Live From Cape Canaveral : Covering the Space Race, From Sputnik to Today

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Live From Cape Canaveral : Covering the Space Race, From Sputnik to Today Page 31

by Jay Barbree

  station keeping with Mir

  docking in space, first

  Douglas, Bill

  drag races

  Duke, Charlie

  Eagle (Apollo 11 lunar module)

  Eagle (Russian ship)

  early days

  Eisenhower, Dwight David message in space

  responding to Sputnik pressure

  response to Vanguard failure

  Sputnik beating U.S. to space and

  Endeavour (Apollo 15)

  Endeavour (Shuttle)

  Engle, Joe

  Enos, the chimpanzee

  equal rights battle


  Evans, Ron

  Explorer 1

  Faith Seven


  Farley, Jim

  firefly-like lights

  firsts American black astronaut

  American in orbit. See Friendship Seven

  American satellite. See Juno 1

  American woman astronaut

  American/Soviet mission. See Apollo-

  Soyuz docking in space

  landing on moon

  man in space


  orbit around moon

  rendezvous in space

  Russian satellite. See Sputnik

  Shuttle mission


  women in space

  See also McAuliffe, Sharon Christa

  Fitzgerald, Bill

  Foale, Mike

  Ford, Gerald

  Frank, David

  Freedom Seven

  buffeting of


  crowd reaction

  F–106 jets accompanying

  forces on Shepard

  Louise Shepard and

  manual control

  media coverage


  return to Earth/splashdown

  Freedom Seven, (cont.) righting landed capsule

  separation from Redstone rocket

  Shepard into capsule

  views of Earth

  weightlessness and

  Friendship Seven

  chimpanzee flight prior to

  crowds watching


  firefly-like lights around

  forces on Glenn

  Glenn describing view from

  heat shield problems

  launch of

  media coverage

  near disaster

  in orbit

  prelaunch activities

  reentry difficulties


  verifying Glenn on board

  future vision

  Gagarin, Yuri cosmonaut program

  early years/flight training

  first in space (Swallow)

  landing from space

  Gannett, Dixon

  Garman, Jack

  Garn, Jake

  Gemini 3

  Gemini 4

  Gemini 5

  Gemini 6

  Gemini 7

  Gemini 8

  Gemini 9

  Gemini 10

  Gemini 11

  Gemini 12

  Gemini Nine astronauts

  “honoring” Mercury Seven

  Mercury Seven prank

  Gemini program. See Project Gemini; specific Gemini missions

  Gibbs, Asa

  Gibson, Robert “Hoot,”

  Gilruth, Robert

  Glenn, John

  anticipated as first in space

  Christmas Eve with author

  first American in orbit. See Friendship Seven

  helping Cooper return from space

  as hero

  as Mercury backup

  military background

  millennium party on launch pad of


  returning to space

  on Russia beating U.S.

  supporting Deke Slayton

  Gold, Herb

  golfing on moon

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gordon, Dick

  Gralnick, Jeff

  Griffin, Michael

  Griffin, Phil

  Grine, Ken

  Grissom, Betty

  Grissom, Virgil “Gus,”

  Apollo 1 disaster

  burial at Arlington

  concerns with Apollo program

  death of

  Frank Sinatra and

  gagging Alan Shepard

  as Gemini 4 CapCom

  hatch problems and

  JFK and

  “lemon” simulator

  Liberty Bell Seven sinking and

  Mercury flight

  military background

  Molly Brown flight


  requiring parachute


  speeding away from cops

  supporting Deke Slayton

  Wally Schirra warning about hatch


  Hager, Robert

  Haise, Fred

  Hall, Debi

  Ham, Linda

  Ham, the chimpanzee

  Harris, Gordon

  Harris, Hugh

  Hauck, Frederick H. “Rick,”

  Hawking, Stephen

  Hello, Buzz

  Hilmers, Dave

  Hinkley, Duane

  Hobaugh, Charles

  Hoffman, Jeffrey

  Houston, Cecil

  Hubble telescope COSTAR fix for

  Discovery deploying


  future of

  repair mission

  testing repairs

  vision reach

  Huntley, Chet

  Huntley-Brinkley Report

  Husband, Rick

  International Space Station


  Irwin, Jim

  Jacobs, Jerry

  Jansing, Chris

  Johnson, Lyndon B. attitude toward space program

  elected president

  garnering NASA center in Texas

  inheriting presidency

  politicizing Apollo project

  signing Civil Rights Act

  Journalist in Space Project, xi–xii

  Juno 1


  Kamanin, Lev

  Kennedy, John F.


  assessing NASA

  authorizing moon landing

  fulfilling moon-landing goal of

  with John Glenn

  understanding Soviet inferiority

  King, Jack

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kitchell, Jim

  Kitty Hawk

  Kolcum, Harry

  Korolev, Sergei

  Korzun, Valeri

  Kraft, Chris

  Kranz, Gene

  Kubasov, Valeri


  Landwirth, Henri

  Lane, John

  “lemon” simulator

  Leonov, Aleksei A.

  Liberty Bell Seven

  Liebergot, Sy

  Lindsey, Steve

  Linenger, Jerry

  Lounge, John “Mike,”

  Lousma, Jack

  Lovell, James Apollo 8 mission

  Apollo 13 mission. See Apollo 13

  describing views of moon/Earth

  Gemini 7 mission

  Gemini 12 mission

  NASA hiring


  Lovell, Marilyn

  Lucid, Shannon

  lunar module (LM) Apollo 9 tests

  Apollo 10 tests

  as Apollo 13 lifeboat


  limited operation abilities

  test requirements

  Manned Spacecraft Center

  Mattingly, Ken

  Max Q

  McAllister, Mike

  McAuliffe, Sharon Christa

  McCafferty, Riley

  McCall, Gene

  McCool, Willie

  McCormick, Robert

  McDivitt, Jam

  McElroy, Neil. H.

  Mercury project. See Freedom Seven; Mercury Seven; Project Mercury Mercury Seven chimpanzees and

  drag races

  first-to-go decision

  Gemini Nine honoring

  leaving base for motel

  practical jokes

  qualifications and screening

  response to Swallow flight


  supporting Deke Slayton

  traffic-cop incident

  See also specific astronaut names

  Merritt Island

  Mir Americans training on

  continuous American presence on

  docking problem

  emergency escape vehicles lost

  fire aboard

  origin of

  Mitchell, Ed

  Molko, David

  Molly Brown

  moon descriptions of, from first orbit

  first landing

  first orbit around

  golfing on

  gravitational pull of

  origin deciphered

  other side of, discoveries

  rocks and samples

  Shepard weeping on

  See also Apollo mission names

  moonwalk (first)

  Armstrong’s first words during

  camera shots from

  collecting samples

  description of Earth during

  description of surroundings

  experiences during

  first step

  mementos for dead astronauts/cosmonauts

  placing seismometer during

  planting flag during

  moonwalk (second mission)

  moonwalk (third mission)

  Morgado, Javier

  Morgan, Barbara

  Morris, Frieda

  Morrow, Lola

  Moser, Robert

  Mueller, Merrill

  Musgrave, Story

  N–1 rocket

  National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) birth of

  finest hour

  going to Texas

  Manned Spacecraft Center

  Mission Control

  response to Swallow flight

  slowdown orders

  Navias, Rob

  NB.C. astronaut training coverage

  Atlas 10B report

  author starting at

  covering every moon flight

  first-ever breaking news coverage

  Sputnik reports

  Neal, Roy

  Neilon, John

  Nelson, Bill

  Nelson, George “Pinky,”

  Nesbitt, Steve

  Nixon, Richard Apollo 13 celebratory visit

  calling Marilyn Lovell

  promising return to moon


  Northshield, Shad

  O’Brien, Soledad


  See also

  Apollo 13 O’Malley, Thomas J.

  orbit around moon, first


  Eisenhower message in

  See also Atlas 10B (Project Score)

  first American in. See Friendship Seven

  first American satellite in

  first man in

  first satellite in. See Sputnik

  Project Mercury stretching limits

  White House ultimatum for


  Page, George

  Pentagon space program

  Polaris launch

  Porter, Steve

  Powell, Bruce

  Powers, John “Shorty,”

  practical jokes

  Proctor, Ed

  Project Apollo disaster spawning new management

  end of

  Grissom problems with

  lunar module (LM) tests

  organization incompetence

  politization of

  reason for

  Saturn 1B test flight

  See also specific Apollo missions

  Project Gemini

  adjusting first crew


  See also Gemini

  Nine changing orbit levels

  Project Gemini

  (cont.) compared to Project Mercury

  Deke Slayton management roles

  praise for

  purpose of

  testing maneuvers for moon project

  See also specific Gemini missions

  Project Mercury-Atlas failure

  See also Atlas 10B

  (Project Score)

  Atlas successes

  Aurora Seven

  chimpanzees in space

  Faith Seven

  Gemini program vs.

  Liberty Bell Seven

  orbit ultimatum

  secrecy about first in space

  stretching orbit limits

  See also Freedom Seven; Mercury Seven

  Project Score (Atlas 10B)

  R–7 rocket. See Sputnik

  Ramon, Ilan

  Rathmann, Jim

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reasoner, Harry

  Redstone #29


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