Waller controversy and, 351–54
war industries and, 330–31, 365–66, 370, 540
wartime riots and, 444–48, 539
see also Japanese-Americans; Jews; Negroes
Ragnhild, Princess of Norway, 149
Randolph, A. Philip, 161, 165, 167, 168–69, 170, 171, 173, 227
ER’s relationship with, 253
March on Washington concept and 247–52
Waller controversy and, 351–52, 353
rationing, 339–40, 355–59, 384, 394, 450
Rauh, Joe, 252, 610
Rawlings, Marjorie, 218
Rayburn, Sam, 44, 159, 268
Read, Elizabeth, 18, 207, 208, 338, 412–13
rearmament controversy, see aid to Allies
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 32, 260
Red Cross, 82, 83, 85, 88, 380, 382, 463
Red Oak, Iowa, 436
refugee crisis, 82, 98–105, 172–76, 628
Congress and, 99–100, 455
ER and, 82, 98–105, 172–76
FDR and, 102, 103–4
fifth column and, 103
Long’s obstructionism and, 173–175
President’s Advisory Committee and, 104, 172–73, 174
Quanza episode and, 174
St. Louis affair and, 102
State Department and, 99, 100–101, 103, 104, 172–73, 396
Reilly, Mike, 188–89, 272, 362, 406, 408, 473, 475, 572, 598–99
Relph, Anne, 605
Republican Party, U.S., 47, 72, 141, 164, 202, 228–29, 268, 384, 385, 467–470, 525, 530, 546–48
Reuben James, 282
Reuther, Walter, 196–97, 362, 451, 466, 469, 557, 559
revenue bill, 486–87
Reynaud, Paul, 41, 42, 67
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 15
Rico, Charles, 521–22
“right to fight,” 165
Robey, Ralph, 157–58
Robinson, Corinne, 91, 375, 377
Rochon, Ann, 307, 400, 413, 490, 534, 535–36
Rommel, Erwin, 389, 391, 436
Roosevelt, Alice, 96, 376
Roosevelt, Anna (daughter), 9, 118, 120, 306, 338, 372, 373, 412, 467, 542, 554
Boettiger’s correspondence with, 438, 466, 479, 480, 481, 498, 504, 568, 574, 575, 579, 583, 588
Boettiger’s decision to serve and, 409–10, 424
Churchill’s Shangri-la visit described by, 438–39
Clementine Churchill’s first meeting with, 545–46
D-Day speech and, 507
described, 181–82
on ER-FDR relationship, 373, 629–630
on ER-Lash relationship, 122
on ER-Sara Roosevelt relationship, 275
on ER’s personality, 375–76
ER’s relationship with, 36, 82, 99, 135, 180–82, 205–6, 223, 237, 240, 270, 274, 276, 277, 289, 312, 458, 466, 472–74, 504, 611–12, 632–33
Farley’s admiration for, 589
FDR’s death and, 598, 601, 604
FDR’s inspection tour and, 366–68
FDR’s physical decline and, 493, 499, 502–4
FDR’s relationship with, 16, 451–53, 479–81, 488–89, 503–4, 517, 588
Hickok’s correspondence with, 36
on LeHand’s illness, 243–44
LeHand’s relationship with, 155–156
Mclntire and, 493, 579, 604
Mercer’s relationship with, 181, 519–20, 611, 631–32
1944 election eve and, 550, 551
with Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 181, 182, 452
secret FDR-Mercer meetings and, 517–21, 591, 592, 630
Thompson’s correspondence with, 84, 89, 101, 191, 279, 280, 457, 461
Teal launching and, 367–68
at Teamsters speech, 547–49
Teheran Conference and, 471–72
thirty-eighth birthday of, 501
in Time, 491
as White House hostess, 437–38, 488–91, 588–89
at Yalta Conference, 573–74, 576, 577, 578–79, 584
Roosevelt, Anna Hall, 91–94
Roosevelt, Anne Lindsay Clark, 178, 529
Roosevelt, Betsey Cushing Whitney, 154, 177, 452, 489
Roosevelt, Curtis Dall (Buzz), 36, 81–82, 120, 178, 179, 182, 241, 277, 310, 361, 367, 568, 614
Roosevelt, Eleanor:
Anna’s role as White House hostess and, 489–90
assessment of, 627–29
children of, 97, 177–80
Choate address of, 29–30
critics of, 204–5, 628
described, 19, 204
early years of, 89–96
end of war and, 621–22
father’s relationship with, 92–93
FDR-Churchill relationship as viewed by, 310–11
FDR-LeHand relationship and, 116, 120–21
FDR-Sara relationship as perceived by 74, 79–80
on FDR’s character, 23
FDR’s death and, 603–5
on FDR’s illness, 17
FDR’s relationship with, see Eleanor-Franklin relationship
FDR’s stab-in-the-back speech and, 67–68
female friends of, 207–9
as first lady of New York, 89–90
four freedoms speech and, 201–2
Hall’s death and, 270, 278–80
health of, 541
inspection tours of, 27–29; see also British tour; Caribbean tour; South Pacific tour
left-wing organizations and, 83–84
Lucy-Anna relationship discovered by, 611–14
Lucy Mercer affair and, 10, 19–20, 98, 120, 181, 207, 220, 377–78
Mecca Temple speech of, 84
newspaper column of, see “My Day”
personality of, 92, 373–74
phobias of, 82–83, 374
political emergence of, 208–9
popularity of, 19, 86, 379, 383, 397
psychological depression of, 84–85, 87, 89–91, 95, 98, 105, 467–68
public persona of, 36, 222, 617
radio show of, 281, 291
role of first lady and, 10–11, 91, 98, 109–10, 204, 223, 311, 617
Sara Roosevelt’s death and, 272–76
sexual inhibition of, 20
on third-term issue, 108–9
travel disliked by, 409
Washington Square apartment of, 336–37, 550, 618
watercolor of FDR and, 630–31
working day of, 36, 302
Roosevelt, Elliott (ER’s father), 92–95
Roosevelt, Elliott (son), 36, 39, 88, 120, 121, 178–79, 198–99, 241–42, 245, 277, 303, 426, 452–53, 536, 553, 613, 633
at Atlantic Conference, 265, 267
at Casablanca Conference, 403, 405
Eleanor-Franklin relationship and, 568–69
Emerson married by, 561
ER’s British tour and, 383
on FDR-Anna relationship, 489–90
Teheran Conference and, 471, 473–475, 480
Roosevelt, Elliott, Jr. (ER’s brother), 92, 93, 94–95, 277
Roosevelt, Ethel du Pont, 178, 278, 568
Roosevelt, Faye Emerson, 480, 561, 568
Roosevelt, Franklin D.:
angina attacks of, 537, 547
assessment of, 606–11
attitude of, toward subordinates, 24
birthdays of, 317, 574–75
birth of, 76
business community’s hostility toward, 53–54
Caribbean vacation of, 191–93
childhood of, 74–77
civil rights leaders’ meeting with, 168–69, 171
collecting as interest of, 108
death of, 602–3, 613–15
described, 14
diary on movements of, 434–35
ER’s relationship with, see Eleanor-Franklin relationship
evasiveness of, 79
failures of, 610–11
fear of fire of, 16
fireside chats of, see f
ireside chats
fourth inaugural of, 571–73
at Groton, 78, 273
at Harvard, 78–79, 96
inspection tours of, see inspection tours; national inspection tour
leadership of, 10, 24, 46–47, 234–235, 294, 320, 606–7, 610
LeHand’s death and, 537
LeHand’s stroke and, 244–45
Mercer and personality of, 377
national morale and, 349
new liberal party idea of, 525–26
nightly rituals of, 13–14, 15, 16, 17
personality of, 16–17, 23, 35, 77–78, 79, 80, 203, 245
physical decline of, 202–3, 235–36, 244, 418, 491–97, 502–3, 516–17, 520–21, 537, 547, 570, 587–88, 596–97
polio of, 10, 13, 16–17, 80, 98, 115–118, 180, 492, 507–8, 532–33, 568, 586–87
political career of, 16
portrait of, 433–34, 435
possible successors to, 106–7
press and, 25–27, 586–87
private railroad car of, 360
public opinion and, 236, 255
race relations and, 163–65, 168–69, 171
religion and, 393–94
response of, to criticism, 390
ritual cocktail hour of, 34, 74, 419
royal visit and, 73–74
Sara’s death and, 273–74
South Carolina vacation of, 497–500
special automobile of, 119
speeches of, see speeches of FDR
“splendid deception” of, 586–87
travel’s appeal to, 409
on women in war industries, 373
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 67, 69, 156, 178, 187, 189, 198, 205–6, 207, 234, 278, 285, 349, 386, 403, 405, 468, 471, 473–74, 479, 480–81, 553, 579, 600, 613
Roosevelt, Hall, 92, 93, 198, 270, 276–280, 405
Roosevelt, James (FDR’s father), 75–79, 273
Roosevelt, James (son), 16, 118, 121, 151, 155, 176–78, 246, 275, 279, 290, 371, 452, 500, 525, 529–30, 531, 553, 571–73, 588, 600, 613–614, 620, 629–30
Roosevelt, James R. “Rosy,” 76
Roosevelt, John, 178, 179–80, 189, 205–6, 529, 553, 613
Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch, 91, 162
Roosevelt, Minnewa Bell, 178
Roosevelt, Mrs. Kermit, 500
Roosevelt, Romelle Schneider, 177, 452, 600
Roosevelt, Ruth Goggins, 426, 492
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 10, 18, 73–80, 124, 135, 151, 188, 197, 205, 209, 244, 373, 375, 481
Arias incident and, 207
death of, 270–76
ER-FDR marriage and, 79–80
ER’s relationship with, 109, 118, 179–80, 206–9, 237, 273–74
Farley’s visit and, 110–11, 112
FDR-LeHand relationship and, 116
FDR’s relationship with, 74, 77–80
marriage of, 75–76
Mercer affair and, 19–20
Mother’s Day broadcast of, 237
Princess Martha and, 152–53
royal visit and, 73–74
Top Cottage resented by, 108
Roosevelt, Theodore, 71, 80, 91, 93, 96, 282, 310, 376, 500, 607
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr., 91, 96
Rosenberg, Anna, 250, 251, 281, 324, 373, 629
Rosenman, Dorothy, 155, 399
Rosenman, Sam, 22, 120, 138, 186, 201, 312, 320, 386, 390, 399, 448, 457, 526, 527, 541, 551, 587
“arsenal of democracy” speech and, 195
FDR’s attempt to walk observed by, 547
on FDR’s D-Day speech, 510
FDR’s hospital visit observed by, 532–33
FDR’s personality observed by, 46, 78, 125, 187
FDR’s “small memorial” conversation with, 517
FDR’s speech style recalled by, 58
Jewish refugees and, 455
on LeHand, 119, 297, 336
national emergency speech and, 238
1940 election and, 113, 115, 128, 129, 131–32, 133, 134
at Teamsters speech, 547, 549
on Watson’s role, 584
Yalta speech and, 583–84
Rosenwald Fund, 328
Rosie the Riveter, 364–65, 556
Rowe, James, 24, 171, 242
rubber, rubber shortage, 355–59, 450
Ruchames, Louis, 541
Rutherfurd, Barbara, 433–34, 435, 542, 600
Rutherfurd, Lucy, see Mercer, Lucy P.
Rutherfurd, Winthrop, 376–77, 433, 434, 435, 499
Rutherfurd family, 433–34
Sachs, Alexander, 346–47, 590
St. Louis, 102
St. Louis Post Dispatch, 148
Saipan, Battle of, 531, 589
Sakhalin Island, 582
Salerno, Battle of, 470
San Francisco Conference (1945), 595–96, 619
Saturday Evening Post, 120, 181, 215, 417
Savannah, Ga., 521
Savannah News, 540
Savo Island, Battle of, 468
Sawyers, Frank, 254–55
Scarborough, Jane, 536–37
Schlesinger, Arthur, 15
Schmeling, Max, 240
Schneider, Romelle, 177, 452, 600
Seagraves, Eleanor (Sistie), 151, 223, 361, 367, 568, 600, 628–29
Seale, William, 305
Sea Lion, Operation, 152
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 181, 409, 489, 632
second front, 342–45, 404
Secret Service, U.S., 298, 305, 362, 391, 474, 497, 542, 591, 615
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), 56, 481–82, 526–27
Security Council, U.N., 580
See Here, Private Hargrove (Hargrove), 359
Selective Service Act (1940), 147, 149, 157, 217, 267–69
Selective Service System (SSS), 295
see also conscription
Senate, New York State, 108
Senate, U.S., 44, 147
anti-lynching bill in, 163–64
GI Bill passed by, 512
national service bill in, 589
Neutrality Acts amended in, 283
1942 election and, 385
rationing system and, 357
selective service legislation and, 139, 149
Smith-Connally Act and, 441–43
Senior Scholastic, 623
Shafer, George, 228–29
Shangri-la (Camp David), 385–86, 392, 438, 448, 518, 521
Sherman, William, 524
Sherwood, Robert, 31, 37, 88, 120, 194, 195, 235–36, 238, 256, 283, 319, 393, 399, 448, 509, 545, 551, 552, 588, 605
shipping, 318–19, 449
Shirer, William, 151, 359, 564, 583
“shoot on sight” policy, 278
Short, Walter, 50, 51, 293
Shoumatoff, Elizabeth, 375, 433, 435, 542, 591, 600, 601, 602, 631
Sicily, 404–5, 409, 437, 439, 448–49, 460, 468
Siddle, R. G., 351
silk shortage, 372
Singapore, 317, 343
Sledgehammer, Operation, 342
Sloan, James, 185–86
Small Business Act (1942), 398–99
Smith, Al, 118, 412
Smith, Chesterfield, 513
Smith, Harold, 57, 570, 589, 591
Smith, Merriman, 25, 366, 497, 500, 548, 552, 599, 600, 612
Smith, Walter Bedell, 65, 438
Smith-Connally Act (1943), 441–43, 539
Sobibor concentration camp, 396
Socialist Party, U.S., 122
social-security tax, 486
Sojourner Truth project, 326–28, 446
Soldier’s Wife (play), 556
Somervell, Brehon, 218, 366, 387, 388, 446, 558
Sorensen, Charles, 230, 363
South Carolina Post, 540
South Pacific tour, 457–58, 462–66
South Portland Shipbuilding, 414
Soviet Union, 23, 122, 304, 396, 461, 551
“Declaration by United Natio
ns” signed by, 313
Dumbarton Oaks Conference and, 580
Far East claims of, 582
German invasion of, 253–55
lend-lease and, 262, 477–78
Polish question and, 581
postwar unity and, 470
second front and, 342, 344
U.N. Security Council structure and, 580–81, 587, 599
U.S. aid to, 255–58, 262, 404, 477–478
and war with Japan, 477, 580, 582, 621
World War II casualties of, 621
Spain, 23, 103, 104, 382, 543, 562
Spanish-American War, 310
Spanish Civil War, 382
speeches of FDR, 308
“arsenal of democracy,” 194–96
Convention Hall, 400
on cross-Channel invasion, 506, 507
“fifty thousand planes,” 44–45
first inaugural, 46
fourth inaugural, 572–73
to FPA, 550–51
on Greer incident, 277–78
to joint session of Congress (1940), 40–41, 44–45, 103
“live in infamy,” 291, 294, 295
“Martin, Barton and Fish,” 185
1942 State of the Union, 313, 318
1944 acceptance, 529–30
1944 State of the Union, 484–85
1945 State of the Union, 589
“no foreign war” pledge, 187–88
to Pan American Scientific Congress, 37–38
second inaugural, 42
stab-in-the-back speech of, 67–69
to Teamsters, 547–49
third inaugural speech of, 209–10
on unlimited national emergency, 237–40, 609
Speer, Albert, 72–73, 419–20
Stagg, J. M., 507, 508
Stalin, Joseph, 254, 348, 479, 620
Casablanca Conference and, 403
FDR’s death and, 605
FDR’s first meeting with, 475
first Quebec Conference and, 461
Hopkins’s talks with, 257
Polish issue and, 597–98
second front and, 342, 343–44, 404
at Teheran Conference, 471, 475–76
at Yalta Conference, 573, 577–78, 580–82, 585
Stalingrad, Battle of, 384, 403–4, 437
Stark, Harold, 22, 70, 139, 233, 263, 286, 289
Stars and Stripes, 440
State Department, U.S., 18, 67, 211, 254, 261, 293, 335, 602, 605, 628
atomic bomb and, 590
refugee crisis and, 99, 100–101, 103, 104, 172–73, 396
Stettinius’s appointments at, 562–63
State of the Union speeches:
of 1942, 313, 318
of 1944, 484–85
of 1945, 589
Stettinius, Edward, 45, 55, 67, 259, 514, 562, 576–78, 585, 591, 597, 604
Stewart, Irma, 556
Stifle, Daniel, 436
Stifle, Frank, 436
Stifle, Mae, 436
Stilwell, Joseph W., 461
Stimson, Henry, 48, 56, 139, 142, 156, 157, 193, 203, 227, 232, 255, 261, 265, 266, 268, 282, 286, 292, 294, 303, 439, 609
No Ordinary Time: Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Page 121