Their Virgin Nanny

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Their Virgin Nanny Page 5

by SC Daiko

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “What would you like to drink?” His voice is raspy.

  “I’ll have a mojito, please.” It’s my alcoholic beverage of choice… has been ever since I became legal to drink.

  We go up to the bar, and he orders. I have no clue what to say to him. It’s noisy in here, though, so I suppose it doesn’t matter.

  Drinks in our hands, we find a table and sit. “Cheers,” he clinks his glass with mine. “I was afraid I’d get a Mary Poppins nanny girl,” he laughs. “But you’re nothing like I feared. That dress looks amazing on you.”

  I wish he’d stop paying me compliments. I take a sip of my drink and try to remember the advice I read online regarding what to talk about on first dates. “Do you have any other hobbies apart from photography?” I ask primly.

  He puts his hand to his ear. “Can’t hear you.”

  I repeat the question in a louder voice.

  “No other hobbies,” he says. “Haven’t time.”

  I wait for him to ask me if I have any interests besides the singing I told him about, but he doesn’t. He seems to be expecting me to ask him another question. I rack my brains and shout in his ear. “Is there anything you want out of life that you haven’t yet achieved?”

  His eyes rake up and down my body, and my tummy lurches. It’s clear what he wants. I want someone to punch my V card, but I don’t want to give it to just anyone. There needs to be a connection with whoever wins the prize. And I’m not feeling that connection with Marcus.

  He smiles. “I’d love to take you somewhere quieter. There’s a place across the road where we’ll actually be able to hear each other speak.”

  Speaking is good. Maybe if we talk more we’ll establish that connection. “I’d like that,” I say.


  We finish our drinks and leave the bar. There’s a small hotel opposite, and the bar inside is, as Marcus promised, quiet. He leads me to a back room, and goes to get another round of drinks.

  Strangely, I feel relaxed waiting for him. This is a nice place. Soft jazz is playing on the sound system and there’s a sophisticated atmosphere in here that I’m enjoying.

  Marcus returns with our drinks, sits next to me on the sofa, and we clink glasses again. I take a couple of sips and sink into the cushions.

  Without warning, Marcus puts his arm around me and starts kissing down the side of my neck. Hot, wet kisses that feel tickly, and he trails his fingers down my skirt, lifting it to touch between my legs. I squirm, but he grabs my thighs with strong fingers. Ouch!

  It’s as if I’m looking down on myself from above, floating. It’s too soon for him to be touching me. We’ve barely talked. But my limbs are limp and I can’t summon the strength to push him off.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Sudden nausea swells up from my stomach, and I manage to say, “Oh God, I’m gonna be sick.”

  “Jesus,” he groans. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  I groan and the nausea gets worse. Without warning I throw up, spewing mojito and stomach acids all down his shirt.

  “Fuck, Eleri.” His mouth twists in obvious revulsion. “That’s it. I can take your sweet little Welsh valleys girl questions, but I can’t take your vomit. I’m getting the hell outta here.”

  He pushes himself to his feet and, without another glance, strides out of the room.

  My hands start shaking and I crumple into the sofa. A cold, lost feeling washes over me. The only thing I can think of doing is to phone my bosses. I open my clutch bag and, with trembling fingers, reach for my mobile.


  THE LANDLINE IS ringing. What the fuck, at this time of night? I pick up. “Yes?”

  “Luke,” a lilting voice says.

  Eleri! My heart thumps in my chest. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’m not feeling very well,” she says. “Would you or Gabe mind coming and getting me? I don’t think I can walk properly.”


  “Where are you?”

  She explains, tells me that the dickhead she met up with bailed out on her after she puked, and that her legs have gone all wobbly.

  “Stay there,” I say through gritted teeth. I’m so fucking angry with that bastard I could punch the crap outta him. “I’ll be with you as soon as I can, Eleri. Stay put!”

  Gabe has already gone upstairs and I race up there, taking the steps two at a time. I explain about what’s happened to Eleri, and ask for the car keys. One of us will have to remain with the boys, and Gabe had more to drink than I did at dinner, so it’s best I go and fetch her.

  Jesus, I’d like to get my hands on the fucking cunt who’s left her on her own like that…

  “Go fetch Eleri, I’m worried about her, but don’t take any risks with the traffic,” Gabe says, his eyes narrowing. “I’d like you both home safe and sound.”

  Gabe’s black Audi is parked out front and soon I’m navigating through the traffic of Knightsbridge, swerving between the taxis in Piccadilly, grinding to a halt behind the theatre-goers in Shaftesbury Avenue, and then finally making my way up Great Windmill Street into the heart of Soho. I pull up outside the hotel Eleri mentioned, risking a parking fine, and run into the lobby. She’s sitting there, her face pale, and someone has given her a glass of water from which she’s sipping slowly. I go up and put my arm around her. “I’m here now, babe. Let me help you to the car.”

  After buckling her into the seat, I set off for home at a slower pace than my outward journey. I reach for her hand and give it a squeeze. “How are you feeling?”

  “A bit better, thanks,” she shivers. “It was so weird. I took a couple of sips of my mojito and it was like I was floating outside my body. Marcus started kissing me, and I didn’t like it but I couldn’t stop him.”

  Fuck, if that bastard slipped something into her drink he’ll pay for it. Gabe will stop at nothing to get him sent down. I steal a glance at Eleri, and my jaw twitches. She’s crying, silent tears running down her lovely face. “There, there,” I say, wishing it wouldn’t be inappropriate to hold her close. “You’re safe now.”

  “I feel so stupid,” she says, wiping her eyes and sucking in a shaky breath. “Thanks for coming to get me.”

  “No need to thank me. You’re our responsibility while you’re under our roof. We should never have let you go out dressed like that to meet someone you didn’t know.”

  She gives a half-laugh. “It was a bit naïve of me, I suppose.” She smooths down her skirt, which has ridden up over her perfect thighs. “The weather is so warm, though, and I had nothing else to wear.”

  “It’s not your fault, babe. It was Marcus’. He took advantage of you. It was fucking wrong.”

  “I wish I could turn back the clock.” She shakes her head. “I wouldn’t have gone with him to that hotel.”

  We’ve arrived back at our street, and I’m saved from having to agree with her statement by trying to find a fucking park. These houses were built at a time when people didn’t have cars, which means they don’t have garages. Thank fuck, I spot a space up ahead and manoeuvre into it.

  I support her weight with my arm around her as we go up the front steps. She’d told me she was feeling woozy again and I don’t want her to lose her balance. Gabe must have heard us; he opens the door before I can even insert my key.

  “Come up to the living room,” he says.


  ELERI’S FACE IS deathly pale and she can’t walk properly. Luke and I half carry her up the stairs. We take off her shoes and help her lie down on the sofa. Luke sits with her feet in his lap while I fetch her a glass of water from the kitchen.

  When I return, I notice he’s massaging her toes and I raise an eyebrow. “Eleri’s shoes pinched so I’m just soothing them,” he says.


  I sit at the other end of the sofa so she can lean against me while I hold the glass of water to her lips. “Can you tell me what you remember?”

p; I know exactly what has happened the minute she mentions the disorientation she felt after taking a couple of sips of her drink. I’ve dealt with cases of date-rape drugging before and they work within seconds. Thank God this wasn’t an actual rape, that whatever he gave her made her vomit. I’m so bloody furious, but Eleri is distraught and I don’t want to upset her even more. I’ll find out where that bastard lives, and get the police onto him as soon as possible. A calm, caring attitude would be best for now.

  “One thing I don’t understand,” I say, putting the water down on the coffee table. “What made you go out with this man in the first place?”

  She releases a sigh. “I wanted to meet someone special. Someone worthy. Someone to take my V card.” Looking down at her, I catch a blush flushing her cheeks red. “Oh, my God,” she says, groaning. “I can’t believe I’ve just said that to you.”

  For a moment, I’m baffled. V card? What the hell is that?

  “You mean you’re actually a virgin?” Luke asks, enlightening me at the same time.

  “Yes,” she says, as if it’s something to be ashamed about. Oreo has come into the room; he jumps onto her lap and she smooths his fur. “I wish….” She stops, shakes her head and checks herself. “No, never mind.”

  “What do you wish?” Luke asks, his green eyes burning.

  “I can’t say it,” she whispers. “You’ll laugh.”

  “Try us,” he urges.

  “I wish I could give my V card to the two of you.” Her face turns even redder. “I know you’re bisexual. Abi told me. And I heard you pretend you were having sex with me when I was in the guest room that first week.”

  I stare at Luke, and he stares at me, and we both stare at Eleri. She stops stroking Oreo and covers her face with her hands. “I’m sorry,” she says. “You must think I’m crazy. This whole situation is crazy.”

  I smile down at her. “I’m flattered, and I’m sure Luke is too. And I’m sorry you heard us. I had no idea the wall is so poorly insulated.”

  “But you’re gonna say no?” Her voice is shaky. “It’s okay. I’ll find someone eventually.”

  “Let’s not be hasty,” Luke says. He’s stopped playing with her toes; he’s giving her feet a full-on massage. Oreo leaps onto the floor and exits the room with his tail in the air.

  How I want to take Eleri in my arms with Luke, and pop her cherry in a way she’ll remember with pleasure for the rest of her life. But it would be wrong. So very wrong. Except, she’s a vulnerable young woman who’s just been through a frightening experience; she needs reassurance not rejection.

  “We can think about it, can’t we?” I say gently. “And tomorrow, after a good night’s sleep and in the cold light of day you might change your mind.”

  “I won’t,” she says sleepily. “Please, can you help me up to bed now? I’m suddenly really tired.”

  “We’ll put you in the guest room, sweetheart. If you were to feel ill in the middle of the night up in the loft we wouldn’t hear you call out for us.”

  “Good plan,” Luke adds. “Put your arms around our shoulders, little girl. We’ve got you.”

  It’s only after we’ve unzipped her out of that figure-hugging dress, and tucked her up in bed wearing only her bra and knickers, that I ask myself how the hell Abi found out Luke and I are bi-sexual. She’s never slept in the guest room, and we’ve never talked about her in the same sexual way we’ve talked about Eleri. Ah, Eleri, no wonder she blushes like that every time she sees us; we must have shocked the living daylights out of her. I curse under my breath. Luke was bloody right; Eleri is trouble with a big T.



  I STARE AT Gabe and lift a brow. “What do you think?” We’re in our room, getting ready for bed.

  “Before you say another word,” he groans. “We bloody can’t.”


  “How can you even ask? Many reasons. Ethics, for one; she’s our nanny. And we’ve never fucked the same woman more than once.” He unbuttons his trousers and steps out of them. “If we had sex with Eleri, something tells me we’d want to carry on having sex with her. She’s far too delightful.”

  “Isn’t she just?” I pull off my tee. “It would be the most fun we’ve had with a woman.” And he’d get addicted to her and wanna keep her, hopefully. She’s so sweet; she’d sweeten our lives.

  “She might not be able to handle the two of us, tiger.” He hangs his shirt on the back of a chair. “Don’t forget she’s a virgin. She’s never taken one cock in her pussy before, let alone two.”

  The very thought makes my own cock twitch. How I’d love to initiate Little Miss Sunshine into the world of sex. Initiate her and then never let her go. “Something tells me she’ll love it,” I say, heading into the bathroom. “She’s got a touch of the minx about her, despite her V status.”

  He comes up behind me and reaches for his toothbrush. “We’ll end up hating her and hating ourselves when it all goes wrong.”

  I stop brushing my teeth. “What can possibly go wrong? We’ll keep it behind closed doors. Our bedroom door to be precise. We could set rules that everywhere but there she’s to behave like our nanny. It would be a win-win situation both for her and for us.” It’s risky, I know it is, but something tells me it’s a risk worth taking. Eleri might just be ‘the one’. I love Gabe, and he loves me; but we’re both bi-sexual. Gabe might not admit it, but for me there’s no getting away from my need for the soft touch of a woman.

  Gabe rinses his mouth and spits into the basin. “How about the boys?”

  “As I said, she’ll carrying on behaving like our nanny. They won’t notice any change. Neither will anyone else. Come on, Gabe. She’s willing. And she’s gorgeous. What’s wrong with you?” I return to the bedroom and pull back the duvet.

  “You know me, cautious lawyer and all that.” He gets into bed next to me, and nuzzles my neck. “I always read the fine print.”

  “You could draw up an agreement if that would make you happy,” I nuzzle him back. “And the three of us would sign it.”

  “Ha, you’ve given this some thought already?” His body shakes with silent laughter.

  “Nope,” I lie. “The idea only just occurred to me. And don’t tell me you’d be happy about her finding someone else.”

  I’ve got him there. Speechless, he flips me over, pinning me under him, and we wrestle until our cocks are hard.

  I WAKE WITH a jolt. The sound of sobbing is coming through the wall to the guest room. Fuck! I glance at Gabe, but he clearly hasn’t heard; he’s still sound asleep. I get out of bed and go to Eleri.

  “Oh, God, Luke,” she wails when I step into the room and switch on the light. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “What’s wrong, babe? Are you in pain? Do you feel sick again?”

  She shakes her head, her eyes big and filled with tears. “I’m such an idiot. Too stupid to live. How will you ever trust me to look after the boys after the way I behaved?”

  I sit on the bed next to her and kiss the top of her head. She angles her face and I kiss her forehead. She lifts her chin and I kiss her cute little nose. With a moan, I press my lips to hers, and her mouth is already open, welcoming my tongue. She tips her head back, her fingers twisting in the tangle of my hair. Fuck, she tastes delicious… sweet and minty.

  One hand holding the back of her head, I slide the other around her shoulders and pull her against me. No, this is wrong. I can’t do this without Gabe. The words ring in my head.

  I break the kiss and whisper in her ear. “I’m gonna take you into our bed, little girl. We’ll tell Gabe you’re too upset to be on your own.”

  “Will he mind?”

  “Christ, no. Don’t get me wrong. We won’t punch your V card. Not until we’ve set up some ground rules. I know Gabe, and I know he’s gonna agree to your wish. He won’t want you turning to anyone else, and neither will I. Not after what happened last night, and not for something so important.”

bsp; Her eyelashes flutter, and her breath hitches. “Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I’ve ever been of anything. I wanna take care of you, Eleri. And Gabe does too, you’ll see. You gotta be one of the sweetest, cutest girls we’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  She blinks, once, and holds out her hand. I take it and we walk together, through the door, and into Gabe’s and my bedroom.


  MY HEART IS beating so loud I’m sure Luke can hear it. He pulls back the sheet and motions for me to get into the bed. I wriggle my body until there’s space for him on the other side of me. I’m lying in the middle between these two hot men, and I have no clue what to do. I stare up at the dark ceiling, silent tears welling in my eyes. I can’t believe this is happening. But it is happening. My tummy flutters with nerves, but, at the same time, there’s a tingle between my legs.

  I keep asking myself how I got here, keep going over the night’s events. When I’d woken up a short while ago in the guest room needing to pee, I’d staggered to the toilet and, after returning to bed, everything came back to me. Horrible Marcus and what he’d tried to do. If I hadn’t puked, he might have raped me. The room behind that hotel bar was quiet; he’d have done it in a flash I was so powerless to stop him. Shit, shit and total shit! I’ve made everything worse… confessing my V status to Gabe and Luke, offering it up to them like they’d even look twice at me. The tears had come then, and I’d sobbed like my heart was going to break. I thought I’d have to hand in my notice and find another job; I couldn’t go on working for them after the mess I’d made of everything.

  When Luke kissed me, I’d melted. And he’s given me such hope. Lying here between these two hunks, I chew my lip. What’s going to happen next? Luke is charming, but it occurs to me he’s also a bit devious. He’s brought me into his and Gabe’s bed for a reason. I wonder what that reason could be?

  With a grunt, Gabe rolls over in his sleep and flings his arm over my body, pulling me against him. He smells amazing… spicy and musky. I gasp a little, press my thighs together, and stare at him while his warm breath tickles my forehead.


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