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Dakota Page 15

by Vicktor Alexander

  Arizona glared at him. “That’s because we had no idea what was going on!”

  Dakota raised his hands. “I’m just saying. I’m just as angry as you are.” He hesitated when Arizona quirked an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe not as angry as you are, Vasile,” he said with a smirk. He ducked when Arizona reached out to smack the back of his head. “But remember their lies and deceptions put my mate and child’s lives in danger. So yeah, I am just as angry if not angrier than you are.”

  Arizona sighed and shook his head. “I just can’t believe that they kept something like this from us.”

  “I know,” Dakota agreed, nodding his head, while wrapping his arms around Isaiah and Nimo.

  “Well, I have something to take your minds off your parents for a while,” Nimo said.

  Dakota looked down at his lover with a smile. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “Apparently forziqs don’t only see the true nature, smell zombies and scent mated couples,” he said with a glance at Isaiah.

  “What?” Dakota said, stiffening. “What are you talking about?”

  Nimo inclined his head at Isaiah. “Zay could see the intentions of Razvan and he could also see the future, he knew that Razvan was going to take him from me and he was going to watch me die and it was up to me to stop him.”

  Dakota’s eyes widened and he stared down at the little boy who had fallen asleep against his chest. He glanced over at his brothers who looked back at him with surprise. This wasn’t something they’d been taught growing up. Was it possible that his parents hadn’t known forziqs had this particular gift or was Isaiah special? Whatever the reason, it was even more imperative that Dakota keep his family safe, which meant he had to talk his brothers into moving into Nimo’s childhood home as soon as possible.

  “Well, shit. Now what are we supposed to do?” Jersey asked.

  “I think we’re going to have to talk to your parents,” Nimo pointed out. “All of us. Because if Razvan knows this he’s going to want Zay even more now and he’s going to do everything he can to get rid of all of you.”

  Dakota couldn’t agree with Nimo more.

  “Fine,” Arizona said. “Let’s go and get the liars and see what they have to say about this.”

  § § §

  Nimo sat in the formal living room surrounded by Dakota and the rest of his family looking at Decebal and Adelina who seemed worn down and tired. He felt bad for them, he really did and yet he understood how his mate and his brothers felt. To be lied to for their entire lives sucked majorly. He held Dakota’s hand, rubbing his thumb across his mate’s knuckles as they waited for someone to finally speak up. When long moments had passed in silence and still no one had spoken, Nimo coughed, which seemed to be all that was needed to shock everyone out of their silent stupor.

  “How could you lie to us for so long?” Arizona asked softly.

  “It was for your own safety, soarele meu,” Decebal said.

  “I don’t believe that for a minute,” Arizona stated. “I think you didn’t tell us because of how it would make you look. You have spent your lives, or rather our lives, presenting yourselves as these images of virtue but if you showed that you were flawed, that you did what could possibly be seen as selfish and it would make us look at you differently.”

  “We did what we did to save your life, soarele meu!” Adelina yelled.

  Arizona shook his head. “No, you did what you did to save your own life. I was just the bonus.”

  Nimo gasped and grabbed Arizona when he stood up, moving to his feet and looking up into his brother-in-law’s face. He pointed at the other man and narrowed his eyes. “I don’t agree with your parents for withholding information from you, don’t get me wrong. It was a shitty thing to do and you have every right to feel betrayed and hurt. But don’t you dare think that what they did didn’t have anything to do with trying to keep you safe. I grew up with parents that didn’t care about my wellbeing. They were selfish and self-serving. If this was them sitting in front of us, then I wouldn’t believe them when they said they escaped for my safety because it wouldn’t have been true, but your parents love you. I’ve seen it, and before today you have never doubted it, never, not once. I doubted my parents’ love every day of my life. That’s the difference. So don’t you dare sit here and let your hurt make you say something that you can’t take back.” Nimo shook his head. He leaned forward and wiped the tears that were slowly rolling down Arizona’s cheeks. “Let them know that they hurt you, that you’re angry, but don’t shut them out of your life. There is a bigger enemy out there, someone who would see your entire family, our entire family destroyed, and I won’t have your hurt fuel that fire.”

  Arizona nodded. “Thank you, Nimo.”

  Nimo rose to his full height before turning to return to his seat. He froze when he noticed that Dakota and the rest of his family were staring at him with wide eyes. He glanced around and stared down at his clothes to see if perhaps his zipper had come down. Seeing nothing amiss he looked at all of them, his eyebrows lowered in confusion.


  Dakota shook his head. “No one has ever been able to do that with Arizona before. You’re a miracle worker.”

  Nimo shrugged his shoulders and laughed. “I’m a dad. You learn about that stuff once you become a parent. Besides,” he said with a shrug. “I’m sure that Arizona’s mate will be able to do it much quicker than me.”

  Tennessee made choking noises and Nimo looked at him. “What is the problem, Tennessee?”

  “Holy fuck! Someone’s going to be mated to Zona! I feel sorry for the guy. Whoever he is we need to start stocking up on liquor for the guy now. He’s so going to need it,” Tennessee teased.

  Nimo laughed with Dakota’s family, relief pulsing through him when Arizona smiled and tossed a pillow at Tennessee’s head. The brothers teased each other for a few minutes before they settled down, the silence comfortable and not heavy and tense as it had been at first.

  “So, Isaiah was able to see the future and read Razvan’s mind and his intentions earlier,” Dakota told his parents and Nimo watched his in-laws face to gauge their reactions.

  They both gasped, shaking their heads and glancing at each other before looking back at Dakota. “That’s impossible,” Adelina said.

  “Forziqs aren’t capable of doing such a thing,” Decebal said.

  “Are you sure?” Dakota asked, leaning forward.

  Adelina nodded, then shook her head before nodding again. “As far as I know. I’ve never heard of a forziq being able to do those things,” she confessed.

  “Nor have I,” Decebal stated.

  “Maybe they never shared everything?” Nimo suggested, gazing around hopefully. He was relieved in the knowledge that Zay was currently off playing in the house with his Uncle Tracy and couldn’t accidentally walk in and overhear them talking about him, even as he worried about why his son seemed to be able to know the future and read the intentions of people’s minds.

  Dakota sighed. “Or there’s something special about Isaiah,” he said.

  Nimo shook his head. Special meant that his life was in extreme danger, even more than it already was. “No, no. He’s just a normal little boy,” he said.

  Dakota grabbed his hand. “He’s not just a normal little boy, sufletul pereche. I know you don’t want to think about this, but Isaiah is a forziq and that already makes him very special. His stepfather is a vampire which really makes him special, and he has you as his father.” Nimo shivered as Dakota caressed the side of his face. “That really sets him apart from everyone else.”

  Nimo smiled and looked around at everyone else. “Well, if my boy is that special that means his life is in a lot of danger and that means he’s going to need a lot of protection. I can’t do it at my home and if we move out to Dakota’s we’ll have a bit more safety but your homes are too spread apart and if we really need you, you’re too far away to get there in time.”

  Carolina narrowed his eyes and stared a
t Nimo. “What are you saying, Nimo?”

  “I’m saying that this big ass house belongs to me now. I say we remove all of the cold, dead, unfeeling furniture and replace it with pictures, comfortable, overstuffed furniture and everyone moves in here. That way we’re all under the same roof and we can all be here to protect Zay and each other if we need to.” He looked around at each of Dakota’s brothers, hoping they saw the sincerity in his eyes. They all stared back, none of them moving as he looked at them and finally he sat back down and leaned his head against Dakota’s.

  “What do you think, Dak?” Washington asked.

  “I think that if you guys need some help moving, I’m here for you,” Dakota said with a smile. Nimo nodded his head.

  “Does this invitation extend to us as well?” Decebal asked.

  Nimo nodded. “Of course. You are family, are you not?”

  Adelina and Decebal smiled and held hands as they leaned back into the cushions of the loveseat where they sat.

  “Well, what the fuck are we waiting for? Let’s go get our shit packed up so we can all get moved in,” Colorado said with a smile.

  “I call dibs on the room closest to the pool!” Kansas yelled out.

  Nimo laughed as he snuggled in closer to Dakota’s side, watching as Dakota’s family stood and began making plans for moving all of their things into the large house.

  Once the house was quiet, Nimo looked up at Dakota and smiled. Dakota leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his nose and Nimo sighed.

  “I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” Nimo said.

  “Oh yeah?” Dakota murmured as he placed another kiss on Nimo’s forehead.

  “Mmm,” Nimo hummed in delight.

  “What’s that?” Dakota asked.

  “I love you,” Nimo said as Dakota placed a gentle kiss on his cheekbone. Nimo felt Dakota stiffen next to him and he smiled then opened eyes he didn’t remember closing to look at his man.

  “I’m sorry, you what now?”

  “I. Love. You,” Nimo said, punctuating each word with a kiss against Dakota’s lips. When he finished Dakota’s eyes were remarkably wet. Nimo opened his mouth to ask the other man about it, but decided not to when Dakota closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against his sternum, wrapping his arms around Nimo’s waist.

  “I love you so much, Nimo,” Dakota whispered.

  “I know,” Nimo said with a chuckle.

  Dakota laughed and lifted his head. “Oh you do? When did you know?” he asked.

  Nimo shrugged. “When you came to my class and sat through an entire lecture about mythology. A man only does that when he’s in love.”

  Dakota let out another bark of laughter and nodded. “Well you’ve got me there.”

  Nimo shrugged again. “I’m a nerd, but I’m not a social idiot.”

  “No you’re not,” Dakota said. He sighed. “I’m so lucky to have found you.”

  “Zay and I are pretty damn lucky, too.”

  Dakota smiled and lifted his head to take Nimo’s lips in a hard kiss which he returned passionately, his arms wrapped around his mate’s neck. He may not be sure where his life was going and things were pretty dangerous with Razvan still on the loose, but at that moment Nimo couldn’t think of anything but his mate and the way it felt to be wrapped in his vampire’s arms.


  Lucas Jaxson walked out of his restaurant O8 and was almost immediately aware of Michigan, his “mate” standing beside a motorcycle wearing a leather jacket, a pair of jeans, a black pair of motorcycle boots, a pair of shades and nothing else. His gray streaked black hair blew in the wind and Lucas’s mouth went dry as he stood there staring at the other man. His best friend Nimo had told him to give the other man a chance and Lucas had been all for that but the whole “vampire” thing was a little far-fetched even for him, and he watched Torchwood on a daily basis. Even though he’d seen some things that made him think that perhaps it was all true, he still wasn’t ready to believe. He couldn’t believe. Because that would mean what he’d seen when he was eight was real and he just wasn’t ready for that yet.

  “Hello, my little chef,” Michigan’s voice was like warm silk wrapping around Lucas’s chilled body and he shivered as he walked towards the other man.

  “I’m not your little anything,” he said with a haughty sniff.

  Michigan chuckled. “Not yet.” He reached out and grabbed the front of Lucas’s leather jacket jerking him closer. “Look, I would love to stand out here and trade banter with you all night. Tell you how fine you looked cooking tonight, how much I’m aching to sink my cock into your ass, but I don’t have time for that. I need to complete our bond as soon as possible.”

  “What?” Lucas’s eyebrows rose. “Why? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Michigan sighed in frustration. “I know you don’t want to believe the whole vampire thing, baby, but it’s true and right now, there’s a really bad vampire on the loose and he’s coming after my family and the mates of me and my brothers and that means you and I have to complete our bond in order to keep you safe.”

  Lucas tried to back up, shaking his head, Michigan’s crazy rambling rolling around in his head but he was prevented from doing so by Michigan’s fist wrapped in his leather jacket. “Okay, the joke is over now, Michigan. It’s not funny anymore, okay? You’ve scared me. You can stop acting like you’re a vampire now,” he said, hating how shaky and scared his voice sounded.

  “Oh, baby, there’s nothing to be scared of. At least not from me,” Michigan said, gathering Lucas close to his chest, rubbing his hand up and down his back. “You are the safest person in the world with me. I promise.”

  Lucas inhaled deeply, the scent of Michigan filling his lungs and rushing straight to his head. He moaned and rubbed his nose in the skin of Michigan’s naked chest as he relished in the feel of Michigan soothing him.

  “My dear, sweet, sufletul pereche,” Michigan sighed. “I need you to listen to me. I will explain everything to you tomorrow, but my nephew by blood-bond, your nephew by love, Isaiah, has said that if we do not complete our bond tonight that Razvan will take you away from me and kill you. I cannot let that happen. We must complete the bond tonight.”

  Lucas tilted his head back. “Zay?” he asked softly.

  Michigan nodded. “Yes, dragul meu,” he said. “My love, it is true.”

  Lucas bit his lower lip. He wanted to say no, but Zay was a very interesting little boy and had always been able to predict the future and while Lucas didn’t believe in vampires, not completely, he was a little more prone to believe in psychics. He nodded and gasped as Michigan pulled him up into his arms, taking his lips in a fiery kiss of passion. It was hard and passionate, not at all sweet and gentle like the one Michigan had given him last time. This kiss drew blood and Lucas shivered when Michigan sucked his bottom lip into his mouth hungrily. Michigan’s hands were all over him, pushing off his jacket, tossing it to the ground haphazardly and shoving his hands down the back of Lucas’s pants, palming his ass. Lucas was very glad that the restaurant was closed and no one was around, especially when he realized that he was going to be having sex right there in the back employee parking lot. Lucas whimpered as Michigan traced his finger around the entrance to his anus and he pressed himself closer to Michigan as he wrapped his arms around the other man. He’d never been wanted so fiercely before and while it scared him a little bit, he had to admit it enflamed his senses just as much. He moaned Michigan’s name and tilted his head back when he felt the tips of the other man’s fangs scrape down the column of his neck. This was it. He may have shied away from it before but he accepted it now, he was about to be bitten by a vampire, his mate.

  His Michigan.

  § § §

  “Nimo!” Dakota yelled out as he stubbed his toe for the fourth time on the same box in their bedroom.

  “Yeah?” Nimo asked as he stepped into the room. His thick hair was pulled up into a thick “pony-fro” at the top of
his head, he wore a “Who ‘Dat? Whovian!” T-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts along with a pair of Converse shoes. In his arms he held what Dakota could only guess were more seasons of Doctor Who.

  “What the hell is in this box and when are you going to move it?” Dakota asked.

  Nimo tilted his head and read the side before grinning. “Oh! That’s my Star Trek stuff! Well, that’s box one of my Star Trek stuff. There’s like six other boxes around here somewhere. It’s all going in the room next door, but I have to finish getting the Battlestar Galactica and Firefly stuff up on the shelf first and then I can come back for Star Trek.”


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