adultery 103
homosexuality 102
menstruation 102–103
the Ten Commandments 101–105
Libyans, the 149–150
lice, plague of 84–85
Lievens, Jan 122
light and darkness 19, 37
Lilith 15, 23, 23
lineage see genealogy
Linnaeus, Carl 27, 27
locusts, plagues of
Exodus 87, 88
Joel 177
Revelations 201
longevity 17, 31–32, 152
Lot 47, 49, 54, 55
Luke, Gospel of 10, 179, 181, 182, 189, 207–209, 210, 211
Luther, Martin 208, 210
Maccabees, Book of 211, 214
Magdalene, Mary 182
Mahalath 60
manna from heaven 95–96
Mark, Gospel of 10, 177, 209, 210, 210
mark of Cain, the 31
Martin, John 83
martyrdom 190
Mary, mother of Jesus 181, 202–203
Mary I, Queen of England 217
Mary Magdalene 182
Esther 175
Exodus 107, 108
Genesis 65
Judges 8, 9, 113–114, 124–127
Kings 146–147
Matthew 180
Samuel 124–127
masturbation 9
Matthew, Gospel of 10, 180–181, 187, 207–209, 209, 210
death of Jesus 187
Judas betrays Jesus 184
massacre 180
suicide 184
the Three Wise Men 180, 180
usury 181–182
Menahem 147
Genesis 28
Leviticus 102–103
Merian, Matthãus 84
Merneptah 149–150
Mesopotamians, the 14, 23, 23, 36, 48, 164
Michal 131
Michelangelo 20
Midianites, the 107
Miriam 9, 92–95, 104
misogyny 28
Moabite massacre 113–114, 114
moneychangers in the temple, the 181, 181–182
Morris, Philip R. 39, 133
Moses 9, 75, 76, 76–101, 77, 79, 80, 81, 87, 94, 96, 101, 107, 107
leads the Jews out of captivity 10
and the Torah 12
Mount Ararat 39, 39
Mount Sinai 97–98
murder 29–31, 77–79, 79, 115, 116, 116, 140, 146
fratricide 29–31, 31
infanticide 75–77, 76, 88–89, 89, 90, 180
massacre 8, 9, 65, 107, 108, 113–114, 124–127, 146–147, 180
Nabopolassar, King of Babylon 157
Nahum, Book of 176
Native American folklore 36
Nebuchadnezzar 157, 158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 165–166
Nero, Emperor of Rome 199
Noah 32, 32–43, 39, 40
Numbers, Book of 12, 152
murder 107
rebellion 104–106
sexism 9
Nuremberg Bible 87, 147
Oedipus 42
Onan 9
Padan-aram 60–61
paganism 23
Exodus 99
Judges 111, 112, 112, 114
Kings 144, 146, 147
Palermo Stone, the 17, 17
Passover, origins of 90
Paul/Saul, on the road to Damascus 190–191
Pentateuch, the 12
Pentecost, the 189
Persians, the 164, 168, 171–175
perspective, importance of 9
Petrie, Flinders 149
Pharaoh 47, 49, 49, 69–70, 71, 80–81, 82, 84–88, 91
Philistines, the 111, 119–120, 121, 124–127, 128, 128–131, 131
Phinehas 107
Pilate, Pontius 187, 187
Pitman, Walter 36
plagues and pestilence
Exodus 82–89
Genesis 49
Joel 177
Revelations 201
Samuel 140, 141
Genesis 60
Kings 142–144
Samuel 136
Pontius Pilate 187, 187
Potiphar 66–69
‘Promised Land, the 104, 106, 108
Proverbs, Book of 12–13
Psalms, Book of 7
Pyrrha 36
Quran, the 27
Rabat, siege of 135, 136
Rachel 60, 61, 61, 62, 63
racism 41
Rahab 108
Genesis 41, 65
Judges 123, 124, 124
Samuel 138, 139
Rebekah 55, 57, 57, 59, 63
rebellion 104–106
Red Sea, the parting of the 91, 91–95, 92
Rehoboam 144, 144
Reni, Guido 201
Resurrection, the 189
Reuben 64
Reuel 79
Revelations, Book of 195–203, 210
Rig Veda 14, 14
Romans, Book of 205
Ryan, William 36
Salome 182, 182
Samaritans, the 152
Samson 9, 111, 120, 121
and Delilah 119–122
Samuel, Book of 127–131, 133–141
adultery 9, 135–136
David and Goliath 128–131
first King of Israel appointed 128
homosexuality 134
incest 138, 140
massacre 124–127
murder 140
plagues and pestilence 140, 141
polygamy 136
rape 138, 139
Sarah (Sarai) 45–49, 47, 49, 50, 50–53, 53, 55, 58–59, 63
Satan 198, 199, 201
Saul, first King of Israel 128, 129, 131, 131, 133–134
Saul/Paul, on the road to Damascus 190–191
Semites see Jews
Sennacherib 153–154, 154
Serpent, the 24, 24, 27, 31
Seth 31
Seven Seals, the 195–201
adultery 9, 103, 135–136, 182
bestiality 31
desire 29
homosexuality 54, 102, 134
incest 32, 34–39, 138, 140
masturbation 9
rape 41, 65, 123, 124, 124, 138, 139
sexism 9
Shalem 65
Shalmaneser I, King of Assyria 154
Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria 155, 156
Sheba, Queen of 142, 143
Shechem 65
Shem 39
Sibylline Oracles, The 217, 217
Simeon 65, 65
Simeon’s Sword 180–182
Sinai, Mount 97–98
Sisera 115, 116, 116
slavery 150, 153
Exodus 75, 79, 82
Genesis 64–66, 65, 66
Sodom and Gomorrah 54, 55
Solari, Andrea 182
Solofra, Guarino da 58
Solomon 141, 141–145, 143
Solomon, Song of 153, 173
St Augustine 28, 185
St Jerome 15
St John 193–203, 195, 195
St Paul 28
St Peter 191
St Stephen 189–190, 190
‘Stations of the Cross’ 188
Judges 9
Matthew 184
Sumerians, the 14, 17, 36, 36, 48, 154
synagogues 164
synoptic gospels, the 210
Tabernacle 98, 101, 101
Tamar 138, 138–140
Tanakh, the 10
Temptation of Eve 25–27, 27
Ten Commandments, the 8–9, 96, 97–106
Terah 45–47
Thomas, Gospel of 211
Three Wise Men, the 180, 180
Book of 211
Torah, the 12
Tower of Babel, the (van Cleve) 43
‘trickster myth’ 16
Ubino, Duke of 10
Urbinate Bible, the 10, 48
Uriah 9, 135–136, 136
usury 181, 181–182
Vale of Siddim, Battle of the 54
Vashti 171, 173
whore of Babylon, the 201
Wisdom, Book of 211
Wycliffe’s Bible 215, 215
Zacchaeus 182
Zedekiah 161–162, 163
Zephaniah, Book of 176–177
Zeus 36
Zillah 31
Zilpah 63
Zipporah 79, 81, 81
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