Ghostly Graves: A Harper Harlow and Maddie Graves Mystery

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Ghostly Graves: A Harper Harlow and Maddie Graves Mystery Page 12

by Hart, Lily Harper

  “I mean it. We’re different than other people, though. We knew going into this that there was likely nobody else for either of us.”

  “I definitely knew that,” he agreed, thoughtfully spooning his ice cream. “I think I knew that the second I saw you again on the street that day.”

  “You were angry that day.”

  “Not angry. Hurt.”

  Her stomach rolled at the naked emotion on his face. “I’m really sorry, Nicky. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never wanted that.”

  Realizing that he was moping, and over a situation they’d put to rest a long time ago, he shook his head. “Don’t apologize. That time is no longer important. What matters is the here and now.” He finished his ice cream and put the container on the nightstand before moving his hand to Maddie’s stomach. To most people, she simply looked like a beautiful woman. They would have to stare close — and tread lightly — when it came to ascertaining her pregnancy status. Most people wouldn’t risk it.

  He knew her body better than most, though, and the subtle changes over the past few months made her even more beautiful. “Hello, Spot,” he said as he pressed a kiss to her bump. “How are you feeling today?”

  As if hearing him, the baby fluttered beneath his hand, causing him to grin.

  “I love it when he does that. It feels like a miracle. I mean ... I know that giving birth really is an everyday miracle, but I can’t stop thinking about the fact that there’s a tiny life in there, and it’s one we created together.”

  “I think about it all the time,” Maddie admitted. “I wonder if it’s a boy, and if it is I find myself picturing him as a miniature you.”

  “Do you think it’s a boy?”

  She hesitated and then shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I kind of do. I don’t know that I care, though. I think we’re going to be happy either way.”

  “I think so, too.” Nick kissed the bump again before shifting so they were eye to eye. “I know we can’t control how this goes, but I would kind of like to have a boy first and then a girl two years later. That way the boy can serve as guardian for our little girl.”

  Maddie laughed. “Guardian?”

  “Maybe that’s the wrong word. Brothers are always supposed to protect sisters, though. It’s easier when the brother is older.”

  “Did you protect your sister?”

  “She was older and tortured me. I don’t think my family is a good measure.”

  “You still know more than me. I was an only child.”

  “Yeah, well ... .” He pursed his lips as he regarded her. “When we have a girl, I think we should name her Olivia.”

  Maddie’s heart skipped a beat. “Do you really want to do that?”

  “Of course. Your mother was like a second mother to me. Plus, it’s a pretty name.”

  “We could call her Livvie for short.”

  He grinned. “I figured you were thinking about it, too,” he said. “What do you want to name a boy?”

  “That’s more difficult. We could name him after you.”

  “No.” Nick instantly started shaking his head. “I don’t like that. I mean ... I get why some people do it, but I don’t want the kid always trying to follow in my footsteps. I want him to be his own person.”

  “We could get one of those baby names books. I’ve been looking online but an actual book might be fun. We can use highlighters and everything.”

  He choked on his laugh, delighted with her practical mind. “I think that should be on our shopping list for tomorrow.”

  Her smile was happy as she polished off her sundae. “I don’t want to leave until we know what happened to Dr. Morton,” she admitted, suddenly wary. “I know that’s probably not what you want to hear but ... I kind of need to know.”

  “I already knew that.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, delighting in the taste of leftover hot fudge. “I have to be back to work in five days. We’ll take it one day at a time, huh?”

  “That sounds good.” She moved her container to her nightstand and then rolled so she was on top of him. “I’m feeling amorous.”

  “Is that code for something?”

  “Nope. I just want to spend some quality time with you.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He wrapped his arms around her, taking a moment to gaze soulfully into her eyes. “No matter if we have a boy or a girl, or how many overall, you’re still going to be the great love of my life until the day I die.”

  Maddie went warm all over. “I feel the same way about you. I love you, Nicky.”

  “I love you.” He pressed his lips to hers and then moved his hands to her sides and began to tickle. “You taste like ice cream and smell like that melon body spray I love so much. You’ve had your snack and are pretty much naked. I think it’s time you prepared yourself for some loving.”

  She gasped she was laughing so hard, the sound causing every nerve in Nick’s body to fire into overdrive. “I’m ready for anything you’re prepared to give.”

  “Bold words. I’m going to need you to prove it.”

  MADDIE PULLED HER HAIR BACK IN A SIMPLE ponytail the next morning and she was practically skipping as she made her way through the door of the diner where the two groups were meeting for breakfast.

  “You look happy,” Harper noted as she sipped her coffee. She and Jared had arrived a few minutes earlier and were already halfway through their first cups of coffee.

  “The hotel beds are really comfortable,” Maddie replied. “I slept like a rock.”

  “Yes, I’m sure that’s it,” Harper drawled, amused despite herself. “I don’t know if you’re a big breakfast eater, but they have these magic skillet things here that are amazing. They basically take whatever breakfast items you like, toss them in a cast iron skillet with potatoes, and then drench it with sausage gravy.”

  Maddie’s eyes went wide. “Really? That sounds amazing.”

  Nick chuckled as he pulled out Maddie’s chair so she could sit. “Her stomach has been growling since five o’clock. It was so loud it woke me out of a dead sleep. I wouldn’t think she’d be hungry after the triple-large sundae she ate in bed last night but here we are.”

  “You had ice cream, too,” Maddie reminded him.

  “Yes, but my portion was teeny-tiny compared to yours.”

  “Oh, whatever.” Maddie rolled her eyes. “I want that skillet thing with a side of sausage and tomato juice.” She slid her eyes to Harper’s mug. “I would kill you for that cup of coffee, by the way. Just FYI.”

  “Or you could just order your own,” Harper countered, amused.

  “I can’t have caffeine.”

  Harper’s smile slipped. “Why? Is that something specific to you?”

  “You’re supposed to be careful about caffeine intake when pregnant,” Maddie explained. “Since it’s for the health of the baby, I’ve decided to avoid caffeine until after I give birth ... although then it becomes an issue for breast feeding. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “You’re going to drink coffee because you’re a bear without your caffeine,” Nick said, his hand moving to the back of her neck so he could massage her muscles. He was focused on the specials menu on the wall. “That skillet thing does sound interesting.”

  “It’s magical,” Jared reassured him. “The first time Harper told me about it I thought she was exaggerating, but it really is life-changing. It’s also full of fat and cholesterol so we only allow ourselves to have it once every two weeks.”

  “The baby likes grease and fat,” Maddie said. “At least that’s what I tell myself when I’m craving grease and fat.”

  “It’s hard for her,” Nick volunteered. “She’s a healthy eater most of the time, only allowing herself to indulge once or twice a week. Now she’s been indulging every day and she feels guilty about it.”

  “That’s stupid,” Harper said. “You’re growing a human life. As far as I’m concerned, that means you get to eat whatever you want. You nee
d to be rewarded somehow.”

  “That’s what I told her.” Nick grinned as Maddie’s lower lip came out to play. “She’s still a bit cranky about the situation occasionally.”

  “Not this morning,” Maddie insisted. “I’m starving.”

  The waitress picked that moment to arrive at the side of their table. Maddie spoke up before anyone else could to place an order.

  “I want that skillet thing,” she said. “I want scrambled eggs, potatoes, onions, cheese, tomatoes, and capers.”

  Nick’s eyebrows hopped. “Capers?”

  Maddie ignored him. “I also want sausage links on the side.”

  “You can have chopped up sausage patty in the skillet if you’d prefer,” the waitress offered.

  Maddie popped her lips happily at the news. “Put sausage in the skillet and I still want the links on the side. I also want a huge glass of tomato juice, a glass of water, and whole grain toast.”

  When she was finished, she looked around the table. “What?”

  “Everyone is just marveling at your appetite, Love,” Nick reassured her. “Oddly enough, I’ll have the same thing. I’ll have orange juice instead of tomato though, and I don’t need the sausage links on the side.”

  Once everybody was finished ordering, talk turned to the day’s activities.

  “Okay, since we know you guys aren’t going to walk away from this, we want to set up some ground rules,” Jared started.

  Harper pinned him with a pointed glare. “You’re setting up ground rules? Since when are you allowed to do that?”

  “Since there are two of you poking your noses into my case,” Jared replied calmly. “I don’t expect you to back off from this. I’m not an idiot. Given the fact that Maddie is pregnant, though, I would hope you’re willing to work with me.”

  Harper was dubious but held it together. “And how is that going to play out?”

  “You two are going to do your thing, chase leads, but together. It would be nice if you didn’t take any unnecessary risks.” His eyes flicked to Nick, uncertain. “I would also prefer it if you kept Nick close.”

  “You mean you want him to babysit us,” Harper muttered.

  “I didn’t use the word babysit.”

  “You were thinking it, though.”

  “It’s not the wrong word,” Jared agreed. “Listen, you’re gung-ho enough when it’s just you. Now that there are two of you, I expect you to start pushing boundaries. You won’t be able to help yourself.”

  “I’m an adult,” Harper reminded him.

  “I know. That doesn’t mean you don’t get yourself into the occasional ridiculous situation. Once you add Zander to the mix — and there’s no way he won’t be involved because he’ll endlessly punish us for the rest of our lives if he’s not included — then things will go off the rails rather quickly. I don’t see why you can’t take Nick along for the ride.”

  “I don’t think it’s a bad idea,” Maddie said finally. “Nick’s not just going to sit back and do nothing while I traipse all over Whisper Cove with his offspring.”

  “This is true,” Nick agreed. “I want to protect my offspring ... and my wife.” His gaze was pointed. “We talked about this a bit last night. I don’t want Maddie wandering off on her own. She doesn’t know the area and she finds trouble on her own more than I’m comfortable with. Now she’s going to have someone feeding her imagination. I think including me in your plans is a good move.”

  “See, you sound reasonable, but you’re not really giving us a choice,” Harper groused.

  “There’s a baby in the mix,” Jared reminded her. “How bad would you feel if Maddie were to fall, or get injured, and something catastrophic happened?”

  Harper didn’t like Jared’s methods of getting her to see the light, but she understood what he was saying. “Fine. He can serve as chaperone. We’re still in charge of where we go and what we do, though. He can’t give us grief if we decide to break the law.”

  “Are you going to hold up a liquor store or something?” Jared queried, merriment on full display.

  “Never say never.” She grabbed a creamer packet from the container at the center of the table, never breaking eye contact with Jared. “You think you’ve won, don’t you?”

  “I don’t happen to believe we were in a competition.”

  “Well, let’s just see how Nick feels after a day spent with two ghost hunters and Zander. Then we’ll see who is feeling smug.”

  Nick swallowed hard. He hadn’t considered what serving as chaperone would entail. “Zander is going to be trouble, right?”

  Jared nodded without hesitation. “You have no idea.” His smile was bright. “Have fun. Oh, and better you than me.”

  Nick was already regretting how things had turned. “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  Maddie patted his knee under the table. “That’s the spirit.”

  “No one needs your sarcasm, Mad.”

  “Who said it was sarcasm?”



  “How about, as our first act as a crime-fighting team, we look at baby clothes?” Nick suggested hopefully an hour later.

  Maddie and Harper pinned him with twin looks of annoyance.

  “Or not,” he muttered, shaking his head.

  “We’re not going to find answers at a baby store,” Maddie pointed out. “We’re supposed to be looking for clues.”

  “You’re not a private investigator, Mad.”

  “I sort of am.”


  “If she wants to be a private investigator, she can be a private investigator,” Harper shot back. “I mean ... in four months she’s going to be giving birth to your child. She’s going to be creating actual life ... and it’s going to hurt. On top of putting her through that pain, are you really telling me that you’re going keep her from being a private investigator?”

  Nick worked his jaw. “You’re the one who is a pain,” he said finally. “How does Jared put up with you?”

  “Jared is a beautiful soul who understands that I have to live my life a certain way.”

  Nick folded his arms over his chest and waited.

  “We fight a lot,” Harper admitted on a grin. “They’re not big fights, though, and we both enjoy making up.”

  “Well, Maddie and I rarely fight,” Nick argued. “And, as you said, she’s carrying my baby. It’s a tiny little life that flutters beneath her skin and I already love him or her. Being a private investigator means danger. I don’t want her in danger.”

  Harper took pity on him. “We’re not going to be in danger. In fact, the most dangerous thing about what we’ve got planned is sun exposure. I have sunblock, though, so we’re good.”

  Nick wasn’t convinced. “What do you have planned?”

  Harper didn’t have to answer because Zander popped up in the middle of the small park across from the police station before she could respond.

  “I have it.” He held up his phone in triumph.

  “You have what?” Nick asked, glancing around. “And where did you come from? Are you a magician or something?”

  “No, but that was on my list of things I wanted to do when I was kid,” Zander replied.

  “You just wanted a job where you could wear a cape to work,” Harper argued. “You also thought you might be able to take over for the Count on Sesame Street for a bit.”

  “He was a unique treasure when it came to clothing appeal on that show,” Zander agreed. “As for the mission you sent me on when cutting me out of breakfast, I’ve accomplished it.”

  Harper made a face. “We didn’t cut you out of breakfast. You were invited. You said you can’t eat the skillets because they make your pants tight.”

  “And I stand by it. They’re delicious death.”

  “I still don’t understand what the plan is here,” Nick interjected, impatience etching across his handsome features. “What is it that you have?”

  “The address for Cady Barton.”

>   Nick racked his memory. “And she is?”

  “The botched boob job,” Harper replied. “Jared said she was weird, like intense. Since we don’t have a list of other patients who had procedures go badly, I thought we would start with her.”

  Nick was beyond confused. “Start what with her?”

  “Start the surveillance on her.” Harper had to bite back her agitation. She wasn’t used to having a babysitter when adventure beckoned. “Jared said he thought it was unlikely she would have the upper body strength to jab a piece of fence through Morton’s chest but that doesn’t mean she was working alone.”

  “Or isn’t deceptively strong,” Maddie added. “I’m a lot stronger than I look.”

  “You’re the queen of all queens, Mad,” Nick agreed, rubbing his chin. He thought the plan was absolutely asinine. It wasn’t likely to result in danger, though, so he was leaning toward agreeing. “Where are we going to spy from?”

  Harper shrugged. “The trees. That’s where we usually spy from.”

  “Maddie can’t sit on the ground all day. It’s bad for her back.”

  “We have canvas chairs,” Zander volunteered. “They’re the ones people buy for camping. They have drink holders and everything.”

  “You have special spying chairs?” Nick was flabbergasted. “Does Jared know about them?”

  “Yes, Detective Tattletale,” Zander fired back. “It doesn’t matter if you tell him. He knows about the chairs.”

  Nick’s gaze darkened. “I’m not a tattletale.”

  “Right.” Zander rolled his eyes. “That’s why you asked if Jared was aware of our chairs. Okay.”

  Maddie pressed her lips together when Nick slid his gaze to her.

  “I’m not a tattletale, Mad.”

  Maddie held up her hands in surrender. “Of course not, Nicky.”

  “I’m not.”

  “No.” Maddie used the best weapon in her arsenal to get him to shift to their way of thinking and leaned in close, resting her head on his shoulder. “I just want us all to be a team. It’s what I want more than anything right now.”

  “Oh, geez.” Nick made an exasperated sound deep in his throat. “Fine, Mad. We’ll spy on the woman with the botched boob job. If we get caught, though, I’m leaving you guys to explain what we’re doing there.”


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