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  He grinned and hugged her tight. “Then I’m glad I finally told you how I feel.”

  “When do we have to go back home?”

  Before he could answer, his cell phone chimed. With a frown, he picked it up and read the text message his brother had sent.

  Hope the honeymoon is going well. Heading to California for a bit. See you when I get back.

  “What is it?” Aislinn asked.

  “Colin was just letting me know that he’s taking a road trip. He’s heading home to visit our family.”

  Aislinn frowned. “You haven’t mentioned your family before, except for the pack members and their wives. I didn’t realize you had other family.”

  “We have some cousins and an aunt in California. They haven’t come out here for a visit, but maybe we can travel to California after this job is finished. I don’t like to be gone too long in the middle of a project.”

  “I guess our wedding threw a wrench into things,” she commented.

  He kissed her cheek. “It was a welcome distraction, just like you.”

  Aislinn grinned and turned to face him. “You never did say when we had to go back home.”

  “We could probably stay another night…”

  His phone chimed again, and he picked it up with a sigh.

  Alisdair misses his mommy and daddy. He didn’t sleep well last night and is already throwing fits this morning.

  Connor groaned. “Or we could head back this afternoon,” he said, showing her the message.

  Aislinn smiled. “I’m sorry he had such a rough night and morning, but it’s nice to be missed. Besides, we have a whole life together. I’m sure we’ll have time alone again before too long. Once he settles into his new life better, he won’t mind spending the night with his Cousin Cole or Uncle Colin.”

  Connor sighed and threw an arm over his face. “I had hoped to have you to myself a little longer, but you’re right, we should head back this afternoon.”

  “Then we should definitely make the best of our time,” Aislinn said as she stroked his chest.

  Connor grinned and pounced on her, making her squeal as they tumbled into another round of love making.

  Later that night, they arrived at Cole’s house to pick up Alisdair. The little werewolf came running across the front yard and tackled Aislinn, nearly knocking her to the ground with his exuberance.

  “I’m happy to see you too, Alisdair,” she said with a laugh.

  “I missed you, mommy.”

  Aislinn’s eyes misted. It was the first time he’d called her mommy, at least to her. She knew he had referred to her as such around Cole, but it wasn’t the same.

  Next, the little boy hugged Connor. “And I missed you too, daddy.”

  Connor swung the boy up in his arms and hugged him. “We missed you too, little scamp. I hear you didn’t sleep well last night.”

  He shook his head. “It wasn’t the same not sleeping in my room.”

  “Well, you’ll get to sleep in your room tonight,” Connor told him with a grin.

  As they settled Alisdair into the truck, Aislinn hugged Cole and Marin, thanking them for keeping the little werewolf while they were gone. She knew it was a lot to ask with a baby in the house, but she was glad they hadn’t balked at the request.

  Climbing into the truck, completely worn out, they headed for home. Alisdair fell asleep in the backseat before they’d even turned onto the main road. Aislinn looked at him and smiled.

  “Poor thing was worn out.”

  Connor looked at him in the rear view mirror. “I guess not sleeping will do that.” He glanced at her before looking at the road once more. “I saw your face when he called you mommy; you looked stunned and pleased all at the same time.”

  “I was,” she murmured, closing her eyes. She absently rubbed her stomach. “I can’t wait to give you more children, Connor.”

  He grinned. “If you give me too many of them, we’ll need a new house.”

  “I don’t think we’ll be having that many. But I do want a big family. I always thought that if I would have had a brother or sister, maybe Hugh wouldn’t have picked me, or if he had then maybe things would have been different. He wouldn’t have been able to isolate me like he did.”

  Connor reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry for everything you went through with Hugh, but I’m glad it brought you into my life.”

  She smiled. “Me too. Who would have guessed that something wonderful could have come from something so wretched?”

  After Alisdair was tucked into bed and Connor was in the shower, Aislinn crawled into the bed. As a shadow moved in the corner of the room, she squeaked and drew the covers up close.

  Eric chuckled as he showed himself. “Afraid of shadows?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing here, Eric?”

  “I wanted to congratulate you on your marriage.” He paused and looked around the room. “And I had some unpleasant news for you.”

  She sighed. “I knew my new-found happiness was too good to be true. What is it this time?”

  “There’s something big coming, something evil. It’s going to sweep the town of Ashton Grove if you and the pack can’t stop it. You only have a few months to prepare, then it will begin.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I can’t tell you anymore and I won’t be able to help you when the war starts. But you’ve learned everything you need to know in order to succeed.”

  “Why must you always bring darkness and despair with you?”

  He grinned. “Well, I do have some good news for you too.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “You’ve passed your tests, you get to stay.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? But… when was I tested?”

  “Your first test was to allow yourself to open up enough to accept Connor as your mate. You passed that one within forty-eight hours of being here.”

  “And the next one?”

  “When you mastered your powers,” he grinned, “or at least when you were willing to learn more about them, you passed another test.”

  “That’s it? That’s all I had to do?”

  “Actually, the biggest test was saved for last.”

  She looked at him expectantly.

  “When you opened you heart to Connor and learned to love him, and to accept his love in return, you passed the third and final test. You’re now free to live the rest of your life in Ashton Grove without interference from the fates.”

  Squealing with excitement, she launched herself out of the bed and into Eric’s arms, giving him a bear hug. “Thank you!”

  A throat cleared and she looked toward the door and a glowering Connor.

  “I’ve only been married to the woman for a few days; don’t you think you could wait a little longer before whisking her away somewhere?”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Aislinn said with a smile. “I passed my tests!”

  His eyes widened slightly and he looked to the sorcerer for confirmation. When Eric nodded, Connor grinned and swept Aislinn into his arms.

  “You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A week had gone by and Aislinn and Connor had settled into a routine after their return from Tennessee. Alisdair spent his days with Cassie or one of his cousins, and then he was picked up in the afternoons by Aislinn. He seemed to be adjusting well to his new life.

  Late Friday night, the phone rang, startling Aislinn.

  “I’ll get it,” Connor said with a grin. Rising from his chair, he picked up the phone.


  “Connor, its Colin.”

  “I heard you made it to California safely. Do you know how long you’re staying?”

  “I haven’t really decided. Probably a week or two, at least. It’s possible I’ll stay longer.”

  Connor frowned. “Like how much longer?”

  “I don’t know… a couple of months. I don’t
have any jobs lined up right now so I have the time to take, and it isn’t like I have a house payment to worry about.”

  “Still, do you think it’s wise to be gone so long?”

  “I’ll come home when the cousins tell me it’s time to, how’s that? Until then, take care of Aislinn and Alisdair for me. And try not to worry, about me anyway. You have a wife and son to keep you busy, if the pack doesn’t keep you on your toes.”

  “All right. But make sure you keep in touch. You haven’t been away from the pack for longer than a week or two before. If this turns into something more, I want you to touch base with me at least once a week until you come home. I can keep you up to date on what’s happening with the pack, and you can let me know you’re okay,” Connor said.

  Colin snorted. “Fine. It’s not like I’m five you know. I think I can handle being away from home for a few months.”

  “I know you can, but with everything that’s going on I think it’s best if you keep in close contact, if you aren’t going to be here.”

  “I get it. I really do, and I know I should’ve postponed my trip. But with you finding Aislinn, and now Alisdair, I knew you needed the space. Wouldn’t want your kid brother hanging around all the time.”

  “Colin, it isn’t like we lived together.”

  “No, but I still think this is something I needed to do. I can’t explain it, but something tells me I need to be in California right now. And I’m staying until that same feeling tells me it’s time to go home. Or until the cousins kick me out, whichever comes first.”

  “Well, have fun out there. Tell everyone I said hi.”

  “I will. Bye, Connor.”

  Connor hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment. Aislinn placed a hand on his arm drawing his attention to her.

  “I heard your side of the conversation and I know you’re worried about your brother, but he’s a big boy and can take care of himself. I’m sure he’s perfectly safe out there.”

  Connor nodded. “You’re probably right. Come on, let’s head to the bedroom. It’s been a long day.”

  Aislinn took his hand and walked with him to the hall. “I want to check on Alisdair first.”

  He grinned and released her hand, letting her go check on their son. He had the adoption papers on his desk at work, just waiting to be notarized so they could be turned in. Matt and worked his magick once again and it seemed that Alisdair was going to be a permanent part of their family. Connor couldn’t imagine a better gift for Aislinn, who already doted on the boy as if he were her own.

  The next morning Aislinn woke to another presence in the room. She tensed until she realized it was Eric.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed, glancing at Connor to make sure he was still asleep. He had been understanding about the sorcerer so far, but that didn’t mean he wanted the man in his bedroom first thing in the morning.

  “We need to talk.”

  “And it can’t wait until later?”

  Eric shook his head. “It’s about Colin’s mate.”

  Aislinn stared at him a moment. “Is there anything in this world you don’t know about?”

  He grinned and tipped his head toward the living room. “I’ll wait for you out there, but don’t take too long.”

  With a long suffering sigh, Aislinn slipped out of the bed and changed her clothes. Pulling her hair back in a ponytail, she quietly left the bedroom, careful not to disturb Connor.

  Sitting in the chair opposite Eric, she crossed her arms. “So what is it this time?”

  “Colin’s future mate is going to be injured by a pack of demons.”

  “I’m sorry, did you just say demons?”

  He nodded.

  “Wait. Demons exist?”

  His lips quirked up in a grin. “So a sorcerer and werewolf you can accept, but you have a hard time with demons being real?”

  She shook her head. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Does that mean angels are real too?”

  “You know I can’t answer that, right?”

  She sighed and motioned for him to continue.

  “The pack of demons that will attack Colin’s mate are known as the Skulls of Hell. They’re vicious and destructive. Most importantly, their tenacious. Once they get an idea, they don’t stop until they see the deed done.”

  “And this has what to do with me?”

  “You’re going to stop them.”

  Her eyebrows winged up. “Excuse me?”

  “The demons are going to make their way to Ashton Grove. Colin and his mate will be racing against time to get here, but they may not make it in time. You have to be prepared for the upcoming battle, a battle you can’t afford to lose.”

  The blood drained from her face. “What happens if I do?”

  “You don’t want to know, just know that you can’t fail. As it is, not everyone will make it. You need to know that now, understand that there’s nothing you can do to save everyone.”

  “So how do I prepare for this battle?”

  “You have to hone the powers you’ve already discovered, and we have to see if you’ve inherited any others. I’m not allowed to fight for you, but no one said I couldn’t train you.”

  Aislinn groaned and dropped her head into her hands. “Will things ever settle down? I’ve already heard of what the pack has been through, not to mention my own ordeal, but now demons are going to attack. Are we going to get a break at some point? A chance for a happily-ever-after?”

  “That’s up to you,” he answered quietly. “So, are you going to fight?”

  She sighed. “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not if you want to live.”

  “Then that settles it. I guess I’m fighting.”

  A sleepy Connor entered the bedroom. “Fighting what?”

  Aislinn glanced at Eric only to discover the man had vanished – again. She really wanted to learn that trick.

  “It seems our lives are about to be interrupted yet again – by demons no less.”

  He stared at her, sure he had misheard. “I’m sorry, did you just say demons were going to interrupt our lives?”

  “Do the Skulls of Hell ring a bell?”

  Connor sucked in a breath. “They’re only the fiercest band of demons around. Please don’t tell me they’re coming here.”

  She nodded. “I’m afraid so. And it seems I get to fight them.”

  “You? But…”

  She gave him a wan smile. “Another perk of having my special gifts it seems. Eric promised to train me so that I will be prepared, or at least as prepared as possible. I’m still in shock I think.”

  “Did he say why they’re coming?”

  “He told me I didn’t want to know,” she said softly. “And that if I wanted to live, I had to fight.”

  Connor felt a little lightheaded at the thought of losing Aislinn. Sinking onto the sofa he stared at her a moment, his thoughts jumbled.

  “How can I help?”

  Aislinn smiled. “I’m not sure. But I have a feeling our little one will need to learn more about his abilities as well. Think you can give him some werewolf training?”

  “I can try. Honestly, I didn’t inherit my abilities until puberty. I’m not sure how to deal with a five year old who can shapeshift already.”

  Aislinn frowned. “I didn’t realize his ability to take his wolf form was so unique.”

  “I was spelled by a witch,” a small voice said from the hall.

  Both adults turned to stare.

  “A witch?” Aislinn asked.

  The small boy nodded. “When my other mommy was pregnant with me, she was cursed by a witch. I was born furry.”

  “You were born as a wolf?” Connor asked incredulously, having never heard of such a thing, much less realizing it was even possible.

  Alisdair nodded again. “My father worked hard to teach me to change into my human form. Now I can shift whenever I want.”

  As if to prove his point, he shifted into a wolf. Trotting over to Ais
linn, he jumped up in her lap and curled up.

  “Well… I guess I don’t have to teach him anything then,” Connor said.

  Aislinn smiled. “It seems fitting that our son should be so unique.”

  “Well, you have a pack of werewolves to help you fight, and a half werefox. Just tell us what you need and we’ll help in any way we can.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly, stroking Alisdair’s fur. “Until my training starts, I won’t have a clue as to what I’ll need. But the moment I do, I’ll be sure to tell you.”

  “Demons,” Connor mumbled. “I’m scared to ask what will happen next.”

  Thank you for purchasing my Moonlight Bundle. If you would like to read more of this series, they are already available on Amazon by clicking here:

  Please keep reading to enjoy the first Chapter of the next book in the series

  Moonlight Savior

  Chapter One

  Early Spring

  Ramsey had been in Silver Mist for six months. His first day in town he’d chased away the alpha’s nephew, who had been a pest ever since. Not that Luna had helped. She’d announced that Ramsey was her mate, which had only infuriated the young werewolf and made him even more persistent. Ramsey hadn’t wanted to get romantically involved with her, not even for pretend, but he’d had no choice. They’d been on display every day. At first, they’d just shared hugs and brief kisses, what appeared to be intimate whispers, hand holding… but that hadn’t been enough to scare off the local wolves. When they’d started spying on them at night, Ramsey had had no other option but to up the game and he’d ended up sleeping with Luna. The worst part had been discovering that she was a virgin. She’d saved herself all these years only to lose her virginity to someone who could never love her in return. Ramsey hated himself for it.

  With her reddish brown hair shot through with gold, soulful chocolate eyes, and petite slender figure, he had to admit that she was a tempting little thing. She barely reached his chest and he constantly reminded himself that she was fragile. It was like being with a china doll. Oh she spit and hissed like a furious kitten, but she was softhearted.


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