Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor

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Radclyffe - Honor 07 - Word Of Honor Page 20

by Word Of Honor (lit)

  Within a minute, they were both naked. Emory climbed under the covers. “Lie down with me.

  When Dana stretched out beside her, Emory propped herself up so she could take her all in. Long waist, lean legs, small breasts. Her body was strong, hard, essentially female. She brushed her fingers over Danas stomach and marveled when her body tightened like a bowstring. “Are you very excited?

  “ Oh yes. Dana clutched the sheets with her left hand and gripped Emorys shoulder with the other. “If you touch anywhere near my clit, Im going to come.

  “ What do you like?

  Dana gave a strangled laugh. “Right now? Anything.

  “ Ill rephrase. What would you like me to do right now?

  “ Lie on top of me, Dana whispered. When Emory did, Dana wrapped her arms around her and tilted her hips so that Danas leg rested against her center. “Oh yeah. Thats good.

  “ Mmm.

  Emory kissed her, rocking indolently in the curve of her pelvis, their breasts gliding together. Dana skimmed her palms up the outside of Emorys torso, feathering her fingers over the outer curve of her full breasts. Emory moaned and drove her hips harder between Danas legs. The alternating pressure and relentless friction pushed Dana higher. She wanted to let go, needed to let go, but more than that, she wanted Emory to have whatever she wanted. Dana dragged her mouth away. “You feel so good. Youre going to make me come like this.

  “ I want to see you first. Emory braced herself on her arms, then pushed down on the bed until she was between Danas legs.

  Dana would have objected to the sudden absence of that hot mouth on hers, the sweet torment of Emorys hands, if she hadnt felt the warm rush of Emorys breath between her legs. Shed never had a woman take her this way, so slowly, so simply, so thoroughly. When Emory stroked her finger between her legs, she cried out. “Oh God. Dont touch me. Emory. Dont.

  Emory laughed. “I most certainly intend to touch you. Attentive to the desperate tenor of Danas voice, Emory shifted her fingers away from the one spot she most wanted to caress. Dana was hard and swollen and more beautiful than she had ever imagined. She trailed her fingertips up and down the crease between Danas thigh and her center, inches from where Dana pulsed and trembled. Emory wanted her in ways she hadnt thought possible. Fiercely, wildly. Pressing her palms to the insides of Danas thighs, she pushed, spreading her legs, opening her. Dana groaned and lifted her pelvis, beckoning.

  Ever so carefully, Emory brushed a kiss over Danas clitoris.

  Danas body spasmed. “I wont last.

  “ Can you make it to ten?

  “ I dont think so, Dana gasped. “I almost came then.

  “ Its all right, if you have to. Emory kissed her again, a little more firmly, but still fleetingly. Dana clutched her shoulder, and Emory sensed that Dana wanted to force her mouth down on her. She loved Danas restraint almost as much as she wanted to break it. She licked her, and Dana tried to twist away. She held her legs more firmly and licked her again.

  “ God, Dana cried out, her hips rising. “You have to make me come. Emory, please.

  “ Mmm. Nearly blind, barely breathing, Emory sealed her mouth around Danas hard length and slowly, tenderly sucked. Dana jerked against her mouth and grew even harder between her lips.

  “ Oh, yes. Danas voice broke.

  Emory concentrated intently, imprinting every tremor, every cry, every twist and turn as Dana writhed in the throes of her orgasm. Doors long shuttered flew open, barriers fell, defenses shattered. There would never be another first time for her, for them. There would never be another moment as life altering as this. Emory knew victory as surely as she felt her every vulnerability laid bare. When Dana finally arched away, tears streaked Emorys cheeks. She pressed her face to Danas quivering abdomen. “Thank you.

  “ Emory, Dana whispered, feeling drugged. She wanted to sit up, she wanted to pull Emory into her arms, she wanted to give her pleasure for pleasure. She could barely lift her hand and just managed to stroke Emorys face. She felt the wetness on her fingertips and her heart clenched. “What is it? Emory, whats wrong?

  Emory shook her head. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right.

  “ I want to hold you, but I cant move. Help me.

  Laughing softly, Emory moved farther up the bed and stretched out on top of Dana again. Their legs entwined, their breasts cleaved, their mouths fused. Emory burned. Her skin, her muscles, her clitoris. Flame. She needed to be touched. Desperately. “Dana, she gasped, not knowing the words. “I need you.

  Danas strength returned in a rush and she rolled Emory over, following until she was poised above her on her knees and arm. She trailed her fingers between Emorys legs. “Here?

  Emorys eyes opened wide and she clamped her hand over Danas, pressing her fingers against the places that ached. “Yes. There. There. Oh God. Touch me, Dana, touch me. I want I need

  “ I know. Dana lowered her head to Emorys breast and took her nipple into her mouth. She sucked, playing her tongue over the smooth, firm tip while she traced one finger around the echoing hardness below. Emorys clitoris strained, ready to burst. She pressed, circled. “Here?

  “ Yes, Emory choked. “Yes.

  Dana kissed her way up the center of Emorys throat to her mouth, circling her fingers faster between Emorys legs.

  “ Dana, Emory breathed in wonder. “Oh Dana.

  Dana kissed her as she cried out, drinking her pleasure as she poured out her passion. Emorys cries dwindled to soft sighs, but her clitoris remained full and throbbing. Dana slid inside her, felt her muscles tighten, and stroked the still-hard prominence with her thumb. Emorys thighs tensed.

  “ IDanaoh, Emory stuttered as she pushed down against Emorys hand. “Im going to come again.

  Dana rubbed her cheek over Emorys breast, feeling her heart hammer against her ribs. “I know. Let it go. Let it go, baby.

  “ Oh God, Emory cried.

  When Emory quieted, Dana eased onto her side and pulled Emory close, her fingers still inside her. “Okay now?

  Emory snuggled her face in the curve of Danas neck, her arms draped bonelessly over Danas body. “Ive never felt anything like that in my life.

  “ Good start, then.

  “ Oh, very good start. Perfect. Emory kissed Danas throat. “Im sorry. I think Im falling asleep.

  “ Thats okay.

  “ Dont you need to Emory faltered, trying hard to think but her mind was so hazy. “Are you excited? Do you need

  Dana kissed Emorys forehead. “Yes. I am. But it will keep.

  “ For how long?

  Dana laughed. “Until the next time.

  “ S wonderful, Emory muttered. “Wonderful.

  “ Go to sleep now. Dana rested her cheek against Emorys head. She didnt want to go to sleep. She didnt want to waste a moment of this night. This night that, no matter what followed, marked the beginning of the rest of her life.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  C am rolled over, trying not to wake Blair, and checked the bedside clock. The alarm was due to go off in two minutes. Blair slept with her back to Cams front, her hips cushioned in the curve of Cams pelvis. Cam shifted closer and wrapped her arm around Blairs midsection. When she kissed the side of Blairs neck, Blair murmured and drew Cams hand to her breast. The nipple hardened and Blair sighed.

  “ Baby, Cam murmured, “we need to get up.

  “ Can we cheat?

  Cam laughed. “We could, but I dont trust those reporters not to show up early. Id prefer to have clothes on when they arrive.

  Grumbling, Blair rolled onto her back and pulled Cam down for a kiss. “Quickies like last night are nice, but Im getting that wanting you to make love to me for an hour feeling.

  “ If you hadnt put me to sleep quite so efficiently last night, I would have taken care of that for you.

  Blair grinned. “I love knocking you out. It makes me feel virile.

  “ Virile, huh? Cam smoothed her hand down Blairs belly and brushed her fingers be
tween her legs. She was wet. “Not the first thought that comes to my mind.

  “ I meant like potent and powerful. Blair tilted her hips and opened her legs. “Five minutes. Five minutes to take the edge off until we can steal a couple of hours to ourselves.

  Cam settled against the pillows. “Come up here.

  Blair got to her knees and straddled Cams chest. When Cam cupped her ass and guided her down, she closed her eyes and took the pleasure only Cam could give her.

  * * * * *

  Matheson wrapped his thin thermal blanket around his rifle and buried it in the snow at the base of a forked pine. He wouldnt need it for the close-in action he had planned, and the extra few seconds it would buy him not to tip off the agents guarding his quarry would be vital. Next he secured the extra ammo clips for his automatic in the pockets of his jacket. Then he chewed a K-ration bar and observed the shift change taking place at the rear of the cabin. Every four hours throughout the night, the agents had changed. Now an agent in winter BDUs made his way around the side path to the back deck, climbed the steps, and stopped next to the hot tub to speak to the woman who had had the last watch. Matheson smiled, thinking about the hot tub scene. Best surveillance duty hed ever had. He couldnt radio his second with an update yet because the Secret Service would have monitoring devices to pick up any transmissions in the area. He estimated he would have five seconds before the agent outside Blair Powells back door realized what he had planned.

  * * * * *

  Emory sat up in bed and ran her hand over the empty place beside her. The space was still warm. She heard water running in the bathroom and relaxed. Dana hadnt left. The bathroom door opened, and when Dana emerged, naked, Emory smiled. “Hi.

  Dana slid back in bed and kissed Emory. “Hi. Hows your morning going?

  “ Its different.

  “ How so? Danas tone was light but she looked worried. “Morning-after regrets?

  “ No. Emory ran her fingers through Danas hair. “But I have never been at such a loss as to what I should say. Or do.

  “ Anything bothering you? Dana propped her head on her elbow and caressed Emorys shoulder and arm with the other hand.

  “ Not that I can think of, although my mind is a little fuzzy still. Emory stroked Danas hip.

  “ Sleep okay?

  “ In between waking up to have sex with you? Emory shook her head, not quite believing how many times shed come and amazed that she wanted to again, already. “I feel great. Should I apologize for not letting you get any sleep?

  “ Hardly. Everything about last night was fantastic. Dana dipped her head to kiss Emorys breast, then rolled her tongue lazily around the swiftly hardening nipple. When Emory moaned and held her head more tightly to her breast, Dana ignited, just as she had every time Emory had reached for her in the night. Emory was magic in bed. As wary as Emory was out of bed, she was equally unreserved in it. She asked for what she wanted and seemed to delight in pleasuring Dana, leaving Dana endlessly hungry for her. Dana moved to the other nipple while continuing to toy with the one she had abandoned.

  “ You make it really really hard for me to think, Emory complained weakly. Needing more contact, aching for Dana in a way she had never before experienced, she pulled Dana on top of her. She kissed her, fusing their centers while massaging the strong muscles in Danas shoulders and back. “Oh God, thats good.

  Dana braced herself on her arms, thrusting harder and faster between Emorys legs. Emorys nails dug into her skin, raked the length of her back, and clutched at her ass. Emorys eyes flew open and the awe and pleasure skating across her face made Danas clit swell and pulse.

  She groaned.

  “ Oh, youre going to come, arent you, Emory said, wrapping her legs harder around Danas hips. “I love it when youoh. God Im

  “ You too. Dana gasped and her eyes slammed shut. “Oh Christ.

  They clung to one another, straining, shivering, crying out. Then Danas arms folded and she collapsed into Emorys embrace. Emory stroked her hair, the back of her neck, her shoulders.

  “ I love what you do to me, Emory whispered.

  “ You kill me.

  Emory smiled, physically satisfied and supremely content. She

  thought about what shed said last night, that if she made love to Dana, kept control, she wouldnt lose herself. How foolish she had been. She hadnt been able to keep Dana out of any part of herself. She hadnt known what true need was until Dana had awakened it in her, and answered it. “God, I dont know what Im going to do.

  Dana raised her head, a frown forming between her brows. “About what?

  Emory traced Danas mouth with her fingers. “About you. About this hunger I have for you.

  “ Its new for me too, Dana said. “But last night feels like a beginning. Im not going anywhere. She glanced at the clock and grinned ruefully. “Well, not permanently. But I have to go now.

  “ Work?

  “ Fraid so. Dana rolled out of bed.

  Emory missed her immediately.

  “ I have a pre-press interview scheduled with Blair, and if I dont get going, Ill be late. Dana kissed Emory quickly and grabbed her clothes before she gave in and did what she wanted to do, which was taste her and tease her and make her come again. And again. She pulled on her jeans and T-shirt. “Can I see you later? Alone.

  “ Yes. When Dana leaned down for another kiss, Emory curled an arm around her neck and, unable to stop at just a light kiss, plunged into her mouth, drinking her in. When she let her go, she knew she would ache for her for hours. “But I cant promise I wont attack you the instant I see you.

  “ Ill hold you to that. Dana ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. “Jesus. I really dont want to go.

  Emory yanked the covers up to her chin and clutched them to her body. “Go now. Go, or Im going to drag you back down here and Im not going to let you up again today.

  Dana backed away, her eyes devouring Emory. “Think about me.

  “ You have no idea. Emory sighed. “I havent been able to think about anything else since the moment I saw you.

  Dana slipped out the bedroom door and Emory collapsed into the pillows. Her body was in turmoil, but her mind was as clear and calm as it had ever been. For the first time in her life, she didnt have to understand something to know it was right.

  * * * * *

  Matheson watched Cameron Roberts stride down the path toward the lodge just as another agent he didnt recognize headed toward the cabin. That made three agents stationed somewhere in the vicinity of the cabin. He was neither surprised nor deterred. The presidents daughter was never alone, but there were usually fewer people around her while she was in her private quarters than out in public. Thats why he had organized the first strike on her loft. This cabin wasnt much different. The main lodge was crawling with agents, and according to the White House press bulletin the previous day, a press conference was scheduled later on in the morning. His window of opportunity to get to her was very small, and would never be perfect. Fortunately, surprise was on his side. And of course, so was God. If hed wanted to kill her, shed be dead by now. For the moment, at least, he would attempt to deliver what his foreign friends had requested. He removed the Glock from its holster and set off into the woods. If he approached the cabin from the side farthest from the lodge, he would be invisible most of the way.

  He drew in a deep breath of sharp mountain air. It was a great day for a hunt.

  * * * * *

  “ Morning, Dana said to Paula Stark as she climbed the steps to Blairs cabin. She indicated the door. “Im expected.

  “ Morning. Stark knew the days schedule, including the media circus that was planned for noon. Nightmare was more like it. Controlling traffic up and down the mountainside was going to be a challenge, and despite ID checks and required press passes, limiting Blairs exposure to the press and the curious was essentially impossible. Short of keeping Blair inside, absolute security was unattainable. Nevertheless, it was Starks job to provide just that. “Sh
es waiting.

  “ Thanks. Dana knocked and Blair answered immediately. “I hope Im not too early.

  Blair smiled. “Youre right on time. Come on in. I just put fresh coffee on.

  Dana stepped through the door and removed her jacket. Shed barely had time to grab a shower, pull on fresh jeans, a T-shirt, and pullover before rushing back to Blairs. When she had passed Emorys cabin, it took all her willpower not to detour for just a minute. Shed resisted because she knew that a minute was not going to be enough, and she could hardly keep the presidents daughter waiting. Nevertheless, she couldnt help wondering if Emory had gone back to sleep, curled around the memory of their night together. Pushing away the images that threatened to stir her up and wreak havoc on her concentration, she indicated the coat tree. “May I?

  “ Of course. Blair headed back toward the kitchen. “Hungry? Ive got bagels to go with that coffee.

  “ Sold.

  As Dana followed, she heard a thump on the back porch. Snow sliding off the roof, most likely. A new storm had blown in sometime before dawn, and already several new inches had accumulated on the path.

  * * * * *

  The guard on the rear deck jerked to attention when a figure appeared around the corner of the cabin. Without hesitating, he stepped forward, his hand sliding inside his jacket. “Thats far enou

  Matheson raised the pistol and fired. Blood blossomed on the agents forehead, and he fell. Before the body landed, Matheson reared back, kicked the back door open, and vaulted into the kitchen.

  “ Good morning, he said pleasantly as he leveled his gun on the first daughter. “Is that coffee I smell?

  “ Who are you? Blair quickly backed up into the doorway, hoping to shield Dana from the intruders line of sight. If he didnt see her, Dana might have a chance to get out. She judged the distance to his gun hand. Not enough room for a roundhouse kick, but with luck a well-placed snap kick might work.


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