Ricochet's Rogue (Agent of Mercy, Book Three)

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Ricochet's Rogue (Agent of Mercy, Book Three) Page 12

by Miller, Robin Leigh

  She really was beautiful, he thought to himself, all that thick, lush hair shimmering under the soft lights of the bar. The creamy chocolate skin that glowed and a body that would make any man stop and stare. If she were any other woman he’d be over there wanting to run his hands over the curves of her hips, down her legs and then back up again. He bet when she pressed herself against a man’s chest her firm breasts gave a little. Was her skin as smooth and soft as it looked?

  “That’s enough,” he grumbled to himself. All the looking had his heart racing. It beat inside his chest like a jackhammer. Beads of sweat formed on his brow.

  She turned her head slightly. Her tongue darted out licking a drop of wine from her bottom lip. His groin tightened, bringing him to half arousal instantly. Those lips of hers were a man’s dream, so plump and full. Were they as soft as they looked? Would they feel like silk against his?

  He lifted his beer bottle to his mouth and drank down the rest hoping it would ease the tightness in his jeans. Why did she have to be such a hard head? He wouldn’t be sitting here suffering if she just gave a little, he thought, closing his eyes. And why the hell was he letting her get to him? This wasn’t like him at all.

  When he opened his eyes again she was walking toward him, wine glass in hand. Those large brown eyes burned right through him as she pinned him to his chair. He couldn’t get up and run if he wanted to. They were darker tonight, a hint of forbidden lust shadowing her usually alert gaze.

  “Mind if I join you?” she asked in a raspy voice.

  “Not at all,” he replied, unable to look away from her exotic, painted eyes. She didn’t wear much makeup but the way her eyes were lined tonight gave them an almond shape and she had just a hint of glitter on her lids.

  “Thank you.”

  They sat a while saying nothing, simply stealing glances at each other from time to time. He prayed she couldn’t tell his body was reacting to her, the way his hands trembled and his breath came in short pants. This needed to stop and he knew exactly the way to end it.

  “Veronica, about today…”

  “I don’t want to talk,” she said holding up her hand. “Talk isn’t what I’m in the mood for.”

  The heavy lidded come-hither look in her eyes sent him reeling. This woman wanted something, the same something that his groin was screaming for—release. No longer was he half excited but in full blown arousal. God help him if the place caught on fire because he couldn’t stand and not be obvious if his life depended on it.

  “Okay,” he said clearing his throat. “What are you in the mood for?”

  “I’m going to be honest with you, Ricochet,” she said leaning forward revealing more of her ample breasts. “I came to W&S hoping during my training we could hook up, but I think that’s a lost cause.”

  He swallowed hard. She wanted to hook with him on a temporary basis. A man’s dream come true.

  “You don’t like me, not even a little, I understand that. But, if what I’m reading in your eyes is right, a little sex on the side wouldn’t hurt.”

  Now he couldn’t even swallow. His throat had dried up like a desert. Was it that obvious? He really needed to work on hiding his desires better.

  “You sayin’ you want to have sex with me?” He tried to talk in a normal voice but it wasn’t working. His words came out squeaky and in different pitches, like a thirteen-year-old going through puberty.

  “That’s what I’m saying,” she said leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest. “How do you feel about that?”

  How did he feel? Was she kidding? All she had to do was lean over the table and she’d get an eye full of how he felt. He’d never had a woman be so direct before. It was always him initiating the sex. How was he supposed to handle this?

  “I… Ah… Well…” For the first time in his life he was speechless. His body was screaming yes, his brain was saying don’t be stupid. He had to work with this woman and he didn’t like her all that much.

  “I see.” She drank down the last of her wine, grabbed her purse off the floor and stood. “I’m sorry,” she said and then turned and walked away.

  She left him sitting there stunned. Did he just turn down a night of sex with a gorgeous, sexy woman? Did he dislike her that much?

  “Hell no,” he said aloud and then stood. The discomfort in his pants slowed him down. Walking wasn’t going to be easy, but she was about to head through the door and he needed to stop her.

  He pulled a few bills from his pocket, tossed them on the table and did his best to walk as normally as possible across the floor. When he got out the door she was unlocking her car door.

  “Ronnie, wait,” he shouted.

  “I’ve had enough humiliation for the day, Ricochet,” she shouted back opening her door and climbing into her car.

  “You don’t understand. Just wait, will ya?” He stormed across the sidewalk and made it to the car as she started it up.

  “Look,” she said staring at her steering wheel. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. I made a mistake.”

  Uncomfortable! She had no idea just how uncomfortable he was. He opened his mouth to tell her she didn’t make a mistake when she drove off. Once again she left him standing.

  “Oh no you don’t,” he snarled to himself and headed to his car. She started this but he was going to finish it.

  He drove like a madman to her hotel. When he pulled into the parking lot she was walking through her room door. He slid to a stop, kicking up gravel and spraying it all over her car. Determined, he bolted from his car, stomped up to the door and pounded on it.

  “What is it?” she asked yanking the door open.

  As soon as it was open he walked through, grabbed her arms, kicked the door closed with his foot and shoved her against the wall. His movements were fast and fluid giving her no time to react. He pressed his mouth against hers and waited for her shocked lips to soften.

  It didn’t take long. Before he knew it she was eagerly kissing him back with hungry, aggressive nips and bites. The more aggressive she was the more turned on he became. Her hands yanked his shirt up his back until she could run her hands over his flesh freely. He in turn slipped his hands under her top, glided them around her waist and then down inside her jeans until his hands were resting on her bare ass.

  He groaned when he noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties. He squeezed her firm cheeks hard, drawing a moan from her and capturing it with his mouth. She wanted it rough, he’d give it to her rough.

  To his surprise she flicked the snap of his jeans free with one finger and lowered his zipper in a smooth, fast movement. Her hand reached inside and cupped him. Blood surged to his erection making it harder and almost painful. Needing to stop her before it was too late he pressed her hard against the wall with his body.

  “You don’t wanna pull the trigger before you’re ready.” He breathed in her ear and then nipped it with his teeth.

  “I’m not one of your women who needs an hour of soft petting.” Her warm hot breath in his face set fire to his nerve endings.

  “Be sure you want this, Veronica,” he said before devouring her mouth.

  She pushed him back, giving him pause for just a second, then laughed when she whipped him around so his back was against the wall.

  “I know what I want.”

  Faster than he could blink she pulled her shirt off and tossed it to the side. His gaze drifted down over her smooth dark skin as she reached behind and unclasped her bra. It was too much, he wanted, needed to see what was behind the black lacy material. He tugged the straps down her arms until her firm, round mounds were free.

  He wanted to say something, tell her how perfect she was but he couldn’t speak. Hell, he was having trouble breathing. Instead of talking he leaned forward, kissed the valley between those chocolatey breasts and slid his tongue up and over one perfectly curved hill and latched on to her pert nipple.

  She tasted sweet, hot and delicious. As he rolled her nipple be
tween the roof of his mouth and his tongue he heard her sharp intake of breath. It was as if she threw fuel on the fire. He was suddenly beyond need. If he didn’t feel her wrapped tightly around him soon he’d lose his mind.

  As he teased her breast, he opened her jeans and slid his hand inside, cupping her clean, smooth mound. She was already slick, warm and wet. He slipped his finger between her folds, dipped it inside her slick tunnel and then slid it back out. Her hips pushed against his hand wanting more.

  She’d get more but not like this. He pulled his hand out abruptly, reached into his back pocket and slid his wallet from his jeans.

  “Inside,” he said handing it to her before returning his attention to her breast.

  He could feel her fumbling, pulling and then dropping it to the floor. He glanced up to see her rip the plastic square package with her teeth. When she had it in her hand he leaned back and pushed her away. She licked her lips, smiled and then slowly knelt on the floor.

  His head dropped back against the wall as she pulled his jeans and boxers down over his hips. He didn’t dare look, it would be the end but he could feel her breath on his rock-hard head.

  “Hurry,” he growled low in his throat.

  She placed the latex on his tip and stroked it down his shaft. When she was finished he kicked off his shoes and yanked off the cumbersome clothing. He had the privilege of seeing her shimmy out of her tight jeans and allowing them to pool at her feet.

  He couldn’t wait. It was now or never. Grasping her by her hips he lifted and turned until once again her back was against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his hips, held onto his shoulders and lowered herself down over his erection.

  Holding his breath, tightening his muscles and baring his teeth he felt every inch of her satin wrap around him. It was so amazing he shuddered from the tip of his toes to the top of his head. Their gazes locked as they both reveled in the ecstasy.

  She was so tight, so hot and wet and he’d never felt anything so incredible in his life. Standing there buried deep inside her with her legs wrapped around him, his heart did a slow flip in his chest. It didn’t only affect him, her eyes changed as he looked into them. Her fevered haste was gone replaced by a tender gentle want.

  Together they began a steady rhythm. She pressed against his shoulders raising herself as he pulled his hips back. Then she lowered as he thrust forward. Her breathing was fast, bathing his skin in warmth.

  Little sounds escaped her throat. Sharp breaths through her teeth, and her fingers digging into his shoulders, along with her tightening around him made his head spin. She quickened the pace, sliding up and down his shaft with maddening speed. Each stroke brought him closer to the heaven he knew awaited.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted pressing her head against the wall. “Oh God, please don’t stop.”

  Her hips were bucking wildly as she took him deeper inside. She slammed down on him and screamed, digging her fingernails into his flesh. The first spasm she released was his undoing. He thrust forward hard, threw his head back and growled like a wild animal as he unleashed inside her. He heard nothing, was aware of nothing but her and the unbelievable pleasure she gave him.

  Sweat seeped from his pores, his muscles quivered as he did his best to hold her up at the same time allowing his body to feel. Together they came, each one’s orgasm fueling the other’s. Minutes passed before his exhausted body released its last spasm.

  He rested his head on her breast. She wrapped her arms around him and lowered her cheek down on top of his head. Her hair fell forward and curtained him. If his body wasn’t so weak he could stand here like this all night.

  Chapter Nine

  “Thank you,” she whispered and then kissed the top of his head.

  “My pleasure,” he whispered back. It really was his pleasure. “You’re gonna have ta help me here. I can’t hold you up much longer, but I can’t move either.”

  Truth was, he didn’t want to move. He liked having his head nestled on the soft skin of her breasts. He was still inside her and wouldn’t complain about staying there.

  She released her legs and dropped them to his sides. He leaned back and let her drop to the floor. Now that they were both standing he pulled her to him and pressed her naked body to his. He ran his hands up and down her sleek form. He wanted to remember every curve and feel every silky inch.

  She also let her hands roam. His skin tingled as she lightly caressed his thighs, hips, sides and back. Was she too trying to commit his body to memory? Her lips brushed against his neck.

  “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” she said setting little fires on his neck.

  “Do you want me too?” he asked pushing her hair back from her neck.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “What if I said I want to stay?”

  She pulled away and looked into his eyes. “You really want to?”

  The surprised look in her eyes made him chuckle. “That surprises you?” he asked running his hands through her hair.

  “Yeah it does. But it’s a nice surprise. I just figured you for the kind of guy that didn’t stick around after, that’s all.”

  He looked away sheepishly. “Honestly, that’s the way I am usually. But for some reason tonight I don’t wanna leave. Unless you want me to go, then I’m gone.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him softly and tenderly with her amazing lips. Her hands held his face. “I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

  “How about a shower? I could scrub your back,” he said taking her hands in his and kissing her palms.

  “That sounds like heaven.”

  “No, heaven is where you sent me just a few minutes ago,” he said leading her toward the bathroom.

  He enjoyed his evening with her. They showered together, dried each other off and lay on the bed talking. He was careful not to let the conversation get too deep or personal. Mostly they chatted about movies, places they’d been, music and friends. They tangled the sheets two more times that night before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  When he awoke before the sun the next morning he slipped on his clothes and snuck out the door leaving her alone in bed. He thought about leaving a note but figured she’d realize he was headed into the base.

  As he drove away he thought about the night. How different it was from other nights he’d spent with women. Usually there was no desire to stick around, talk or anything else. His need was satisfied and he left. Last night for the first time he didn’t want to walk out the door.

  Now that he had time to think about that it concerned him. Why should his pattern change, and with her? Was it the unknown? There were so many twists and turns to the woman she intrigued him on every level. That was alarming. Too many things he’d never experienced before until last night. There was the quick desire, not wanting it to end, not wanting to leave her and the underlying need to know her better.

  Oh man, am I in trouble, he thought dragging his hand down his face. This was not what he was looking for.

  His mind raced, trying to figure out an easy solution to his problem. He wasn’t really interested in her in a deep way, he told himself, it was purely physical, that’s all. She was a sexy, attractive woman who could hold her own against him in combat. That’s what it was. His usual lady friends were gentle, dainty and required at least an hour of foreplay before sex.

  Veronica, on the other hand, looked gentle and dainty but was powerful and wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted. She took a risk telling him what she wanted last night. No hinting around about it, just flat out said it. That’s what got to him. It was new and he was always open to try something new.

  “Yeah, that’s all it is,” he said aloud. By the time she made it to the base this morning she’d be her usual self. There wouldn’t be any careful glances, hidden smiles, nothing. They both got what they wanted and now it was over.

  When he pulled into the parking lot of W&S he was feeling be
tter about the whole situation. Neither of them would dwell on what happened last night. Things would go on as normal.

  * * * * *

  Veronica woke to her alarm. She stretched out under the covers and winced. Muscles between her legs protested the movement. The ache reached up inside her. This was a first. She’d never been sore after a night of sex.

  She pushed herself up and ran her hand through her hair shoving it out of her eyes. She sighed when she looked over and he wasn’t there. Then she glanced around the room and noticed his clothes were missing.

  “Gone,” she whispered. Did she really expect him to be here?

  She ran her hand over the indent in the pillow where his head laid last night and smiled. He surprised her when he said he wanted to stay. She hadn’t thought that far ahead as she sat at the bar deciding whether or not to confront him. Once again she took a chance and it paid off.

  The question now was where did they go from here? She nestled her head on his pillow and pulled the side up to her nose. It smelled like him, spicy, warm and pure male. As she lay there she wondered if he left early because he didn’t want a confrontation this morning. Was it too much waking up and seeing her in the light of a new day?

  She knew he was no stranger to spending the night with women, but was this the way left them, sneaking out before dawn? Probably. She was a fool to think last night meant anything more than sex to him. She was a fool to think it meant anything more to her.

  No, last night was nothing more than two adults releasing physical desires. The sooner she accepted that the better off she would be. No flowers, no dinner invitation, nothing would develop from last night’s tryst.

  “Suck it up, Ronnie.” She draped her legs over the side of the bed and stood. Muscles she didn’t realize she had quivered with overuse. “At least it was worth it.”


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