Daddy Morebucks

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Daddy Morebucks Page 11

by Normandie Alleman

  For the rest of the meal, Marley felt wrapped in the arms of belonging. She radiated in the warmth of the conversation. It was wonderful to feel like she was a part of a circle of ‘normal’ women, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

  After lunch, Kimberly walked Marley to James’ waiting car.

  “So how many times has Charmaine’s dad been married?” Marley asked.

  “I think he’s on his fifth wife. He goes through them.” Kimberly sighed. “He makes a new family with each of them. Charmaine’s his oldest child, but last I heard she had six half-brothers and sisters. I don’t know how she deals with it. Maybe that’s why she’s so tough. Her dad’s always trying to buy her love. I guess he doesn’t know what else to do.” She shrugged.

  “That’s sad,” Marley said.

  “Yeah, you know what they say: ‘Money doesn’t buy happiness.’”

  Marley nodded.

  She got into the car and waved goodbye to Kimberly.

  Glad that James had urged her to come meet the girls, Marley hugged herself. How incredible not to feel so alone anymore. She had James, and now she had some new friends. Things were finally going her way.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day Marley pored over the University of Texas—Dallas catalog. In the Behavioral and Brain Sciences department, they had a Child Development program. The more she contemplated it, the more Marley wanted to work with young children. It seemed like a good fit for her, and the application was straightforward.

  The doorbell interrupted her thoughts. Expecting it to be the doorman with a delivery, she was surprised to see Milton standing there.

  “Hi, Milton. What can I do for you?”

  “It’s more like what I can do for you.” The bald man edged by her into the living room.

  The top of his head was shiny, like a cue ball. Marley held back a grin.

  “Okay… what does that mean?”

  “It means that I’m supposed to take you to the car dealership and pick you out a car.” He sighed.

  Marley’s eyes rounded. “A car?”

  “Yep. You can drive, can’t you? You have a license and all that?”


  “Great! Get your things and let’s go.”

  “Shouldn’t I talk to James about this? I mean, I have some questions…” A knot formed in her stomach.

  “Talk to him later. He wanted to take you himself, but he got tied up in meetings all day so he asked me to take you.”

  “But I don’t understand. Why am I picking out a car?”

  “To drive,” he said slowly, as though she were hard of hearing or incredibly stupid.

  “I know that. But why do I need a car to drive? James’ driver always takes me places.”

  “I don’t know, Marley. I’m only doing my job. Can you please hurry?” He let go another exasperated sigh.

  “Okay, okay. It will be just a minute.” She disappeared into her bedroom to spruce up a bit.

  Moments later she slipped on her shoes and they were out the door.

  On the way, Marley asked, “So what dealership are we going to?”

  “Audi. James thinks they’re safe. Believes they make a quality product.”

  “I bet they do.” She couldn’t imagine herself driving an Audi. It seemed way too upscale. “Can’t I choose what type of car?”

  “Yes,” he hissed, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

  “Well, can I have a Volkswagen or something? I’ve always wanted to have a cute little bug.”

  “Dammit, Marley! Why can’t you be happy with an Audi? Who wouldn’t be happy with an Audi?” he snapped at her.

  “What is wrong with you? Why do you care what kind of car I get? You get paid no matter what.” She eyed him suspiciously.

  Milton pulled the car off the road and glared at her. “I don’t want you taking advantage of him!”

  Marley was quiet for a moment and let his words sink in.

  “Is that what you think?” she asked.

  He ran a hand over his slick head. “I don’t know what to think. But I’m concerned.”

  “Why are you concerned?”

  “Hello! Rich daddy takes girl in off the streets. She’s after him for his money… the last time this happened, it didn’t end well.”

  Marley bit down on her lip. “He found Karen on the streets?”

  “No, but you know what I mean. She took him for lots of money and then left!”

  “Yeah. I heard about that.”

  “Well, I don’t want it to happen again. Do you understand? If you break his heart, it will be my fault. I’m the one who introduced you to him.”

  Marley breathed deeply. “Listen, Milton. I have no intention of hurting James. In fact, I’m more worried that he’s going to dump me at some point and find a girl more his class.”

  “He’s nuts about you.” Milton rolled his eyes. “I’ve never seen him like this before.”

  Her spirits lifted. “I feel that way about him, too. I’m just not sure about all this. I… it doesn’t seem like I deserve all this.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This lifestyle. It all seems so, I don’t know—above me. I don’t feel like I fit in.”

  “Who’s to say anyone deserves it? Most rich people are born into it. The luck of the draw.” He shook his head. “But not James, he earned it. Works like a slave, that guy.” His face shone with admiration as he spoke of his boss.

  “He is wonderful.” Marley stared out her window. “I wish I could be the kind of woman he deserves.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Sure.” She raised her shoulders slightly.

  He studied her like a bird inspecting a worm. “You like him for real?”

  “Yeah, what’s not to like? Of course I do.” She frowned. “I’m just scared it won’t last.”

  Milton nodded. “I understand. Not many relationships do. But if you break his heart, I’ll kill you.”

  His words didn’t trouble her. She had no intention of leaving James, and she doubted Milton could kill a butterfly. However, it made James all the more attractive that he inspired such loyalty in the people around him.

  “Got it.” Marley touched her fingers to her brow in a mock salute.

  He maneuvered the vehicle back onto the roadway. “Then accept the gift he gives you.”

  “You mean the Audi?”

  He nodded. “Yep.”

  Marley heaved a sigh. “O-kay.”

  “Don’t be so depressed. It’s not every day you get a new Audi.”

  True. She smiled to herself.

  * * *

  For once he had to wait. James was accustomed to everyone waiting for him to arrive, but he got home to find an empty apartment this afternoon. It was too quiet. Every day he looked forward to coming home to Marley. It was the highlight of his day. He’d gotten used to Marley’s hip-hop music playing in her room, the smell of nail polish lingering in the air. The energy she brought to everything she did.

  Impatiently, he checked his phone for the time. Milton had texted him that they were on their way. At least he would see her soon.

  He fixed himself a bourbon and coke. Surveying the Dallas skyline from the window, James considered his success. He’d always dreamed of rising to the top. He’d been driven ever since he was a child, excelling in sports, making straight A’s.

  They’d had a pleasant enough existence. His father was an insurance salesman and his mother taught piano lessons after school. Their home had been filled with love, but James always knew he was destined for a bigger life.

  His success had knocked him upside the head. A beneficiary of technological advances, he’d stumbled into his career. The idea for his app had been a lark.

  He was possibly at the height of his career. It was a great place to be. But something had been missing. The love that filled his boyhood home. Until Marley came into his life, he was alone. His friendships and charities gave him an active social life an
d he’d been quite content. But once he met that raven-haired siren, he was smitten.

  Now he had someone to share his wealth with, someone to help him enjoy life. That was why he’d bought her the car.

  He wanted to give her everything. He wished he could bring her brother back, make her mother whole, take away everything from her past that haunted her. But that was impossible. All the money in the world couldn’t change those things. So he did his best to make her happy in the present.

  Yes, he could have spared his driver, or ordered her a car service. But he wanted her to have nice things. Things she’d never had before. Things she wouldn’t have without him.

  Was he trying to buy her love? Maybe. Was that arrogant? Perhaps. But what good was fighting the war if you couldn’t enjoy the spoils?

  Being with Marley was so different than it had been with other women. She didn’t want to bleed him dry. If he gave her a gift she appreciated it, but she didn’t ask to go on huge spending sprees. She was grateful for what he gave her, not looking for the next handout.

  The fact that she was gorgeous with an enchanting personality to match didn’t hurt. He wanted to take her places, show her off. Hell, he was proud of her. It delighted him that such a lovely, spirited creature wanted to spend time with him.

  He gulped his drink. She made him happy. Not just sexually. She nurtured his soul as well. She seemed to care about him, or was he imagining that? Was that just something he wanted to see?

  His ears pricked at the sound of a key rattling in the door. Marley breezed in, all smiles.

  “Hi, Daddy,” she called in a sing-songy voice.

  “Hey, doll. Do you pick out something you liked?” He raised an eyebrow.

  She sashayed over and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Yes.”

  Setting his drink down, he moved over to a sofa, dragging her into his lap. “Tell me all about it.”

  She giggled and wrapped her arm around his neck. He snuggled close and fondled her breast with one hand.

  She laughed but didn’t push him away. “Daddy, you’re distracting me.”

  “I don’t care. Tell me about it.” He pinched the hardening bud through her shirt.

  “Okay. Thank you for the car, by the way.” She kissed him again.

  “You’re welcome. So which one did you choose?”

  “The TT.” She snorted. “That name cracks me up. Why would they name a car that?”

  “No idea, but that’s a hot car, baby. You’ll look good driving it. What color?”

  “Red. I’ve always wanted a red car.”

  “Did they already have one or do they have to order it?”

  “They say there’s one in Houston so it should be here in a couple of days.” Wonder shone in her eyes. “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. But why did you do it, Daddy?”

  His arms clamped down on her. “I’ve got to spoil my girl,” he said, giving her a squeeze.

  “That’s sweet, but a car? I mean, couldn’t you just send your driver for me like you have been?”

  “Sure. But I wanted to do something special for you, and I thought a vehicle would be more practical than jewelry.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, a car is definitely better than jewelry.”

  It felt so good to hold her in his arms, to be able to give her things. She gave so much to him. More than she knew.

  Her fingers fiddled with his tie. “Is there anything I can do for you, Daddy?” she asked in a husky voice.

  “Oh, I have some ideas. Would you like a drink first?”

  She shook her head no and started to pull her shirt over her head.

  He sat back to enjoy the show. “Good girl.”

  Once she had removed all her clothes, he asked her to get down on all fours. Marley dropped to her knees then planted her hands on the floor, her eyes never leaving his.

  His temperature inched up, degree by degree as he surveyed her luscious body. Her posture so inviting, so tempting.

  “Bring me your underwear.”

  She grabbed for it with her hands.

  “Uh-uh-uh.” He shook his finger at her. “No hands.”

  Her brows knit together. He watched her forehead crease as she processed his reprimand.

  Dutifully she retrieved the panties in her mouth and brought them to him.

  He patted her on the top of the head and crooned, “Good girl.”

  He took them from her, bunched them into a ball, dipped them into the rest of his bourbon to give his new toy weight, and he threw them across the room. He cupped her chin. “Fetch.”

  A glint of defiance reflected in her eyes before she dutifully crawled across the floor, giving him the view he’d been dying to see. Her cunt shone with her lust as she slunk toward her goal.

  “Damn, you’ve got a gorgeous ass.” He unzipped his fly and stroked himself.

  She added a wiggle to her strides in response.

  Bending to take the damp panties in her mouth, she chomped down on them and turned back toward him, eyes downcast.

  “No. Look at me. Always keep your eyes on me.”

  Green orbs glanced up through a fringe of black lashes.

  “Good girl,” he encouraged. “Now bring them to me.”

  She slowly made her way to him, their connection burning brighter with each thud of her knee on the floor.

  When she reached him, he removed the alcohol-stained rag from her mouth and instructed, “Now I want you to suck Daddy’s cock.”

  Her tongue swirled around his cock, base to tip, moistening him before she took him deep into her mouth. She grasped him with one hand, jerking him with it as she shoved him to the back of her throat.

  Gently, he peeled back her grip. “No hands.”

  Her head bobbed up and down on his cock. In a display of compliance, she clasped her hands behind her back.

  He leaned back and closed his eyes. Her perfume wafted past his nose. She smelled of jasmine and honeysuckle. It was girly and youthful, not expensive or sophisticated like the women he was familiar with. It reminded him of playing outdoors on a spring day.

  He loved her transparency. It ran across all aspects of her life. She kept nothing veiled. Nothing except her feelings for him.

  As he watched her delicate lips work him into a frenzy, he wondered. Is she doing this because she wants to or because this is part of the bargain that she made?

  Internally he shook his thoughts loose. I want to enjoy this, not analyze it.

  “Come sit on Daddy’s lap. Straddle me.”

  Saliva dripped from the sides of her mouth. She wiped it as she stood up, swallowing.

  He smiled. The sight sent a jolt of electricity through him. Lifting himself off the couch, he shifted his pants down around his ankles and she climbed aboard.

  He shifted to the edge of his seat in order to give her leverage with her legs. “Lower your cunt onto me.”

  Her warmth engulfed him and he had to hold himself back from shooting his load into her right away. He bit the inside of his lip. Damn, she felt like a dream. Only he’d never had a dream this incredible.

  “Now fuck me, you little bitch,” he growled.

  Her hips rose then lowered, her tight little hole sucking hard on him with each motion. Her long black swath of hair begged to be pulled.

  He snatched her mane all into one hand and held her by it. She dropped onto him, co-mingling their juices and grinding her clit against his pelvis.

  The next time she came down, he gave her hair a firm yank, forcing an exclamation from her lips. “Daddy!”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “Nothing, Daddy. Thank you again for the car.” The movement of her hips intensified. “You’re so sweet to me.”

  “You really are a good little slut for Daddy, aren’t you?” He slapped her ass hard.

  She nodded. Her brow furrowed in concentration. She was close.

  “Such a good little whore for Daddy.” He grabbed her hips and helped raise and lower them. Their pace i
ncreased furiously until he felt her vaginal walls contract wildly around him. Her face tightened, then softened as she rode the afterwaves of her orgasm. She collapsed onto him, hugging him close, spent. He thrust into her several more times before emptying himself into her.

  Pulling back, he studied her face. Flushed from their lovemaking, she was the most beautiful he’d ever seen her. “You know you are the best little girl I could wish for, don’t you?” He kissed her on the tip of the nose.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She shifted, his cum seeping out of her onto his leg. She rooted up into the crook between his arm and his torso, tucking her legs up to her chest. Snuggling against him, she added, “And you’re the best daddy.”

  Within minutes her breathing slowed to a rhythmic pace. She was asleep.

  Just as he would a child, he picked her up and carried her to her bed. He tucked her in and told her goodnight. She didn’t stir.

  He stood over her, filled with a sense of contentment. This was where she belonged. Here with him. He bent and touched his lips to hers, then silently left the room.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Marley sipped a cup of coffee and tried to focus on her application for UT—Dallas. But this morning her mind kept drifting back to last night with James.

  He sure knew how to make a girl feel good. A tiny shiver danced down her spine. As demanding as he was, he always made sure she had a good time. Her orgasm seemed important to him. That always blew her mind. She wasn’t familiar with anybody putting her first.

  She hugged herself. She was a lucky girl.

  Lucky in so many ways.

  But why did she get to benefit from all of this? Her eyes scanned the upscale kitchen with its fancy refrigerators and zillion-dollar copper cookware.

  What had she ever done to live in a place like this?

  She wasn’t worthy.

  How would she ever be able to repay him for all that he did for her? The man had given her a car, for heaven’s sake!

  Taking a deep breath, she tapped her fingernails on the counter. She’d never be able to pay him back for that. Never.

  Blowing her bangs in the air with a heavy sigh, she lowered her shoulders in defeat. She was not in his league and that was all there was to it. Hopefully, it will be a while before he realizes that. Thinking about life without him was too painful.


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