The Witch Queen

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by Juliana Haygert

  The Witch Queen

  Rite of the Vampire Book 2

  Juliana Haygert


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Juliana Haygert

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Manufactured in the United States of America.

  First Edition April 2018

  Edited by H. Danielle Crabtree

  Cover design by Moonchildljilja at Fantasy Book Design

  Any trademark, service marks, product names, or names featured are the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if one of these terms is used.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Thank You

  About the Author

  Also by Juliana Haygert



  The first steps after Drake left had been the hardest. It took me a long time to take them, and even after ten, twenty, fifty steps, I had to keep convincing myself this was for the best. It sure didn’t feel like it. In fact, it felt like I was having my heart and soul ripped from me. Drake had them, and the farther he was from me, the more it hurt.

  This was a stupid decision. Why did we have to go our separate ways? We were stronger together. We could find a way to achieve all we had to together; I was sure of it.

  Perhaps Drake and I could prepare so when we went back to DuMoir Castle together, we could take out Prince Alex and his allies and start a new, peaceful reign. I would then send word to my coven and let them know I had the heart. Princess Morda would certainly come to pick the heart up in the blink of an eye.

  And then …?

  And then, I didn’t know. Princess Morda would have a hard time making an alliance with the vampires, even if a good one was in command. She would also never let me stay behind with Drake.

  But that was a matter I could worry about later. Right now, all I needed to worry about was going back to Drake and helping him take over DuMoir Castle.

  With hope blooming in my chest, I ran back the way I had come. Not even ten yards later, I came to a halt as I realized that Drake, with his super speed, was probably nearing the castle right now. I wouldn’t be able to reach him. Not without magic.

  Sucking in a sharp breath, I slipped my hand inside the small purse across my shoulders and pulled out the heart. I stared at the red, bloodied mass in my hand. The heart of the first witch in my coven, the Silverblood. The heart had never stopped beating. Even after I took it out of Sarki’s chest, the heart kept beating, and for some reason, I thought it beat faster whenever I touched it.

  I cradled the heart in my hands, as if it were the most precious thing I owned, and closed my eyes. I should be able to call upon the magic it granted me and send a message to Drake. I would tell him to stop and wait for me. He would be confused, but I was sure he would wait, and once I caught up with him, I would explain my plan to him.

  I didn’t even have to try to reach for my magic. It simply came to me. Magic from the heart overflowed my veins, rushing through me as fast as blood, filling me with energy and power. I had never felt so powerful. Crap, I had never imagined I could feel this powerful.

  Focusing, I sent out my magic, searching for Drake in the vast forest.

  A second later, my power faded and fear rushed through me instead.

  Slowly, I placed the heart back in the purse and opened my eyes, but I knew I wouldn’t see anything. I was surrounded by over a dozen vampires, but they were still hiding amid the trees.

  I wrecked my brain, trying to think of what to do. Fight? I wasn’t sure I could fight that many vampires by myself. Run? They were too fast for me.

  I reached for Drake’s dagger inside my pocket. Before I could grab it, the vampires stepped out from their hideouts.

  “Well, well, what do we have here?”

  “It’s Drake’s pet.”

  “How delightful. I think we should play with her.”

  Trying to cloak my fear with a mask of disdain, I glanced from vampire to vampire. I didn’t know their names, but I recognized their faces—they were all Prince Alex’s lackeys.

  “We were looking for that traitor Drake.” One vampire spat on the ground and took three steps toward me. “But Prince Alex told us to kill you if you crossed our path.”

  I gulped. “I’d like to see you try,” I snapped, channeling the bravado I put on so many times while living in DuMoir Castle. On the inside, I was trembling like bamboo in the wind.

  The vampires growled and snapped their teeth at me.

  What had I done? Provoking them? Was I crazy?

  “Our pleasure,” one of them said.

  They charged me.

  Power exploded into me, through me, from me. A bright blue light shone from my hands, and like a wave in the ocean, it rippled out to the forest. It washed over the vampires, killing them instantly and leaving behind nothing but dust.

  My heart hammered in my chest as I gaped at the scene, stunned. The heart had been taken from my coven before I was born, making me a weak witch my entire life. Making my entire coven weak, and weaker with each passing year. But I had heard the stories of how powerful it was, of how powerful it could make us, of the tricks a witch could perform when channeling its power. I had even seen some of said tricks, all performed by other covens, and remembered being in awe. And yet, I had never heard of the heart’s power being able to decimate a crew of vampires in two seconds flat.

  Besides awe, I was now a little scared. I wasn’t sure I should be holding such a powerful thing. I hadn’t even tried to kill the vampires. What if I tried to do something? To harm someone? I still had to learn how to control and use my powers now that I would have more, but I couldn’t imagine controlling the heart.

  It was too damn powerful.

  But it was probably the only way I could find Drake. I had to warn him Prince Alex’s vampires were after him. I had to stop them.

  Determined, I reached for the heart once again.


  I glanced up and gasped.

  Morda, Princess of the Silverblood coven, appeared from among the trees, followed by Soraya, her second in command, a few witches from her inner circle, and a handful of witchguards. A beautiful witch with long, dark curls and bright hazel eyes, Princess Morda appeared young, in her early thirties, when in fact I knew she was hundreds of years old. Because of our magic, witches lived a long life, but because my coven had lost the heart fifty years ago, the witches were aging faster. It would all be rectified now.

  Morda strolled towards me, the hem of her long black and silver gown brushing the dirty grass—and the vampires’ ashes.

/>   “Your highness,” I said, bowing my head to her. Despite not being a queen, Princess Morda had been our leader for over a hundred years now.

  “Are you well, Thea?” she asked, her tone tight but somewhat concerned. “Soraya warned us there was a commotion inside the DuMoir Castle. We assumed it was you, so we decided to patrol the border of the witch lands, just in case. But then we saw a bright light coming from here.”

  I opened my mouth to tell her that it had been the heart’s doing, but something tightened in my chest. I snapped my mouth closed and swallowed, taking those words down with it. Instead, I said, “It was me, yes. I got the heart and had to fight to get away from the castle. Just now, I was surrounded by vampires, but the heart has given some of my power back and I was able to chase them away.”

  Morda’s brow went up as she stared at me. I hated when she did that. Morda was a powerful witch, and I knew she could break me like a twig with one glance. Her magic was unsurpassed by anyone in our coven since we lost our witch queen a hundred years ago, and as far as I knew, she was a match even for the queens of the other covens.

  How she was able to maintain her magic was beyond me, but I was glad someone in our coven had. Otherwise, we would have been crushed by the other covens a long time ago.

  “Well done,” Morda said, surprising me. She had never praised me before. “For retrieving the heart and getting rid of the vampires.”

  Soraya stepped forward. With her short silver hair and near-black eyes, she looked cold and hard, and the look of contempt didn’t help. “I have to confess, I didn’t think you would make it.”

  Something like fury raced through me. Why did they send me, then? But I knew why. I was one of the weakest, and this was planned as a suicide mission. Even I thought I wouldn’t be able to get out of there alive. “I’m surprised too,” I confessed.

  Morda smiled at me, though it was as hard and cold as Soraya’s stare. “Well, we’re glad for such a successful outcome. Well done, Thea,” she said once more. She swept her hand to the side. “Now, let’s go home. We’ve got a lot to do.”

  She turned and started marching away. Soraya, the other witches, and the witchguards waited until Morda was in front to follow.

  I stayed back, glancing at the trees. My heart broke once again. Somewhere out there was Drake. He was walking into the lion’s den alone. I wished I could go to him, send him a message, or kiss him one more time.

  However, I had no other choice than to follow Morda home and leave Drake behind.



  In the woods outside the DuMoir Castle estate, I got ready. I messed up my hair, dirtied my clothes, and for the final touch, I found a sharp rock and swept it across my stomach.

  I bit back a scream as the burn spread through my body and blood seeped out.

  The gash hurt a lot, but not more than the pain I felt deep inside for having left Thea. I had thought about turning back many times. I wanted to be with her, but I couldn’t stroll into the Silverblood coven with her without being killed on sight, and she couldn’t come back to DuMoir Castle without being taken as a blood slave by Alex.

  Rage tore through me.

  Hell, I had always hated Alex, but now I loathed him. I could kill him with my bare hands. But that was too good for him. The bastard had to suffer before I ended him.

  There was no choice here. If Thea and I wanted to be together, I had to follow the original plan: I would return to the castle and work to change things from within, while Thea returned the heart to her coven.

  Difficult tasks that would take a long time. And the longer I stayed out here, hating everything that was to come, the longer it would take.

  I sighed.

  With a final prayer to whatever gods Thea believed in, I stumbled back onto the castle’s grounds.

  As expected, I was found quickly.

  “Over here!” a guard shouted as he ran toward me, his spear pointed at my chest.

  “Help,” I croaked for show. I put a hand on my chest and doubled over, again for show. The slash hurt, but not that much.

  Several guards rushed out of the castle and came at me.

  “Prince Drake?” Holden, one of my men, stepped from among the crowd and approached me. “What happened?”

  “Help,” I muttered.

  Holden slug my arm across his shoulders and hauled me up. “What happened, my Prince?”

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Eden asked. He and Ralf approached us with pure hatred in their gazes. They were Alex’s men, and I was sure they wanted to kill me right now.

  “Helping my Prince,” Holden said, loud and firm.

  Ralf snickered. “He’s a traitor.”

  “I need to see the princes,” I said, my voice low. “I need to talk to them.”

  “I don’t think so,” Eden said. “We have orders to capture you, and if you put up a fight, we can kill you.”

  “He’s not putting up a fight,” Holden snapped. “He wants to talk to the princes. I’m sure Alex will want to hear whatever Prince Drake has to say.”

  Then Lewis, another one of my men, appeared from the crowd. “My Prince.” He helped Holden hold me up, then he glared at Eden. “Alex ordered him to be captured. That means Alex wants to see him. Now move before I make you.”

  Eden growled, but didn’t say anything as he stepped aside and let us walk by. The guards closed an arc behind us, pushing us forward, as if making sure Lewis and Holden wouldn’t take off with me.

  One step into the courtroom and Alex was in my face. “You … traitor!” he shouted. His brown hair was a mess over his shoulders and face, and his tanned skin turning red with rage. “I will kill you for what you did.” He turned around. “Prepare the guillotine.”

  The princes and vampires inside the courtroom didn’t move. They stared. At Alex and me. And I took my time trying to familiarize myself with what had changed since I had been gone.

  The courtroom had been cleaned up. The guillotine had been fixed, the injured vampires had been taken to the infirmary—I assumed—and the blood had been wiped from the floors.

  “Didn’t you hear me?” Alex asked, his voice rising. “Prepare the damn guillotine and let’s finish what we started.”

  Prince Cain ignored Alex and walked to me. “Why did you come back?”

  “Why would I not?” I glanced at the guillotine on top of the wood platform. “I don’t understand. Traitor? Execution? What’s happening?”

  Cain’s eyes widened. “What do you mean? You don’t remember?”

  “I … I don’t know. Just now I found myself in the woods, fighting a witch. She injured me.” I gestured to the bloody gash on my stomach. “But I have no idea how or why I got there.”

  Alex scoffed. “Are … are you saying you can’t remember anything?”

  “Anything what?” I asked, feigning innocence.

  “Lord Reynard! Prince Albert! You killed them both,” he shouted. “And a couple of hours ago, we found Sarki’s body. It seems your witch did kill her.”

  I put on a mask of shock and pain. “L-lord Reynard is dead? Prince Albert and Sarki too?” I shook my head. “No, no, that can’t be.” I blinked. “I remember … I remember the ball. I saw them all at the ball. I talked to Sarki at the ball. And then …” I blinked again for effect. “And then I don’t know. The next thing I remember is fighting the witch in the woods and running back here.”

  Prince Gray stepped forward. “She must have put a spell on you.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “The witch,” Dorian said. “Thea. Don’t you remember her?”

  I frowned, as if I were reaching into the depths of my mind and coming up blank. “No … was that the witch I fought in the woods?”

  “Apparently,” Cain said.

  “You’re all buying this?” Alex asked, looking at each prince. “That the witch spelled him?”

  “It sounds plausible,” Phelps said. “She was powerful enough to kill Sarki and fight us all
. She could have easily put a spell on him.”

  “No, that’s absurd,” Alex retorted. “Drake was planning something with the witch. He killed Lord Reynard and Prince Albert, and she killed Sarki. They were in this together.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense, Alex,” Gray said. “Why would Drake ally with witches? We all hate them. Besides, Drake doesn’t remember anything from the ball on. That was when she approached him. That must be when she started the spell.”

  Alex growled. “Now you’re going to tell me you believe Sarki killed Lord Reynard and Prince Albert.”

  “The witch used blood magic to show us her memories,” Patrick said. “That can’t be changed.”

  “All lies!” Alex’s face became even redder. “It was another trick, another spell. She pretended to be using blood magic. And now our dear Prince Drake comes back conveniently not remembering anything. Don’t you see how all the pieces fit too well? All lies!”

  “Alex, calm down,” Prince Nolan said. “Let’s say you’re right and Drake is lying. We still need to investigate this before executing him. You don’t want your first act in the castle to be unjust.”

  First act in the castle? What the hell did that mean?

  “I’m not lying,” I insisted, despite the red flags going on all around me. “Hell, I can’t believe Lord Reynard, Prince Albert, and Sarki are gone. That’s … that’s not true.”

  Lewis clutched my shoulder. “I’m sorry, my Prince. I know how much Lord Reynard meant to you.”

  “Stop with this nonsense!” Alex shouted. He was all about shouting tonight. “Put him back in the guillotine and let’s end this shit right now!”


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