Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5)

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Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5) Page 16

by Lexi Buchanan

  Both women start laughing. Turning my back, I move toward the backdoor, and shout over my shoulder, “We’re leaving now or we’re going to be late.”

  Chuckling to myself, I lean against the truck while I wait for them. My stomach quivers with nerves at what I’m beginning to think of as a confrontation. I’m hoping that I can rely on my family to treat Rae with respect now that they’re over the shock of us being together and married.

  I’ve been exchanging texts with Emelia since I woke up in the hospital and even though she’s pissed with me over the wedding that I hadn’t told her about, she’s excited that I have someone to call my own. Her multiple ‘don’t screw it up’s’ make me smile.

  Other than my mother’s attempts at keeping us apart, I think Rae and I have this marriage business down to a T. I mean we go to sleep wrapped up together and we wake up the same way. Nothing has ever felt right until I met her, and I know that I’ll never be the same again because she’s made me a better person. One that I hope she’s proud of.

  Seeing her walking toward me now with Andie beside her, my heart swells with the love I always feel when I see her. She looks relaxed until she gets closer and I see the hesitance in her eyes.

  Reaching forward, I kiss her cheek and whisper, “Remember, I love you.” Her smile lights her from within.

  Twenty minutes later, I pull up outside of the farmhouse. I wince at the sight of the other trucks also parked, which tells me that we’re about to walk into a full house.

  Jogging around to Rae’s side, I help her out and smile at Andie as she joins us.

  Rae looks frozen in place as she asks, “We’ve got this right?” Her smile slips a little.

  “You,” I cup her face, “can do anything you set your mind to.” I lean in and place a soft kiss to her lips. “You’re not alone in this. Please don’t forget that.” I gently kiss her beautiful pink lips and slide my hand down her arm to intertwine our fingers.

  “I think your mom is watching us.”

  I glance at the kitchen window and smile when Mom dodges out of the way. “She’s so nosy. Come on.” I try to make light of the situation.

  We move inside my family home and I’m relieved to find only my mom and dad in the kitchen as I glance around.

  “I asked the others to wait in the family room,” Mom says, answering my silent question. “I thought it best not to overwhelm Rae as soon as she steps foot inside of the house.” She takes a step forward and another until she’s standing in front of us.

  “Rae, I owe you a million apologies for the way that I’ve treated you since you arrived here with Aiden.” Mom pauses and swallows back her nervousness as Dad puts an arm around her waist for support. “I owe you more than a million apologies really for the things that I’ve said to you. I don’t expect forgiveness overnight, but I hope that you can accept my heartfelt apology for everything I’ve done because I am truly sorry.”

  There’s a tense pause and then she carries on hesitantly, “Diego is our youngest child, my baby, and I’ve only ever had his best interests at heart regardless of how much those interests deviate from his own.” Mom winces and shoves her shoulders back. “I can’t explain why I reacted the way that I did because, well, it just isn’t me and thinking back I’m not only ashamed of the way I acted, but embarrassed.”

  Rae’s hand trembles in mine and my heart hurts for my mom. She never apologizes so to hear this one for Rae it makes my heart ache.

  I feel Rae squeeze my hand, building herself up to reply.


  I’m not sure my voice will let me speak once Lucia finishes her heartfelt apology, but I need to say something other than what I’d originally told myself to reply, ‘thank you’. Those words aren’t’ going to cut it plus there’s more than just that inside of me.

  With Diego’s strength seeping into me from our connection, I reach out with my other hand and grasp ahold of Lucia’s clasped hands. “I know that you’d rather have had Diego fall for a younger woman, which is what I thought he needed at first too, and it hurt so much, and I know my attempts to push him away only hurt Diego more. But in the end it came down to the fact that I love him, and I could no longer keep him at arms length.” Lucia squeezes my hands as I continue, “Your words and reaction to me hurt—a lot. The thing is we don’t get to choose whom we fall in love with, it sometimes takes time to grow and other times it hits like a ton of bricks. Diego and I are a ton of bricks kinda love. There’s nothing slow about your son.” I smile and see a small one whisper across Lucia’s lips.

  “My youngest son has acted at full speed since he came out of the womb. Caused many fights with his twin.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “Hey, I’m right here,” Diego adds, which I pretend to ignore.

  “You’re too big to miss,” Andie drawls.

  Lucia removes her hands from my grasp and cups my face. “I was so wrong, Rae. You make my son so happy. You complete him.” She smiles through her tear filled eyes. “Thank you, and welcome to the De La Fuente family.”

  I want to dislike her because of everything, but I’m finding that now she’s apologizing and welcoming me into the family that I can’t. I’m not that person, but more than anything I want to start afresh with her. It will take a while for me to forget, but there’s no reason why I can’t forgive her and move forward.

  Lucia releases my face and steps back into her husband’s arms. I wrap my own arms around Diego’s waist.

  “Can we start over, Lucia? I want to move forward with Diego, Andie, and all of your family.”

  She nods through her tear soaked face. “I’d like that.”

  Clearing his throat, Diego kisses the top of my head. “Let’s go and put Emelia out of her misery.”

  With a nudge from behind, he ushers us out of the kitchen with Andie in the lead. A hand on my arm holds me still as he lets Andie go and greet the others.

  Diego turns me around and lays his warm hands softly against my face. “Are you really going to be able to put everything my mom has said out of your mind to start over?”

  “Yes.” I reach up and quickly place a kiss to his lips. “I didn’t lie and she did hurt me, but she’s your mom and I know she only wants what’s best for you. So yes, I can put it behind me. Just don’t expect us to be best of friends, at least for a while.”

  “You’re an amazing woman and I’m so glad that you’re mine.”

  As Diego leans in to kiss me, a large arm wraps around his shoulder. “No making out with girls inside the house. You know the rules, bro,” Eric jokes.

  “I wasn’t making out with girls, I was making out with my wife.” He bends and hovering over my mouth, whispers, “Ignore him, he’ll go away.”

  “I don’t think he will.” Giggling as I pull away, I watch while Diego’s brother drags him away and when I turn to see what’s going on, I find myself facing an uneasy looking Aiden.

  He has his hands in his pockets and because I know him well, I know he’s nervous. “Will you come outside with me for a minute? I have something to say without the ruckus in the background.”

  Nodding, he ushers me through the side entrance and on to the porch. I settle myself on the porch swing while Aiden crouches in front of me, his head bowed.

  “I’m so sorry, Rae.” He meets my gaze. “I know I let you down the other day at the hospital, and I feel sick over it. So does Sarah. We just stood there while Lucia ordered you out of the room.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I was stunned to hear that you were married and if I’m honest, I was a little hurt as well. You’re one of my best friends, Rae, and you hadn’t told me a single thing.” He stands and moves to lean against the porch railing.

  “I felt sucker punched…but that’s no excuse for doing nothing and I’ll never be able to apologize enough for that.”

  Moving closer to him, I take his hands into mine and tell him, “I was upset and hurt that you just stood there when I really needed someone in my corner, but Lucia and
I have decided to have a fresh start and to put everything behind us, so I think we need to do that too. We’ve been friends too many years not to.”

  He leans forward and kisses me on the forehead. “Yes, we have,” he agrees before his eyes focus on something behind me.

  I turn.

  “I wondered where you’d gone,” Diego comments. “You two good now?”

  I glance at Aiden who winks before glancing back at his brother. “We are…so, when are you both going to get married for us to be in attendance?” Aiden cocks a brow and looks between us.

  It’s something that hasn’t crossed my mind since Vegas with what happened to Diego and then the anger between everyone.

  “We’ll arrange something,” Diego answers, although evasive.

  Aiden lets it go before lightly punching Diego in the arm as he walks past.

  We watch him go and then Diego tugs me on to his lap as he sits on the porch swing. “I need to make sure you’re really all right.”

  I raise a brow at his words and giggle when he nuzzles into my neck, causing all kinds of reactions throughout my body. I wiggle closer and smile softly when his erection nudges my hip. My lips hover a whisper away from his. “It’s going to take me time to get used to coming to your family home without the nerves in my belly, but after today it will be easier.”

  “You’re part of my family now, Rae. That means you come and go as you please and the more you do, the easier it will be…besides, we have a wedding to plan.”

  Groaning, I drop my forehead to his shoulder. “Really?”

  Diego chuckles while tugging me closer. “I want you in a sexy wedding dress with all our friends and family around us. I want to see you walking down the aisle with Andie.

  Aiden is going to be my best man, he’s no choice because I wouldn’t have met you but for him. But most of all, I want everyone to know that you’re my wife and we’re going to do it in style.” He winks. “Now tell me what you want?”

  I pause and poke him in the stomach. “You know that you’ve covered all bases there, husband dearest.”

  He chuckles and my heart melts. No one knows me as well as Diego and it feels good to be able to sit outside at his family home without fear of being caught together. But being here with Diego as we look out toward the mountain range, I know that I’ll do anything to make this man happy.



  3 months later

  Hearing our guests stand, Aiden nudges me in the arm and I turn to find Rae’s bridesmaids starting to walk up the aisle. My stomach quivers with nerves and excitement that I’m about to say my vows again but in front of our friends and family this time.

  As my eyes land on Emelia, I try to hide the grin, but unfortunately I can’t, and I give in and let her see my amusement. She’s my twin so she’ll know that there is also love behind that for her, at least I hope she does. She looks beautiful and so happy, and if she wasn’t heavily pregnant with her first child, I’m sure she would have run down the aisle, rather than waddling. When she reaches the front, Dante, reaches out to her and makes sure she sits, much to her chagrin. When I catch her eyes I blow her a kiss and laugh.

  The amusement is soon wiped from my face when I catch my first look at Rae. Her fiery hair is pinned to the top of her head with flowing tendrils twisting around her beautiful face that is covered with a light veil of ivory lace.

  My breath catches in the back of my throat as she slowly moves toward me on Andie’s arm. Beside me I hear Aiden chuckle and mumble something about being brought to my knees, which of course I ignore. I mean my beautiful wife is moving toward me as though in slow motion and I don’t want to miss one second.

  Her dress is ivory silk with a fitted bodice, a satin gold ribbon around her waist, and what Rae described as ‘A-line’ skirt falling to the floor.

  I place my hand to my chest and whisper, “Beautiful,” once she’s in front of me. Not caring whether I’m supposed to do this before or after the wedding, I lift her short veil and kiss the tip of her nose. “Hello.”


  “My legs turned to Jell-O as I watched you walk toward me,” I confess, softly.

  “You take my breath away, Diego,” she whispers.

  A throat being cleared interrupts us, and with a slight blush I turn us to face the minister, who smiles and starts our second wedding service.

  The first with Elvis will always hold a special place in my heart, but you can’t beat saying vows to the woman you love while surrounded with family and friends.


  Dancing the first dance as man and wife, we chose It’s your love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. It’s a beautiful song and one of my all time favorites.

  The man holding me so tightly in his arms looks delicious in his dark grey suit, crisp white shirt, and pale grey tie. He scrubs up really well and his butt looks so good in the slacks that my mouth has been watering all day. As soon as others join us on the dance floor, I slip my hand down to caress the curve of his tight buns.

  Diego growls as I feel the bulge of his erection pressing into me through the silk of my dress. “How long until we can leave?”

  “Mmm,” I mumble into his neck, wanting to get lost in my husband. “Not yet, but think of the sweet build up.”

  “Honey, anymore build up and I’m going to be coming in my pants.”

  I rub circles around his butt knowing what I’m doing to him. His erection is solid against my mound and stomach and the feel causes an answering arousal within me. Gripping the back of his neck, I try to get closer and end up with Diego chuckling softly against my ear. “You want me inside of you just as much as I want to be there.”

  “I do, but I’m not disappearing at my own wedding…at least not yet.”

  Diego pauses and then he kisses my shoulder, following it with a nip of his teeth. “I know, but I’m not opposed to a quickie in the barn.”

  “There’ll be no quickies in the barn,” Aiden drawls, “and I’ll give you time to get rid of that,” he nods at Diego’s groin causing me to giggle, and Diego to blush, “by dancing with the bride.”

  “Really?” Diego complains.

  “Yes,” Aiden rolls his eyes, “really. Your mom is waiting to dance with you.”

  Diego’s’ eyes momentarily widen and then he laughs. “Well that got rid of that.” He kisses my lips and then shaking his head he moves toward his parents.

  Aiden takes me into his arms and laughs. “You have him so wrapped around your little finger that I’m loving this. So are the rest of us.”

  “Leave him alone.” I laugh.

  “Not a chance. He’s given Eric, Mateo, and me, grief when we fell for our wives, and lets not forget his twin. Although he was there for her, he gave Emelia and Dante grief. He’s fare game, sis.”

  I beam at Aiden hearing sis on his lips.

  “You liked that, huh?” he questions, kissing my forehead.

  “I love hearing that.”

  Aiden chuckles and swirls me around until I find myself back in Diego’s arms.

  “You smell so good.” He immediately caresses my neck with his nose. “You constantly turn me on.”


  Backing me out of the marquee, he then picks me up in his arms and carries me around the back of the barn and then behind the huge cedar tree.

  “My cock wants to come out and play,” he whispers, laughter in his voice, as he places me on my feet.

  “Well, I think we better take a five minute break while my mouth takes what it wants.”

  His eyes narrow with lust as he clenches me against him. His lips seal over mine in a kiss that makes my toes curl. Once I’m able to breathe again, he cups my face and tells me, “I love you.” Our lips meet and caresses over and over again while I make quick work of his fastenings, and shoving his pants down his thighs, I wrap my fingers around the hard throbbing length of him. His gasp of surprise whispers over me. “I love you, Diego De La Fuente.” With those wor
ds whispered, I hitch my dress up and kneeling on the ground, I guide the wet head of his penis to my lips and suck…


  Please turn the page for a brief insight into Love in Game, which sees Kasey De La Fuente falling hard for his rival’s sister.

  Love in Game Teaser


  Kicking back on the porch swing at my family home, I admire the multi-colored fairy lights that cover half the buildings around the farmhouse. It’s late and watching my brother, Diego dance with his wife, Rae, makes me long for what they have. At those thoughts a shy brunette comes to mind. But those thoughts should be long gone by now. The weekend of Aiden and Sarah’s bachelorette party has been and gone. In fact they married two months ago. It doesn’t explain why after three months I can still see Felicity whenever I close my eyes.

  She’d looked so damn alone that at first I’d just gone over to make sure she was okay, but then we’d spent the night together…


  At the sharp words, my head snaps up and then my eyes land on Andie, Rae’s daughter.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  She rolls her eyes and sits next to me. “Other than I want my bed and my feet are throbbing, nothing much…don’t change the subject. You do that every time I try and talk to you about Vegas. I want to know about the girl in Vegas, she was young.”

  I close my eyes and recline back. “She was young. Too young.”

  “You spent the night with her.”


  “Um, Kasey,” she starts, sensor in her voice.

  “Nothing sexual happened between us... I’m not a total jerk. We talked for most of the night and I seriously felt a connection with her.”


  “She’s nineteen, Andie. Shy. Innocent. So damn sweet and beautiful that I can’t stop thinking about her.”


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