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Haven Page 25

by Celia Breslin

  Stella helped again. Better. I gulped it, even tried to cup the glass, but my hands shook too much. I let Stella feed me.

  “There, va tutto bene, piccola.”

  Wow, Stella possessed a soft side, calling me little one, feeding me like an infant. What a shocker. But I’d let her treat me like a baby if it meant getting more blood. My human side whispered I was crazy to like blood, but I couldn’t deny how good it tasted, how it healed my body. I drained the glass and the shakes subsided.

  Stella handed the glass to Adrian, eyes trained on me. “More.”

  Adrian obeyed without complaint. This time, I held the glass, savored the smooth warmth sliding down my throat, enjoying the sharp, coppery smell tickling my nose. I drained the glass.

  “Va bene.” Stella straightened. “Tend to her wound, keep her warm, and do not leave her side until we return. Do you understand, human?”

  Adrian nodded. “Yeah.”

  I frowned. “He has a name, Stella.”

  I disliked her treatment of him. He wasn’t her slave or minion and she had no right to—oh, wow, I was feeling a lot better if I had energy to expend on anger. Fatigue and flu-like symptoms still plagued me, but I no longer felt like someone beat the crap out of me with a hot poker and then tried to drown me in an ice bath.

  Alexander and Adrian traded places, the latter’s body much warmer than my man’s cold one. Important note on dating the undead—when the vampire boyfriend turns into a popsicle, it’s time to feed him and/or put him to bed.

  I yawned. “You need to go.”

  “You think?” Gentle sarcasm. He gave me a quick kiss on the mouth. Such a tease.

  My lips tingled, wanting more. “What happens to you at dawn, anyway?”

  No reply.

  Adrian pulled me onto his lap. His body warmed me like an electric blanket.

  “Enough talk,” Stella interrupted. “Andiamo.”

  A rush of cold air and they vanished.

  “Well, that was abrupt.” I curled up, burrowing into Adrian’s heat.

  He adjusted the jacket covering me, and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me just right. Snug as a bug in a cocoon. I let the fatigue roll over me, pull me into the soothing dark.

  He kissed the top of my head. “Lights out, babe.”

  Didn’t have to tell me twice.


  Someone shook my shoulder. “Wakey, wakey.”

  “Sure you want to do that?” Adrian’s sleepy voice sounded from next to me.

  Another shake, stronger now in the middle of my back. I groaned and curled into a ball, burrowing into Adrian’s warm body.

  “Yes. She’s had enough sleep. And no comas allowed on my watch.” Off went the duvet. “Wake up, little sis.”

  I grunted in protest and rolled over, pulling the sheet over my head. “What do you want, Tony?”

  He yanked it off.

  “Hey!” I blinked up at him.

  Once he gained my attention he stalked over to the curtains and flung them open. Bright afternoon sun streamed in. I shielded my eyes and dove for the sheet.

  Tony stopped me. “Time to get up.”

  “What’s your problem? I’ll get up when I want to.”

  “You’re my problem. Now sit up, shut up, and take these.”

  My brow furrowed. “You’re doing a good imitation of Lorenzo right now.”

  As soon as I was upright, he plopped three capsules and one round tablet in my hand.

  “I don’t have a headache.”

  “It’s not aspirin. Two multis with copper and iron, one B12, and the orange tab is C.”

  I frowned at the pills. “I can’t take these on an empty stomach.”

  “No, you can’t.” He put a tall glass in my other hand. “Protein shake. Dutch chocolate. Drink up.”

  “Well, aren’t you the Boy Scout?” I downed it and the vitamins.

  “Nothing for me?” Adrian reclined against a mound of pillows. Though his chest was bare, he wore dark blue flannel pajama bottoms. I wore the matching flannel top. That, and my black panties.

  Tony ignored Adrian and took the empty glass I offered him. He studied my face. “You’re a mess. I’ll draw you a bath.”

  He stalked into the master bathroom. I didn’t speak until I heard the sound of water filling Adrian’s big, claw foot tub. “Is he all right?”

  Adrian shrugged. “Shouldn’t we be asking you that?”

  I cocked my head. “What do you mean?” Last night’s events surfaced in my mind. “Ohhhh.” I bit my lip.

  “Yeah.” Adrian grinned. “You know, when I told you to let go, I didn’t expect you to take it quite that far.”

  I gave him wide eyes, my mind busy replaying last night’s antics in my head, trying to make sense of it, put some kind of label on it, make it real. Oh, wait a minute. I touched my neck and the bandage covering the bites. Yeah, definitely real.

  “I think I got married last night. Vampire-style.” My fingers played over the bandage then trailed up to poke at my teeth.

  “No fangs there, babe.”


  Adrian squeezed my arm.

  I let him offer the comfort even though I didn’t need it. I wasn’t unhappy, merely dazed. “Wow. Last night was—”

  “Intense? Trippy? The most exciting, mind-blowing experience you’ve ever had in your entire life?”

  I scanned the room as I mulled it over, taking in my party clothes and boots on the floor, hair sticks, fishnet gloves and barrettes on the nightstand. “Yes.”

  He patted my hand. “You’re gonna be fine, babe.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I know.” His voice was firm.

  My fingers drummed the mattress. “I bet you know a lot of things, don’t you?”

  “Maybe. I might share if you go brush your teeth.”

  “What?” I covered my mouth. “Ew, morning breath. Where’ve you put all my stuff, anyway?” I hadn’t forgotten about the displacement of my belongings from the master bath.

  “Hall bathroom.”

  I hopped out of the bed and bolted for the door. “Way to deflect, Adrian. But don’t go thinking this lets you off the hook for long.”

  Adrian headed for the master bathroom. I located my things in the hall bath, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and removed a few stray barrettes from my hair, replacing them with a plain black fabric headband. Refreshed, I hurried back to Adrian’s bedroom.

  Tony exited the master bath. “Tub’s ready.” He brushed by me into the hall.

  “Uh, thanks. You okay?”

  “Sure. Be right back.” Well, that was terse and once again very Lorenzo-like and un-Tony.

  Adrian was already in the shower singing his usual morning medley of show tunes when I stepped into the tub. The water was warm and topped with abundant foam and bubbles. Some spilled onto the tile floor as I settled down. I checked in with my body. Not too bad, and not too achy, considering the physical and metaphysical beating I’d taken last night. My new and improved healing powers were handy. I prodded my bandaged neck. Nope, not even sore. I bet the wounds were healed, too. The wounds made by Alexander’s wicked sexy fangs.

  My core clenched at the memory of his teeth in my flesh, his lips locked on my neck, devouring my mouth, ravishing my breasts, his talented fingers dipping inside. I squeezed my thighs together, wriggling in the tub, sloshing more water and suds over the side.

  Was he awake? Thinking about me, too? Alexander, are you there?


  Did the mind-to-mind only work with the older vampires in my family? He was probably asleep since it was midday. The sun couldn’t set soon enough for me. I wanted to run away with my new, sexy vampire husband, wanted his hands on me, in me, his lips meshed with mine, or exploring my neck, his teeth grazing my skin, sinking inside. Yeah, more Alexander, please. I bit my lip on a sigh.


  I jerked. Tony sat on the teak bath stool next to the tub, a long white tube
in his hand.

  “You startled me. What’s that?” I indicated the tube.

  “Facial mask.” He set to work doctoring my face.


  “You need this.” He applied the fragrant goo to my skin.

  I rested my head against the tub and eyed the hanging spider plant above me while he worked. “I already washed my face, you know,” I complained, grumpy.

  “Hush.” He traced the contours of my nose, brow furrowed in concentration. The paste was cool against my skin and smelled like food.

  “What’s in this mush, anyway?”

  “It’s clay. With many good things for your skin. Green tea, almond, macadamia oil, honey, chamomile.”

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t be eating this instead of wearing it?”

  “Quiet you. Stop moving.” He smeared the clay over my chin and swept it around my lips in one continuous motion. His mad spa skills impressed me, but I wasn’t in the mood for the pampering.

  “How long do I have to leave it on?” I whined, when he put the finishing touch along my jaw line.

  “Ten minutes.”

  I gave him a pout, but he waved a finger at me. “This is the price you pay for sleeping in your make-up.”

  “Oh c’mon, it’s not like I planned that.”

  “Don’t want to hear it,” he replied, singsong. He rinsed off his hands in the sink. “When we’re done with your face, I want to check that love bite on your neck.” He dried his hands on the towel hanging from the vanity.

  Okay, enough already. His coddling irritated me. “What are you, my nursemaid?” I snapped.

  Adrian stopped singing.

  Tony rounded on me, fists on his hips. “No, I’m not your damn nursemaid. I’m the brother who carried your hypothermic, unconscious ass out of the club this morning. I’m the brother who tucked you into Adrian’s bed and watched over you while you slept it off. And I’m the brother who was having a hell of a good time with Shane and Bobby until his sister-in-distress interrupted. So don’t you dare give me any attitude, little miss I-let-my-new-vampire-boyfriend-almost-kill-me.”

  I bolted upright, jostling the water, spilling more onto the already drenched floor. “Shut up, that’s not fair! I’m sorry I ruined your play date, but that doesn’t give you the right to—”

  Tony threw a wet washcloth at my head. I dodged and it smacked against the bay window. “Hey!”

  “Right? You want to talk about rights?” He balled up the hand towel and threw it at me. I sunk into the water up to my chin. The towel hit the front of the tub.

  “Well, guess what, Carina? You have none. That’s right, I said it. Niente! Assolutamente niente! You know I’ve always been the first one to take your side, but not this time. You could’ve died last night, do you even get that? I mean, God!” He threw up his hands. “What is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how serious—?”

  “Basta!” I scrambled to my feet, uncaring that I stood naked in front of my brother. “Shut up, already!”

  Silence, save the rush of water in Adrian’s shower.

  We glared at each other, me in the slippery tub, shaking and clutching my stomach, Tony stiff and tall near the sink. Moments passed and my anger faded. I let him see my confusion, gave him sad puppy eyes. We never argued and he never lectured or judged me. Had what I’d done last night scared him that badly?

  Tony’s cranky expression cleared. He glanced up at the ceiling, then yanked Jonas’s black robe off its hook on the door and stalked over to me. He opened the robe and waited. I stepped out of the tub and slipped into it. The robe fit me well, given that Jonas was about my size. I didn’t let myself dwell on that fact. Things were already weird enough at the moment and I didn’t want the mere thought of my vampire uncle to invite him into this mess of a bathroom party. I tightened the sash and shoved my hands into the robe’s pockets, keeping my back to Tony. Maybe he would take the hint and leave.

  He didn’t. I faced him, opened my mouth to ask him to go, but Adrian stepped out of the shower stall, unabashedly naked and dripping wet.

  “No,” he declared.

  “What?” Tony eyed his nude form.

  “No, she doesn’t have a clue. Not even a smidgen of a clue.”

  “Hey. I do, too. Sort of.”

  “Oh, really?” Tony’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

  My turn to gaze at the ceiling.

  “But she’ll be fine,” Adrian reassured him.

  “How do you know? Tessa said—” Tony stopped.

  I watched him watch a naked Adrian saunter across the room to retrieve his fluffy white robe, hyper aware that my brother wore only last night’s jeans. Adrian donned his robe but left it untied. The two underdressed men exchanged an admiring look and the weirdness factor in the room ramped up beyond my tolerance level.

  “Okay, that’s it. I’m getting back in the tub. I’ll take care of my own neck, wash off my own face, and you two—just get out of here. I can’t have my bare-chested brother and my naked ex-sex-friend-but-still-best-friend flirting with each other in front of me—also, mostly naked—in the bathroom. No, it’s just so...” My hands flailed, eyes closed, head shaking. “Get out. Fuori di qui.”

  To my relief, no complaints came my way. The door opened and closed. I let out the breath I held and opened my eyes. Adrian lingered in the room.

  My shoulders slumped. “What?”

  “For the record, that wasn’t flirting. It was distraction,” he offered, eyes twinkling.

  “Yeah, right. As if.” I waved him away. “Out.”

  Adrian kissed my cheek. “Sure thing, babe, but be nice. He’s worried about you.”

  “Fine, I get that. Now go away.”

  Adrian raised his hands in defeat. That exposed him further since he’d neglected to cinch the robe.

  “Dude, close your robe before you leave. And don’t you dare make a play for Tony. I can’t handle you doing my brother and my undead vampire uncle. Promise me you won’t go there.”

  Adrian grinned. I scowled.

  “Chill babe, I promise.” Adrian crossed his heart with his index finger, closed his robe—finally—and left the room.

  “Don’t be too long, or I’ll be back,” Tony called as the door closed behind Adrian.

  I slipped off the robe and stepped into the tub before anyone else decided to bother me. If this was any indication of how the rest of the day would go, I wasn’t going to like it one bit. I pulled the headband off my head, hung it on the faucet, and submerged myself in the water. Would be nice to float under here forever. Too bad I wasn’t a full-fledged vampire and needed to breathe.

  I heard a soft knock on the door when I resurfaced. “What?” I snapped. Couldn’t the boys leave me alone for one damn minute? I grabbed a washcloth from a nearby wall hook and wiped my face.

  The door opened a crack. “May I enter?” a soft female voice inquired.

  “Hi, Faith.” Dear God, alleluia, my best girlfriend had arrived. “Come in.” I cleared the last bit of clay from my face while my friend entered the room. She looked well-rested and fresh in an aqua twist-front top, slim black capris, and black, square toe, ballet flats. She walked with care on the wet bathroom floor, halting by the tub.

  “Back up so I don’t splash you.” I stepped out. “You look great, by the way.”

  “Thank you.”

  I noted the black leather cuffs with turquoise snap closures on her wrists, perfect cover for the vampire bites. “Nice camouflage, you clever girl.”

  She opened her mouth to tell me something but hesitated.

  “What’s up?” I padded to the shower stall. “Clearly you have something to tell me.”

  She nodded.

  “Can it wait until after I shower? Tony forced me into a facial and made me a majorly soapy bath. I need to rinse off.” I started the shower, adjusting the temperature.

  “No. If I leave now, you will think, and if you think then you will worry, and you will doubt the truth of your actions a
nd I don’t want you doubting any of it...” she trailed off.

  I paused halfway into the stall. “You know. Duh, of course you know. Everything.”


  I gave her a cheeky grin. “Please tell me your vision wasn’t x-rated. Or I’ll die of embarrassment.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  “But you know what we did.”

  “Oh, yes. You used your Key.”

  “Well, I’d like to think we used each other. It was very mutual from where I was sitting.” Oops, poor choice of words. Warmth washed over my face at the memory of myself astride Alexander, feeding at his mouth.

  Faith beamed, pleased by my response. “Yes it was. And I have a message for you. From Alexander.”

  “What?” I squeaked, excited now. I gripped the shower door. “Why didn’t he text or leave me voice mail?”

  “He did. But he wanted you to hear from someone you trust. Well, me, specifically. He came to Heaven before he left with Stella. He said, ‘please tell her what you see.’ So I looked inside.”

  Goosebumps broke out on my arms. “Enough with the preamble. Tell me,” I squealed, almost hopping in place. Wow, I had it bad. A teenager all over again. Sheesh.

  “I saw many things. And you won’t like all of it. But he’s a good man. His only desire is you.”

  “Okay.” And yay.

  “He’s The One. He’s Yours.”

  “You’ve said that before,” I grinned. Hell yes, smokin’ hot, undead guy is all mine.

  “Yes, but you need to understand. This isn’t a game, or a fling, or a one-night stand. He’s committed to you and only you. Your connection is real and lasting and you must never doubt it.”

  I studied her somber face. “So you’re saying I really did get married last night, with that whole binding thing.”


  “To a man I barely know.” I spoke the words out loud, but they held no weight. Hurry up sundown, so I can find him.

  “No, Rina. You’ve always known him. Look beneath the surface. He has always been the one.”

  Some of my giddy girlie excitement faded. “Okay, you’re losing me now.”

  “He’s your soul mate. Together you’ve created the foundation for what’s to come.”


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