgrace, grabbing up Huo Wushuang on the ground, clapping hand on his shoulder, using Mysterious Heaven Skill to activate the movement of his blood and qi within his body, Huo Wushuang finally woke up. Looking at Tang San, his face couldn’t help going red. Even though he was unreconciled, he knew that they lost the battle and knew how thoroughly they lost. That was three to one!

  Seeing Huo Wushuang stand stably, Tang San walked over to Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu whose faces were full of depression, a branch of Blue Silver Emperor lowering forward and touching Huo Wu’s arm to retrieve anesthesia toxin infused into her body.

  Huo Wu’s physical resistance was originally very high, so with Tang San’s help the numbness disappeared immediately.

  Those originally arrogant students of Four Elements Academies now bowed their heads.

  Feng Xiaotian sighed, “It seems that I wouldn’t surpass you in my lifetime.”

  Tang San turned his head to look at Xiao Wu who was frightened by the sudden shouting, sighing slightly, “If Xiao Wu could recover to normal, what about my losing all of the spirit power? Surely the strength of spirit master is important, but to me, she is more important.”

  Seeing the desolate emotion and sorrow flitting across the bottom of his eyes, Feng Xiaotian’s heart was touched, and subconsciously looked at Huo Wu next to him. Yes, he had already had the most precious thing, why be depressed for losing?

  Huo Wu couldn’t help asking, “What’s the matter with Xiao Wu? She looks a little abnormal.”

  Tang San didn’t answer her question, “Brother Feng, how about finding a place to talk?”

  Feng Xiaotian nodded, said, “The same intention. Huo Wu, you bring Wushuang and the others back, I will talk to Tang San.”

  Huo Wu said somewhat stubbornly, “No, I will listen too. Let big brother bring them back.”

  Feng Xiaotian could never do anything against Huo Wu, looking at Tang San helplessly, while Tang San said calmly, “Then come together.”

  Huo Wushuang took the students from Four Elements Academies with their tails to leave, several teachers of Shrek of course wouldn’t let pass the chance of educating students. Of course, this wasn’t something that Tang San had to pay attention to.

  The Shrek five devils took Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu to the cabin where they lived, and Tang San held Xiao Wu’s hand again, and her previous anxiety disappeared entirely at his touch.

  Huo Wu looked at Xiao Wu now and then, but in her eyes, Xiao Wu had no response to this. Seemed to never see her. Huo Wu’s curiosity had always been strong and she wanted to ask, but was stopped by Feng Xiaotian with a look.

  Back at the cabin, finding the biggest room, they took seats respectively. They had no hatred originally. Tang San had also just defeated them, so Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong naturally wouldn’t have too much hostility to them any longer. Feng Xiaotian said to Tang San on sitting, “Tang San, believe it or not, us starting a fight with your academy’s students was not our provocation on purpose. Maybe your Shrek Academy’s title as No.1 Academy in the world is too resounding, so your students are a bit arrogant.”

  Oscar aside said, “That still wouldn’t have developed into what it did. If I’m not wrong, you were deliberately provoking with students of Four Elements Academies to bait us out.”

  Feng Xiaotian looked at Oscar surprised, and thought inwardly: it seemed that the brilliance of Shrek Seven Devils had been overshadowed by Tang San, but Oscar seemed not ordinary as well. Not only the aura on his body, but also his meticulous mind.

  So Feng Xiaotian put his cards on the table, “Yes, I had this idea. We haven’t seen you for years, so I wanted to see how your strength improved first. Secondly. I also wanted to be introduced to your Academy. Since Dean Flender wasn’t here, you guys have the right to speak.”

  Ning Rongrong said, “Wanted to be introduced to grab our campus?”

  Feng Xiaotian smiled embarrassed, “Of course not. To be frank, we actually want your Academies’ campus. But not the meaning of grabbing. We just hope to discuss with your Academy whether we could have a piece of place. We are willing to pay. Buying some ready mimicry cultivating areas in passing. You know, since the Academies have moved, many things need to start afresh. And Shrek Academy is already steady in the Heaven Dou city, as the saying goes, great trees are good for shade, if you are willing to help a little, we will be more easily settled.”

  Ma Hongjun said unhappily, “So why don't you go to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? Their place is not small either, and their facilities aren’t fewer than us. Don’t you know spirit masters of Heaven Dou Imperial Household are receiving training here sometimes? Although our place are large, if you four academies move in together, there would be no place to live.”

  Huo Wu curled her lips, said, “Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? Do you look up to them? We’re afraid that our students’ ethos will be affected by those fops. It is because we think highly of your Shrek Academy that we wanted to cooperate with you.”

  Tang San who hadn’t said a word since he entered the cabin opened his mouth finally, when Xiao Wu was nestling on his shoulder and holding his big hand, whose quiet and beautiful appearance even made Huo Wu feel jealous inwardly.

  “Brother Feng, you still didn’t tell the truth. If I’m not wrong. The Four Elements Academies’ condition isn’t good in fact. If you don’t tell us the specific problem you face honestly. I think we couldn’t help you either.”

  Feng Xiaotian’s face turned slightly. How smart Tang San was, just one sentence, but it hit where it hurt.

  Forcing a smile helplessly, “Tang San, Tang San, dealing with you is really a pain. You really want us to take off our last piece of cloth?”

  Tang San smiled slightly, “I just want to know the practical condition and then talk to Dean Flender. If not necessary, I don’t think you Four Elements Academies would merge together, let alone move into Heaven Dou City.”

  Feng Xiaotian nodded, “Well. There is no need to hide any more. Yes, you are right. Four Elements Academies’ condition isn’t very good right now. In Heaven Dou Empire, we Four Elements Academies are always the top in Senior spirit master world, even though your Shrek Academy stepped in unexpectedly, you couldn’t affect our status in our own cities. But the sudden action of Spirit Hall changed the situation thoroughly. The first one to be hit was Thunderclap Academy. The doom of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan directly resulted in their loss of background. A number of students even died in that battle. Though some of them survived, as long as they were not Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan’s people, they would leave Thunderclap Academy immediately and made a clean break with it. Therefore, the whole Thunderclap Academy is nearly deserted. The rest aren’t more than one-fifth of its original number, not more than a hundred.”

  Saying that, a kind of sympathetic expression appeared on his face, “It might seem like Spirit Hall had restrained itself since its proposal of reelection of the Seven Clans. But actually, their destroying of two large clans with great momentum shocked the whole spirit master world. Every clan is desperately absorbing its surrounding clans, so are we. And we also received a formal invitation from the Spirit Hall.”

  Huo Wu became obviously agitated, “Bullshit invitation, those sanctimonious bastards of Spirit Hall. How could they require us Four Elements Academies to serve as their subordinate academy? It’s obviously annexing us.”

  Feng Xiaotian said with a chill face, “They had gone beyond our limit, so of course we wouldn’t accept. However, just on the next day we refused them, the same situation as Thunderclap Academy happened. A large number of students and teachers claimed to leave our ac
ademy. Though less than Thunderclap Academy, still more than two-thirds of our faculty and students left. Then the Heaven Dou Imperial Household invited us, we couldn’t help but move into Heaven Dou City and reintegrate into one academy, which is called Four Elements Academy. Now the rest of the students are mostly without any background, or involved in any clans not opposite to the Spirit Hall. It is Spirit Hall that pushed us to the Heaven Dou Empire.”

  Tang San reflected on it, said, “So how many students and teachers are in your four academies?”

  Feng Xiaotian gave a forced smile, “About six hundred in all. So there is no need for you to worry that we will occupy too much place here. We just want to find a place to survive and contribute to the war against Spirit Hall. Four Elements Academies have been built up for many years, so we have some savings. As long as your Shrek Academy agrees, reconstructing teaching buildings, dormitories, or even expanding the campus will be invested money and time by us. Additionally, since we live together, we cannot only exchange pointers, but also help each other.”

  Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan also suffered a great deal from it, seeing the doleful look of Feng Xiaotian, Ning Rongrong nodded unconsciously, “Helping each other is nice, Spirit Hall is our common enemy after all.”

  Oscar pulled Ning Rongrong clothes slightly, suggesting she not to talk too much. After all, Four Elements Academies’ moving into Shrek Academy’s campus involved a lot of things. Though Shrek Seven Devils were not management of the academy, Ning Rongrong was the inheritor of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile. Her words carried great weight.

  Feng Xiaotian said, “Then we’ll trouble you.”

  Tang San smiled calmly, said, “Brother Feng, if what you said were true, combining together for us isn’t bad. But, you are a guest after all, and it seems that you don’t want to abandon your dominant status as far as your display is concerned. Therefore I’m afraid there will be conflict between us. After all, you have a large number of students. To be honest, your strength is above Shrek Academy. It all sounds good right now, but who can say in the future. I think, you should understand my meaning. ”

  Feng Xiaotian pretended not to understand, said, “We will restrain our students to never have any conflict with your students. Moreover, it has been recognized by the Heaven Dou Imperial Household. Just need moving into now.”

  Tang San smiled slightly, “Since it is so, I think there is nothing to talk between us. Go back please. Shrek Academy is private property, even the Heaven Dou Imperial Household cannot deprive it for no reason. Moreover, I think uncle Ning has his Majesty’s ear so I don’t think his Majesty would let you move into Shrek Academy directly. But if you really think so, then I have nothing to say. You can have a try.”

  Everything is pleasant to hear now, but what if you turn from a guest into a host in the future, will there be a real fight? Let alone, Shrek Academy is originally private property, even we are in the same stance, but how could it be possible to move into without any pay?

  Tang San absolutely had the right to talk in Shrek Academy. Dai Mubai wasn’t here now, so he was obviously the leader of Shrek Seven Devils. Even if Dai Mubai was here, his words still carried the most weight in the Shrek Seven Devils. Especially when he was Grandmaster’s direct disciple, Liu Erlong was the wife of Grandmaster, and Ma Hongjun was the direct disciple of Flender. Ning Rongrong could absolutely affect Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan’s attitude, so while the Shrek five devils didn’t seem to hold have any post in the academy, but actually their influence could make a difference in Shrek Academy and even in Heaven Dou Imperial Household’s attitude.

  “You…” Huo Wu rose up with a fierce slapping on the table, pointing at Tang San, about to erupt, but was stopped by Feng Xiaotian who stood up hurriedly.

  “Huo Wu, calm, keep calm. Aren’t we discussing?” Feng Xiaotian seemed to be accustomed to persuading Huo Wu. Seeing his obsequious smile, Tang San couldn’t help feeling funny. Although Huo Wu’s personality was straightforward, she could be completely controlled by a smart guy like Feng Xiaotian. Maybe, this was so-called “everything is weak to something”.

  Saying this, Feng Xiaotian looked at Tang San with a regretful expression, said, “So, our differences are so great. We’d better wait for your Dean’s return. I think we can find a win-win solution eventually. I hope we can sit under the same roof next time.”

  Tang San stood up with Xiao Wu’s hand and made a gesture of farewell. While Feng Xiaotian led Huo Wu whose eyes was filled with fire, leaving after saying farewell to everyone.

  Ning Rongrong wrinkled her pretty brow, said, “Third brother, it doesn’t seem good to refuse them like this. Four Elements Academies look so pitiful in deed, and we also have the same enemy.”

  Tang San smiled slightly, said, “Rongrong, don’t you think they came here too coincidentally?”

  Oscar rubbed Ning Rongrong’s head, saying pamperingly, “Silly girl. That Four Elements Academies chose this time, wasn’t it bullying when we don’t have enough people? I believe they had already asked around in advance and discovered that the dean wasn’t here, and not us either. That was a deliberate show of force. They wanted to overwhelm us with real strength, they also wanted to show Heaven Dou Imperial Household that they are more important than our Shrek Academy, so they could occupy our place more easily. But it was blocked by little San. They couldn’t defeat us, so they started to use tactics of sympathy. His words were probably not false, but as the saying goes, a mere verbal statement is no guarantee, it’s easier to invite the devil than to drive it away, once they move into our academy, it wouldn’t be easy to drive them away.”

  Ning Rongrong gawked at Oscar, said, “So there are so many reasons here? Little Ao, I didn’t realize, you are the same as Third brother, full of cunning.”

  Oscar raised his hand and touched the scar on his face, forcing a smile, “If I couldn’t think a bit when meeting things, I’m afraid I couldn’t come back to see you.”

  Ning Rongrong’s complexion softened immediately, held Oscar’s hand in her own, though saying nothing, her sweet and helpless look made Tang San and Ma Hongjun can’t help laughing. Oscar as well, but his laugh was more complacent.

  Ma Hongjun asked, “So what shall we do? Wait for the teachers to come back before making a decision?”

  Tang San smiled calmly, said, “Of course they won’t give up. Now that they came once, there will certainly be a second time. Maybe Four Elements Academies will be our ally in the future, but as far as this situation is concerned, we must get the dominant status. No need to worry about these sort of things. After Dean Flender comes back, heh heh…...”

  Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Ningrong surely knew what Tang San was thinking about. With Flender’s stingy personality, even if Four Element could finally move in, they would be stripped of a layer of skin. When it came to cunning, blackness and putting money above all, who could be equal to their grand dean, Four Eyed Owl Flender?

  Ning Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu whose eyes were blank, “Third brother, what’s the matter with Xiao Wu?”

  Tang San put his arm around Xiao Wu’s supple waist, and narrated the experience in the trip simply. He had nothing to hide from his friends, so he also gave his simple analysis of Xiao Wu’s present condition.

  Having heard Tang San’s analysis, Ning Rongrong said, “So that is to say, if we want Xiao Wu to truly resurrect, third brother must pay your own spirit? And it should be a rank ninety spirit. This is… ”

  Tang San smiled slightly, “Compared with Xiao Wu, what does this matter? If not for her, I’m already dead. My life, my soul, all of mine are hers.”

  Tang San’s words were very natural, without fervent passion, as if something that couldn’t be more normal. But the more he was like this, the more depressed Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun and Oscar felt inwardly.

  Ning Rongrong’s eyes reddened slightly, seeing Tang San and Xiao Wu, wanting to say something, but seemed to feel a lump in her throat, and couldn’t say anything. She
had also been parted with Oscar for five years, but compared to Tang San and Xiao Wu, they were much happier. At least they met again after a long separation and could be with each other truly. But for Tang San and Xiao Wu, how much suffering they should endure? Only they Shrek Seven Devils truly knew how many sad stories were behind Tang San’s strong talent and strength. Parents, lover, all made him suffer too much, too much…

  Tang San smiled slightly, said, “Don't be like that, Xiao Wu’s body has recovered, so everyone should be happy for us. Little Ao, during the days we left, wasn’t there any change in Heaven Dou City?”

  Oscar restrained his emotion and grasped Ning Rongrong’s hand tightly, said, “Heaven Dou City looks tranquil on the surface, but according to uncle Ning’s words, the situation in Imperial Household is very strained. Emperor Xue Ye is suffering a serious disease, which made all of the imperial physicians feel helpless. Perhaps, everything will change before long.”

  A slight smile showed on Tang San’s face, of course he knew this situation. Moreover, emperor Xue Ye’s illness had been nonlethal for a long time; with Poison Douluo, that mixed poison should be almost cured. The reason why news spread out was to eliminate destabilizing factors in the imperial palace thoroughly. And Tang San had talked with Ning Fengzhi about that.

  Last time when Tang San was talking to Ning Fengzhi, he had suggested that before Heaven Dou Imperial Household stabilized itself, he wouldn’t cooperate with Imperial Household on his own. Because he wouldn’t know whether he was helping the enemy or himself. The big premise of cooperating with Imperial Household was that no problem existed in Imperial Household.

  Ning Rongrong said, “My father has sent the second support of our Tang Sect to me. You really didn’t go in vain this time, so there are more than a thousand spirit masters more in our Tang Sect at once. It seems that it would surpass our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan’s soon.”


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