Their Virgin Nanny

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Their Virgin Nanny Page 11

by SC Daiko

  “See here,” he’s pointing. “In 1508 my ancestor, John Grafton, purchased the Aldridge estate with the funds generated from the family’s sheep-rearing business.”

  I go up to them. “The current house dates from 1688.”

  “Wow,” she says. “That’s amazing. I never realised it was so old.”

  “Yes, indeed, my dear,” Papa interjects. “It was originally a classically-built red brick Tudor building, but in the late eighteenth century one of my ancestors modernised it according to the fashion of the times by adding external wall tiles.”

  “It’s a beautiful house.” She looks up, her eyes shining. “I can’t wait to see the works of art.”

  It touches me beyond measure that Papa is treating Eleri so kindly. It’s a side to him I’ve rarely seen. She seems to have had the effect of breaking through the wall of gruffness he’d built around himself after Mama left... a wall that has kept me shut out for so many years.

  “Will you show Eleri the picture gallery, my boy?” he suggests with an apologetic smile. “It would be too tiring for me.”

  I release a breath; he’s tough, my father, but he knows his limitations. He told me the doctors believe he could go on for another couple of years. I hope that will be the case; it will allow Luke and me time to adapt to the upcoming change in our lives. We haven’t had the chance to talk about it yet; I’ll need to get him on his own and discuss it when we return to London.

  The gallery is on the first floor of the west wing, stretching for over a hundred feet and clad in the original Tudor oak panelling. “We used to have a Rubens painting in here, but my father had to sell it,” I say to Eleri as we step into the room.

  Her eyes widen at the sight of the portraits of kings and noblemen, set in gilded frames, lining the walls. “Oh, my God. This is amazing. I studied art at school and it was one of my favourite subjects.”

  I take her hand. “Did you study music, ever?”

  “Only up to when I was sixteen, as part of my GCSEs.”

  “Your voice. It’s extraordinary.”

  “I did specialise in singing. My teacher thought I should take it further, but I was too shy to perform.”

  An idea comes to me, and I blurt it out. “Would you like lessons? I mean, Matty will be starting kindergarten next month so you’ll only have Jack to look after until mid-afternoon.” I smile. “I’d love to arrange for a tutor to coach you.”

  “But, why?” She looks confused. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but what use would that be?”

  I squeeze her hand. “You are no longer the shy girl who started working for us, Eleri. You’re a woman in every sense of the word. I’d like to give you this opportunity. It might not lead anywhere, mind you. But there’s a chance that it could take your life in a new direction. If that’s what you want.”

  “I’m not sure,” she creases her brows. “I’m happy being a nanny. I love it in fact.”

  “And you’re brilliant at it. But it wouldn’t hurt to have another string to your bow, perhaps?”

  “Since you put it like that,” she smiles her lovely smile. “Can I think about it?”

  I lean into her, taking her elbow. She stares up at me wide-eyed, lips parted, and it’s clear she wants me to kiss her. Part of me wants that too, but I stop myself. I won’t without Luke in the mix. “Let’s go and find the rest of the family,” I say. “We’ll have an early lunch before setting off for home.”


  I’M UPSTAIRS WITH the boys in their playroom, waiting for Sharon to arrive for her weekly visit. The butt-plug Luke and Gabe inserted this morning is making me feel so full. I’ve been ‘progressing’ through the different sizes this past week since we got back from Northamptonshire. Every morning, after I’ve gone to the toilet and we’ve showered together, they fill my asshole with lube and slowly insert the next size. And, at night, we’ve been using our mouths on each other until we climax and the fullness inside me has been amazing. They haven’t fucked me once with their cocks since they took my pussy together. I’ve been tender and achy until now, so we’ve focused on getting me ready for a different combination. My tits tingle as I think about it; I’m no longer sore and tonight will be the night.

  I’ve considered Gabe’s offer of voice coaching, and I’ve accepted it. As he said, having another skill will provide me with something to fall back on if needed. It pains me to think the day might come when I won’t be a nanny, especially if I won’t be working for him and Luke. But I need to be the strong, independent woman I want to be, proactive not passive. I remember my disastrous date with ‘Marcus’ and give a shudder. With Gabe and Luke, I’ve learnt to show men that I have a brain and a heart as well as a body. I refuse to be a victim to a man’s penis ever again. The sex my two hot bosses are teaching me has given me the confidence to realize I deserve better.

  The doorbell sounds and I get to my feet from the armchair where I’ve been sitting watching the boys play. “Sharon is here, my loves. Let’s go downstairs.”

  Matty and Jack scramble for the door, squealing with excitement. Their biological mother has started bringing them chocolate bars. I wish she wouldn’t, as it spoils their lunch, but at least it means they’re happy to see her each time.

  “DID YOU HAVE a nice holiday weekend?” Sharon asks, stirring sugar into her coffee while the boys gorge themselves on candy.

  “Gabe and Luke took me to Aldridge House with them,” I come right out and say it.

  Her mouth flaps open. “What?!”

  “It was amazing. Such a beautiful place

  “Well, I hope they paid you overtime,” she huffs.

  I clench my pussy muscles and smirk. “Oh, I was well compensated.” I squirm in my seat and feel the fullness of the butt-plug. “Hope you had a nice time with your husband and daughters.”

  “Yes, very nice,” she frowns. “I don’t get it, though. Why should Gabe want you along? He’s supposed to be a hands-on dad…”

  Gah, I’ve put my foot in it. Just when I’d convinced myself that I was acting like a strong, independent woman, I’ve behaved like a silly little girl bragging about something she shouldn’t have bragged about. I can’t even spill the beans and tell her about Gabe’s dad. “I guess they thought I’d be lonely on my own in London,” I say.

  Sharon purses her lips. “What about your own family? I’d have thought they’d have welcomed you home with open arms.”

  I want to tell her it’s none of her business, but I don’t of course. “Mam had the flu,” I lie. “I didn’t wanna catch it off her and give it to the boys.”

  Sharon’s face softens at the mention of Matty and Jack. “Look at them,” she beams. “Aren’t they adorable?”

  I stare at them. They don’t look exactly adorable. Both faces are covered in sticky chocolate, and they’ve rubbed their grubby hands on what were clean clothes this morning. I’ll have to change them when she leaves, and I only just did their laundry yesterday. It’s strange how Sharon hardly talks, plays or relates to them. All her attention is focused on me. “Matty will be starting kindergarten the week after next,” I say to change the subject. “He’s so excited about it.”

  “I’ll try and alter the time of my visits.” She creases her brows. “During the holidays my sister keeps an eye on the girls when I come here. I expect she’ll have them after school once a week so I can still see both my boys.”

  “Or you could come on the weekend,” I suggest hopefully. Gabe and Luke could then ‘look after’ her.

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t do that,” she says, clutching her hands together. “My husband wouldn’t like it.”

  I’m about to ask her what her husband thought of her becoming a surrogate. The question is on the tip of my tongue. Except, Sharon puts down her coffee cup and checks her watch. “Goodness, is that the time? I have a dentist appointment and need to get going.” She pecks both boys on their chocolate covered cheeks. “See you next week, Eleri.” And, without a backwards glance, she leaves the k
itchen and makes her way to the front door.

  I fetch a damp cloth and wipe the boys’ faces and hands; I’ll change them before their dads get home. Something about Sharon still doesn’t add up. And that ‘something’ involves her husband, I’m sure.



  MY FAVOURITE PART of travelling home from work is when I cycle along the edge of Hyde Park before entering Kensington High Street. It’s chilly this evening, but I’m warm from the exercise. This section of the journey is the safest as I’m on a designated path and don’t have to watch out for traffic; I let my thoughts wander.

  When we got back from Aldridge last week, Gabe and I talked for hours. The long and short of it is we’ll move to Northamptonshire when the time comes. We both knew it would happen one day, but the fact that it will be sooner than we’d planned is a fucking shock to us both.

  At least I’ll be able to carry on with my career; I’ll work from home and will only need to come to London once or twice a week. But there’s no way Gabe will be able to continue practising as a lawyer... not with the estate to run. He’s already buzzing with ideas about how to generate more income for Aldridge, though. Opening to the public will be a start, and he’s considering holding music and literary festivals. I’ll help him with those, and we’ll start the ball rolling asap… the organization will take time, most likely more than we’ve got.

  The upside is Aldridge will be an awesome place for the boys to grow up in, away from the smog of London, and we’ll look into finding good schools for them locally. As for Eleri, I fucking hope she’ll agree to move with us... that’s if she’s still around. The thought she might not be hits me like a punch in the guts. The girl is amazing, she’s become like one of the family; but she’ll probably want her own family one day. It would fucking kill me if that were to happen.

  Gabe is hooked on her, just as much as I am, which is perfect. What we have with Eleri is perfect… the most fun ever, and I want it to last. She’s means so much more than sex. I used to think the love Gabe and I have for each other couldn’t be improved upon. But, now Eleri is with us, I love Gabe even more than before. It’s the biggest fucking mind fuck of all.

  I smile to myself as I piston my legs and cycle fast. The thought of her is making me hard, and not comfortably so given that I’m cycling. Tonight, I’ll take her sweet little virgin ass like Gabe took her pussy only a few weeks ago; she’s ready for it and I can’t fucking wait. She was so damn tight when I started her on the butt-plugs, but now her hole has loosened up and it’s begging for cock. My cock.

  IT’S MY TURN to cook dinner tonight, and I prepare spag bol while Gabe makes a salad. Eleri comes into the kitchen just as I put the pasta on to boil. She bends to stroke Oreo; he winds his way around her legs, purring loudly. Even the fucking cat is crazy about her. On Sunday, he was pissed at Gabe and me for putting him into the cattery, ignoring us when we brought him home, but that wasn’t the case with Eleri… he jumped straight into her arms when we let him out of his carrier.

  “Have you forgiven your daddies for abandoning you in London last weekend, yet?” She picks him up and cuddles him, and he stares at her like she’s a goddess, even butting his head against her gorgeous breasts, the little fucker. She puts him down and he stalks across the room to the cat-flap, pushing it open with a paw, swishing his tail and going out into the garden.

  I give the pasta sauce a stir, then go up to Eleri and kiss her, wrapping my arm around her slender waist. “Mmm, you smell delish. New perfume?”

  “I got it this afternoon on my way back from Rosie’s,” she says. And there’s such confidence in her tone I can’t help feeling proud of her. Only a short time ago, she’d have gone bright red at the compliment.

  Gabe comes up and loops his arms around us both, breathing us in. “Mmm. You’re both good enough to eat.” He lets out a laugh. “Real food first, though, my stomach is growling.”

  Eleri helps drain the spaghetti while Gabe uncorks a bottle of Chianti. I pour the sauce over the pasta, toss it, and take the bowl to the table.

  We eat until our plates are empty, sipping from our wine glasses, comfortably at ease with each other. Gabe tells us about his day at work, and I tell them about mine. Eleri then recounts how she spent the afternoon with her nanny friend while the kids were on a playdate. I suddenly remember it was Sharon’s morning, and I ask her how that went.

  “She didn’t stay long as she had a dentist appointment,” Eleri says, shrugging.

  Gabe shoots her a look. “I hope she behaved herself.”

  “She was fine,” Eleri smiles. She pauses for a heartbeat. “What did her husband think of her becoming a surrogate, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “He was great about it,” Gabe says, “agreeing to her having our kids not just the once, but twice.”

  “It was weird,” Eleri says. “Sharon said he wouldn’t like it if she visited the boys on the weekends.”

  “Oh? How did that come up?” I ask.

  She releases a sigh. “We were talking about her changing over to afternoon visits when Matty starts pre-school.”

  “He probably wants her to spend the time with her own family.” Gabe holds Eleri’s gaze. “I wouldn’t read too much into it.”

  “Yeah,” I say, pushing back my chair. “Best take Sharon at face value. That’s what we do.”

  I catch Gabe’s eye. We smirk at each other, and then stare at the bulges between our legs. There’s no need for us to say anything, we know each other so well. I go up to Eleri and take her hand. It trembles slightly in mine as I lead her up the stairs. “No need to be scared, little girl. We’ll take really good care of you.”


  WE STAND AND face each other in the master bedroom. Luke pulls my t-shirt over my head and tosses it onto the armchair. I’m already stepping out of my leggings, my nipples prickling in anticipation, my body craving theirs. They strip off their clothes, their hot hungry eyes on me, and my freaking heart races.

  Gabe lifts me in his arms, and carries me to the bed. My breath comes in long, deep pulls and my breasts rise and fall as he settles me on the mattress. Butterflies cartwheel in my tummy.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” Luke’s voice is low, almost reverent. He gets onto his knees behind me, and lifts my back up a little before reaching around and taking hold of my tits, kneading them while kissing the nape of my neck.

  Gabe bends and brings his mouth down on mine, tongue sliding between my lips, his palm cupping my cheek. I close my eyes and kiss him back, but my shoulders are stiff and my hands are bunched into the sheets.

  “Chill, babe,” Luke whispers. “You’re too tense.”

  Gabe stops kissing me. “I know what will help.” He slides off the bed and reaches into the nightstand drawer. I hear a buzzing sound, then feel something soft and rubbery pulsating against my inner thigh. My belly flutters.

  “Just going to spread some lube, sweetheart,” he says, positioning himself between my legs. “Try and relax.”

  I attempt to do as he asks, but the gel feels cool and slithery and makes me squirm.

  “Give in to it, Eleri,” he says. “Let me make you feel good.”

  He moves the vibrator against my pussy with slow, teasing strokes. “Mmm. That’s nice,” I whimper, and it is… the butt-plug they inserted this morning catches the vibration, and the feeling is beyond amazing.

  “Good girl,” Luke murmurs in my ear, his hands still kneading my tits. “Breathe. Let yourself go.”

  Gabe presses the tip of the toy between my pussy lips, wiggles it slightly, then pulls it out. He slides it up and down my slit, pushing it deeper with each stroke. It moves in easier now I’m more relaxed, and I release a needy moan.

  “That’s our girl,” Gabe breathes. “I’ll switch to a higher speed.”

  The vibrator hums like a bee hive. He slides it in and out of me, its rabbit ears bumping against my clit. “Faster,” I groan, my toes curling. “I need more.�

  “You’re fucking awesome when you give yourself up to the pleasure,” Luke says, moving his hands down my sides. He grabs me under my knees and pulls my thighs into my chest so Gabe can go even deeper. I feel the sharp beat of the vibrations in my pussy and in the butt-plug. “Ah, ah, ah,” I squeal.

  “Perfect,” Gabe grunts. He pushes into me, finding my g-spot, and making me writhe in ecstasy. I’m racing towards release; the need is huge, fiery and sharp… a frantic pressure. But he withdraws the toy before I can climax, leaving me empty and longing to be filled again.

  My knees are still being held by Luke, and he’s pulling my ass up so that my butt is accessible to Gabe. I feel the coolness of the lube as Gabe applies it, and my heart thuds. His fingers brush my thighs and slide around to cup my asscheeks. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m going to take the plug out now.”

  My breathing is quick and raspy as he gently pulls on it.

  “Look at me,” Gabe grunts.

  I lift my eyes to his, and the warmth in his expression relaxes me. He inserts a finger past my rim, and wriggles it around. “How does that feel?”

  “Amazing,” I hiss, and it does. Squirmy and tickly, but freaking amazing.

  “I’m gonna take your virgin asshole, babe,” Luke rasps. He lets go of my knees and reaches under my arms to hike me up his body. Then he wriggles all the way underneath, pressing his cock against the crack of my ass and peppering kisses up the back of my neck.

  Gabe’s deep blue eyes lock with mine. “Keep focused on the pleasure while Luke breeches you, Eleri.”

  I feel the piercing at the head of Luke’s cock pressing into my open hole. “I’ve been thinking about this all week,” he groans, “and it’s fucking perfect.”

  Gabe has still got me fixed in his gaze. “Let him in, sweetheart.”

  Luke holds my hips and pushes up into me. I can’t help tensing he’s so big. It stings, a tight sharpness, but when he thrusts all the way in it feels wonderful. I arch my back and he wraps his arms around me. “You’re lovely and tight, Eleri,” he whispers. “Just like I imagined.” His words make me so proud.


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