Wilderness Girl

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Wilderness Girl Page 5

by Masters, Cate

  “I have plenty of hot dogs left. You can have some, if you want.” She’d only brought them because they seemed indestructible. Now, thinking their relationship hinged on a hot dog made her nervous. Who was she kidding? He didn’t want a relationship, not with geeky Dana. She only attracted nerds like herself.

  He rose slowly. “I am a little hungry.”

  Her insides unknotted. “Good.” She bent to open the cooler, and her hair tumbled down. Uh oh. She’d waited too long, and had become Medusa.

  “Hold on a sec.” She went to the tent for her comb. “Oh, man.” The comb pinched her scalp, tangled in her hair.

  Poking the fire with a stick, he glanced at her. “Need help?”

  “What, you’re a stylist, too?” She tugged, but the comb wouldn’t budge.

  His warm hand cupped hers. “Let me see,” he said softly. She closed her eyes and sighed. He unraveled the strands of hair, pulling the comb through in sections. “There.” He held the comb out to her.

  Her fingers closed around it. “You’re kidding. You untangled that mess?”

  “Yup.” He rested his hands on his hips.

  “And started the fire. You’re a first-rate multi-tasker.” She searched his dark eyes, still alight with the fire of their heated earlier exchange.

  Still no smile for her, though his voice had softened. “All we need are the hot dogs.”

  “Coming up.” Her silky tone clearly ignited a spark in him, but he held back, then turned away. Sadness pricked at her; she should have told him to leave. It would have been hard to say goodbye, but better to let him go now than get in any deeper.

  He went back to the campfire and crouched down. She carried the cooler to his side and opened it. They cooked their hot dogs, making small talk about how well done the meat should be, how quickly the afternoon sun had disappeared behind the opposite hill, giving them a break from the heat.

  When they’d finished eating, he leaned back, hands behind his head, watching the fire.

  She tossed her kabob stick into the flames. “Maybe I should just pack up.”

  He sat straight. “You’re leaving?”

  A hint of disappointment in his voice? “There’s not much point in staying. I should probably just go.” What was the protocol for such things? Dismantle the tent, make sure she took everything she brought. Douse the fire. She sat looking at it. The fire had brought them together. He’d made it for her. She wished she could bring it home.

  Resting his elbows on his knees, he glanced out over the hills. “You can’t go before spending the night out here. That’s the best part.”

  “Really?” Her tone conveyed her confusion. She stared at him. A breath burst from her. She sprung to her feet and walked to the tent so he wouldn’t see the tears threatening. “No, I think I should go.”

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Within seconds, he stood next to her, his hands on her shoulders.

  She shrugged away. “Let’s just stop now, before it goes any further.” The tumult of words flowed out uncontrollably. “You obviously don’t want it to go any further. And I don’t like being toyed with.” Fun though it was. She already missed it. Talk about dangerous.

  “Dana.” He gently rubbed her arm.

  “Stop.” She slipped past him, back to the fire.

  He followed, and bent next to her as she threw the empty hot dog package into the cooler and slammed the lid shut. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to go any further.”

  “No, no, you just tease me until I get all worked up, then push me away.” She stomped to the tent.

  Behind her, his voice took on a new intensity. “I wasn’t teasing.”

  Kneeling, she wrestled with the peg holding the tent. It didn’t budge, no matter how hard she pulled. “Oh, really. I suppose you have another name for it, then. You’re the one who lured me out here….”

  He knit his brows. “I didn’t lure. There was no luring involved.”

  Giving up on that peg, she moved to the next. No matter how hard she wrenched it, it stayed secure, mocking her. “Sure. And I suppose you don’t pull this with every other woman you meet.”

  “Pull what?” He stood too close, close enough she could wrap her arms around his legs.

  Her struggle with the peg became desperate. She mimicked his tone. “Oh, I know this great camping place. Yeah, maybe I’ll see you there. I can only imagine how many others have fallen for it. Well, not me, buster.”

  He crouched beside her, his face close to hers. “It’s not buster. It’s Hank. Or did you forget already?”

  She glared at him. “If I didn’t care, what would I be doing here? I’m a computer geek. I’m not the outdoorsy type. I hate camping!” She pushed herself up. His nearness took her breath away, scrambled her thoughts.

  He rose beside her, his dark eyes ablaze. “I thought you came here to mourn the loss of your boyfriend.”

  Anger forced her voice to a decibel range only dogs could hear. “What?” She laughed. “I was over him the night he walked out.”

  He leaned toward her. “Well, aren’t you resilient.”

  “Now that,” she said, nostrils flaring, “was snarky.” She tried to shake off the sting of his words. “Yes, I forgot him the night he left. You know why? Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” She gave a slightly hysterical laugh. “How stupid am I?”

  His face softened. “About as stupid as me, I guess.”

  She set her jaw. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He reached for her, and his fingers trailed up her arm. “I couldn’t get you out of my head from the moment I saw you at Wilderness Outfitters.”

  Tremors ran across her skin. Her pulse raced. “Don’t tease me, Hank.” He might look like a god, but she wasn’t going to waste time if he only intended to toy with her.

  His fingers trailed along her shoulder and behind her neck. He pulled her to him. He whispered, “I’m not.” His warm mouth pressed against hers before she could answer.

  Her arms slid around his neck. As much as she wanted to lose herself in his kiss, she resisted the strong urge to give herself over to it.

  As if he sensing her hesitation, he lifted his lips slowly, and rocked as he held her. “Please don’t go.”

  She closed her eyes, let his smell fill her nostrils. His warm body felt unbelievably good against hers.

  He pulled away to look at her. “Come on. Let’s sit by the fire. Talk a bit.”

  When she nodded, he took her hand and led her to it. He sat and patted the empty grass next to him.

  Crossing her legs, she plopped beside him.

  His fingernails lightly scratched across her back. “Sorry. I’ve been acting really stupid. Doing things I don’t normally do.”

  “Like what?” She tensed. If he couldn’t be himself with her, she wouldn’t know who he really was. And she’d just split up with someone she never really knew.

  “Like sending out mixed signals.” He lifted his chin from his chest, his embarrassment fading from his features, his gaze boring into hers.

  Something inside her clenched. She couldn’t look away, and felt lost in his dark brown eyes; they seemed to be searching deep within her.

  “Extremely mixed.” She rested her hand on his knee.

  “I meant it when I said I wanted to take it slow.” He stretched out his legs. “But I’m having some trouble with that because I like you so much.” He lay back against the grass. “I like being with you. You make me feel good.” His hand ran across her back.

  She stretched her legs out next to his, unsure of what to do. She didn’t want to scare him away again.

  Touching her scratched leg, he rolled over and clucked his tongue. “That’s not such a bad cut. It looked worse earlier.”

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” She sniffed.

  He bent his head toward her thigh. The feel of his lips against her leg sent icy tingles up her spine. She swallowed hard. Slow, she reminded herself. Make conversation.

  “Tell me more about
yourself.” She found it difficult to concentrate, his mouth teasing the front of her leg. His arms straddled her as he shifted his body, his knees pressing between her legs.

  “What would you like to know?” He pushed up and sat back against his heels, caressing her from knee to thigh.

  Nothing came to mind. She stammered, “I….”

  He leaned forward until his grinning lips touched hers. Gently, he pressed against her until she lay back. He settled himself atop her. For such a big guy, she was surprisingly comfortable with his weight.

  His kisses skimmed across her face. “Let’s see. I’m a Gemini.” He pulled back to look at her, his fingers in her hair. “Non-denominational, religion-wise, though I believe in a higher power.”

  “Okay. That’s a start.” Her brain seemed to have shorted out as his lips grazed her neck. “Where do you live?”

  “On Tenth. Around the corner from The Coffee Shack.” He shifted lower, and his tongue caressed the top of her breasts, making her nipples grow taut beneath her T-shirt. Her insides coiled.

  She twined her fingers through his hair. “I’ve been there. That’s not too far from my place on Garden.” To think, her car might have passed his motorcycle every day.

  He murmured, “I’ve never seen you there. I would have remembered.” Shoving her T-shirt up, he kissed her ribs.

  She clutched his hand. “What are you doing?”

  He looked at her and grinned. “I think we need to get out of these wet things. It’ll be dark soon, and you’ll get a chill.”

  “I thought you wanted to take it slow.” Shut up, Dana!

  “I will. I promise.” He pushed her T-shirt over her head, and she lifted her arms. “We’ll go nice and slow.”

  He traced across her shoulders and circled her breast. He suckled her nipple through her lace bra. “Let’s get this off, too. It’s still damp.” He unhooked it, then tugged the straps from her arms and threw the bra at her tent, where it caught on the front like a flag.

  Her giggle became a sigh as his hand grazed her breast. His tongue thrust against it, the evening breeze cooling her wet skin.

  Lifting her knee, she whispered, “I’m starting to like this outdoors stuff.”

  His arm curled around her waist, tugging away her shorts.

  “No fair. I can’t be the only one naked.” She fumbled to unbutton his jeans.

  He pinned her arms. “Not so fast.”

  His tongue moved greedily down her belly. He flicked it inside, making her gasp. Long and powerful, able to curl and flatten, smother and tickle with its tip. If they were ever to separate, she wanted custody of his tongue.

  She arched her hips as his fingers followed in a maddening tease. He knew just when to ease away, to leave her hungering for more. She’d never been a screamer, but now she fully understood why others did.

  The pressure built inside her until it crescendoed in an explosion; she clutched his head and moaned loudly. She was surprised the hills didn’t echo it.

  He leaned back, his breaths ragged as he stroked her stomach, her breasts.

  The delicious anticipation drove her crazy. “If you don’t take off your clothes, I may have to forcibly remove them.”

  He whipped his shirt off, baring his magnificent chest.

  She crooked her finger at him. “Come here.”

  He lay next to her. She caressed his thigh, her fingers circling the bulge in his jeans. His moan vibrated against her tongue. She worked the zipper down slowly, teasingly, his erection straining against it.

  “Ah, you went commando.” Her giggle faded as his mouth enveloped her breast. He struggled to push his jeans down his legs, her fingers working their magic. The fabric bunched above his knees. He sat up quickly, untied his boots and tossed them toward the tent. His jeans followed in a frenzied lob.

  Her fingers traced his spine. Resisting the urge to hurry him, she teased, “Slow down. What’s the rush?”

  He twisted his torso over her, and eased on top of her. “No rush.” He kissed her ear, and whispered, “I have all night.”

  The wait was killing her. She shifted her thighs and rubbed against his thick erection.

  His eyes widened. “Play fair.” He pinched her nipple.

  She groaned, each squeeze sending reverberations tingling down every nerve. “You’re not really going to make me say it, are you?”

  He smoothed the hair from her face. “Say what?”

  If it would inspire him to move faster, she would. “Fuck me till I’m blind.”

  His stomach muscles tightened against hers as he leaned away and laughed. “You may not be a wilderness girl, but you’re a wild one.”

  “Not usually, but you bring out the animal in me.” She reached up to kiss him, but he pulled away, grinning.

  She whispered, “Please, Hank.” If she couldn’t have his mouth, she’d take his nipple. She sucked and nibbled, feeling his muscles tighten.

  He inhaled deeply. “Dana.”

  She hooked each foot behind his legs. He willingly followed when she pulled his head toward hers.

  With a gasp, she stopped. Much as she ached to feel him inside her, she couldn’t take any chances. “I don’t suppose you were a Boy Scout.”

  His lips traced her jaw to her ear. “For about a day.”

  His tongue in her ear scrambled her thoughts. “Damn. So you didn’t come prepared?”

  “No, this wasn’t in my game plan, though I have no idea why.” He lifted his head, his eyes penetrating hers. “I don’t suppose you were a Girl Scout?”

  She clicked her tongue. “Lucky for you, I was.”

  Sean had insisted she pack a supply of condoms. Part of the essentials, he’d said. If he only knew how true it was. “But I need my backpack.”

  He winced, looking at the tent. “One of us will have to go get it.” He cocked his head. “Unless, of course, we decide….”


  He raised a shoulder in a lazy shrug. “We could always wait.”

  Clenching her teeth, she held as still as possible. Screaming seemed a definite possibility now. “You’re right. We probably should.” She trailed her fingers along his waist to his hips. “It’s nice like this.” She kissed his chest. “Just lying here together.” She ran her hands along his skin, where it met hers, felt him shiver.

  “Feeling your body on mine. Such a good fit.” Her teeth tugged at his nipple.

  “Okay, I’ll get it.” He pushed up to all fours, sprung to his feet and reached the tent flap in a second.

  She sat up, wrapped an arm around her knee. The sight of him naked made her bite her lip. His butt, so cute with its muscles clenched, made her giggle.

  He disappeared inside the tent. The sun had lowered behind the opposite hill, and bird calls echoed across the valley, then gave way to cricket chirps. In the deepening twilight, stars appeared like pinpricks in azure silk. Emerging with the backpack and her sleeping bag, his sparkling eyes warmed her more than the fire.

  He dropped the sleeping bag. “Thought you might be a little more comfortable with this.” He crouched and unzipped the backpack.

  “Look in the top inside pocket.” She tugged the sleeping bag straight.

  His fingers striking latex gold, his face lit up. “You’re full of surprises.”

  Watching him rip it open with his teeth was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. Until he knelt to unfurl it down his veined thickness to the base.

  Her heart fluttered. No more excuses.

  He looked at her as though thinking the same thing.

  “I have a theory,” she said kneeling in front of him, “that good sex doesn’t have to mean the relationship will be bad.”

  His face relaxed in a wide grin. He eased toward her until his lips touched hers. “I’ll keep that in mind.” His breath warmed her face as they met eye to eye.

  She slid her hand up the inside of his thighs to his sheathed erection, massaging it from end to end. His hands stroked her hips, down her ass, circlin
g to the front. Her hips rocked back as he slipped a finger between her legs.

  Laying back against the sleeping bag, she cupped his face, drawing him toward her. Her lips met his like a waterfall crashing against stone. She arched her back, as he clutched her ass, and pinned her leg high on his side.

  He pulled away to look at her. “I have to fuck you now.”

  “If you insist.” She grabbed him and guided him inside.

  He whispered, “Whoa, slow down.”

  “I’ve waited too long already.” She clutched his rear and rolled her hips to take him in.

  He moaned and thrust against her in an almost hypnotic rhythm. A frenzy grew within her, and she wrapped her legs tighter around him. Their bodies slid like an avalanche, crashing together. Every muscle worked harder than she’d imagined possible, and yet not nearly enough to satisfy her. The more he filled her, the more she wanted him. He pushed inside her, igniting a powerful surge, unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  He reached behind her and she arched her back. His breaths came harder, faster in time with his movements; her pulse quickened. She planted her feet on the sleeping bag, meeting his thrusts equally, his need fueling her own. He moved with a primal urgency. Never had she made love to anyone with such simpatico, bodies meshing with raw emotion.

  Sweat glistening on his rippling muscles, he shuddered, head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut. With the final thrust, he let out a long breath, and fell against her.

  She cradled him, aftershocks running across her. Even as he softened inside her, she wanted him again.

  His chest heaving, he leaned away to look at her. “I think,” he said, kissing her nose, “we’re going to have to test your theory. Extensively.”

  She trailed her fingers across his back. “It’s the only real way to be sure.”

  He smiled, his mouth on hers. “I should get the fire going again.”

  “In a minute.” She didn’t want to let go just yet.

  With a throaty sigh, he nuzzled against her. After a little while, he murmured into her neck, “My ass is getting cold.”

  “Well, we can’t have that.” She ran her hands down his back and squeezed.


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