Dirty (Uncensored Series)

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Dirty (Uncensored Series) Page 2

by Quinn

  Steve led me down the walkway to the main rig, calling out over his shoulder, “He’s the head foreman here.”

  That statement had me stumbling again as I followed along behind him. That asshole was in charge here? Granted, I wouldn’t mind him being in charge of some other things…he was hot! The way he filled his orange jumpsuit was something I’d thought impossible—but he was a chauvinistic ass. I needed to keep that in the forefront of my mind, not how tall he was or how muscular his forearms were. Nope. Assholes were not in the equation this time around; I most definitely did not want to climb him like a tree, or jump him like a starving anaconda in heat.

  That’s it! Roughneck Anaconda. The girls at HQ on the island had done all but warn me to stay away from him. When I’d asked why they called him that, almost every woman in the office blushed and giggled. Meeting him now, I could see why there were so affected. Not to mention what I’d felt against my backside moments ago.

  “You’ll just have to find out for yourself,” one of the secretaries had replied. “We all did, at one point or the other.” They’d all laughed. “It’s like a…welcoming basket!”

  “Or sorority hazing, depending on how much you can take,” another one had said. When they chuckled again, all I could do was stand with my mouth agape and my mind trying to process what I’d been told.

  My thoughts went straight to the moment Reed pressed his hard body against me. And I meant Hard with a capital H. Or with a capital A for Anaconda. It didn’t erase the fact he’d acted quite unprofessionally.

  I took on this job to get away from sexist pig-headed men like Reed. Then I recalled seeing his file and getting chills over his profile picture. How could a man so good-looking and from what I’d read in his file, brilliant be so rude and angry?

  I pushed my hair off my face as though it would be enough to erase the man out of my mind. With a brush over my jacket lapels, I smiled tightly at Steve. “Why don’t we start the tour?”

  I sat back in the ratty leather office chair and sighed. My shoulders throbbed from being hunched over the desk. I rolled them, trying to loosen the muscles. The past few days had been grueling as I toured the rig, learning the ropes of how the massive entity ran and functioned. It had been one thing to spend years studying to be a Health and Safety Office; another to actually being one. The record keeping alone was exhausting. It was with no little surprise it'd been Reed who'd been doing most of the work. Whatever he may be like on the mainland, he was a Goody Two Shoes by the book foreman on the Meridian.

  During my perusal of the many files, I'd learned the safety incidents and infractions had dropped dramatically since Reed had taken over. OSHA loved the Meridian. Everything was always in order during their inspections, despite Martinez and his less than stellar job performance.

  If Reed weren't such an asshole, I'd probably nominate him for sainthood, he did such an amazing job.

  I scrubbed a finger under my eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. Disbelief coursed through me when I saw I'd been here most of the day. There'd been no visit out to the rig lately. Some would call me a coward, but I preferred to look at it as avoiding complications. Or rather, one complication.

  A large, sexy, dirty complication.

  Something would have to be done about Reed Anderson eventually. He was too cocky and had taken to challenging me every time we were alone. That is, when he wasn't busy staring at my breasts or ass. It made me that much more determined to prove myself on the rig. It didn't stop me from giving in and flirting a time or two myself, however. Probably not the best decision I'd ever made.

  "You coming out to the Meridian with me?"

  I turned my head toward where Steve stood at the doorway. It was sorely tempting to jump up and race out with him. I actually felt the desire like a weight in my chest to go. But to give in and do that meant admitting Reed had some sort of power over me. That was not acceptable. That was not part of the plan.

  The plan, Ainsley. The plan was everything. It would make or break my future, and I couldn't deviate. No matter how much I was tempted.

  I shook my head. "No, I don't think so."

  Steve studied me with a frown. I felt the intensity of his stare and sat up to start shuffling papers around on the desk. The old chair squeaked at my fidgeting, and I winced.

  "Is everything all right? Is Reed bothering you?" he finally asked, suspicion lacing his voice.

  Yes. I can't concentrate because I want to throw him to the floor and do nasty, bad things to him. "Not at all," I responded with false confidence while I pretended to tidy my desk. "He's fine." Yes, he is. Jesus!—I couldn't make it stop!

  "Well, if you're sure," he said with a distinct lack of conviction to his tone. He shifted and started to turn away. "Don't forget, there's that party tonight for Jackson. It would be good for you to get to know everyone outside of work for once."

  I nodded. "Sure thing! I'll be there," I told him with a wave of a hand. Steve stood there for another moment, eyeing me before he turned and left. At his exit, my breath rushed out in a whoosh. I hadn't even realized that I'd been holding it.

  With a groan, I dropped my head to the desk in defeat. "This has got to stop," I muttered to myself. "He's just a guy. That's all. Just another, random guy."

  "If you're talking about Reed, I think you'll find a lot of women who'd disagree."

  I shrieked and jumped in my seat at the sound of Molly's voice coming from behind me. I swiveled and glared at the office manager who just grinned back at me, not sorry in the least.

  "Dammit, Molly! Don't sneak up on me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack," I complained with a hand pressed to my chest as my heart pounded away.

  She chuckled as she walked over to the desk and set down the folders she held. "You're fine." She pointed to the files. "These are the last of the inspections you asked for."

  I smiled my thanks and reached for the top file. When she didn't move, I looked at her. "Was there something else?"

  "You know, a lot of women have tried to tame that roughneck," she mused thoughtfully.

  Big surprise there. I frowned at her. "Okay?"

  She shrugged. "I just think maybe that's the problem. They made it easy for him, and that's not what he wants. I think Reed is looking for a challenge, someone who won't just roll over for him."

  I shook my head in confusion. "Molly? Why are you telling me this?"

  "Just thought it might be interesting to you," she said with a smile.

  I scoffed. "Hardly. I have no interest in the Roughneck or his Anaconda. Sorry." I directed my attention back to the folder. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a lot of work to do," I said, my tone clearly indicating I was done with the conversation.

  "Sure, Miss Montgomery. I'm sure you do," Molly said with a smugness that stated she didn't believe a word of it.

  The problem was, I wasn't so sure I believed it, either.

  Chapter Four


  My time off Meridian couldn’t come any sooner. I’d had to spend four days explaining every function of the rig to the new Health and Safety Officer—Ainsley, aka Troublemaker, pain in my ass. There was nothing healthy, nor safe, about her being around me as I tried hard not to cause an accident each time she bent over—her skimpy skirts stretching around her hips and ass. They should be labeled hazardous. I had to give it to her though; she did her homework. She knew the exact questions to ask. I respected that, but hell would freeze over before I said it out loud.

  After the first day’s shoe incident, she learned her lesson and started coming in wearing steel-toed boots and a hard hat. Both looked ridiculous on her since she never bothered to change into more sensible clothes, and each time she took off her hat, she’d reach up to her head and fluff her hair back to its natural volume. I was a schmuck who followed each flick of her fingers—wanting…wishing my fingers were running through her red locks instead. Every time I wondered if she was doing it on purpose, knowing full well how fucking hot she was
in her designer suits.

  Each time she was near me, all I wanted to do was taste her. Then she would open her mouth and question everything. The problem was she knew her stuff. Whenever she threw a question, her lips pursed and she tilted her head just so, as if to let me know she understood each word I said, which she did. As soon as she figured it out, her eyes would twinkle. And my cock would twitch in adulation.

  Two days ago, I’d decided not to say much, so I could see if the gold would still flicker in her bright blue eyes, and if I’d feel the surge of blood in my crotch. It was some form of punishment.

  Yesterday, she’d caught me ogling her while she licked her full bottom lip with the tip of her tongue as she scrawled reports on the clipboard she always carried. Her eyes flitted up, and fire met fire. She held my gaze a moment too long. When she winked, I knew I was doomed. I had to spend the rest of the day hiding like a pussy in my room, trying to come up with excuses why I’d stared at her for that long. I came up empty-handed, horny and frustrated.

  Ainsley had become too much of a distraction. If I wasn’t careful, the boys would take notice. Fuck if I’d let that happen. Today, I could breathe, knowing I wouldn’t have to survive each passing moment with her around me for a few days. If I was still affected by her, by some Voodoo Magic, while I was off the rig, I’d easily find a woman I could bury myself in for the night.

  With my duffel bag over my shoulder, I shaded my eyes when I looked up to see the chopper approaching. As I strutted to the helipad, my heart beat faster than the blades of the chopper. Until the door opened and only Steve Jones stepped out. A sense of confusion and—if I was going to admit it—disappointment overcame me. I was expecting to at least see a glimpse of Ainsley, anticipating a single moment with her before I spent my days off on shore.

  Shaking my head and clearing my throat, I shook hands with the engineer.

  “You came alone,” I said flatly, stating the obvious over the loud rotor blades. Before he noticed my dismay, I added, “Thank God.”

  Steve chortled. “She’s not all bad,” he said, and yet, his shoulders shook while he continued laughing. “She’s spending the next few days in the office, typing up reports.”

  I offered a noncommittal grunt. “Well, I’m off. See you tonight for Jackson’s party?” He nodded and a wide grin spread on his face. I clapped a hand over his shoulder and shook his hand again before boarding the helicopter.

  When I sat back after putting the headpiece on, I had a hell of a time telling myself to relax the fuck down. This is a good thing, I told myself. I didn’t need to see her. She wasn’t anything but a nuisance. I almost believed myself if I also didn’t think of ways I could bump into her while I was on the island.

  First order of business as soon as I dumped my duffel bag by the door, I dialed Ma’s number and waited for her to pick up. Last I spoke with her, my father wasn’t doing well. It was almost dinner time at home, and the best time to reach my family. Instead of Ma answering, the sweet, although tired, voice of my younger sister greeted me.


  “Hey, squirt, what are you doing there?” I asked, panic choking my throat. If Reagan was back home, it could only mean one thing. Pops had gotten worse.

  “Well, it’s lovely to hear your voice too, Reed.”

  “Yeah, yeah. What’s going on? How’s Pops?” I scrubbed a hand over my beard, and grabbed a beer from my fridge.

  Reagan’s sigh was deeper than I’d ever heard. She’d always been the problem-solver in the family, while I normally created chaos. It had come from her becoming a mother too early in her life and maturing too fast.

  “He’s home…for now. He’s a stubborn ass like you.” I ignored the side jab. “Didn’t want to stay longer in the hospital.”

  “What the hell? And you let him?”

  “I didn’t! I had to deal with Deacon. When I came back, he was home.”

  Taking a long swig of my beer, I contemplated on what to deal with first—my father or my nephew. Neither one was easy to deal with. “What did the doctor say?”

  I could hear her shuffling around, cabinets opening, the faucet running and then chopping. “Dr. Edison agreed to let him stay home for a few days. Probably ‘cause Pops caused too much problem at the hospital. I think he’s going senile, Reed. He was yelling at the nurses and being increasingly difficult.”

  I scoffed. “That’s nothing new.” We both laughed, silently agreeing that our father had never made it easy for anyone, including and most especially, me.

  “It may be for the best. Ma’s taking days off work while he’s here, and Dr. Edison said he’d stop by once a day to check on him.” She continued chopping, which was never a good thing. As brilliant and independent as my sister was, she was a horrible cook. I chose not to tease her about it, as it could very well be the reason my father would return to the hospital.

  I took my beer to my backyard and stretched on one of my deck loungers. “What’s going on with Dec?”

  Reagan sighed again; her chopping paused. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Sounds like you do.”

  “No, wise ass. I really don’t,” she said, but as soon as she continued chopping, she kept talking. “I’m hoping it’s a phase. This town isn’t exactly Disneyland. He’s probably bored. He didn’t want me to leave him with a sitter at home, so he’s causing all sorts of shit here.”

  “Disneyland? A sitter? There’s your problem right there. He’s not five anymore, and you’re still treating him like he’s a toddler.”

  “You really want to start with that again? Seriously? How about you get your butt here and help out with Pops? Force him to eat his vegetables and take his damn meds. You, ass!”

  I scratched my forehead, stifling a laugh. Reagan was all bark and no bite, but if I pushed harder, she’d read me the riot act by heart. As a single mother, she’d been through enough…too much at a young age. She herself was still a kid when her son was born. But nothing could stop her from reaching her goals.

  “Relax, will you? If Dec’s being difficult, I could call up some of the guys there, find him something to do.”

  “Hell no, you’re not going to do that.” Her voice pitched higher, which meant she was even more pissed off about the idea.

  “What, Reagan? You clearly need help. I have friends who can help.”

  “You don’t have friends. You haven’t had friends here since you left to live in paradise.” While she badgered me, her chopping got louder and louder. I felt bad for the vegetables she was murdering. She wasn’t wrong, but she wasn’t completely right. When I left Memory, Illinois I’d cut off all ties I had with the small town, except for a select few, those who’d sided with me when all hell broke loose.

  “I could call four guys, and they’d be there in a flash.” She snorted and chuckled drily, mocking me. “Let me call Jude—” Before I could keep going, she swore and hung up the phone. Knowing Reagan, she’d be simmering the entire night. It would be best to let her be. It was bad enough she was the one making dinner. I didn’t want her angry on top of that. Still holding the phone in my hand, I pondered on whom to call next. Reagan would be able to take care of Ma and Pops, but the issue she was having with Deacon was a different matter. Having no experience with children myself, I was more than useless, not counting the fact I was miles away from where they were, and had been away most of Deacon’s life.

  Without a second of hesitation, I dialed my best friend’s number. It went straight to his voicemail. Even if I didn’t leave a message, he’d know I’d called, but I couldn’t stop myself from talking, even though Reggie would castrate me once she found out I didn’t listen to her. “Hey, it’s me. Listen, my sister is in town. She’s helping out with Pops…” I chose my words carefully. “I’ve never told you this because she made me promise not to tell anyone…you know Reggie and her bubble…but she’s with her son, Deacon, and he’s not making things easy for her. Just keep an eye out. You don’t have to do anything e
lse. And for fuck’s sake, don’t tell Reagan I told you this. Just make sure the kid doesn’t do anything stupid, and if he does, handle it.”

  I drank my beer after I hung up. I might have inadvertently caused World War III. Since there wasn’t much I could do, I planned the rest of my day in my head, ignoring any thoughts of Ainsley. No, I didn’t care about where she was going to eat at lunch, or what she’d be doing after work. Or if I could find out where she lived and…

  I groaned into my hands. I didn’t want to be a damn stalker, but I was turning into one. However, the island wasn’t huge. It wouldn’t take long for me to find out where she was staying. I finished my drink and walked back into my house, undressing as I went straight to bed. Maybe all the unexplainable desires I had for Ainsley was from exhaustion. Slamming onto the mattress, I covered my eyes with my forearm and hoped sleep would come soon.

  Well rested, shaved and showered, I felt like a new man. I was more exhausted than I thought and spent most of the day in bed like I’d been hung over. Maybe from being around Ainsley. I’d planned to head to the market but that was out of the question, and instead, I’d made a sandwich, enough to keep the hunger at bay until tonight at Jackson’s party, which I was late to.

  In the shower, I’d taken the time to contemplate on my next steps with Ainsley. I wasn’t lying when I called her trouble. She was all that. There was something about her that wasn’t quite right, not quite out in the open. She was hiding something, but I didn’t know what.

  It wasn’t as though she’d been upfront and honest with me with her life. We weren’t even friends, barely acquaintances. We were two people the universe had decided to play with. I’d overheard her talk to some of the guys, and when I thought she was evading a question, she’d bite the corner of her bottom lip and look sideways. One query, in particular, had come out several times—what had she done before working with Meridian? Where did she work? It wasn’t news that we were the first rig she worked at, but we all had wondered how someone like her found herself in this part of the world, running amongst the hardened group of individuals. Could the lust I feel for her just a different form of curiosity?


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