Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners)

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Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  She moaned as his tongue plunged inside. His cock pulsed as he lay deep inside her. James left her arms to run his fingers down the side of her body. James pulled out of her body only to slam back inside.

  Within minutes their lovemaking became fierce. Prue scored her nails down his back holding on as he made love to her. The passion built inside her to a fever pitch. James held her as she reached climax. His cock jerked as his release pulsed through him.

  “I wanted that one to last longer,” he said.

  “We’re making up for lost time.”

  James cupped her cheek, his gaze on hers as if he was penetrating more than her pussy. “I love you, Prudence.”

  The words were not a reassurance but a statement of fact. They felt different to her.

  “I love you.” Her feelings were no longer a question. When it came to James her feelings were never in question. She loved this possessive, dominating man more than she loved anyone else.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  James left Prudence to sleep the following morning. He walked down the stairs to his playroom. Once he grabbed the blindfold he moved toward the kitchen to start some breakfast. Bacon and eggs were always popular, but he settled on making her pancakes. He liked the thought of the syrup dripping on her breast so he could lick the plump flesh free of the sticky goo.

  Making the batter was simple, and within minutes he was dolloping out the batter mix onto the non-stick frying pan. When the pancakes were cooking, James quickly diced some fruit to add in a bowl then place it on the tray.

  After thirty minutes in the kitchen, he grabbed the tray and made his way up to the bedroom. Prudence was coming out of the bathroom as he walked into the room.

  “Morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “I wondered where you’d gone.”

  “I’ve been preparing your breakfast. Get back in bed.”

  He waited for her to get back inside. “Don’t put any clothes on,” he said as she reached for a t-shirt.

  She dropped the shirt then climbed into bed. He placed a pillow over her lap then rested the tray on the pillow.


  James sat opposite her. He cut a piece of pancake then fed her from the fork he held. She took the food smiling at him.

  “You’re spoiling me,” she said.

  “This is how it should be.”

  He gave her the fork then sipped his coffee while watching her eat. Watching her mouth open to take the food and the appreciation on her face sent pleasure coursing through his body at the sight. His lust spiked to new levels.

  Keeping himself in check, James was content to simply watch.

  “This is divine,” she said.

  James smiled.

  She gasped as some warm syrup dripped onto her breast. “Crap, I need a cloth.”

  “Nonsense.” James closed the distance licking the syrup from her breast in one quick swipe of his tongue.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked, gasping again.

  “Cleaning you.” Leaning over the tray was awkward, but seeing the pleasure on her face made the experience totally worth it.

  He watched as several drips of syrup landed on her breast. James wanted to go and grab the whole tub just for an excuse to lick her.

  James grabbed a strawberry instead and ate the ripe fruit.

  When she’d finished breakfast he took the blindfold off the tray. He took the tray leaving it on the bed. “Come here,” he said.

  She stood without hesitation. James loved the fact she wasn’t ashamed of her body. She didn’t try to hide those full, luscious curves from his view. With how glorious her body was to look at he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to do a scene with her inside the dungeon at Ravage. He didn’t like the thought of anyone looking at his woman with lust in their eyes.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, staring at the blindfold.

  “Turn around.”

  Prue presented him with her back. James swallowed at the sight of her fleshy ass. He couldn’t wait to spank the delicate flesh and to see her blushing red from his prints.

  The interlocking black tattoo along the base of her back turned him on.

  “I love this,” he said, tracing the outline of the tattoo.

  “I’ve been thinking of getting one on my hip,” she said.

  He placed the blindfold over her eyes and slapped her hands away as she touched the fabric.

  Her chuckle reassured him she wasn’t scared of what he was doing.

  “What is your safe-word?” he asked.

  “Henry. Do I need to refer to you as Sir?”

  “Yes. When we’re in play call me ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’. Either is fine.”

  She nodded. No words were necessary. The air felt thick with sexual tension. His cock tented the robe he wore. The scent and sight of her body had the power to undo him.

  “Now, show me where you’d have the next tattoo,” he said, turning her to face him. Her breasts were thrust up with the glorious tight nipples hard and ready for him to suck. His mouth watered for another taste of her.

  “Here.” She pressed her fingers against her left hip. “I think a heart with the name James inside would be perfect, don’t you?”

  Prue couldn’t see him through the blindfold. Her stare would be past his shoulder without the blindfold on.

  “You want my name on your skin?” he asked, amazed that she’d want such a permanent mark on her.

  “I’d love it. I don’t want anyone else, James. I want you,” she said. “Only you.”

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, James pulled her in close. “You’re fucking amazing.” He sank fingers into her hair and then pulled her in for a kiss. She whimpered, her fingers clinging to the flesh of his arms.

  “I’ll get your name on my skin.”

  “You won’t be taking another woman?”

  “Baby, the only thing I did wrong was walking away from you when you were eighteen. I should be shot for the way I feel about you because you’re so fucking young. I love you so damn much.” He took her lips again, pressing inside to feel her tongue stroking his.

  Her legs shook, and James held her close keeping her upright with his touch.

  His hand moved down to cup her ass driving his cock against her stomach.

  “You’re really happy to see me,” she said.

  “You’ve got no idea.”

  James broke the kiss then took her hand to lead her down the stairs. “I never knew you felt that way about me,” she said.

  “When Veronica broke up with me I was upset by the fact I wouldn’t get to see you.”

  Prudence had and would always be the light in his life. The past few months had been a nightmare to get through. Prudence was in his life, and he was never letting her go. The ring to make her his was in his jacket pocket. The silver collar he’d bought her for Christmas was with the case. He intended to have her wearing both within a matter of weeks. There was no doubt in his mind. Prudence Star was his woman, and he wouldn’t allow her to have another man. The very thought of another man touching her angered him to the point of rage.

  He walked down to his playroom and turned on the light.

  “When we’re in the playroom here or at home there is a position I’m going to want you to take before me. Tell me, Prudence, are you prepared to be my submissive and trust me with your pleasure and care?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master.”

  The word was a caress through his mind.


  He fucking loved the word coming from her lips.

  “What about my house?”

  “You can keep the house, but you’re not living there, and I won’t argue with that. You’re mine, Prudence. Say it,” he said.

  “I’m yours, Master.”

  Fucking hell yeah.

  Get a grip, James. Stop behaving like a teenager with his first woman.

  The sight of her head bowed in submission and the blindf
old across her eyes made her the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He couldn’t wait to get her in the playroom and touch her. Training her to be his sub and owning her completely with a wedding ring and collar meant everything to him. Prudence didn’t have a clue how much power she possessed. She held the power to undo him or to make him the happiest man alive.


  Her heart raced as she sensed him standing close in front of her. James was much taller than she, and he filled every part of her in ways she couldn’t begin to describe. When she was with him, there was this force driving them closer. When Prue first met James there had been an indescribable attraction. She’d been a virgin when she met him, but even without any experience she’d known he was different.

  The jealousy she’d felt towards her sister at the time had startled her. She couldn’t believe the man she wanted so desperately was now instructing her in how to please him. What she’d never told anyone in her life was she’d imagined him when she slept with other men. The pleasure was nice from their hands, but nothing compared to what James did to her.

  “I want you to go on your knees.”

  Prue went to her knees on the floor. The blindfold stopped her from seeing. She didn’t like the cover over her eyes as she loved to watch his reactions. There was something magical in the way he growled or the heat that filled his eyes as he looked at her. The desire in his gaze made her forget about everything else.

  Licking her lips, she placed her hands in her lap sitting back on her legs. “Anything else, Master?” she asked.

  He gasped. The sound so slight she barely heard it.

  She bit her lip to stop herself smiling.

  James caressed her cheek. “You’re purposefully testing me,” he said.

  His words didn’t sound like a question, and Prue remained silent.

  “Open your knees wide and rest your hands on your calves.”

  Prue opened her thighs feeling her pussy lips slide open. She’d let her pussy hair to grow back and kept it neatly trimmed.


  Placing her hands behind her on her calves, she pushed her chest up in the air.

  “Bow your head,” he said.

  She bowed her head.

  He gripped her knees opening them a little wider but didn’t change anything else about her.

  “When we come into a playroom at home or in the club this is how I want you to present yourself to me,” he said. “If we want to play in the bedroom then we’ll talk beforehand, and unless otherwise stated, this is how I want you.”

  “Okay, Master.” Her pussy was soaked with her cream. Being exposed before him was a turn-on. He knelt in front of her. She sensed him close.

  Prue cried out as he swiped a finger through her slit. Closing her thighs, she couldn’t stop herself.

  He slapped her thigh. “Open for me, pet.”

  Gritting her teeth she opened her thighs for his touch.

  “You’ll always stay open for me and on display.”

  He removed the blindfold. The lights were turned down low, and she didn’t have to fight the sudden brightness.

  James came back licking his fingers. She watched as he moved a mirror directly in front of her. “Look at yourself, baby.”

  Prue stared at her reflections, shocked at how affected she was by the sight of herself. She could admit she looked different. She’d never been the type of woman to gloat over her looks or think too highly of herself, and she’d never put the word beautiful to her name.

  He cupped her chin turning her face toward him. “This is what I want. Your submission is perfection.”

  Her mouth felt dry from his intense stare.

  “Will you give yourself to me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. The answer came out sounding a little breathless. She cleared her throat then responded to him again.

  James smiled. “Good. I want you to practice this pose for the next five minutes.”

  “What will you be doing, Sir?” she asked.

  “I’ll be watching.” He grabbed a leather chair then sat before her. “I’m waiting, pet.”

  Should she hate the name pet?

  Prue rather liked the name.

  She stood up and then knelt on the floor. Moving into the position he requested, she waited for his approval.

  “Your legs need to be open more. I want to see your clit, and that position opens your lips perfectly.”

  “Do you require me to be bare?” she asked.

  “No. I require you to be like you are. Keep yourself neatly trimmed. I don’t need a bare pussy, and I’m not keen on bare pussy either. I like my women to be women.”

  She smiled. Many men she’d come across wanted everything waxed and looking what she considered prepubescent on a woman. Prue loved having pubic hair as it was like another sign of her feminine maturity. Silly, but it was what she liked on herself. Prue returned to the pose several more times until James said enough. She stayed in her submissive pose while waiting for more instructions.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  His woman was a fast learner. James stared at her pose, and his cock stirred at the sight. Her clit was just visible between the small thatch of hair. She’d looked relieved when he spoke of her pubic hair. There were plenty women bare on the pussy. He’d been with many women who liked to have the whole lot waxed off, but it had never been his desire.

  A bare woman didn’t turn him on more; in fact it made him uncomfortable. He liked his women to have a neatly trimmed bush as he loved the female sculpture. Ripe breasts with a waist, hips, and a proper pussy, that was his preference.

  “Come here,” he said, tapping his knee.

  Prudence stood and walked to him. He stared up and down the length of her body. His cock thickened, tenting his robe.

  She sat on his knee. James wrapped an arm around her back while bringing her in closer to him.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking about what we’re going to do next.” He took her hand in his pressing her palm against his chest.

  “We’re going to talk about what I expect of you. This relationship will not happen all the time, but I expect you to obey me in all things,” he said.

  Her gaze narrowed on him. He saw the need for her to argue with him.

  “From now on I don’t want you missing meals. You’ll eat three times a day, and no more snacking to make up for missed meals.”

  “This is a little extreme,” she said, yelping as he slapped her thigh. Prudence growled at him.

  “You’ll do as you’re told. No more snacking because you’ve missed a meal. I want you strong and healthy, and if that requires me to monitor you then I fucking will.” James caught her chin and forced her to look at him.

  “I don’t have problems eating.”

  “You need your strength,” he said.

  “And why do I need my strength?”


  “Ouch,” she said, rubbing the spot he punished.

  “I intend to fuck you every chance I get. If you’re tired because you haven’t eaten I’ll be pissed. Do you see what I mean?” he asked.

  She glared at him, rubbing her thigh. “I get it.”


  “When we’re in the club and around others you can call me James, but when we’re in home or doing a scene I’d prefer Sir or Master, your choice.”

  “So I get a choice in something?” she asked, insolently.

  “I think you’re trying to force me to spank you harder,” he said, seeing through her act.

  Her cheeks flamed. “Would I do anything of the sort?”

  Lifting her in his arms moved toward his spanking bench. He loved the bench. The design reminded him a little of a gymnasium bench.

  James placed her on the floor. “I’m going to spank your ass, Prudence. I’m going to use several spanking instruments, and when I’m done I want to know what you think of each.”

  She licked her lips then looked
toward the wall with canes, paddles, floggers, and whips adorning it.

  He tied her into place taking extra care not to hurt her. James never wanted to hurt her or cause her pain that wouldn’t lead to pleasure.

  Moving away when she was secured, he picked a wooden paddle, a whip, and a cane. They were his favourite along with his hand. He never kept equipment he didn’t like using.

  James untied the sash of his robe and stood behind her naked. Mirrors lined the rest of the walls that didn’t hold shelves with equipment. Prudence lay with her head turned to the side. She didn’t appear to notice the mirror in front of her.

  “Prudence, look at me.”

  Her head turned, and she stopped. Her eyes moved over the top part of his body. James stood naked. His cock was rock hard in front of him.

  James dropped his gaze down to her body. “Open your thighs.”

  She did as he commanded opening herself up to him. Her creamy pussy was on view, and his arousal hardened further making it almost unbearable to touch. He stroked his shaft trying to ease the ache inside. The few pumps of his fist only helped to drive him crazy.

  The puckered skin around her ass caught his attention. He loved everything about her ass and intended to take her there very soon. James owned plenty of dildos and butt plugs, and he intended to use every single one on her.

  He ran his hand down her back watching her body shake. Stroking the cheeks of her ass James spread the flesh wide revealing more of her ass and pussy. He let her ass cheeks go to run his finger down the seam of her ass to rest against her entrance.

  “You’re soaking wet,” he said.

  She whimpered, and her pussy tightened around his single finger as she slid inside her cunt.

  He watched his finger disappear inside her body then added a second. When she was moaning and thrusting against his fingers, James pulled them out. Keeping his gaze on hers he sucked her cream from them.

  “So tasty,” he said.

  She gasped.

  “It’s time for your spanking.” James moved to the side.

  “You look like you need some relief, Sir,” she said, her gaze on his cock as it stood out in front of him.

  James raised his hand and brought the palm down on the right ass cheek. The sound of flesh hitting flesh turned him on. There was nothing more perfect to him than a sub’s pleasurable squeals and flesh being punished. Prudence moaned. Her gaze was on his hand as he brought his palm down a second time, this time on her left cheek. He kept the blows steady and didn’t add too much strength behind them.


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