Stealing the Mystic Lamb

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Stealing the Mystic Lamb Page 35

by Noah Charney

as employer and friend of J. van Eyck

  as godfather to van Eyck, P.

  and Righteous Judges panel, portrait in

  Philip of Alsace

  Picasso, Pablo

  Pichegru, Charles

  Pius VI

  Plantexel (Société de Plantation et d’Exploitation de l’Elaeis au Kasai)

  Plieseis, Sepp

  Pöchmüller, Emmerich

  and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of

  Polish Rider

  Polychrome sculpture

  Ponte Santa Trinita

  Ponte Vecchio

  Porter, Arthur Kingsley

  Portrait Drawing of Niccoló Albergati (J. van Eyck)

  Portrait of a Man in a Red Turban

  ( J. van Eyck)

  Portrait of Dr. Gachet (van Gogh)

  Portrait of Margeurite ( J. van Eyck)


  Posey, Robert Kelley

  and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, Nazi order to destroy

  and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, securing of

  and Merkers salt mine

  and Order of Leopold

  Presbyter, Theophilus. See Roger of Helmarshausen

  Pressl, Mark Danner

  Priem, Polydor

  Protection of Monuments: A Proposal

  for Consideration During War and Rehabilitation (Stout)

  “Protection of Monuments and Art During War” (Clemens)

  Prussian National Gallery



  Rahn, Otto


  Raudaschl, Alois

  Ray, Jean (pseud. John Flanders)


  Red turban

  Red-White-Red Book: Justice for Austria! (Gainswinkler)


  Reign of Terror

  Religious paintings


  Renaissance paintings

  Renders, Emile

  Reparations Committee

  Repatriation, of cultural heritage

  Restoration. See also under Ghent Altarpiece

  Revelation of Saint John the Evangelist

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua

  Righteous Judges (panel) (photo)

  copy of

  and ransom/ransom notes

  theft of, and investigation

  theft of, theories regarding

  Roberts, Owen J.

  Roberts Commission (American

  Commission for the Protection

  and Salvage of Artistic and

  Historic Monuments in War

  Areas). See also Art protection; Monument protection

  Robespierre, Maximilien

  Roger of Helmarshausen (pseud. Theophilus Presbyter)

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Rorimer, James

  Rosenberg, Alfred. See also ERR; Rosenberg Report

  Rosenberg Operational Staff. See ERR

  Rosenberg Report. See also ERR; Rosenberg, Alfred

  Rothschild family

  Rubens, Peter Paul

  Sachs, Paul

  Safehaven Programme

  Saint Barbara, Chapel of

  Saint Barbara ( J. van Eyck)

  Saint Bavo, Abbey of

  Saint Bavo, Church of

  Saint Bavo Cathedral

  and Adam and Eve (panels), sale of

  fire at

  during French revolutionary era

  and Righteous Judges (panel)

  during World War I

  during World War II

  Saint Cloud

  Saint Donatian, Church of

  Saint George (Donatello)

  Saint Germain, Treaty of

  Saint John, Church of

  Saint John at the Latin Gate

  Saint Mark (Donatello)

  Saint Nicholas, Church of

  Saint Peter, Abbey of

  Saint Pierre Cathedral

  Saint Saviour, Church of

  Saint Stephen, Church of

  Saint-Claire, Paul


  Salt mine art-storage facilities. See also Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility

  San Miniato al Monte

  Santa Maria del Fiore

  Schäffer, Emil

  Schiele, Egon

  Schliemann, Heinrich

  Schmidt-Staehler organization

  Secret agents

  Secret code, and Ghent Altarpiece

  Seghers, Emile-Jan

  Self-Portrait of Jan (J. van Eyck)

  Septimius Severus


  Sieber, Karl

  Sigismond, King (of Hungary)

  Signac, Paul


  Sizer, Theodore

  Sluter, Claus

  Socialist Bank of Labor

  SOE. See Special Operations Executive

  Solly, Edward

  Sonderstab Bildende Kunst (Special Operations Staff for the Arts)

  Sonneman, Emily

  Spaak, Paul-Henri

  Special Operations Executive (SOE)

  Speer, Albert

  Standhartinger, Karl

  Storage facilities. See Art-storage facilities

  Stout, George

  Swarzenski, Georg

  Sykes, William


  Taking of Christ (Caravaggio)

  Tarra, Valentin

  Taylor, Francis Henry

  Thirty Years’ War

  Thouin, Citizen

  “Three Facts Related to the Mystic Lamb” (Van den Gheyn)

  Three Marys at the Tomb ( J. van Eyck)

  Tiled floor, of Angelic choir (panel) (photo)

  Tinet, Citizen


  Tolentine, Treaty of

  Transfiguration (Raphael)


  Treasure map, and Ghent Altarpiece

  Treatise of the Art of Painting (Alberti)

  Triest, Josse

  Triptych of the Nativity (van der Weyden)

  Trotteyn, Jos

  Uffizi Museum

  Utrecht Cathedral

  Valland, Rose

  Van Artevelde, Fillip

  Van Artevelde, Jacob

  Van den Durpel, Ernest

  Van den Gheyn, Gabriel

  and Ghent Altarpiece, during World War II

  and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of

  and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, theories regarding

  Van der Eecke, Lyevine

  Van der Veken, Jef

  Van der Weyden, Rogier

  Van Elewijk (district attorney)

  Van Eyck, Hubert (brother)

  and Ghent Altarpiece, attribution of

  and Righteous Judges (panel), portrait in

  Van Eyck, Jan

  as alchemist

  artistic development of

  artistic medium of

  biographical information on

  as court painter

  death of

  as first Renaissance painter

  and Ghent Altarpiece, attribution of (see also Ghent Altarpiece)

  influence of

  as innovator

  oil medium perfected by

  paintings of, forged or misattributed

  popularity of

  portraiture of

  and realism

  salary of

  as secret agent

  self-portrait of

  signature of

  tomb of, destruction of

  as valet de chambre

  wife and children of

  Van Eyck, Lambert (brother)

  Van Eyck, Margaret (sister)

  Van Eyck, Marguerite (wife)

  Van Eyck, Philippot (son)

  Van Ginderachter, Joseph

  Van Gogh, Vincent

  Van Kesel, Monsignor

  Van Mander, Karel

  Van Meegeren, Han

  Van Ogneval, Gustave

  Van Ogneval, Kamiel

an Scorel, Jan

  Van Vaernewyck, Marcus

  Van Volsem, Beadle

  Vasari, Giorgio


  Vaucher, Paul

  Velazquez, Diego

  Vendôme Decrees

  Veneziano, Domenico

  Venus de Medici

  Vermeer, Jan

  Veronese, Paolo

  Verrocchio, Andrea del

  Versailles, Treaty of

  and Ghent Altarpiece

  and Hitler

  and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of

  Vienna Gallery

  Viennese Service for the Protection of Historical Monuments

  Vijd, Christoffel

  Vijd, Joos

  Vijd, Joos (panel)(photo)

  Vijd, Nikolaas

  Vijd Chapel


  Virgin with a Choir of Angels (Botticelli)

  Vissers, Johan

  Visual references


  Vom Alter der Ölmalerey aus dem Theophilus Presbyter (Lessing)

  Von Behr, Kurt

  Von Bode, Wilhelm

  Von Falke, Otto

  Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang

  Von Hummel, Helmut

  Von Kuensberg, Freiherr

  Von Ribbentrop, Joachim

  Von Wolff-Metternich, Franz

  Voragine, Jacobus da

  Waagen, Gustav

  Walpole, Horace


  War Art Project

  War of 1812

  Ward-Perkins, John

  Waterloo, Battle of

  Well of Moses (Sluter)

  “ What the English Have Done in Cyrenaica,”

  Wheeler, Mortimer

  Where Eagles Dare (film)

  Wicar, Jean-Baptiste Joseph

  Winders, Max

  Woolley, Sir Leonard

  World War I

  and art and monuments, protection of

  post-, and artwork, return of

  World War II

  and art and monuments, protection of

  art protection guidelines during

  Ghent Altarpiece during

  See also Germany; Hitler, Adolf; Nazis


  Ziegler, Adolf

  Noah Charney is the author of the international bestselling novel The Art Thief and the founding director of The Association for Research into Crimes against Art, an international nonprofit think tank. His work in the field of art crime has been praised in such forums as The New York Times Magazine, Time Magazine, Vanity Fair, Vogue, BBC Radio, and NPR. Currently a professor of art history at the American University of Rome, he lives in Italy with his wife and Hubert van Eyck, their Peruvian Hairless.

  PublicAffairs is a publishing house founded in 1997. It is a tribute to the standards, values, and flair of three persons who have served as mentors to countless reporters, writers, editors, and book people of all kinds, including me.

  I. F. STONE, proprietor of I. F. Stone’s Weekly, combined a commitment to the First Amendment with entrepreneurial zeal and reporting skill and became one of the great independent journalists in American history. At the age of eighty, Izzy published The Trial of Socrates, which was a national bestseller. He wrote the book after he taught himself ancient Greek.

  BENJAMIN C. BRADLEE was for nearly thirty years the charismatic editorial leader of The Washington Post. It was Ben who gave the Post the range and courage to pursue such historic issues as Watergate. He supported his reporters with a tenacity that made them fearless and it is no accident that so many became authors of influential, best-selling books.

  ROBERT L. BERNSTEIN, the chief executive of Random House for more than a quarter century, guided one of the nation’s premier publishing houses. Bob was personally responsible for many books of political dissent and argument that challenged tyranny around the globe. He is also the founder and longtime chair of Human Rights Watch, one of the most respected human rights organizations in the world.

  For fifty years, the banner of Public Affairs Press was carried by its owner Morris B. Schnapper, who published Gandhi, Nasser, Toynbee, Truman, and about 1,500 other authors. In 1983, Schnapper was described by The Washington Post as “a redoubtable gadfly.” His legacy will endure in the books to come.

  Peter Osnos, Founder and Editor-at-Large

  Copyright © 2010 by Noah Charney

  Published in the United States by PublicAffairs™,

  a member of the Perseus Books Group.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Charney, Noah.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  eISBN : 978-1-586-48924-3

  1. Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440. Ghent altarpiece. 2. Art thefts—Belgium—Ghent. I. Title. II. Title: True story of the world’s most coveted masterpiece.






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