
Home > Other > MoonlightBundleSet > Page 25

  Kiera smiled. “And that is why I trust you. You are nothing like the wolves back home! Their alpha can’t compare to you. He is a mean, lecherous fool who thinks he’s better than everyone else and that the rest of us should be grateful he allows us to live. You could never be like that.”

  Gabriel kissed her. “I can’t imagine anyone being foolish enough to think you weren’t good enough for them.”

  She blushed in response and buried her face against his shirt. A thought dawned on her. The group she had arrived with had surely left the bar by now. That meant she was completely alone and didn’t have a change of clothes with her. They had planned on checking into the hotel later tonight.

  “Gabriel, would you mind doing me another favor?”


  “The other shapeshifters I came with were going to check into a hotel tonight. My bag is still in their car. Could you drive me to the hotel? It’s the Mayfair on Park.”

  Gabriel ran a hand down her arm. “Do you want to stay with your friends tonight? Or would you like to stay at my place?”

  Kiera hesitated. She hadn’t expected that question from him. While they were getting married tomorrow, thanks to the vampire’s rather odd demands, it still shocked her that he would want to spend time with her. Her thoughts were in a whirlwind, leaving her confused and uncertain.

  “Where do you live?” she asked.

  Gabriel nodded his head toward the house across the street. “I share the Victorian across the street with my brother, Michael. My other brother, Cole, used to live there too, but he recently got married and moved out. I have two cousins that stayed with us for a little while as well, but they moved out last week.”

  Kiera remembered seeing the house during her mad dash to the repair shop. “Your brother won’t mind me being there?”

  What she really wanted to ask was how his brother would react to finding out she shifted into a fox. Gabriel may not be worried about her status in his pack, but she was. She didn’t want to discredit him or make him look like a fool in front of the others. He deserved better than that.

  “No, he won’t mind at all. Why don’t we walk across the street and you can meet him while I clean up a bit? Then I can take you by the hotel to get your things. You can pick any room in the house you want. We have plenty to spare.”

  Blushing furiously she decided to bite the bullet. She wasn’t sure if it was just surging hormones controlling her or if it was her animal instincts. “Even yours?”

  Gabriel froze. “If that’s where you want to be, but you don’t have to. I meant it when I said that you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to, that you could have as much time as you needed.”

  “I was hoping that maybe you could just hold me tonight. I can’t explain it, but I feel so safe when I’m with you. Most of my life I’ve been picked on and ridiculed by werewolves, but having your arms around me makes me feel protected.” Kiera blushed, why had she just admitted that to him? He may be her mate, but she had just met the man!

  “I’m glad to hear that. I would be honored to hold you tonight,” he said. While he meant every word, he knew that it was going to be an agonizingly long night. Just thinking of Kiera’s soft curves pressed against him made him grow hard. The next twenty-four hours were going to be interesting.

  Kiera smiled up at him and laced her fingers with his. “Might as well get the introduction to your brother out of the way.”

  Gabriel grinned at her. “He’s going to love you. You really don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “When do I get to meet your pack?”

  Gabriel stopped. He had forgotten to mention that to her. “Actually, my pack consists of just me and my brothers. We have two cousins who live one town over, but that’s it. There aren’t any other shapeshifters in this area.”

  Kiera didn’t know what to think about that. “Just the three of you? What about your cousins, are they part of your pack?”

  “No, they have their own pack. Well, if two wolves can make a pack. Is that going to be a problem? I know you’re used to an area full of shapeshifters…”

  “No! It’s actually wonderful!”

  Gabriel smiled at her and tugged her toward the door. He stopped and surveyed the damage for a minute. He realized that the door was beyond destroyed. For the sake of his customer’s cars, he had to find a way to lock up tonight. Looking around, he spotted an old metal door lying at the edge of the parking lot.

  “Wait here just a minute. I need to cover up the doorway so people won’t break in tonight.”

  He walked over to the door and hoisted it onto his shoulder. It probably weighed a few hundred pounds, but to a werewolf that was nothing. When he was beside Kiera again, he asked her to step back. He sat the door down and covered the doorway the best he could. The metal door was a little larger than the glass one had been, but a regular human wouldn’t be able to budge it during the night.

  He dusted his hands off and took her hand again. “There. A temporary fix until I can stop by the hardware store tomorrow.”

  They walked across the street and stopped in the yard of the Victorian. Up close, Kiera could see the fresh paint on the gingerbread trim. The shutters were a beautiful dark blue-green and the trim and front door had accents in the same color family. It was a beautiful home.

  “Your home is lovely,” she told Gabriel.

  “Thanks. Cole helped me repaint it last week. Personally, I think he was just trying to get away from Marin’s ‘honey-do’ list. The house they bought needed some remodeling so he’s kept pretty busy when he isn’t at work.”

  “Does he work at the garage with you?”

  Gabriel shook his head, “Not anymore. Cole has a degree in biology and works for Sabin Bio-Med. Michael works at the garage with me though. He’s only been back at work for a week or two after being injured.”

  “I hope it wasn’t anything too serious.”

  He looked thoughtful as if trying to decide what to say or if he should say anything. “If you’re going to be part of the family, you might as well know. Marin was abducted by a really deranged man. When he tracked her to our house, he ended up attacking Michael. We weren’t sure if Michael would make it that night, but thankfully he’s okay. He healed pretty quick, but I made him rest a few weeks before he came back to work.”

  Kiera looked at him with wide eyes. “You certainly have an interesting family.”

  Gabriel grinned. “That I do. Sure you want to join this crazy lot?”

  Kiera smiled back. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  She wouldn’t admit it, but being part of a crazy family was better than having no family at all. The last thing she wanted was his pity so she refrained from speaking her thoughts aloud. She only hoped her emotions didn’t show on her face.

  They walked up the front steps and through the door. When Kiera stepped into the entry, she looked around. Everything was neat and tidy. The wallpaper was a little out-dated, but it still looked nice. The hardwood floors gleamed as if they had just been shined that morning.

  Gabriel pulled her toward the stairs. “Come on, Michael and I sleep on the third floor.”

  When they got to the third floor landing, they heard Michael yell through his door, “It’s about time you got home bro! I was starting to think a car had fallen on you.”

  Gabriel shook his head and pushed Michael’s door open. His brother was sprawled across his queen size bed flipping through a magazine. Michael glanced their way and quickly sat up, stuffing the magazine behind him.

  “I didn’t realize you had company. Sorry about that,” Michael said with a sheepish grin.

  Gabriel looked down at Kiera. “Actually, she isn’t company.”

  Michael looked perplexed. “If she isn’t company, then what is she exactly?”

  Gabriel cleared his throat. “My mate.”

  Michael just about fell off the bed. “Whoa. That’s … wow, that’s great!”

  He pushed to his feet and rush
ed over to Kiera. He enveloped her in a big bear hug. “Welcome to the family!”

  Kiera looked at him hesitantly. “Would you still welcome me if you knew that I could shapeshift, too?”

  Michael stepped back and raised his eyebrows. “You’re a werewolf, too? I didn’t think there were any female wolves.”

  Kiera shook her head. “No, I’m a werefox actually.”

  “Sweet! I’ve never met anyone before who could shift into anything other than a wolf. That’s awesome!”

  “You really don’t mind that I don’t turn into a wolf?” she asked him.

  Michael looked at her uncertainly, “Why would I?” He looked at Gabriel. “Am I missing something here?”

  Gabriel sighed. “The town she lives in apparently is run by werewolves who think they’re better than the other shapeshifters. She doesn’t feel like she’s good enough to be with me and was worried that you and Cole wouldn’t accept her as my mate. I told her that she didn’t have anything to worry about.”

  Michael shook his head. He had never heard anything so ridiculous before.

  “Good thing the Atlanta pack isn’t like that. I don’t think I could stand to visit them if they were,” Michael replied.

  Kiera was amazed that Michael was so ready to accept her, not only as the mate to his pack master, but also as his sister-in-law. It was mind boggling.

  “Michael, would you keep Kiera company for a minute? I’m going to jump in the shower so I can run her by her hotel.”

  “No problem, but why is she staying in a hotel when we have so much space here?”

  Gabriel smiled. Leave it to Michael to get right to the point. “She just needs to get her things.” He turned to leave, but stopped. “Um, there’s actually something else we’ll need to discuss.”

  Michael raised an eyebrow. “Something more significant than you finding your mate?”

  “It’s more in the ‘how’ really…”

  Kiera looked at Gabriel. “I can tell him while you shower if you’d like.”

  Gabriel walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “That would be great. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  While Gabriel showered and changed, Kiera told Michael about the vampire following her, and how she had taken shelter in the garage. She stumbled over her words a little when she got to the whole wedding part. Michael look stunned, but didn’t say a word. When she was finished with her story, she looked at him expectantly. Would he still welcome her after finding out that she could have gotten Gabriel killed?

  “Wow, that’s some story. So y’all are getting married tomorrow? Is that even possible? I mean, can you get a marriage license the same day as the ceremony?”

  Kiera hadn’t thought of that. “I … I don’t know. If we can’t, then I guess … I guess I’ll have to go with the vampire.”

  “No,” bellowed Gabriel from the doorway. “You will not go with him!”

  “Chill bro. Why don’t you take Kiera to her hotel and I’ll call Matt and Cassie and see if they can lend a hand? You know that he gets things done quickly around this town,” Michael told him.

  Gabriel visibly relaxed. “You’re right. See what he can do and we’ll be back shortly.”

  Kiera followed Gabriel down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, she placed her hand on his arm. “Who are Matt and Cassie?”

  “Friends of ours. Matt is a millionaire who used to be a ghost and Cassie is his witchy wife.”

  “I’m sorry; did you just say he was a ghost?” Kiera was certain she had misheard him.

  “Used to be. It’s a long story.”

  Kiera just nodded numbly, not really sure what to say to that. She took a moment to admire Gabriel’s clean clothes. Not that he hadn’t looked wonderful in his grease stained white tee and tight holy jeans, but he looked absolutely mouthwatering when he was cleaned up. He had on a black short sleeve shirt and dark jeans with black motorcycle style boots. He looked like the bad boy momma’s always warned their little girls about. Good thing Kiera’s mom hadn’t been around to warn her off of bad boys, she thought with a grin.

  Gabriel ran his fingers through her hair. “Let’s go get your stuff so we can get you settled for the night. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  When he got to the driveway, he froze. He hadn’t thought about what they would drive. Gabriel only had a Harley and he couldn’t picture her riding on it in heels and a dress. Turning he walked back into the house and grabbed Michael’s keys to the Corvette. Looked like he was going to have to go car shopping…

  “I wasn’t thinking. We’ll have to take Michael’s car.”

  Kiera looked at him questioningly, “Why?”

  Gabriel pointed to the Harley further down the drive, “Because that’s mine. Looks like I need to do a little car shopping this week.”

  “Actually, when you take me home for the rest of my things, we’ll have another vehicle. I have a Toyota Highlander.”

  Gabriel smiled at her. “I think I’ll ask Cole to ride with us to your place. He has a large truck and we can load it up and only have to make one trip. Then you and I can ride back in your car.”

  Kiera was smiling as she climbed into the Vette. She had gone from being on the dinner menu tonight to having a family again. Things were definitely looking up. She only hoped that the Memphis area werewolves wouldn’t cause problems for Cole and Gabriel when they took her home. No, when they took her to get her things. Her home was here now, in Ashton Grove, she corrected herself.

  Things were happening so quickly that Kiera’s head was spinning. Had anyone else told her they had met the man of their dreams and were getting married twenty-four hours later, she would have told them they were insane! People just didn’t do that. Or at least normal people didn’t. In a way, shapeshifters had it easy. Each of them had a destined mate; one person in the entire world who was meant for them and only them. It took away a lot of the guess work that went into human relationships.

  As they pulled into the hotel parking lot, Kiera spotted the Mercedes she and her friends had arrived in. She pointed it out to Gabriel and he parked nearby. They walked over to the hotel room door and knocked. Suzey, a blonde werelion, answered the door. Her eyes immediately dismissed Kiera, but she was openly drooling over Gabriel. Kiera felt the prick of jealousy, but tried not to show it.

  “Hi, Suzey. I just need to get my things out of the car. Could you have Sierra unlock it for me?” she asked.

  Suzey tore her gaze away from Gabriel and looked at Kiera, “You aren’t staying with us?”

  Gabriel had had enough of the woman’s insolent behavior. She had ignored Kiera as if she weren’t even there; then the blasted woman had practically undressed him with her eyes. Had she been a wolf, he would have expected to see her tongue hanging out! Bringing himself to his full height, he stared the woman down. “No, she won’t be.”

  Suzey gasped. She lightly sniffed the air and her eyes widened in shock. “You’re an alpha wolf!”

  Gabriel gave her a lazy grin. “Last time I checked. I believe Kiera asked for her things. Are you going to help her or do I need to break into the vehicle to retrieve them?”

  Suzey jerked back as if she’d been slapped. She wasn’t used to being treated callously by men, especially gorgeous, powerful men. Looking over her shoulder, she yelled for Sierra.

  It turned out that Sierra was a red head who had the body of a cheerleader. She might have been attractive if she hadn’t had such a crappy attitude. Gabriel wasn’t impressed with her, although she seemed highly impressed with herself. The sooner he was able to get away from these crazy women, the better. All he wanted was to go home and spend a quiet evening with Kiera.

  Sierra pushed her way around Suzey and practically glued herself to the front of Gabriel. “What’s a big strong alpha like you doing with a timid little fox? Wouldn’t you prefer a real woman in your bed?”

  Gabriel smiled at her. “Yes, I would very much like to have a real woman in my bed. And if you
’d be so kind as to get her things, then maybe that will happen sometime tonight.”

  Kiera tried not to laugh at the expressions on Sierra’s and Suzey’s faces. It was priceless! She could tell they were trying really hard to figure out what on earth Gabriel would want with her. Especially since Sierra was a werewolf, one of the few females Kiera had ever heard of. She had practically every wolf in Tennessee panting after her and here Gabriel was telling her that he preferred a werefox.

  Sierra was fuming, but she went to the Mercedes and pulled out Kiera’s bag. Walking back over to the couple, she tossed the bag on the ground. “Here. Don’t expect us to wait around for you. You’ll have to find your own way home.”

  Gabriel picked up the bag. “She’s already home.”

  Looking down at Kiera, he pulled her closer and claimed her lips in a possessive kiss. Slipping his tongue between her lips, he glided his tongue along hers, enjoying the taste of her. When she moaned and leaned into him further, he broke the kiss and smiled down at her. Taking her hand, they walked back to the Vette, leaving the two shapeshifters staring after them in open-mouthed shock. He opened the passenger door for her and stowed her bag in the trunk before climbing into the driver’s seat. Without a backward glance, he drove out of the parking lot and headed back to the Victorian. He was pretty sure that both women were still staring after them, trying to process what had just happened. If he weren’t so damn mad at them, he would have laughed. It seemed completely unbelievable to them that he would prefer Kiera over them.

  When they got home, Gabriel carried Kiera’s bag to his room and placed it on the floor at the foot of the bed. In the morning, he’d have to do something about re-arranging his clothes so she’d have some space in the dresser. There was plenty of room in the closet so that would work for now. Being a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, he didn’t have much use for the closet. There were only a few nice things in there for emergencies.


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