Tatum Throne

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Tatum Throne Page 11

by Hot;Humid

  “Are you still wearing your panties?” he asked.


  “Take off your shirt and roll onto your belly.”

  She did as he instructed. “What do you want me to do now?”

  “Spread your legs.”

  “My legs are wide and my pussy is wet.”

  He groaned. “I’m stroking it, baby. Now take those panties and twist them up the crack of your ass like a thong.”

  She moaned as the fabric rubbed against her pussy and anus. Brine propped herself so that her breasts hung over the edge of the pillow. Hard, pebbled nipples brushed against her cotton sheets. Every muscle in her body was tense with erotic anticipation.

  “Now what do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to tug on those panties from the back of them.”

  She reached around and tested the fabric. She felt it give between her ass. It rubbed her pussy and crack in all the right ways. She quivered as she tugged again. “Oh, for the love…Thane. I’m close.”

  Heavy breathing came over the line. “Me, too, baby. Tease yourself with those panties, Brine. I want to hear you come again.”

  Brine felt her orgasm building, faster and faster with each buck of her hips. She humped her panties, feeling her honey drip over her legs. “Thane…”

  “I’m here, baby. I’m so close.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Come with me.”

  Brine felt violent shudders go through her pussy. She yanked hard on the cotton spreading her sex wide. “Oh, Thane…I’m coming!”

  His heavy breathing turned into a shout of release that mixed with her own noises of pleasure. Her pussy throbbed with violent ticks. She pictured Thane’s ejaculation shooting up straight from his body and landing in thick twines on his chest. It was a while before her breathing slowed and she picked up the phone again.

  “You still there?” he asked.


  “Night, Brine. Sleep well.”

  She hung up the phone and rolled onto her side. It was time she admitted that what was going on between her and Thane was turning into something more than a passing fling. For a woman with commitment issues, this was going to be a problem. There was a reason why she didn’t want another family. If she didn’t have one, it meant she couldn’t feel the loss of losing them when things went wrong. A tear slipped down her cheek, absorbing into her pillow. She hated Thane for making her think about things she couldn’t have.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He didn’t call again, and neither did she. They were just one of those couples that never talked on the phone.

  Couples? Holy shit, were they a couple? They were definitely not fuck buddies. Fuck buddies had ground rules that were clearly outlined before any and all fucking began. How could she have let this happen?

  Working nights at Tribal gave Brine way too much time to think about the fact that Thane hadn’t called again. It made the nights go by fast though. The lights came up and the club cleared out. Alex went to work on the two cash registers behind the bar as Thane strolled up and sat down. A thrill of unexpected desire shot through her blood. She was enjoying the chase.

  “Bar’s closed,” Alex said.

  “I’m with her.”

  Alex looked from Thane to Brine. “Is he a stalker?”

  “He’s with me.” Brine put the rack of hot glasses on the bar. She dried them one by one and stacked them. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”

  “That’s sweet but unnecessary. Alex walks me to my car.”

  Thane shot Alex a look.

  Something about Thane was bothering Brine. She couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Maybe it was just that she didn’t know everything about him. What did she know? Not much other than what he did and that he was good at making her scream in bed.

  Brine turned around to see that Thane had moved to the other end of the bar. Alex and Thane were deep in discussion. Whatever was up wasn’t what Alex wanted to hear. After a few minutes, Thane came back to her side of the bar and sat down.

  Brine lifted her brows, but Thane didn’t say anything. “I have to finish up the bar then I can go. I need about an hour.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

  “It’s really not necessary.” He didn’t budge. They stared at each other and she gave in. “Fine.”

  Security finished their rounds on the building. Brine cut around the corner to the kitchen. The rack in her hands clattered to the floor as she came face to face with the long barrel of a gun. Cold fear slithered down her spine. Outside the kitchen, Brine heard the scuffle of more guns and more men. Glass shattered. Brine was pushed back into the chaos. Alex was out cold on the floor with blood dripping from a cut on his temple.


  “I’m okay!”

  He wasn’t. A gun was pointed at the back of his head with his face shoved into the wall. Brine was pushed forward. “Open the safe!”

  Brine was sick as she went through the hall to the security room. Their security guys were tied up on the floor with two more men pointing guns at them. Halloween masks covered their faces. Brine’s hands were shaking as she kneeled down in front of the huge safe. She wasn’t sure if the combination was still the same. She twirled the dial three times to the right, then adjusted it left, right, left before hearing it click into place. She yanked the handle down, and the safe opened.

  She was shoved aside as the men took piles of banded money and tossed them into a duffel bag. Brine was tied up and blindfolded. They argued over leaving. Brine was grabbed. A cruel voice was intense upon her ear.

  “If you move, I’ll shoot you. Count to five hundred.”

  Brine heard the sound of feet running. She heard Thane shouting for her. Strong hands lifted her up. He untied her hands and ripped the blindfold from her face. Sirens shouted in the distance. Thane was on the phone with the police.

  “Are you hurt?”

  Brine shook her head no. “Alex?”

  “He’s waking up. He got a nasty hit on the head with a beer bottle.”

  They were questioned for an hour as the police investigated. They gave statement after statement. Alex held an icepack to his head as he sat at the bar.

  Brine didn’t fight Thane when he offered to drive her home. Home wasn’t where he took her though. He took her back to his place. They went inside and Thane programmed an alarm after the door shut behind them. The shock of the night was wearing off. Brine felt her energy slipping away. It wasn’t the first time the bar had ever been robbed.

  Upstairs, Thane started the shower, undressed both of them and pulled her inside. He held her close in a tight embrace under the hot spray.

  “I don’t want you going back to work there again. I can’t lose you.”

  “I don’t have a choice. I need a job.”

  “There are other jobs out there, Brine. Promise me, you won’t go back.”

  “Okay. I promise.”


  He kissed her with a passionate desperation that welled up within both of them. They touched frantically, grabbed roughly. His hand cupped her sex and she bowed back against his body. He groaned as her body came alive under his touch. His hard cock was a thick rock against her belly. All Brine could think about was getting him inside and making her forget the last few hours.

  She scraped her nails along his back, digging them into his ass. He growled at the pinch of pain that made his sex twitch between them. She circled her hands around his sex.

  “Turn off the shower,” she commanded.

  He obeyed with a quick snap of his hand on the lever. Brine tugged him from the shower, leading him to the warmth of his bedroom. “Sit down on the bed.”

  He watched her with those predatory eyes that made her first want to fuck him. She loved the way those eyes drank her into his soul. Every one of his muscles was flexed taut. His cock was a huge rod jutting out from his body. Brine stroked her ha
nd up over the head of his cock. He shuddered, making the animal kick in her hand. The veins that twisted around his shaft were strummed hard. Brine’s mouth watered and her pussy wet as she thought about sucking his cock head into her mouth. He caught her hungry stare.

  “Suck me, baby.”

  He groaned as she kneeled down between his legs to take him fully into her mouth. He was big and hot on her tongue. She swirled her tongue over his tip, tasting the bittersweet juice of his pre-cum squirt over her tongue. She took him deep and sucked him hard. His big hands dove into her hair, stilling her from rutting up and down on his cock. She felt his cock twitch and flex in her mouth. Wetness slid down the inside of her leg as her pussy jumped in time to the need he was experiencing.

  Slowly, Thane’s hands eased up in her hair and she began to suck again. He cursed at how quickly he was losing control. He was working hard to control the pent up seed that wanted to flow from his body. More of his cream slipped out over her tongue. She could feel his need to ejaculate pulsating his cock. She could feel it in every hard muscle he flexed. Brine licked her way off his cock with a satisfied grin. Thane’s face was a dangerous mask of control that he was quickly losing.

  She squeaked as he yanked her up from the floor and grabbed under her ass with his fingers caressing into her wet pussy. With her breasts in his face, he licked out, taking a hard nipple into his hungry mouth. He devoured her with a painful intensity and tugged hard as his lips pulled away. He threw her onto the bed. She bounced once as he grabbed her ankles, yanking her back toward him. He spread her wide, revealing her creamy thatch. Thane reached out and snapped his fingers over her clit. The vibration sent her pussy into orgasm. His mouth raced down to catch the beat over his tongue.

  His hands held her ankles wide as she bucked hard against his tongue. Thane rolled her legs up and positioned her pussy up high. He took a moment to adjust his heavy, thick cock at the juncture between her thighs. He thrust inside. Despite her wetness, he stretched her full, making her sex work to accommodate his huge size.

  “You’re mine,” Thane said. “Say it.”

  She felt her heart spiraling out of her body. “I’m yours.”

  “No other man can have your pussy. It’s mine.”

  The moment felt otherworldly, as though he was branding her soul. “Yours.”

  She held on tight as he began to rough her pussy with long, quick thrusts. It wasn’t long before her orgasm shattered through her pussy, milking his cock. He groaned as he took her harder, losing all control. Dirty words of encouragement whispered from Brine’s puffy, love-swollen lips.

  “Fuck me harder. Oh, take me.”

  She shattered again as Thane reached down to grab her ass. His sex tightened hard, bursting his ejaculation from the tip of his cock head. Brine felt her pussy milk him until he was completely spent. He pulled out slowly as though he didn’t want to move away.

  He held her close. Brine knew then that she’d fallen hard for Thane. The truth of her love for him sent a spiral of fear through her body. Men didn’t want damaged goods. He wouldn’t want her. Brine let her fingers skim through his chest hair.

  “How many lovers have you had?” she asked.

  “Enough to know what I like and don’t like in a woman.” He pulled her closer. “Worried?”

  Was she? “No.”

  “You don’t need to be, Brine.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brine awoke to the sound of the shower running. Light from early morning sunshine streamed across Thane’s bedroom. Reality was setting in. She had a long standing appointment with a plastic surgeon to discuss reconstructive surgery for the scaring on her belly. She couldn’t afford it now that she didn’t have a job. She’d have to put it off a little while longer. The shower shut off.

  She pretended to be asleep as she watched Thane come out of the bath with a towel around his waist. He glanced at the bed to see if she was awake. There was something about watching a man dress for the day. He slid on his boxers and reached for his jeans. Athletic socks were slipped over his big feet. She lost sight of him as he moved around. Temptation had her wanting to follow him in the most voyeuristic way.

  Brine felt the bed shift with his weight. He kissed her on the temple.

  “I know you’re not sleeping.”

  She rolled over. “How’d you know?”

  “You frown when you’re sleeping.”

  She laughed. “That sounds attractive.”

  “It is.” She was disappointed when he slipped on his shirt and buttoned it. “I have to get to a jobsite. You’re welcome to stay. I’ll be home around six. You can use my car in the garage. I’ll leave the keys on the table in the kitchen.”

  She’d forgotten that she left her car downtown. “Okay, thanks.”

  “You doing anything special today?” he asked.

  “Not much today.”

  He kissed her temple. “Okay. I’ll see you later then.”

  Thane left her alone in his big bed. She rolled over, inhaling the scent of their lovemaking on the bed. She snoozed, and a little while later, Brine showered and made his bed. She dressed in her overnight clothes with plans on stopping home to change before her appointment. Brine thought about work. She made a promise to Thane and she intended on keeping it. Alex wouldn’t be happy about her quitting but he’d understand. She hoped. After last night, there was no way she could work at Tribal tonight.

  She went downstairs and Shadow greeted her with a wag of his tail.

  It was so wrong to snoop, but she was curious more than anything. She wanted to know more about the man she was sleeping with. His past was a mystery and somehow it didn’t matter as much as it should have. Brine walked through his house looking at pictures of places he’d been and things he’d accomplished. She was surprised to find a home office.

  A large oak desk sat by panoramic windows. It appeared as though he worked from home often.

  She sat behind his desk in the black leather office chair. The papers in front of her were from the U.S. Forest Service talking about the spread of water mold in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. Why is Thane working with the U.S. Forest Service? Did it matter? Not really. She just felt like she didn’t know the man behind the job. She’d probably have to buy Daphne’s article when it came out just so she could know the man.

  Brine pushed the chair around to stare out the window showcasing his backyard. There was a pool, a small beach house, and hot spring. She was starting to wonder if she’d ever know more about Thane other than his body.

  Voices carried from down the hall. Brine jumped up out of Thane’s chair. She headed for the door, knowing she was caught not only with her hand in the cookie jar but her ass. Brine slipped out before the voices could turn the corner. The hallway didn’t cut back around to the front. It was a sitting area. Shit.

  She snuck back to the office. She had to find someplace to hide. She didn’t want him to know she was snooping through his things. She whirled around. The desk. She had no other choice. Brine went around to the back and ducked beneath it. She was small enough to hide in the little alcove. It was too risky though. At the last second, Brine slid behind the leather couch on the far side of the room. There was a few feet of space before she nailed the bookshelf.

  Brine peaked around the corner in time for Thane and a pair of long, slim legs in a pair of three-inch fuck-me heels come into the office. They left the door open. She was stuck. There was no way out of there. She had to wait it out.

  Both were standing by his desk. Brine recognized Daphne’s voice. “Are you sure you can’t come with me tonight?”

  “I can’t. We’ll have to make it another time.”

  Sexual vibes were raining off of her like incoming meteorites. What are they doing here together? She heard the pout in Daphne’s voice. “I know you’re busy, but I really want you to come out for the launch.”

  Thane dropped down into his leather chair and Brine had a clear view of his tight jeans and thighs. He
r gaze went to his button fly. She heard Daphne’s heels dig into his hardwood floors as she came around the side of the desk. Brine held her breath as she listened.

  “I can’t make it. What were your follow-up questions?”

  “Thane…I don’t normally put myself out there like this…but I want you to know that I’m interested.”

  “Daphne, I’m flattered but I can’t.”

  She sighed. “I understand. Are you involved with someone?”

  “Yeah. I am.”

  Brine closed her eyes and let her head drop back against the couch. She knew their relationship was something more. She’d always hoped. Now she knew. Her heart was telling her that but did he know that she couldn’t fully commit to him? Not in the traditional sense she couldn’t. Brine absolutely did not ever want to get married, have a family, and lose another family to tragedy. Shadow came into the office and started sniffing around the desk and whining. He followed Brine’s trail to behind the couch.


  “Don’t, Daphne. It’s for the best if we don’t.”

  There was a long pause. “Okay. Well, I better get going. Take care, Thane.”

  Brine heard her heels hit the hallway fast. Thane cursed a couple of times and leaned back in the leather chair. Shadow whined, thumping his tail.

  “You, too, boy. Where are you?” Thane asked.

  It was impossible to shoo Shadow away. The more Brine tried to push him away, he got closer. Thane came around the couch. She looked up at him. It wasn’t what he thought it was. Thane looked down at the paper gripped in her hand. She tried to reach for him, but he backed away.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “Then what is it, Brine?”

  “I…I was…okay, I was snooping. I wanted to get to know you better. You’re a hard man to read.”

  “I don’t have time for two irrational women today.”

  “That’s low.”

  “It is what it is,” he accused. “I didn’t think you’d still be here.”

  “I am. I got distracted with looking around. What are you doing home?” she asked.


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