Blood Oaths

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Blood Oaths Page 15

by Stein Willard

  “I love you.”

  Logan squeezed her hand. “I love you too.”

  Manu smiled and took the turn off that would take them to the airport.


  Somewhere over the Pacific

  Logan squeezed her eyes shut as she absorbed the sensation of Manu entering her slowly.

  As soon as the ‘seatbelt off’ sign came on they had both rushed to the bedroom and tore at each other’s clothes. She did not know how long they had been at it, but it seemed Manu was nowhere near satisfied. A warm tongue trailed across her shoulder. Logan felt goose bumps break out on her skin. She turned her head and buried her nose in the fragrant dark hair. Her mouth opened in a soundless gasp as Manu pushed harder and buried her fingers deeply inside her.

  She moaned when Manu’s thumb brushed over her clit. The dark head lifted and burning amber eyes met hers. She gave a long drawn out moan when Manu added another finger, stretching her a little more. The added digit brushed up against the slick inner walls, curling up and…Logan’s shoulders lifted off the bed as a thunderous climax rushed through her. She felt Manu straddle her thigh and ride herself to a quick release. It took her a while to get her bearings and when she opened her eyes Manu was lying next to her, sipping from the champagne bottle.

  “You want some, love?” She held the bottle out to Logan. “It is our engagement after all.”

  Logan swallowed and slowly sat up. She groaned inwardly when she caught Manu’s eyes trailing over her breasts. She lifted Manu’s chin so their eyes could meet. “Enough for now.”

  Manu looked genuinely disappointed and Logan gently cupped her cheek. “What’s gotten into you anyway? I can’t remember you being this frisky before?”

  The assassin took another sip from the bottle. “This is the first time that I make love to you as myself. No more secrets. Also, knowing you’re my fiancée makes me really hot for you.”


  “Yes. Now have some of the champagne. I will have to rest if I’m to take on the Japanese mafia tomorrow.”

  Logan brought the bottle to her mouth and took a long drink as she studied Manu. With her hair mussed and her amber eyes bright with spent passion, Manu looked absolutely stunning. Logan pulled the bottle away from her lips and cocked her head to the side as she let her eyes trail over Manu’s body. The brunette lay naked and uncovered to her gaze. Manu’s body was covered by a thin sheen of sweat, giving it a shiny look that highlighted her contours. If she had not been so spent, she would have liked to entice her lover into another round. When her eyes lifted from the scrutiny of Manu’s body, she met amused amber eyes.

  “You like what you see?”

  Logan bit her lower lip as she gave Manu a saucy wink. “I most certainly do. It’s just sad that I’m too sore to sample the buffet again.”

  Manu took the bottle from her hand and placed it on the floor next to the bed. “Then I would suggest we try and get some sleep before we injure you any further.” Logan sighed with pleasure as she was pulled into a warm embrace.

  “I agree.” She gave Manu a small kiss and snuggled deeper into her arms. “Thank you for giving me a second chance.”

  “We’re both lucky to have a second chance.” Their eyes met and held for a moment. “Time to close those baby blues, Lo.”

  Logan tightened her arms around Manu and closed her eyes.


  Manu was the first to awaken six hours later. She had taught her body to function with little sleep and six hours was more than enough. Not wanting to disturb Logan who slumbered deeply next to her, she lay still as her eyes wandered over the cabin. Her glance caught the built-in clock on the wall. By her estimation, they were about two hours away from landing. She wondered what was waiting for her.

  She had tangled with the Yakuza before and had made regular trips to Tokyo over the years. This time, however, she was not alone and that would mean she would have to be on guard every moment of every day she was going to be here.

  Since she began her life as an enforcer for a small New Orleans drug cartel, she had known that her life would end just as violently as she lived it. She didn’t want it to end that way anymore. Hell, she did not want it to end at all. Manu looked down where the blonde head rested on her shoulder. She wanted to spend as much time as she had left with this woman. If she should die, she would want to die from pleasure, cradled in Logan’s arms. Logan blew out a soft breath. Her lover was sleeping so peacefully. Did she have any idea how much bloodshed there would be in the next hours to come? How could she keep her from witnessing that?

  A soft ping filled the cabin. It was the airhostess informing them about their imminent landing. Manu brushed a kiss over Logan’s hair.

  “Time to wake up, honey. We need to strap ourselves in,” she whispered softly.

  “No need to leave the room. Use the straps on the bed.”

  Manu smiled. Well, had she known about the straps on the bed, they would probably still be making love. She felt around the bed and found the belts. After she had secured them both, she laid back and listened to the sounds of the engine.

  Logan had a penthouse apartment in Tokyo, but as soon as the Yakuza got wind of Manu’s arrival, the penthouse would probably be the first place they would look for her. They would have to find another place to hole up for the evening.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Manu looked down to find sleepy, blue eyes watching her. “I’m thinking of where I can take you that will be safe. Your penthouse will be the first place they’ll come looking for me.”

  The blonde laughed softly. “I know many places in Tokyo where you can get lost and not be found. You need not worry about me.”

  Manu was serious as she studied Logan. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “Then we will have to stay with Lulu and her wife. You did say that Lulu’s father-in-law is a respected Yakuza chief. I’m sure his daughter will be guarded well.”

  “I’ll ask Lulu. If not, I will have to find a place for us.” Manu caressed the blonde hair. “I still have a few contacts over here.” She slapped Logan on the butt. “We’ve overslept. I hope we’ll get a few minutes to freshen up.”

  “I hope so, too.”


  “Lulu, you need to get some sleep. You have been staring at those plans for almost five hours straight,” Choko stood in the doorway to the study. Lulu rubbed her eyes. They were burning from staring down at the plans.

  “I managed a few hours of sleep last night. I will be fine, my love. By the way, Mystique and her woman should be landing soon. I have to meet them at the airport.”

  “Are they going to stay here with us?” Choko asked.

  “Well, since they flew all the way over here to assist us, I think we could extend an invitation. Mystique is no stranger to Tokyo and I don’t want her to be spotted. Her presence here should be kept secret.”

  “You’re right. I’ll get the guestroom ready.” Choko came over to nuzzle Lulu’s neck. “Promise me you two will not stay up too long? I want you to have a good night’s sleep.”

  “We’ll come straight here from the airport. It will be midnight by then and I’m sure they might want to sleep a little.”

  “If they’re coming with a private jet, I’m sure they’ll be rested. It’s you I’m worried about.”

  Lulu turned her head to take Choko’s lips in a warm kiss. “I promise I will rest a few hours before I go out again.” Lulu glanced at her watch. It was ten p.m. Mystique would land in an hour. It was time for her to move. “I have to go.”

  Choko stepped back. “Do you think I should prepare them something to eat?”

  “Let’s wait until they get here, okay.”


  Lulu gave Choko a quick hug, grabbed her keys and left.


  Manu opened her bag and scanned the contents. Everything was there. She took out a tiny, cylindrical object and pushed it under her tongue.

bsp; She stiffened when two arms came around her waist.

  “Tense, baby?”

  She smiled and turned around. “A little.”

  “No need. Everything will be okay. You will not let anything go wrong.”

  Manu’s eyes narrowed. “Really?”

  “Of course, love,” Logan said gently. Logan’s eyes were intense as they looked into hers. “You will not let anything happen to me and if anything happens to you. I will be dead too.”

  Manu’s eyes grew wider. Logan was right. If she were to get killed, Logan would also be killed. Her heart jerked at the thought. She reached out and pulled Logan in a tight embrace. “I will not let anything happen to you.”

  Logan brushed her hand over Manu’s cheek. “I know. Now hurry up and check your stuff so we can leave the plane.” Logan left the room to talk with her staff. Manu zipped up the bag and slung it over her shoulder. Lulu had better be working on a plan. If Purcell was in deed here in Tokyo, nothing and no one would stand in her way of getting to him. She would shoot her way through whomever and whatever was protecting him.

  She stepped out of the bedroom to find Logan sitting stiffly in a seat. The blonde’s eyes were fixed on something outside the window. Reading her lover’s body signs, Manu could tell that Logan was alarmed. Her hand went to the back of her jeans where she had hidden a weapon.

  “Everything okay, honey?”

  Logan’s eyes were wide as she turned to look at her. “I think she’s here.”

  Manu peered through the window. What she saw made her eyebrows rise.

  A gleaming black motorcycle stood on the tarmac a few feet away from where the plane was parked. A black clad rider stood next to it, still wearing a helmet.

  Lulu could be so dramatic at times.

  PART 4

  Manu placed her hand gently on Logan’s lower back as they made their way over to where Lulu stood. The Japanese woman took off her helmet. Manu gave her a cool once over. She found that Lulu was also inspecting her, x-raying her for weapons. Occupational habit.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  Manu shrugged. “I said I would, remember.” Manu saw the dark eyes narrow slightly and grinned. “Look, Lulu, if we’re going to work together, even just for one day, you’ll have to steal yourself a sense of humour.”

  Ignoring the barb, Lulu’s dark eyes shifted from her to Logan. “Miss Keppler, thank you for making your plane available.”

  Logan gave a shaky smile. “Well, you know when friends call for favours, I can never say no.”

  Lulu blinked at Logan causing Manu to laugh softly. “That’s my girl, warm and supportive.” Manu smiled at her obviously nervous lover and took her hand. She turned to Lulu, this time her tone was curt. “Are we going to stand here all night or are we going to get down to why we’re here?”

  “Yes. I’ve arranged for transport to a safe place.”

  “How safe is safe?”

  “You will be staying with me and my wife. She would love to meet you.”

  Manu was surprised by that. Assassins were distrustful by nature. For Lulu to be willing to expose her private life to another assassin was tantamount to a breach of professional ethics. It was unheard of, but also strangely comforting. Manu decided to show her appreciation for the gesture. They would probably never trust each other, but at least they could be courteous.

  “It would be our pleasure and honour to share your home.”

  Lulu gave her a faint smile and lifted a finger. Manu’s eyes widened when she saw the odd shaped vehicle coming around the corner of the hangar. She turned to Lulu and found the dark eyes resting on her.

  “I want your presence to be a surprise.”

  “I understand. But a bread wagon?”

  “Less conspicuous. My father-in-law is renowned for being an early riser. He always demands that a fresh loaf of bread is delivered to his house at midnight for a snack and at two a.m. for his breakfast.”

  Manu shrugged and looked at Logan. “You up for a ride in a bread wagon?”


  Lulu parked the bike in the hangar and walked over to where Mystique and her lover were softly talking to each other. They were both breaking the first rule in the Assassin 101. Keeping your private life and especially your loved ones private, was pivotal to self-preservation. She saw the gentle way Mystique cradled her fiancée’s hand. It all made sense suddenly. Mystique was doing this for her woman. She had flown halfway across the world to work with her nemesis. She had done the same for Choko. She had brought her nemesis halfway around the world to work with her.

  The two lovers pulled away from each other when Lulu joined them. “Ready?”

  “Yes. Do you think we could get something to eat on the way?”

  Lulu smiled. “Choko wanted to prepare something for you, but I told her I would talk with you first.”

  “Oh no,” Logan said, appalled by the suggestion, “it’s almost midnight. We can’t expect her to cook for us at this hour.”

  Lulu was warmed by the woman’s concern for her wife. “Choko would love to do it, believe me.” She gestured to door of the wagon. “Shall we?”

  The ride over to the Nakamura mansion was long and silent. Lulu took the time to carefully study the two Americans as they sat close to each other. The blonde, especially, fascinated her. The woman was much different from the one she had met in Washington five days ago. She had been so arrogant then and vulgar in the way she had been ogling her. The woman she saw now was holding on to her lover’s hand tightly, looking content, in love and confident. Lulu had picked up on the woman’s earlier unease around her and had tried to keep as much physical and verbal distance between them.

  “Do you have any proof?”

  Lulu reached into the inside pocket of her jacket. She pulled out a document which she handed over to Mystique. She watched the woman’s face carefully as her eyes scanned over the information. To Lulu’s surprise, the woman managed to keep her expression blank. After she had finished reading the document, she passed it on to her lover.

  “You do not seem surprised?” Lulu had to ask. Maybe she had mistaken the assassin’s real reason for coming here.

  “Surprised? No. I have suspected for a while now that Purcell was involved with illegal extramural activities. He has sent me on a few dodgy jobs in the past which I turned down.” The amber eyes were hard when they met hers. “So, no, I’m not surprised. But I am enraged by what he tried to do. For that I will make him pay dearly.”

  Lulu suddenly felt sorry for Purcell, but only for a moment. The man’s greed had finally caught up with him by the look of pure menace in Mystique’s eyes.

  “Oh my…” Logan exclaimed, her eyes lifting slowly from the document she had been reading. “It is almost too unbelievable. He was willing to sacrifice his country for his greed.”

  Lulu grimaced. “My wife likes to say; greedy people are only loyal to money.”

  The rest of the trip was undertaken in silence.


  Choko was nervous.

  It was too late to second guess herself now. But had she done the right thing to bring a deadly assassin, who could very well turn on her wife, halfway across the world? What if the woman turned against them?

  She walked over to put on the kettle. They would be here any minute now and Choko wanted to have a cup of tea to steel her nerves for a meeting with the deadliest assassin alive. She was about to take out the makings for her tea when the backdoor swung open. She turned around with a gasp and relaxed immediately when she saw Lulu. She walked over to her wife, her eyes scanning her body for injuries, as was her habit. Lulu reached out a hand and pulled her to her side.

  The Americans entered and Choko blinked at them. They were both very tall and beautiful. Which of them could be Mystique? The blonde radiated power and confidence, but lacked that edginess that assassins, such as, Lulu had. Her eyes moved to the tall, dark woman. She looked harder and knew immediately that she was facing the infamous Mystique. It
was her eyes that gave her away. They had the same hidden darkness as Lulu’s. It was visible only when you know what you were looking for.

  She gave Lulu’s hand a squeeze and stepped forward. She held out her hand to Mystique.

  “I’m Choko, Lulu’s wife. You must be Mystique.”

  The woman stared at her for a moment before a beautiful smile came over her face as she took her hand “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Choko. Please call me Manu.”


  “Yes. It’s short for Emmanuelle.” Those piercing amber eyes raked over her face and Choko knew then than the woman was trying to assure her that she meant them no harm.

  “It’s…it’s a beautiful name.” Choko turned to the quiet blonde. “You must be Ms. Keppler.”

  The blonde smiled and took her hand, gently squeezing it. “I’m Logan.”

  Choko backed away. “Please have a seat. Can I offer you anything to drink or to eat?”

  “Both, aiko. They haven’t had supper.” Lulu walked over to the fridge. “Anything in particular that you would like to eat?”

  “Lulu is a great cook. She can reproduce almost every dish imaginable.”

  “The emphasis is on almost,” Lulu mumbled.

  Choko almost laughed at the slightly embarrassed look on her wife’s face. She looked at the Americans and found them staring at Lulu with something akin to amazement. Oooh, they were fascinated by my dark butterfly. Just like me.

  “Anything light will do, if it’s not too much trouble.”

  Choko was charmed by Manu's politeness. “It will be no trouble at all. Lulu, make them your famous Yakisoba. It’s my favourite.”

  Lulu nodded curtly and pulled the ingredients out of the fridge. Choko kept herself busy making tea, but kept looking at the two Americans. They were both watching as Lulu deftly chopped the vegetables for the dish. The expressions on their faces were intriguing. Manu eyed the knife warily, whereas Logan was eyeing Lulu apprehensively. Choko wondered what was behind those looks. When Lulu had finished her chopping and put the knife aside, both Americans relaxed visibly.


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