A Winter Moon

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A Winter Moon Page 94

by S. J. Smith

  “Uh, sure, of course. I’ll be calling you then,” I said and she nodded once before closing her eyes again.

  “Don’t get caught by the orderly,” she said and I smirked as I left her little emergency room enclosure. I’d have to see about getting her into the best room possible.



  “So Emily, you were at a job interview, because you lost your job, and you were hit by one of the most famous football players in the country?” my mother and sister had arrived at the hospital, and instead of coddling me, they were interrogating me.

  “Did you get his information at least? Is he going to pay for any of your bills, because clearly you aren’t in the position to dole out cash right now,” my sister’s voice was grating on my nerves and I was three seconds away from throwing her out. My mother, I expected this from, less so from her.

  “Please Vanessa, for the love of Pete, shut up or leave,” I groaned and she finally quieted when my mom gave Vanessa a look. “We exchanged information. He was just here. He said he’ll take care of everything. Now can we all have some quiet time?” I asked and both my mom and Vanessa sighed. “Honestly I could have died today and all you two can do is interrogate me?”

  “Well, we’re just shocked is all. You never tell us what’s going on with you,” my mom protested and I sighed.

  “Well that’s what’s going on,” I said and my mom came to sit next to me on the hospital bed.

  “So when are they letting you out of here?” Vanessa asked and I shrugged.

  “They want to keep me overnight at least, for observation,” I said just as a nurse walked in.

  “Good news! We found you a room. The person covering your bills specified that you be moved to one of our nicer suites too,” he said and smiled at me as if I were lucky to have been hit by Adonis Goodman’s Ferrari.

  I was moved and then settled into a rather nice room for a hospital. I had my own bathroom and an area for visitors. A double closet bigger than my own closet.

  “Wow, this is like the hospital version of the Double Tree,” my sister said, when they walked into the room once I was settled. I couldn’t help but laugh, though the movement caused my head to throb painfully.

  “Okay you get some rest. Try and sleep,” my mom came to the bed to rearrange my pillows and I let her. Really, wasn’t any stopping her.

  “Emily, are you up for a visitor?” One of the new nurses poked her head into my room and I wondered who else would be visiting me. Not many people knew I had been in a car accident.

  “Ah, who is it?” I asked and the nurse actually blushed a little.

  “Adonis Goodman,” she whispered and I could practically hear my mother and sister, readying themselves to meet him.

  “Oh, uh, it’s fine,” I said and then she opened the door wider and let Adonis’s tall, broad shouldered figure into the room.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” his eyes went right to me and scanned me almost anxiously.

  “I’m alright. Hopefully it’s just overnight that I have to be here,” I said and he nodded and then noticed my mom and sister for the first time.

  “Oh hello. I didn’t see you two there. I’m Adonis…I’m sorry I crashed into Emily,” he said and I almost smirked. I would have never pegged Adonis Goodman to be so humble that he would apologize for the same thing repeatedly.

  “Well as long as you don’t leave her high and dry…” my mother said, she had recovered from the shock of seeing him before my sister had.

  “Of course not ma’am. I told Emily that I’ll take care of everything,” he said solemnly and then glanced at Vanessa who was quiet for once.

  “Um, this is my mom Rhonda, and my sister Vanessa,” I introduced them and Adonis shook their hands.

  “Don’t worry, Emily doesn’t have to worry about anything other than getting better,” he assured them and my mother was pleased.

  “Good. It is the least you could do for nearly killing her,” she said and I groaned.

  “Mom…” I said and she ignored me, of course. Adonis hung his head a little, like a scolded schoolboy.

  “Like I said, I’m really sorry ma’am. There’s no excuse for what happened,” he said and then glanced at me.

  “I came here to tell you that I arranged a car service for you, fully paid. So you don’t have to catch the bus or anything. Then I was thinking that maybe…we could go for dinner when you’re feeling up to it, to talk about your car situation,” he said and I felt my mother’s gaze hit me like a ton of bricks. All she wants is for her remaining daughter to get married, and of course she saw Adonis as the veritable prince charming.

  “Oh thank you, really you don’t have to—” I was cut off by my mother shushing me.

  “That was very kind of you Adonis, and of course Emily will go out with you,” she said and I rolled my eyes. Adonis looked as if he was trying not to laugh at this point.

  “I will call you. I have your info.” I said and he nodded with an almost sly smile.

  “Great then. I just wanted to check on you. Oh. I also have something for you. A letter,” he said, and then pulled a folded envelope from his back pocket. It was addressed to me from the New England Calvary medical team. I looked up at him with hopeful eyes and he smiled at me and gestured towards the letter.

  I opened it up and read it three times. I had gotten the job; I wasn’t jobless anymore!

  “Did you have anything to do with this?” I asked, as my mother took the letter from my hands so she could read it.

  “I swear I didn’t,” I had to go back to headquarters to talk to the public relations people and all. Then the head of medical staff caught me and asked if I knew how to reach you because your phone…and all…” he gave me a sheepish smile and I gestured for him to continue. “Anyway, he gave me the letter to deliver to you and here we are,” he said and I smiled.

  “Well it seems like things are looking up,” my sister finally spoke up and I nodded.



  Emily was a little late for dinner, but I was relieved that she showed up at all. She was walking toward my table wearing a sexy sweater dress with knee high boots and black stockings. Her hair was down around her shoulders and her gaze was on mine. She seemed equal parts determined, guarded, and curious.

  “Emily, hey, I’m glad you came,” I stood as she got closer to the table and then held her chair out for her to sit. She looked at me as if she was confused by the gesture, but sat down anyway.

  “I couldn’t stand up Adonis Goodman, now could I?’ she asked, as I sat down.

  “You could have if you wanted to. I would’ve understood…but I probably would have been persistent in seeing you again,” I said and she tilted her head at me slightly. The light caught the stitches just past her hairline and I winced a little bit.

  “Just so you could buy me a new car? Really?” she asked in slight disbelief and I nodded.

  “Yeah, and to make sure you’re okay. Are you? How’s your head?” I asked and she shrugged.

  “The headaches are getting a little better…” she said. The waiter came around to take her drink order and brought bread for the table.

  “I ah, wanted to let you know that I took care of the medical bills,” I said. She looked at me like she didn’t want me to have done that.

  “Adonis, you don’t have to do all of this, really…” she said and I shook my head at her.

  “I want to, it’s the least I can do,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she said sincerely and I smiled. Hopefully she would take my other news just as easily. I would work her down regardless and then spring the big news on her later.

  “So where are you from?” I asked her and she seemed completely thrown by the question.

  “Ah…I’m from Boston. How about you?” she asked out of politeness more than anything.

  “I grew up in Minnesota, but moved to Boston for college and been here ever since,” I smiled at her and she nodded slow
ly. “So what do you do?” I followed up with the question because I knew the medical staff had hired her, they were going to regardless of what happened.

  “Well…I’m a physical therapist. I actually just got hired to work with the Calvary medical staff,” she said and I smiled.

  “That’s great! That means I get to see you at work,” I said and she gave a short laugh.

  “Yeah…I guess so,” she said and I grinned. She didn’t know it yet, but soon she’d be giving me private PT lessons.

  “Oh I uh, think you look great by the way,” I said and gestured to what she was wearing. She looked at me, slightly bemused, and then thanked me for the compliment.

  “So do you have a lot of family in Boston other than your mom and sister?” I asked her and she tilted her head at me slightly, but answered the question anyways.

  “Yeah…I do, my parents, my brother and sister, and then some extended family,” she said and I nodded.

  “That’s all good. My family is still back in Minnesota. Though I go and visit as often as I can,” I said. She closed the menu she had been looking at so that I had her full attention.

  “If you don’t mind my asking…why are you telling me about your family?” she asked, and I gave her a charming smile.

  “Because, we have an entire dinner to talk. We have to talk about something,” I said, and she smiled a little reluctantly.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry…I’m a little…”

  “High strung?” I asked and she nodded with a sheepish smile. “It’s all right, I understand,” I said and I saw her relax a little with a soft sigh. Dinner with Emily was really great after that. She loosened up and we had normal conversation. I learned that she was single. After dinner, I walked her outside. I directed her to valet parking where the new Jaguar sedan I had bought for her was waiting.

  “I have something for you,” I told her and took her hand before she could say anything.

  “Adonis, please don’t tell me you…” She stopped in her tracks, her fingers tightening in my hand. Her mouth dropped open as she pointed. The expression on her face. Priceless. She was stunned. I had caught her off guard. She wasn’t expecting this. This was the type of woman you wanted to be with. “Is that a Jaguar?”

  “Yeah, I bought you a car. Insurance and everything is on me of course. If it ever needs to be serviced or anything, you don’t have to worry about that either,” I said and she suddenly gestured to the car and then to me.

  “Adonis, I can’t accept all of this from you,” she said. I held up my hand to stop her next comment.

  “It’s not like I don’t have the means to give you this and be completely fine, Emily. It is the least I can do. Please accept it. Please.” I stared into her eyes, imploring her to accept it.

  “It doesn’t feel right. All the hospital expenses paid was generous Adonis,” she said. I scratched my chin for a moment.

  “Well how about a deal. You can do me a favor in exchange for the car,” I said. Her head whipped up, and she squinted at me suspiciously.

  “What kind of favor?” she asked.

  “Since you’re one of the team’s physical therapists now, how about you give me a few private sessions after practices,” I said and her eyebrows scrunched up.

  “I hope this isn’t a trick to get me to do sexual favors for you,” she said and I laughed. She smirked at me and I shook my head.

  “I promise you it’s not. I always have to take special care with my throwing arm, that’s after games and practices,” I said, and she chewed on her bottom lip.

  “All right. Fine, I will give you private sessions,” she said and I grinned.

  “Great, I have practice tomorrow, so I’ll call you around four?” I asked.

  “Okay…and thanks Adonis. This is a really nice car,” she said.



  “So I don’t have to give you the whole lecture on how the best way to look at getting physical therapy is, right? You get that we’re preventing injury here,” I said, as I walked into Adonis’s own gym in his basement. The guy’s house was literally a mansion.

  “Yep, I get the concept. Work me out little lady,” he said.

  “Little lady?” I asked and he gave me a boyish grin that said he could do no harm.

  “I mean, sexy lady,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

  “Come on, let’s go to work on your arm,” I said. He walked over and sat at the rowing machine when I gestured to it.

  “Actually, I tweaked my thigh today in practice. Took a hit and fell the wrong way,” Adonis said, and he sat forward while squeezing his thick thigh. He was wearing gym pants and I had been trying not to stare at his beautiful physique ever since I stepped through the front door. Adonis was beautifully defined, but not overly muscular like some football players.

  “How did you fall?” I asked him, as I knelt next to him and felt my way along the top and underside of his thigh. I did feel some tightness near his inner thigh.

  “I fell on the other guy’s foot,” he said and I nodded.

  “You just need a massage and some ice, it’s mildly swollen,” I said.

  “It doesn’t hurt that much really. I’ve had worse,” he said and I looked up at him to find his startlingly blue eyes staring directly into mine.

  “Well if you don’t handle it now, it could potentially get worse. Remember, we’re preventing injury,” I said and he nodded.

  “You’re right…so, are you going to massage it for me?” he asked and I laughed, though I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.

  “Sure I can, but it won’t be the nice long massage the massage therapists give at the stadium,” I said and he chuckled.

  “That’s fine with me, do your thing,” he said, and then got up to walk over to a massage table. I snorted and shook my head. He really had his own training facility in his house.

  “You know; my new co-workers were wondering why I haven’t elected to give private sessions to players who are actually injured. As soon as your first name left my mouth, everyone understood that I had to tend to the ‘golden boy,’” I said and he laughed.

  “That’s okay, the golden boy appreciates it,” he said as I started to massage his thigh. “You have nice hands,” he commented. I smirked and shook my head a little. We went through an entire session with surprisingly little hiccups where Adonis tried to hit on me or anything. We were walking upstairs to the main level when he touched my arm lightly.

  “Hey are you hungry? I can’t just let you leave without feeding you,” he said.

  “Uh, sure. What do you have in mind?” I asked and he gestured me toward his kitchen.

  “I’ve got stuff for sandwiches and some chips?” he offered and I nodded. He was being oddly quiet while he made us sandwiches. I sat down at his breakfast bar and then he was sitting next to me with two plates of sandwiches and chips.

  “I make the best cold cut sandwiches ever. You might fall in love with me,” he said.

  “Sure, okay…” before I could pick up the sandwich though, Adonis turned my chin towards his face and kissed me. I was more than a little stunned to say the least, and he took my momentary stun to kiss me again.

  His lips were soft and persistent, then his fingers pushed into my hair to hold my head and his tongue slid into my mouth. I couldn’t protest even if I wanted to. Adonis agilely picked me up in his arms and walked around the breakfast bar to set me down on the counter.

  My hands slid up his arms and gripped his shoulders, they were smooth and his skin was tight over his muscles. He moved my hand down to his ridged stomach and my fingers slipped slightly below his waistband. I nibbled on his bottom lip and caressed his naked waist. Adonis’s big hands slid underneath my shirt and he kneaded my breasts in his hands while his lips slid to my neck.

  I arched into him and moaned softly as he pulled down my bra a bit and pinched my nipples in between his fingers. He pulled my shirt off and then unclipped my bra and let them both fall to the floor
. His eyes fell to my breasts and then widened before he looked up at me.

  “Shit…I didn’t mean for…this to happen. I just wanted to kiss you,” he breathed.

  “It’s okay, it’s too late now, just…keep going,” I whispered and he tilted my head up so that our gazes could meet.

  “Are you sure? I’m not doing this as just a…one-night stand thing,” he said and I looked at him in surprise.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Really,” he said, then his lips met mine again and I was lost.



  I had only meant to kiss her, really. But her lips were so soft and she smelled like lilacs and the next thing I knew, I had her on the counter with her boobs out. Emily wrapped her legs around my hips while I sucked on her neck and I pressed the hard bulge in my pants against her warm center. My hands kneaded her breasts and then I bent my head to suck one nipple into my mouth.

  Emily moaned and I pulled her hips closer to mine and ground against her which only made her moan even more. I switched to nibble on her other nipple while I undid her pants and slid my fingers in between her wet folds. She gasped when my fingers touched her clit and then cursed when I started rubbing against it gently. I pulled her forward a little more so that she was at the very edge of the counter and I slipped my fingers into her soaked sex.

  “Ah…Adonis…” she gasped, and I moved my fingers against her G-spot and she moaned loudly as her hips started to move with my hand. Her hands gripped my arms tight as I worked her with my fingers and her gaze was locked on mine. My cock was throbbing with the need to be inside her and I knew she wanted me there too. The sexy look in her eyes was hard to look away from, I wanted all of her in that moment. I felt her sex tighten around my fingers and then she cried out as an orgasm swept through her and I held her close as she shook and moaned breathlessly. I felt weirdly accomplished and happy that I made Emily climax. She had that soft look in her eyes, but I saw that she wanted more. I pulled my fingers from her sex and sucked her wetness from my fingers. She tasted sweet and it caught me by surprise.


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