Rules of Passion

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  “Apart from my poor sister’s union to yourself, of course,” William cut him down.

  “More tea cakes, Uncle?” Marietta asked a little desperately, holding out the plate.

  He gave her a look, as if he was about to start a category of her own misdeeds, but then his eyes swept greedily over the tea cakes and he changed his mind. “Thank you, Marietta, I will take another one. How is Amy’s ankle, by the way? Healing?”

  “She hopes to be able to travel south very soon,” Marietta replied sweetly. “She asked after you, too, Uncle, in her last letter.”

  “Did she?” He appeared somewhat mollified. “Well, I am remarkably hale, even though family business runs me ragged.”

  Marietta, who could just picture her uncle running from townhouse to townhouse, putting out the fires of scandal, tried not to laugh. A glance at Vivianna showed that she too was having difficulty. They were still smiling when a servant opened the door and announced, “Madame Aphrodite, my lady!”

  And Aphrodite, as usual dressed all in black apart from her glittering jewelry, entered the drawing room.

  The teacup and saucer rattled in William’s hand; tea cake crumbs cascaded over his waistcoat. Toby grinned in sheer perverse delight, while Helen moaned in horror. Marietta moved towards the door, determined to protect her mother at all costs, while Vivianna positioned herself before Uncle William.

  As for Aphrodite herself, she had stopped dead in the doorway, and her face turned as white as chalk. “Mon dieu,” she breathed, and it was a prayer.

  William finally set his shaking cup down with a clatter, and stood up. “I’m afraid I cannot possibly stay here with this woman,” he said, in a voice vibrating with fury and disapproval. “I will call again another time, Vivianna. When you are alone.”

  “Uncle, please, there is no need—” Marietta dove in on her sister’s behalf, but no one was listening.

  “As for you,” he said, and suddenly he was looming over Aphrodite, his face mere inches from her own. To her credit Aphrodite did not cringe but stood rigidly still, looking up into his eyes, but Marietta thought she had never seen the courtesan so afraid. William lifted his voice, “I don’t want to see you or hear that you’ve been spreading any more stories about my nieces. I will not have any more scandal. Do you understand me?”

  Aphrodite said nothing, her eyes fixed on his.

  “I am perfectly aware of all your actions,” and his tone was softer still. “I have friends who keep me informed.”

  Still Aphrodite said nothing.

  After a moment William made an explosive sound and marched past her, and out of the room. Soon afterwards they heard the outer door close and his vehicle moving away.

  Aphrodite took a shaken breath. Vivianna had hurried to her side to hold her hand, and Marietta took the other one. “Come and sit down,” she said gently, easing her mother towards the sofa where Helen still sat, apparently frozen.

  Vivianna, easily moved to tears since the birth of her son, drew out a lacey handkerchief and mopped at her eyes. “I’m so s-s-sorry, Mama! He was appalling! I have never seen him so horrid.”

  “I had forgotten…but yes, my brother can be very formidable.” Aunt Helen had pressed a hand to her breast, presumably to ease her heart palpitations.

  Only Toby appeared to be unmoved by the scene. “Your brother certainly has a temper,” he said levelly. “I thought I was the only one who had felt the lash of it, but I see now that I have a rival for the title of Most Likely to Tarnish the Tremaine Family Name.”

  Aphrodite managed to dredge up a breathless laugh. She lifted her chin and her emerald and diamond earrings glittered. “I do not regard him,” she said haughtily. “He does not frighten me.”

  But he did, thought Marietta. Aphrodite was playing at being Joan of Arc, but Uncle William in his part as one of the English lords did frighten her very much indeed. How could he be such a bully!

  Aphrodite remained to drink tea and hold her grandchild. Her beautiful, haggard face softened with love when she looked down at him, and Marietta felt a new admiration grow within her for this woman who had lost her own three children and yet somehow survived. By the time Aphrodite left, she seemed more herself again; she gave an impatient shrug when William’s behavior was brought up. “Psht! Some men are all noise and bluster,” she waved a dismissive hand. “It is the only way they can get what they want. I do not regard him.”

  “I know Mama Greentree has always told us that Uncle William has a temper, but until now I truly did not believe it,” Vivianna said, when she and Marietta were alone.

  “He was so angry.”

  “I suppose it was the slur on the family name, or what he perceives as a slur. And what did he mean about ‘friends’ who keep him informed?”

  Marietta shook her head. “Almost…I don’t know. I was going to say that it was almost as if he had met Aphrodite before. His hatred was personal, didn’t you feel it? When he shouted at her, he leaned right over her, into her face, as if he knew her.”

  “As far as I know they have never met before, and I cannot see Uncle William visiting her club, can you? He is such a prig, such a stickler for all things proper.”

  “Perhaps that’s it, though. Perhaps he has a secret penchant for Aphrodite’s and thinks she will tell us all about it, so in his own way he’s warning her off.”

  “You have a vivid imagination, Marietta.” Vivianna laughed, and then gave a huge yawn.

  Marietta was immediately contrite. “You are tired! Go upstairs and rest. And leave the worrying about Uncle William to me. That is why I am here, isn’t it, to take all such trivial domestic concerns off your hands so that you can enjoy your son?”

  Vivianna smiled wanly, and her face softened as she looked at her younger sister. “I wish you would look upon your stay here as a holiday, Marietta. You are in need of one, I think. I have always regretted that I was not there when you ran off with that creature Gerard. I could have stopped you.”

  “I don’t think so. I was determined to ruin myself, and I did. And do you know, Vivianna, after he abandoned me I realized I did not love him at all. It was the idea of love that attracted me.”

  Vivianna sighed. “But you’ve changed, sister. Before Gerard you were a carefree, generous and fearless girl, and now I see a shadow in your eyes. You are far more cautious, far less likely to open your heart to others. You guard your feelings.”

  “I was hurt,” Marietta said a little stiffly. “I do not want to be hurt again. What is so strange in that?”

  “Nothing strange. You are being sensible, of course you are. But I wish…I grieve for all you have lost. I think you are not happy, are you, Marietta?”

  Marietta smiled, but it was not the spontaneous grin she once had. “I am very happy. Or I will be if you stop talking nonsense and go and rest, Vivianna.”

  Obediently Vivianna wandered upstairs to Lil, leaving Marietta to deal with Cook and the menus, and anything else that needed attention.

  One of those things concerned Max, Lord Roseby. Marietta planned to call on him again this afternoon. A sense of urgency had gripped her since Max had told her he wouldn’t be in London for much longer. If Max was leaving for Cornwall then they did not have a great deal of time to conduct their temporary affair, and she still had to complete the first task Aphrodite had set for her.

  She must make the most of the moments she and Max had left, to learn all she could from him about desire. Not love, she reminded herself sternly. This was purely about passion and…and lust.

  Marietta gave a little shiver at the image this conjured up, and the memory of his firm lips on hers, and his warm skin under her fingers. Who would have thought that such a brief liaison could have this effect on her? If she was truthful, then she would admit that ever since she had been compelled to rest her lips on his, she had been thinking about the taste of him, the feel of him, the strength of his arms about her.

  If she was honest, then Marietta would have to admit that sh
e was very much looking forward to repeating the experience.

  As often as possible.

  As Marietta arrived at Bedford Square, a harassed-looking gentleman was leaving. “That was Master Max’s man of business,” Pomeroy informed her importantly, when she asked. “He sent for him first thing.”

  Marietta wondered what business Max had that was so urgent it couldn’t wait until he was well again. Then the sweet, heavy scent of flowers distracted her, and she realized that once more Mrs. Pomeroy had outdone herself. There was an enormous china bowl of roses on a table in the entrance hall, and Marietta sniffed appreciatively.

  “Gorgeous,” she gasped, bending over the bouquet to sniff again. “Where did these come from, Pomeroy?”

  He beamed at her. “They’re from the rose garden at Valland House, miss. Mr. Harold and Miss Susannah kindly asked to have them sent up.”

  “They’re both very fond of your master, aren’t they?”

  “Oh yes, miss. Mr. Harold and Master Max are like brothers and always have been, and Miss Susannah is like his sister. At least, they were, before—” He broke off, glancing away uncomfortably.

  Marietta would have liked to have asked him more, but even she had her limits when it came to gossiping with servants. Besides, Pomeroy would see it as being disloyal and she did not want him to feel he had betrayed Max.

  “How is Lord Roseby today?” she asked, as she followed his slow progress up the stairs.

  “More like his old self, miss.”

  Marietta pondered on that as they edged toward the master’s suite, wondering if it was entirely good news. Max’s old self, in her experience, could be both haughty and arrogant, and may prove difficult to get along with.

  At any rate, Max was no longer languishing in his bed. Dressed immaculately in a dark blue coat and tan trousers, he was seated in a small sitting area that overlooked the back of his townhouse, and although his handsome face remained pale and gaunt, he rose to his feet as she entered.

  “Miss Greentree.”

  “Lord Roseby.”

  Behind them, Pomeroy closed the door.

  “I see you are much improved, Max,” Marietta declared as she sat down in the chair opposite him, but she noticed that he could not quite hide his relief as he also resumed his seat.

  “As you see, hale and hearty.”

  “And you’ve had your man of business here?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “That’s right. I had the matter of my future to discuss, such as it is.”

  “You seem in good spirits for someone who has nothing to look forward to.”

  “I told you I was fine, and there was no need to call on me, Marietta.”

  “Ah, but there is our agreement. I’m certain you haven’t forgotten that, Max.”

  Max gave her a long look from beneath his lashes, a look she had difficulty in reading. “No, I haven’t forgotten that. I wish I could.”

  “I hope you don’t intend to try and wriggle your way out of it,” Marietta said, wagging her finger at him like a governess in charge. “I won’t release you from your promise, you know.”

  “This is utter madness,” he answered in an exasperated tone.

  “But it is temporary madness, Max,” she reminded him. “And I’ve told you, we’re practicing, that’s all. In fact I think we should start right now.” And with that Marietta leaned forward and placed her hand on his knee.

  He went still, eyeing her hand as if it might explode.

  “I want you to imagine I am a courtesan, Max. A woman of experience and sophistication whom you have just met…and whom you deeply desire.”

  She had dropped her voice on the final word, giving it what she thought was a sensual overtone. She never expected him to grin at her.


  “I’m sorry, but you look nothing like ‘a woman of experience and sophistication.’ You look like…like Marietta Greentree.”

  “You have to use your imagination,” she said, trying not to be irritated by him. “You’re just not trying.”

  He pulled his face back into the haughty frown. “I am trying but it is too ridiculous. You have a vivid—”

  “No, it isn’t. Haven’t you ever seen a woman you instantly desired? You are at a ball or a supper dance or some such thing, and you see her across the room. Just one glance—that’s enough for you to know that you want her. Everything about her entices you to her side, her elegant dress, the smooth line of her neck, her enigmatic smile. You can’t resist. You go to her and persuade her to go home with you, and in the coach you cannot take your eyes off her. Or, maybe you are riding your horse across the moors…”

  “There are no moors in London.”

  “Then a park!” she retorted, her eyes bright and eager, caught up in her own fantasy. “You’re riding through the park, and you see a girl up ahead, hair flying beneath her hat, riding like the wind. As you draw level you glance sideways at her and see her profile, her figure, and something in you responds. Instantly, immediately. You want her. Hasn’t that ever happened to you, Max?”

  “No,” he said unhelpfully. “As I was going to say when you interrupted, you have a vivid imagination, Marietta, but it has nothing to do with reality. I see a pretty woman across the room at a ball, I may speak to her, yes, and ask her the usual bland, polite questions, but as her chaperone will be seated right beside her, watching her like a hawk, I certainly won’t be taking her home in my coach. And then there’s the galloping girl. Has the horse bolted on her, and if not…I wonder what the hell she’s doing out on her own. If she’s a lady then she’s a fairly rackety one, and if she isn’t…well, I would probably have a few qualms about whether I should become involved with her or not. The scandal, you know. Or at least, that was a consideration before I became a scandal myself.”

  Marietta had grown impatient with him long before he had finished his little speech. “You are being far too practical and pragmatic. Don’t you have any imagination at all, Max?”

  “No, but I’m sure you have enough for both of us.”

  She sighed and sat back in her chair, glaring at him. “This isn’t working,” she muttered to herself.

  “I told you—”

  “I won’t give up.”

  The determination in her voice caused him to make a sound between a laugh and a groan. “You really are unstoppable, aren’t you?”

  Marietta pretended to consider it. “I don’t know. I’m young yet. Perhaps one day something or someone will come along who will be able to stop me. Gerard nearly did. But not you, Max, and not yet. Are you going to cooperate?”

  “Have I any choice?” he said darkly.

  She smiled, dazzling him. “Not really.”

  Max wondered once again how he could have fallen into the clutches of Marietta Greentree. There he was, innocently going about his business, and then Miss Blue Eyes appeared upon the scene, and nothing could ever be the same again. He was about to commence an affair with a beautiful blonde who kept him awake at nights. The truth was, he hadn’t a chance of resisting her—she just didn’t know it yet because she was too innocent.

  And there was his problem, really. He had been brought up a gentleman and gentlemen didn’t seduce innocents—even innocents whose reputations were in tatters.

  Abruptly Marietta stood up and, before he could struggle to his feet, leaned over him, her face very close to his. Curiously he stared back at her, wondering what she would do next and hoping he could bear it with fortitude. After a moment he found himself thinking that her skin was really very fine, like cream, and her eyes were the clearest blue he had ever seen, framed by those curling lashes so much darker than her hair. And her mouth, like a bow with a curl at the edges, always trembling on the verge of a little smile. Oh yes, he found her mouth endlessly fascinating and extremely kissable.

  His breathing had quickened—he felt his chest rising and falling. How had that happened? He clenched his hands upon the chair arms to stop himself from reaching out for her, but
she had already stepped back, frustration in every line of her.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she wailed. “I’m relying on you, Max, to show me what to do! You promised. I thought a gentleman never broke a promise?”

  Somehow he kept his face bland. “You are playing the part of the courtesan, Marietta, surely the seduction is in your hands? I am not the one who needs to practice, after all.”

  She gave him a belligerent stare. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, Max? Frustrating me like this, being a stick in the mud. It’s probably what you do best.”

  He didn’t deny it.

  She walked around him, her skirts swishing, her pretty vivacious face set in stubborn lines. “Max, I’m relying on you, I really am. At least kiss me—show me how to do it properly. At least do that. You kissed me last time I was here.”

  “You caught me in a weak moment, Marietta,” he said.

  “Then pretend this is another one.” She came to a halt in front of him, her hands on her hips. “Please.”

  He wanted to say no. He should say no. But she was so woebegone, and it was so ridiculous, a beautiful young woman begging him to kiss her. Max heard himself say, “If you insist,” and then thought that that was even more preposterous.

  But it was too late to change his mind.

  With a smile of triumph, Marietta leaned in to him and planted her lips firmly on his. And stayed there. It was, he thought, like being held prisoner by an angel fish. Oh God, she didn’t even know the basics of kissing a man—hadn’t he taught her that, the man who had ruined her? Was Max going to have to show her everything?

  Kiss her, you want to, don’t you! She’s asking you to for God’s sake, so do it.

  Gently, Max lifted his hands and rested them against her shoulders, pushing her back just a little, enough for him to be able to speak. “A kiss is more than just touching lips,” he murmured. “You have to caress with your mouth. Feel the other person, nibble and suck and even bite, gently. Like this.” And then, like a fool, he proceeded to show her, using his lips against hers in the most delicate, and yet the most intimate, of ways.

  Her mouth was soft and uncertain, but definitely not reluctant. He flicked his tongue across the surface of her bottom lip, and then drew it into his mouth. She made a little sound in her throat as if she liked it, and promptly did the same to him. He pressed deeper, his tongue now inside her mouth, not aggressive, but seeking out her own. Tentatively, then with growing confidence, she followed his lead.


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