A Twist of Date (Better Date than Never)

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A Twist of Date (Better Date than Never) Page 1

by Hatler, Susan

  A Twist of Date


  Susan Hatler

  A Twist of Date

  Copyright © 2013 by Susan Hatler

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  Cover Design by Elaina Lee, For The Muse Designs


  Also by Susan Hatler

  An Unexpected Date

  Better Date than Never Series

  Love at First Date (Book #1)

  Truth or Date (Book #2)

  My Last Blind Date (Book #3)

  Save the Date (Book #4)

  A Twist of Date (Book #5)

  Teen Novels



  “Susan Hatler has a knack for writing books that draw me in from the very first page!”

  — Books Are Sanity!!! on Love at First Date

  “Ms. Hatler has a way of writing witty dialogue that makes you laugh-out-loud throughout her stories.”

  — Night Owl Reviews on Truth or Date

  “Seriously you guys, you have to pick this one up if you are a romantic at heart. Deliciously sweet.”

  — Getting Your Read On Reviews on My Last Blind Date

  “An Unexpected Date is a wonderful and perfect release to a stressful or crazy day.”

  — Cafè of Dreams Book Reviews

  “If you enjoy a YA Romance jam packed with adventure and the unknown. I would recommend this fantastic read.”

  — Tifferz Book Review

  A Twist of Date


  Susan Hatler

  Chapter One

  Some women believe in for better or worse. My mother preferred to kiss my dad arriverderci to go “find herself,” and she’d chosen the most awkward phase of my life to do this. I’d been fifteen when she left us. As a teen Barbie look-alike, I had hormone-driven guys calling constantly, and no mom to give me advice.

  To emblazon my misery, my dad married my stepmom Janet, and I’d spent the rest of my teen years being compared to her can-do-no-wrong daughter, Kaitlin.

  Not my fondest memories.

  Despite my parents’ failed marriage and my own fleeting relationships, devouring romance novels had given me the hope of love—the kind that lasted a lifetime. So, I’d never given up, and now I had Brad.

  After years dating the wrong men, I’d finally found a keeper. Brad Jones and I had been inseparable for three weeks. He was fun, gorgeous, and a total gentleman. Ready to take the next step with him, I hit the mall yesterday, purchased the perfect lingerie, and tonight I’d put it to good use.

  Although it was five-thirty in the morning, I strode through the front door of Totally Fit, ready to rock my Zumba class like I’d never taught it before. “Good morning!”

  “Morning, Mel.” Matt Thompson, my co-worker and friend, smiled from behind the front counter, and closed the thick book he’d been reading. “What’s the word?”

  I dropped my athletic bag on the tattered linoleum floor and set my portable iPod docking station on the counter. “The word of the day is yumzy.”

  Matt stood, leaned against the counter, and raised a brow. “Yumzy?”

  Visions of my date last night with Brad danced through my head. We’d gone to the Sacramento Kings game at Arco Arena, which had been a blast. Afterward, we’d stopped for drinks at a posh bar downtown, then strolled hand in hand to my place where things had gotten hot and heavy.

  Remembering his delicious kisses made me smile. “Yumzy.”

  Matt rapped his fingers on the cheap, white countertop. “Is it safe to assume you’re not talking about food?”

  I shook my head, and my ponytail flopped to the opposite shoulder. “Actually, he could be considered dessert.”

  Matt frowned. “Is he that guy you’ve been flirting with over in free weights?”

  “Brad.” I sighed, picturing how our names might look in Monotype Corsiva on our eventual wedding invitations. Melanie Porter and Brad Jones—forever.

  “Mel.” Matt slipped his hands around mine and traced my knuckles in slow circles, sending goose bumps up my neck. “When are you going to give up on other guys and realize I’m the one for you?”

  Matt loved to flirt. But, thanks to Erica, I knew not to take him seriously. Erica Conner, the other aerobics instructor at Totally Fit, had dated Matt a few times after he’d started working here last year. She’d told me, confidentially, that she’d broken it off after finding out he was seeing other girls. Playing the field was so not my scene. “Aren’t you already dating someone, Matt?”

  His eyes locked with mine. “I’d drop all women for you.”

  “No, really,” I said, ignoring the electric zap bolting through me from his intense gaze. Instead, I focused on the image of a petite brunette, wearing a sexy red dress, and dancing very close to Matt. “You’re dating that girl. You introduced her to me at The Oasis a few weeks ago, when the girls and I were out celebrating Erica’s final laser hair removal.”

  “Laser hair removal?” His shoulders jerked spastically as if ants were crawling up his neck. “That’s way more than I needed to know.”

  I rolled my eyes. “My point is you had a girl with you.”

  “Eileen. That’s over.” He continued caressing my knuckles with the perfect amount of pressure. “So? Let’s go on a date. Anywhere you want.”

  As he expertly massaged my hands, a tingle curled up my spine, and I couldn’t help wondering what his other talents might be. But, at twenty-seven, I couldn’t afford the distraction from a meaningful relationship—no matter how tempting. Regretfully, I slipped my hands free. “You know, Matt—”

  “I know only what you tell me.”

  His endearing expression warmed my belly, but I refused to fall for him. Besides, I had Brad now. “I can’t date you.”

  He gave me a side-glance. “Sure you can.”

  “Hey.” I tapped his arm, playfully. “You just said you only know what I tell you.”

  He shrugged. “I take it back.”

  I guffawed. “Your word’s your word. You can’t just take it back.”

  “Too late.” He grinned. “Already did.”

  “Why would you want to go out with me anyway?” My tone was casual, even though I was secretly dying to know. “I mean, you’re getting a PhD in philosophy and I’m an aerobics instructor. We have zilch in common.”

  I cringed, remembering the time he’d told me Plato fascinated him. I’d replied that, as a kid, I’d eaten my fair share of play dough and loved the salty taste. Matt explained that Plato had been a Greek philosopher. He hadn’t laughed at my mistake, but I’d clearly supplied him with enough ammo to fire off an entirely new batch of blonde jokes. So mortifying.

  Suddenly, the corners of his mouth curved upward.
“I want to date you, because you make cleaning toilets fun.”

  “Now there’s a compliment.” I laughed, knowing what he was referring to. Rudy, the owner of Totally Fit, had cancelled the janitorial service last week in an effort to save a few bucks. That left the staff with the task of cleaning the bathrooms. Yuck. To make it bearable, I’d created The Echo Competition. We each took turns singing at the top of our lungs while scrubbing, to see who could make the worst sounding echo. I’d never have guessed our voices could crack like that. “We have good times. Don’t we?”

  “My day brightens every time I’m with you. So, say yes, and go out with me.” His tone sounded deadly serious, which was so unlike him.

  Stunned, I bit my lip, then swallowed. “I’m with Brad.”

  His jaw tensed, then he started straightening the various business cards, brochures, and workout schedules displayed on the counter—even though they were already in impeccable order. “He’s wrong for you.”

  Tension thickened like a wall between us, but what could I do? Matt may be sweet, but casual dating didn’t interest me. My mom had told my dad “until death do we part,” then she’d hightailed it to Colorado, or wherever she currently lived. It was my life’s mission to be the exact opposite of that woman.

  Thinking of my mom caused a stab of pain. She and I hadn’t spoken much in the last year, because I’d been avoiding her calls. Hearing about her adventures—with a new man almost every time—had gotten old, and only reminded me that we hadn’t been enough. Unfortunately, I didn’t know if it felt worse talking to her or not talking to her.

  Ding! Ding!

  The front door punched open behind me, and I swiveled to see Steve Burns, “trainer extraordinaire,” or so he liked to call himself.

  “Morning, all.” His face lit up as he strode in. “What’s the word?”

  “Steve.” Matt nodded, then waved Steve over. “Give me the skinny on this yumzy guy Mel’s obsessing over. She’s under the absurd impression he’s right for her.”

  My brows shot up in alarm. Was there really some skinny—that had been yesterday’s word—on Brad?

  Steve sidled up to the counter wearing black shorts and a red t-shirt with STEVE BURNS printed underneath a dumbbell logo. “What’re we talking about? Don’t we have a word yet? How can we not have a word?”

  “The word of the day is yumzy.” Matt shot him an annoyed look, then jerked a thumb in my direction. “Her choice, not mine.”

  “Fill me in, people.” Steve rotated his hands in circles toward himself. “Fill me in.”

  In a sudden panic, I slapped my palms on the counter and searched Matt’s deep brown eyes for the truth. “Is there really a skinny on Brad? Something I should know about?”

  He stared at me a moment, then shrugged. “Nothing specific. Just a feeling.”

  I let out an audible sigh of relief. No way I’d return my silky lingerie based on Matt’s random feeling.

  Steve clucked. “Why do I feel like something is going on here?”

  “Because you’re paranoid.” I touched his arm as the front door dinged open again. “Trust me, everything’s zippy. I picked the word yumzy because I have a hot date tonight with you-know-who.”

  “What?” Erica Conner raced through the lobby, then stopped at my side. A familiar comfort washed over me with the entire gang here this Saturday morning. “You didn’t snag that hottie who’s been giving me the eye all week, did you?”

  My heart galloped in my chest. “Who’s been giving you the eye?”

  “You know.” Erica shifted her curvy hip to the right, and tapped her sneaker-covered foot. “He’s tall, gorgeous, and has muscles I’m dying to rub my hands over.”

  Yes, that described Brad—and half the other guys that worked out here. “I’m seeing Brad Jones. Is that the same guy?”

  “Hmm. Brad. Brad.” Erica tapped a finger against her cheek, then dropped her smirk. “Nope, different guy.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness.”

  Steve tossed his arm over my shoulder. “Why’s this yumzy date so important to you?”

  “Yumzy?” Erica laughed.

  “Word of the day.” Matt’s voice lacked any trace of enthusiasm, and his eyes flicked back to his novel.

  “He’s it, you guys,” I said, thinking about how much fun Brad and I had together, how he always put his hand on the small of my back when we walked, and the way he kissed me like he never wanted to stop. . . .

  “You’re blushing.” Matt crossed his arms, and gave me a skeptical look. “What’s this guy have that I don’t have?”

  Erica and I exchanged a look. “Brad and I want the same things. We’re in sync.” Except for last night when he’d wanted to take the next step and I’d been wearing my cotton brief back-ups instead of silky, slide-your-hands-over-this bikinis. Why, oh why, had I put off the laundry? “Haven’t you ever just known when it’s the right person?”

  Steve’s brows quirked. “Didn’t you say that about the last guy you were dating?”

  Erica dropped her chin onto her fist and nodded. “Paul.”

  “That was months ago,” I reminded them. Paul had seemed exceptional, but after several weeks he’d stopped calling. Weird.

  “You barely even know this new guy, Mel.” Matt took on the role of a wise philosopher. “Face it. You’re in love with being in love.”

  My brows came together. “Think what you will, but my gut says Brad is The One.”

  “Well, he’d be lucky guy to have you, Mel.” Steve mussed the front of my hair much like a big brother might do.

  I pretended to glare at Steve, then laughed as I pushed away from him to check my reflection in the mirror hanging next to the poster of a silver-haired man jogging in the breaking dawn. I combed my blond bangs back into place with my fingers, and caught Matt watching me in the mirror. He gave me a look that I couldn’t decipher.

  “With that out of the way. . .” Erica did a drum roll on the counter top. “I have news.”

  I spun around, my eyes widening. “You’re pregnant.”

  “Uh, no.” Erica propped her hands on her hips, then raised a brow. “I don’t use three types of birth control for nothing.”

  Steve held his palms up. “Too much information, Conner.”

  My brain got stuck on which three types of birth control she used at the same time. Condom, pill and . . . what else did a girl need?

  “Get your minds out of the gutter.” Erica smirked, most likely enjoying the hot topic. “It’s about Totally Fit.”

  “Safe subject.” Steve blew out a breath, gestured widely with his arm, then bowed to her. “You may continue.”

  “The big cheese has an important meeting in his office tomorrow. Four o’clock.”

  Matt wagged his finger at Erica. “Sounds like you’ve been listening to Rudy’s conversations from the janitor’s closet again. That’s not very yumzy of you.”

  “Maybe I needed a broom.” She shrugged, then cocked her perfectly curved hip to the left. “Can I continue?”

  “Please do,” I said, eager to hear the news on Totally Fit. I’d started teaching aerobics part-time in college, then ended up staying when Rudy offered me a full-time position. I loved my job, but my measly salary barely covered my bills, and a couple months ago I’d spent my life’s savings on my new convertible Volkswagen Beetle, Betty. If the gym was going to fold, I needed to know.

  Erica raised her arms for dramatic effect. “It sounds like the big cheese might’ve found a way to keep Totally Fit from going under.”

  “How?” I’d worried Rudy would lose the gym for sure. He’d already hawked the stereo system, leaving me to lug around my own portable for dance music during my classes. I knew how much Rudy loved Totally Fit. He was a total softy. It’d crush him to lose the gym. “What’d you find out?”

  “I’m not sure exactly.” Erica’s face grew serious. “He just kept saying grazie to whoever was on the other end of the line, then he told them to meet h
ere, in his office, tomorrow at four o’clock.” She held her palms up. “That’s all I know.”

  Steve tsk tsked. “You should’ve stayed to look for a dust pan while you were at it.”

  Erica frowned. “Like you’d know squat around here if it wasn’t for me.”

  “We appreciate all the dirt, Conner.” Matt patted Erica’s arm and she promptly perked up. It amazed me that Erica didn’t hold a grudge against Matt for dating around behind her back. The way they acted, there didn’t seem to be any hard feelings between them.

  I shook my head, pushing Erica and Matt’s odd relationship out of my mind. “My class isn’t until six-thirty tomorrow night. Might be a little suspicious if I come in at four, don’t you think?”

  Matt turned away, and opened his novel again.

  What? No wise suggestion from the bookworm?

  “Hmmm.” I shrugged it off. With the perfect night dangling in the air, I didn’t need Matt wreaking havoc on my emotions—or creating worry lines before I hit thirty. “I hope Rudy has a solution up his sleeve.”

  “You and me both, sister.” Erica eased around the desk as the door dinged open, and a chatter of voices floated into the lobby. “We’d better get our booties to work. I’ll see you all tomorrow, in the janitor’s closet, at four sharp.”

  I picked up my sports bag, slung it over my shoulder, then checked my watch. Thirteen hours and three minutes until my big date with Brad. Forcing the worry about work out of my mind, I pictured myself slipping into my sheer ruffled babydoll nightie. It was sexy, see-through, and would encourage Brad to get right down to it. Talk about yumzy.

  No point playing hard to get when Brad was exactly what I wanted.

  I glanced back at Matt, who was greeting a perky redhead as she entered the lobby. For some reason it stung that he didn’t believe in Brad and me. As I strode in back to the gym, Matt’s accusation that I was “in love with being in love” buzzed through my brain.


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